
  • Stop Feeling Exhausted by Understanding theory of Energy Exchange
    Jun 7 2023

    Are you feeling exhausted and run down?

     Do you feel that no matter how hard you try, something stops you from feeling your best? You might be stuck in an energy exchange that isn't allowing your frequency to surge. In our new podcast episode, 'Stop Exhaustion by Understanding the Energy Exchange,' we will discuss these exchanges and how they can impact our lives. We'll dive into questions such as: Why do some relationships take away more than they give? How do these one-sided exchanges suck us dry and leave us unmotivated and unable to unlock our potential? What can we do to break this cycle of exhaustion?

     You deserve to live a life of abundance - not depletion! Find out why understanding energy exchange is so important on today's podcast - so pick up your device now to start listening!

     Tune into this week's episode, 'Stop Exhaustion by Understanding the Energy Exchange', for actionable advice on recognizing patterns in energy exchange dynamics, shifting them accordingly, and regaining control over your power.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • It Starts With Knowing Who You Are First
    May 24 2023

    Ever feel like it's an uphill battle that never ends?

    Get to the core of who you are and discover what is right for you. Knowing yourself will enable effortless action, clarity, direction, and success with minimal learning curves or painful experiences. Tap into a deep understanding that changes everything when it comes to achieving your goals.

    Take control of your destination or current path by listening to this podcast, where we can the conversation around knowing who you are to understand how actions can be taken smoothly and confidently towards getting there faster.

    Listen now! Tune in weekly for insight on becoming more self-aware so you can take charge of reaching those dreams quicker than ever before!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Frustration
    May 15 2023

    Listening to your body can help you learn about yourself.

    If you allow it to be, it can be a valuable communication method that can help you learn about yourself. When you notice yourself feeling frustrated, it may be a sign that you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. Or maybe it’s time to do something you haven’t done.

    Maybe it’s time to take a step back and think about what you’re doing.

    Frustration can be a good thing. It helps us learn and improve. Learn to listen to your body, and you’ll see how it’s been trying to tell you something important.

    Listen and have a quick conversation with me to explore how to make frustration a positive part of your life, so you can stop the downward spiral that frustration can bring. Begin to do more with less time effort and energy, and start looking at frustration as a sign to take action and make changes.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Sneaky hack to get to your goals faster
    May 10 2023

    Looking for ways to enhance your health and achieve your personal goals?

    You can boost your success by tapping into your natural drive and get past only using masculine energy. And doing it faster and better than you ever thought possible. 

    Goals are and can be easy to achieve.

    How can you reach the goals you have set for yourself with less effort?

     For many people, reaching their goals seems impossible.  The ones that get to them work harder than they have to. There are obstacles and barriers standing in their way for sure, and there is a faster way to bypass them. The common problem is you push harder and do not use the natural, easy button we all have.

    Using the feminine energy of goals as a foundation, you will create a system that will unlock your inner power and allow you to act towards your goals, whatever they may be.

     Get to the next level! Make it happen with a natural driver and use both energy types. Get in touch for more info on how to do more with less so you can help you reach your goals!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • The Preverable E Brake Is What Is Stopping You
    May 3 2023

    If you are not making progress toward your goals and yet taking massive action, listen up. You need to remember one critical step.

    It frustrates me when people get stuck chasing their tails in attempting to make a massive change.

    In putting themselves first so they can stay feeling healthy

    Being kind to themselves, then they made a mistake for the 3third time that they have been trying to correct

    Even feeling stuck within their personal life. Just not connecting with kids and or spouse then defaulting to head down behavior

    I hear I have tried it all.

    • Counseling
    • Workshops
    • Coaching
    • Books
    • Journaling
    • Explosive arguments with others and myself
    • Crying fits

    It will never change, so I deal with this issue and make the best of it.

    Here is what you still need. The connection with the body

    You are missing let off the e brake of the car, so you can move forward in changing the behavior

    Your body has locked up and is protecting you

    if you don't clear that up, you will spin your tires and not make progress. Worst yet, make slow progress burning up your body in the process.

    Think about the last time  you were mad

    The body ball up energy

    You tighten up muscles, and pressure inside rises

    Your mind's focus narrows on what it will take to get back into your safe place.

