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FluentFiction - Estonian

De: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • The Power of One Vote: Maarja's Determined Journey
    Jul 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: The Power of One Vote: Maarja's Determined Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/the-power-of-one-vote-maarjas-determined-journey Story Transcript:Et: Maarja astus rahvarohkesse gümnaasiumi võimlasse, mis oli muutunud valimisjaoskonnaks.En: Maarja stepped into the crowded high school gymnasium, which had been transformed into a polling station.Et: Seinu kaunistasid kandidaatidest tehtud plakatid.En: Posters of the candidates decorated the walls.Et: Õues säras suvine päike ja Maarja tundis end energiliselt, valmis hääletama.En: Outside, the summer sun shone brightly, and Maarja felt energized, ready to vote.Et: Maarja töötab õpetajana ja usub, et uus kohalik kandidaat suudab koolides positiivseid muudatusi teha.En: Maarja works as a teacher and believes that the new local candidate can make positive changes in schools.Et: „Juhan, sa tead, kui oluline see minu jaoks on,“ ütles Maarja oma mehele, kes ootas kannatlikult ukse juures.En: "Juhan, you know how important this is to me," Maarja said to her husband, who was waiting patiently by the door.Et: „Tean, kallis,“ vastas Juhan rahulikult, pilk rahulik ja mõistev.En: "I know, dear," Juhan replied calmly, his gaze calm and understanding.Et: Maarja tundis oma taskut ja süda kukkus saapasäärde.En: Maarja felt her pocket and her heart sank.Et: "Mu ID!En: "My ID!Et: Ma jätsin selle koju!"En: I left it at home!"Et: ta nentis, hirmus paanikas.En: she exclaimed in a panic.Et: Juhan tõstis kulmu, aga midagi ei öelnud.En: Juhan raised an eyebrow but said nothing.Et: Tema pilk oli rahulik ja kindel, isegi kui Maarja närveeris.En: His gaze remained calm and steady, even as Maarja became anxious.Et: „Pean nüüd tagasi jooksma,“ ütles Maarja ja püüdis mitte paanikasse minna.En: "I'll have to run back now," Maarja said, trying not to panic.Et: Kell oli juba palju ja turu sulgemiseni polnud palju aega jäänud.En: It was already late, and there wasn’t much time left before the market closed.Et: Maarja kiirustas välja päikesevalgusesse.En: Maarja hurried out into the sunlight.Et: Ta hingas sügavalt sisse ja hakkas kodupoole jooksma.En: She took a deep breath and started running home.Et: Tee tundus pikem kui kunagi varem.En: The way seemed longer than ever before.Et: Ta jõudis koju, haaras ID ja hakkas tagasi kiirustama.En: She reached home, grabbed her ID, and rushed back.Et: Kui Maarja jõudis tagasi valimisjaoskonda, tilkus ta higist.En: When Maarja got back to the polling station, she was dripping with sweat.Et: Ta vaatas ringi ja nägi, et järjekord oli vahepeal pikemaks kasvanud.En: She looked around and saw that the line had grown longer in the meantime.Et: Maarja tundis end murtuna.En: Maarja felt defeated.Et: Aga ta astus ikkagi järjekorda.En: But she stepped into line anyway.Et: Oodates sundis ta end rahulikuks.En: While waiting, she forced herself to stay calm.Et: Ta mõtles oma õpilastele ja sellele, kui väga ta soovis neile paremat haridust.En: She thought about her students and how much she wanted to provide them with a better education.Et: Tema kindel tahe aitas närvidest üle.En: Her strong will helped her overcome her nerves.Et: Lõpuks jõudis Maarja valimiskasti juurde.En: Finally, Maarja reached the ballot box.Et: Ta andis oma ID ja tegi oma valiku.En: She handed over her ID and cast her vote.Et: Väsinud, aga rahulolev, lahkus ta saalilt.En: Tired but satisfied, she left the hall.Et: Maarja suundus turule, kus selgus, et mitmed poed olid juba suletud.En: Maarja headed to the market, where she discovered that several shops had already