
  • 8: Chatting with @activash
    Mar 6 2023

    Ash, a Perth fitness content creator, joins us to chat about her experience as a first-time bodybuilder, her journey into fitness, building her page, and all things fitness industry related. We discuss:

    - Bit of background on Ash

    - How Ash's account began and developed into what it is

    - Getting into bodybuilding

    - Transition in workouts into lifting weights

    - Current gym and mixing up gym locations

    - Previous training splits compared to the present bodybuilding prep training split

    - Being selective with energy expenditure and training types during prep

    - Conversion in diet and meals, after becoming independent and moving to Perth from Busselton as a university student

    - Sport and fitness background

    - Different lifestyle focuses at different phases and the different kinds of people that come with those different focuses

    - Connecting with people that share the same interests through social media

    - Perth bodybuilding community

    - Discipline and willpower that comes with bodybuilding

    - Brief breakdown of the different female bodybuilding categories

    - The category Ash is competing in and the focus that comes with it

    - Training with a partner while sticking to your program

    - Post-competition focus and direction

    - Future progression goals in bodybuilding, mindset, and muscles wise

    - Navigating the festive season while on prep

    - Friends that live the same lifestyle and or can understand your lifestyle choices. Friends that support you and respect your boundaries

    - First-time bodybuilding journey expectations for during prep and post-competing. Planning post-competition and different approaches, reverse or recovery diet, with future plans in mind

    - Favourite and least favourite lifts

    - Relationship with her body and how bodybuilding has affected that so far

    - Having a coach to guide you and prepare you for the challenges that come with bodybuilding

    - Costs that come with bodybuilding. Spending your money on the things that you value

    - Hitting macros, getting vegetables in, and gut health

    - Tracking everything through prep and keeping it simple. Meal frequency and variety

    - Eating whole foods, satiety, and cravings. Eating what you enjoy and what works for you

    - With a focus on physique instead of performance, the challenges of comparison especially on social media

    - Body dysmorphia during prep and reminding yourself social media is not a reality

    - Not consuming social media that doesn't serve you

    - Thoughts on tracking and fueling for performance and to thrive and not just survive

    - Optimising the components outside of training to see those extra results

    - Benefits of having a good coach

    - Training in a way that sets your soul on fire, trying things that inspire you, and consuming content that expands your mindset

    - Current prep challenges

    - Not glamorizing bodybuilding, enjoying the process and the mindset challenges

    - Posting and not burning out with content curation through posting what you are passionate about

    - Posting as a passion and not posting as a means of income

    - Partnerships with brands with quality materials, durability, and communities

    - Supplements and drug testing

    - Working as a speech pathologist and competing what the future plans for both look like

    Weekly recommendations

    Words to younger self

    Hope you enjoyed the episode, leave a review.

    Lots of love Sarz and Ez.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 17 m
  • 7: Chatting with @balancedwithbri_
    Feb 5 2023

    We are joined by Bri, fitness, nutrition and mindset coach. To chat on:

    - Life, sporting, schooling, health and fitness background

    - Transfer from sport to the gym

    - Mindset shift from quick fixes and unrealistic expectations to consistency, sustainable and realistic goal

    - Original inspirations and role models in the fitness industry

    - Development of her social platform across different phases in her journey

    - Initial guidance from online programs with training and nutrition

    - Importance of seeking qualified guidance because there is a lot of misinformation that can be detrimental out there

    - Different approaches to diet and nutrition. Journey from a restrictive mindset to finding and preaching balance

    - Current training split and goals along with variety in training location

    - Different kinds of training and being humbled by pilates

    - How your environment and what you are surrounded by impacts your mindset and mental space

    - Owning who you are and being comfortable showing up as that

    - People pleasing and losing touch with your self-identity. Putting other's self-worth and opinions above your own in return lowers your own self-worth

    - Knowing who you are at your core without all of the external and materialistic show

    - The extra patience, space and love that implementing mindset shifts and working on yourself can allow you to share with others

    - Progression of her account @balancedwithbri_ with the progression of her mindset and fitness

    - Working in social media management

    - Early childhood and primary teaching degree and teaching for two years

    - Losing passion and switching careers

    - Nutrition and PT background

    - Future PT business ideals

    - Support and pressure behind changing career directions

    - Transition out of teaching. Being an ambassador and working for a teacher resource company and social media management

    - Launching her own retreat. For the mind, for the body, for the soul. Held at the end of February outside of Busselton across 3 days

    - Fitness boot camps meeting likeminded people

    - Future business goals

    - 2023 life focuses

    - New years rituals

    - Life and business balance. Being able to prioritize and say no to things

    - Importance of alone time

    - Anxiety, managing it and staying in touch with yourself

    - Gut health, stress and anxiety poor health implications

    Weekly recommendations

    Words to younger self

    Hope you enjoyed the episode, leave a review.