    Think about what that looks like in your body. What does your hand do when you get a heightened emotion" You make a fist."

    Your heightened emotions are triggers, correct, but more so clues to what matters to you and what you need to learn from.

    We get caught up in defending our emotions

    We begin to make a point

    And if you are fighting to prove something, you, unfortunately, lose the ability to improve the situation you are now in.

    This is the place where massive change happens.

    Think of when you were last triggered and make the image in your mind eye of you holding up your fist.

    As you look at that moment as your two questions of

    what do I need to learn about this situation

    Ask what is important to me at this moment

    Imagine yourself opening that hand and seeing a ballup piece of paper and

    Unwrap the message

    See what happens inside your mind's eye

    Feel how the body feels about what you see

    If you have any issues, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at patricklerouge.com, click on the bubble and ask your question.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Being Successful Means You Give Up On Your Relationships Belief
    Apr 19 2023

    Are you finding that your intimate relationships are suffering as you become more successful in your career? Have you ever considered how your beliefs about success and family may be holding you back from reaching your next level?

    Join us on the Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast as we delve into the two beliefs that may sabotage your success: the idea that being successful means sacrificing your family and the role your family and spouse play in your journey to success. Discover how deepening your connection with your inner child and partner can accelerate your success and lead to a more fulfilling life.

    Imagine having both a thriving business and a thriving love life. By examining your beliefs and deepening your relationships, you can create a reality that aligns with your dreams. Don't let default choices dictate your life - choose to work on yourself and your relationships to create the life you truly desire.

    Start by asking yourself and your partner the tough questions about where you see yourselves going and what skills or beliefs you need to get there. Then, deepen your connection with your inner child to become different and reach your next level. Tune in to the Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast for more insights and tools to help you achieve success in all areas of your life.'

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Becoming a Great Parent and Laser Focused at Work
    Apr 12 2023

    Are you a parent who struggles to balance being a great parent and excelling at your career? 


    Do you want to learn how not to mess up your kids?


    On the latest episode of the Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast, I shared something personal that I don't usually discuss - my pride in being a good dad. I discussed why I am a good dad and how you can be too. I want to inspire you to focus on one thing at a time and give it your all, whether parenting or your career.


    As a parent, you want to do everything possible to ensure your children grow up happy and prosperous. You want to be a positive role model and avoid making mistakes that could negatively impact your children's self-esteem and future. I share my experiences and learnings from my late mentor on communicating with your children and setting an excellent example for them. You'll leave this episode feeling inspired and empowered to be your best parent.


    Listen to the latest episode of the Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast and discover how you can be a great parent and excel at your job. Take action on the tips and advice shared in the episode to improve communication with your children and shape their self-esteem and future. Take advantage of this opportunity to become the best parent you can be!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Making Massive Change
    Apr 5 2023

    Have you ever wondered why change is hard for some people and quick and easy for others?


    Are you the one that feels like you're constantly hitting roadblocks and struggling in either the business or to make progress in your personal growth journey?

    The Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast is here to help. In this podcast, we explore the internal work that's necessary for external growth. Mindset shifts and self-love practices can transform your life and help you overcome obstacles.

    Change is hard, especially when breaking our beliefs and patterns. Working with many highly functional hot mess parent professionals, I often find being stuck in the same routines and thought processes, preventing them from reaching their full potential.

    • Have you ever felt like you're you will always resist taking action when you need to change for what you want/
    • What about finding yourself repeating the same negative patterns, even when you know they're holding you back? Like hiding behind, I never have time.
    • Or have you ever felt like you're just going through the motions without real progress or fulfillment?

    The Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast offers a solution to this problem. By Making a shift and practicing doing the internal work first, and cultivating a sense of self-love, you can begin to get the answers you need without making change hard.

    Don't let your beliefs and patterns hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards change by tuning into today's Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast.

    Imagine approaching your problems and challenges from a completely different perspective. Imagine having the tools and experience to tackle anything that comes your way with confidence and grace. That's precisely what you'll gain from listening to the Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast.


    Take the first step towards your personal growth journey and tune in to the Freedom Mastery Belief Breakthrough Podcast today.

    Subscribe now and start experiencing the transformative power of and mindset shifts.

    Más Menos
    30 m