closed.Et: Ta heitis pilgu ringi ja nägi tuttavat kuju.En: She glanced around and saw a familiar figure.Et: Juhan tuli tema poole, käes kaks kotti täis toidukaupa.En: Juhan was approaching her, carrying two bags full of groceries.Et: „Ma lõpetasin poeskäigu,” ütles Juhan naeratades.En: "I finished the shopping," Juhan said with a smile.Et: Maarja tundis, kuidas pinge ta õlgadelt langes.En: Maarja felt the tension lift from her shoulders.Et: Ta andis Juhanile suure kallistuse.En: She gave Juhan a big hug.Et: „Aitäh, kallis,” ütles ta, hingates kergendunult.En: “Thank you, dear,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief.Et: Nad jalutasid koos koju.En: They walked home together.Et: Maarja mõistis, et ta ei pea alati üksi kõike tegema.En: Maarja realized that she didn’t always have to do everything alone.Et: Ta teadis, et saab järgmine kord paremini ette valmistada ja seeläbi stressi vältida.En: She knew that next time she could prepare better and thus avoid stress.Et: Ja ta oli rahul, et suutis oma hääle anda.En: And she was happy that she had been able to cast her vote.Et: Suvi jätkus oma heleduses ja soojuses, tuues neile kaasa uusi võimalusi ja hetki koos nautida.En: Summer continued in its brightness and warmth, bringing them new opportunities and moments to enjoy together....
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    16 m
  • Bluff and Bravery: A Summer's Unexpected Turn at Tallinn Festival
    Jul 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Bluff and Bravery: A Summer's Unexpected Turn at Tallinn Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/bluff-and-bravery-a-summers-unexpected-turn-at-tallinn-festival Story Transcript:Et: Tallinna suvefestival oli täies hoos.En: The Tallinn Summer Festival was in full swing.Et: Muusika mängis valjult ja rahvas tantsis igal pool.En: Music played loudly, and people danced everywhere.Et: Kert, noor muusik, kes armastas festivale, kõndis rõõmsalt läbi rahvamassi.En: Kert, a young musician who loved festivals, walked cheerfully through the crowd.Et: Ta naeratas ja unistas põnevast elust.En: He smiled and dreamed of an exciting life.Et: Äkitselt märkas Kert suurt telki.En: Suddenly, Kert noticed a large tent.Et: Seal sees toimus põnev pokkerimäng.En: Inside, there was an intriguing poker game going on.Et: Kert, kellele kunagi meeldis vaadata pokkerit televiisorist, otsustas sisse kiigata.En: Kert, who once enjoyed watching poker on TV, decided to take a peek.Et: Kui ta sisse astus, nägi ta säravaid tulesid ja kuulis inimestel kõva häälega rääkimas.En: As he stepped in, he saw bright lights and heard people talking loudly.Et: "Marko, sa peaksid bluffima," ütles keegi laua taga.En: “Marko, you should bluff,” someone at the table said.Et: Kert võpatas.En: Kert flinched.Et: Ta ei teadnud pokkerist palju, aga otsustas proovida.En: He didn’t know much about poker, but he decided to give it a try.Et: "Miks mitte?" mõtles ta endamisi.En: “Why not?” he thought to himself.Et: Ta istus lauda ja tervitas teisi mängijaid.En: He sat at the table and greeted the other players.Et: "Tere, ma olen Kert," ütles ta ja naeratas veidi kohmetult.En: “Hello, I’m Kert,” he said, smiling a bit awkwardly.Et: Mäng algas ja Kert proovus meelde jätta kõik pokkerist kuulnud sõnad.En: The game began, and Kert tried to remember all the terms he had heard about poker.Et: "Kõrge kaart… täismaja… royal flush," mõtles ta endamisi.En: “High card... full house... royal flush,” he thought to himself.Et: Marko, kogenud pokkeriproff, vaatas Kerti uudishimulikult.En: Marko, an experienced poker pro, looked at Kert curiously.Et: Kert tundis, et peab oma sõpradele muljet avaldama.En: Kert felt he needed to impress his friends.Et: Ta ei tahtnud tunduda arg või rumalana.En: He didn’t want to appear cowardly