    Lots of love Sarz and Ez


    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • 6: Chatting with @stefan_bodegrajac
    Jan 31 2023

    In this episode, we are joined by our first male guest Stefan, an online personal coach.

    - Sporting background to fitness journey and path into the gym

    - University degree to becoming a PT to running an online business

    - Balancing training while running a business, routine and current training split

    - Opinions and experiences with online PT vs in person PT

    - Training progression from soccer to more of a fitness focus and gym regime

    - Current involvement and commitment to sport

    - Celebrating other's wins

    - Approach to coach and client relationships

    - App usage for communication with clients, Trainerize. The kind of features and the components clients have access to within it

    - Setting boundaries with clients when your clientele is online based

    - Boundaries showing different aspects of one's life online. Not always transparent

    - Clientele gender ratios

    - Progression to finding your niche within the industry

    - Opinion on what differences come with coaching different genders

    - Providing the best you can for your clientele by only taking on what you're comfortable and knowledgable on

    - Content curation suited to you as a coach and the niche you provide value in

    - Authenticity on your account, showing your own personal progression in fitness, mindset, and challenges as a coach

    - Promoting what you stand for and believe in. Getting more personal

    - Comfortability and mindset change to filming in the gym

    - Content looking back on your progression

    - Getting out of your head and not worrying about what others think

    - Content creation in the gym and respecting other's privacy

    - Content variety. Different aspects of fitness

    - How he has gone about navigating his platform over the years

    - Posting across multiple platforms

    - 365 series, a year of posting every day of 2023

    - Fear of upsetting family and people closest to us. Family's opinions on career and life choices. Having the courage to do what is best for you

    - Injuries impact sports, mental health, and life

    - Lessons learned and mindset built through injuries

    - Loved one's support with sports, injuries, and career

    - Friendship changes that come with lifestyle changes and figuring out who your kind of people are

    - Impact that sharing so much of yourself online has on your mental health

    - Taking care of your mental health and having a support system

    - Vulnerability and fear of being viewed as weak as a male

    - Body image, and relationship with food and body

    - Weekly inspirations

    - Words to younger self

    Hope you enjoyed the episode, leave a review.

    Lots of love, Sarz and Ez.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • 5: 2023 ins and outs + insights about us
    Jan 28 2023

    We took some inspiration from two recent Tiktok trends talking about what we intend on bringing into this year and what we plan on leaving in 2022, plus insight into some of the things we love.

    2023 Ins:

    - Cute gym fits

    - Solid sleep routine

    - Running and cardio with no headphones for that mental work

    - Reading for fun and education as a habit

    - Attending university lectures and classes even if they aren't compulsory

    - Meal prepping. Doing your future self a solid by organizing snacks and meals for the week ahead

    - Consistent morning and night routines, being efficient with our time, and staying on track

    - Saying no even if it temporarily is uncomfortable

    - Evenly splitting lifts with friends

    - Showing goofy side more openly and owning who you are

    - Being more open with emotions and not always putting on an unfazed exterior

    - Resting and not overscheduling ourselves. Giving ourselves time to be with our own thoughts and giving ourselves regular mental breaks

    - Supporting ethical food, clothing, and products. Doing our part to make a difference

    - Healthy balance of the different aspects of our lives so that we aren't burning out

    - Taking care of our skin and hair for confidence and future self

    - Learning to surf without fear of judgment and looking like a kook. Expanding our skills and not holding ourselves back

    - Having and sticking to a financial plan

    - Regular meditation for mental decluttering and destressing

    - Cold showers and challenging ourselves. Doing the uncomfortable things that will benefit you in the future. Temporary pain for long-term gain

    - Being intentional with who we spend our time and give our energy to

    - Putting out content that is true to ourselves and that we are passionate about. Not just following the trends

    - Being spontaneous

    - Handstands, trying and learning new skills

    - Being more time efficient and improving structuring and prioritizing calendar

    - Putting time aside to see family

    - Incorporating more adrenalin activities

    - Properly take creatine (if you're in the gym)

    2023 Outs:

    - Training like a body builder switching to an athlete focus

    - Buying coffee out. Make it at home and bring it with you instead

    - Overtraining and not allowing time to rest and recover

    - Being embarassed and fear of judgement

    - Overconsumption of social media

    - Relying on short lived dopamine hits

    - Consuming things that don't agree with our bodies when we aware that it doesn't

    - Getting sunburnt, put the sunscreen on or stay out of the sun in high UV. Think of future you, you don't want skin cancer or wrinkly skin

    - Ego lifting

    - Feeling pressure to meet others expectations

    - Not posting authentic content because it doen't fit with the usual

    - Justifying and or explaining to insecure people why you choose to not drink

    - Wearing clothes that you don't love or that don't make you feel good

    - Not hitting protein goal

    - Not taking content in the gym

    - Not bothering to clean out your camera roll

    - Not cooking

    - Expecting things of others just because I expect it of myself

    I am a girl who loves:

    Weekly recommendations

    Hope you enjoyed the episode, leave a review.