or foolish.Et: Kert kaotas esimesed mõned mängud.En: Kert lost the first few games.Et: Ta oli närvis ja käed värisesid.En: He was nervous, and his hands were shaking.Et: "Pean bluffima. See on ainus viis," mõtles Kert.En: “I have to bluff. It’s the only way,” Kert thought.Et: Ta vaatas oma kaarte ja tegi näo, et tal on midagi head.En: He looked at his cards and pretended he had something good.Et: "Lähen kõik sisse," ütles ta otsustavalt ja pani kõik oma suvesäästud lauale.En: “I’m going all in,” he said decisively and put all his summer savings on the table.Et: Finaalvoor algas.En: The final round began.Et: Kert ja Marko vaatasid teineteisele otsa.En: Kert and Marko stared at each other.Et: "Kas Kert blufib?" mõtles Marko.En: “Is Kert bluffing?” thought Marko.Et: Kert üritas enda enesekindlat nägu hoida.En: Kert tried to maintain his confident face.Et: Marko kahtlustas midagi ja naeratas.En: Marko suspected something and smiled.Et: Ta tõmbas oma kaardid lahti.En: He revealed his cards.Et: Kert tegi samuti.En: Kert did the same.Et: Ilmnes, et Marko oli näinud läbi Kerti bluffi.En: It turned out that Marko had seen through Kert’s bluff.Et: "Kert, sa vist ei ole pokkerimängija," ütles Marko naeratades.En: “Kert, you’re not much of a poker player, are you?” said Marko with a smile.Et: "Aga sa meeldid mulle. Sa oled julge."En: “But I like you. You’re brave.”Et: Kert tundis end kohutavalt.En: Kert felt terrible.Et: Ta kaotaks kõik oma säästud.En: He was about to lose all his savings.Et: Aga Marko jätkas: "Kuula, mul on pakkumine.En: But Marko continued, “Listen, I have an offer.Et: Tööta minu heaks sel suvel ja maksa võlg ära.En: Work for me this summer and pay off the debt.Et: Hoian su rahad alles."En: I’ll keep your money safe.”Et: Kert vaatas teda üllatunult.En: Kert looked at him surprised.Et: "Tõsiselt?" küsis ta.En: “Seriously?” he asked.Et: Marko noogutas.En: Marko nodded.Et: Suvi läks edasi ja Kert töötas Marko juures.En: The summer continued, and Kert worked for Marko.Et: Ta õppis mängu tundma ja sai enesekindlamaks.En: He learned the game and became more confident.Et: Ta mõistis, et riskide võtmine võib tuua uusi võimalusi, isegi kui tulemused pole need, mida ta algselt ootas.En: He realized that taking risks could bring new opportunities, even if the outcomes weren’t what he initially expected.Et: Kert tundis end lõpuks rahulolevana.En: Kert finally felt content.Et: See oli suvi, mida ta kunagi ei unustaks.En: It was a summer he would ...
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    16 m
  • Team Triumph: How Collaboration Saved the Big Presentation
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Team Triumph: How Collaboration Saved the Big Presentation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/team-triumph-how-collaboration-saved-the-big-presentation Story Transcript:Et: Maarja kummardus üle oma sülearvuti klaviatuuri, ekraanilt vastu peegelduvad andmed helkisid tema prilliklaasidel.En: Maarja leaned over her laptop keyboard, the data reflected on the screen glinting off her glasses.Et: Korporatiivkontor oli täis elu - inimesed sebisid ringi, arutelud käisid ja kliimaseade sumises taustal.En: The corporate office was bustling with life – people were scurrying around, discussions were ongoing, and the air conditioner hummed in the background.Et: Suvepäike paistis läbi suurte klaasakende, täites ruumi sooja valgusega.En: The summer sun shone through the large glass windows, filling the room with warm light.Et: Pingeline ettevalmistus oli käimas.En: A tense preparation was underway.Et: Tanel istus nurgas, tundes end rahulikult, kuigi mõtted olid juba eelseisval telkimisreisil.En: Tanel sat in the corner, feeling calm even though his thoughts were already on the upcoming camping trip.Et: Karin, projektijuht, käis