    Lots of love, Sarz and Ez


    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 4: Chatting with @tianajhoad
    Jan 16 2023

    In this episode, we are joined by Tiana, all with the flow athleisure wear brand owner and model. We chat on the topics of:

    -The inspiration and concept evolution behind all with the flow

    -Behind the scenes on designing products and communicating with manufacturers

    -Insight into some of what goes into starting up a small business

    -Overcoming life obstacles, not making excuses for yourself, learning from situations, and choosing how you respond

    -Tiana's educational background

    -I equal change partnership and what they do. Facilitating customers to donate to a charity of their choice with every purchase

    -Partnership alignment with brand morals and the core messages Tiana promotes through all with the flow

    -Brand expansion goals of sustainable packaging and a broader attire size range

    -Selecting a manufacturer

    -Content creation, selecting people to promote the products and represent the brand

    -Modeling opportunities in an isolated city with high competition in the industry

    -Model stereotypical physique, vs how a muscular physique in modeling fits moving into a fitness niche with activewear, and some of the varying types of modeling shoots

    -Some of what goes on behind brand ambassador and model selection

    -The impact modeling can have on one's confidence

    -How Tiana juggles fitness, life, work, business, and her approach to food

    -Struggles with skin, the journey of trial and error, and getting to Tianna's current skincare approach

    -Skin's impact on one's confidence

    -Protein powder preferences and go to regular supplements

    -Tiana's future body-building aspirations

    -Weekly Inspiration

    -Words to younger self

    Hope you enjoyed the episode, leave a review.

    Lots of love Sarz & Ez



    Más Menos
    1 h
  • 3: 15 gym tips we wish someone gave us starting in the gym + gym stories
    Jan 12 2023

    If you are a newbie in the gym or even if you are a regular this episode is one equipped to upgrade your gym game. We discuss:

    -Knowing why you are in the gym

    -Getting more specific with realistic goals that guide you to achieve your why

    -Being selective with the times you are going to the gym

    -Training at times you have the most energy in order to get the most from your sessions

    -Consistency is key

    -Warming up before sessions with an active warm-up and cooling down after with stretching

    -Put some effort into your appearance. Wear outfits that you like to the gym and that suit your session (put on that cute set, do your hair nice, put on those metcons)

    -Go with a friend. You could learn the ropes together, keep each other accountable, or even just be there as each others moral support

    -Google how to use the machines prior to your session, or level up to that, get a personal trainer

    -Have a hype gym playlist at the ready (@sarz.fit has one linked in bio)

    -Go in with a plan, know what you are training. Training plans can allow you to optimally hit all of those muscle groups

    -Rest days will not kill your gains they will aid in them. Train hard, recover hard. Adequate sleep and H20 consumption are essential

    -Food is fuel. Hit your macros (carbohydrates, protein and fats) and micros. You can't out train a poor diet

    -There is no need to push yourself to breaking point every session. Consistency and progressive overload will get you the results you are after

    -Have a look around the gym before your first session to familiarise yourself and get a clearer picture of the layout

    -Some gym stories of our own

    -Weekly inspiration

    Lots of love, Sarz & Ez ❤️


    Más Menos
    52 m
  • 2: Chatting with @georgia.kingpt
    Jan 8 2023

    We are joined by Georgia King, athlete, and Revo fitness PT. This week's episode encompasses the topics:

    -The impact injuries can have on all areas of life

    -The ins and outs of the PT industry

    - Our approaches to food and calories

    -Talking all things sponsorships in the fitness industry

    -Creating and running your own business

    -Social media usage for business and brands

    -Different preferences in goal-setting strategies

    -Recognizing and positive ways of dealing with comparison in the fitness industry

    -Varying PT backgrounds - degree to PT

    -Our weekly inspiration

    -Carving your own path and enjoying your lifestyle

    Hope you enjoyed the episode, leave a review.

    Lots of love, Sarz & Ez ❤️


    Más Menos
    54 m
  • 1: Get to know us + what's to come!
    Jan 1 2023

    INTRODUCING ourselves, chatting about who we are, what we stand for, and talking about what this podcast will entail. Plus some 2023 goals, inspiration along with some giggles of course.

    Hope you enjoy, leave a review.

    Lots of love Sarz & Ez ❤️

    Más Menos
    50 m