närviliselt edasi-tagasi, kontrollides iga detaili.En: Karin, the project manager, was pacing nervously, checking every detail.Et: Ülemustele mulje avaldamine oli tema jaoks äärmiselt oluline.En: Impressing the bosses was extremely important to her.Et: Maarja unistus oli teha muljetavaldav esitlus.En: Maarja dreamed of giving an impressive presentation.Et: See oli tema suur võimalus edutatud saada, et oma perele paremat elu pakkuda.En: This was her big chance to get promoted and provide a better life for her family.Et: Ta teadis, et selleks peab kõik minema laitmatult.En: She knew that everything had to go flawlessly.Et: Nad olid meeskonnana valmistunud juba nädalaid.En: They had been preparing as a team for weeks.Et: Kõik sujus kenasti, kuni järsku juhtus midagi ootamatut.En: Everything was going smoothly until something unexpected happened.Et: Maarja ekraanile ilmus punane tõrketeade.En: A red error message appeared on Maarja's screen.Et: "Oi ei!"En: "Oh no!"Et: hüüdis ta ahastunult.En: she exclaimed in distress.Et: "Meie esitlusfaile ei avane!"En: "Our presentation files won't open!"Et: Tanel seisis ja vaatas kahetsusega doonasaknal peegelduvat rohelist parkmetsa.En: Tanel stood up and looked wistfully at the green park forest reflected in the window.Et: "Ma pean selle korda saama," ütles ta rahulikult, kuigi igatses kiiresti asju lõpetada ja ära minna.En: "I have to fix this," he said calmly, though he longed to wrap things up quickly and leave.Et: Karin heitis pilgu kellale ja nägi, et aeg hakkas otsa saama.En: Karin glanced at the clock and saw that time was running out.Et: "Maarja, kas sa suudad selle ise korda teha?"En: "Maarja, can you fix this yourself?"Et: küsis ta murelikult.En: she asked worriedly.Et: Maarja hingas sügavalt sisse.En: Maarja took a deep breath.Et: Ta teadis, et peaks otsustama ise proovida viga parandada või ülesandeid meeskonnale jagada.En: She knew she had to decide whether to try to fix the error herself or delegate tasks to the team.Et: Aega oli vähe.En: Time was short.Et: "Tanel, palun vaata süsteemi üle.En: "Tanel, please check the system.Et: Karin, kas sa saad esitluse alguse valmis panna, kui Tanel tegeleb tehnikaga?"En: Karin, can you prepare the start of the presentation while Tanel handles the technical issues?"Et: küsis Maarja otsustavalt.En: Maarja asked decisively.Et: Kõik nõustusid.En: Everyone agreed.Et: Koos hakkasid nad tööle jaotsalt.En: Together they began working diligently.Et: Pingeline töö ühendas neid, kuigi kell pidevalt edasi tiksus.En: The intense work brought them together, even as the clock kept ticking.Et: Maarja järgis iga etapi edenemist tähelepanelikult.En: Maarja closely monitored the progress of each stage.Et: Viimaks, kui nad tiivalehtede õige järjekorra taastanud ja esitluse valmis saanud, tundus, nagu oleks nad suuri vererõhke lasknud.En: Finally, when they had restored the correct order of the slides and completed the presentation, it felt like they had released a great pressure.Et: Kõik ohkasid kergendatult.En: Everyone sighed in relief.Et: Juhid tulid sisse ja istusid maha.En: The bosses came in and sat down.Et: Maarja alustas esitlust.En: Maarja began the presentation.Et: Kõik läks sujuvalt.En: Everything went smoothly.Et: Nad nägid, kuidas juhid muudkui noogutasid ja vahel märkmeid tegid.En: They watched as the bosses nodded continuously and occasionally took notes.Et: Pärast esitlust puhkes Karin rõõmsaks naeratuseks.En: After the presentation, Karin broke into a joyful smile.Et: Tanel high-five'das Maarjat.En: Tanel high-fived Maarja.Et: Maarja tundis lõpliku kergenduse ja uhkuse segu.En: Maarja felt a mixture of ultimate relief and pride.Et: Ta oli teinud selle koos oma meeskonnaga.En: She had ...
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