
  • Let’s Talk About Love
    Feb 14 2023

    It’s Valentine’s Day! And I’m going to break down some myths about love. Love can be carefree bliss, but it can also be messy and complicated to navigate. 

    Love is a feeling, an emotion, and an overall choice. It’s something we nurture and grow through our thoughts. Contrary to popular belief, self-love is not rooted in arrogance or narcissism.

    In this episode, I am debunking common misconceptions and sharing ways to hold love even closer than before. 

    By the end of this episode, I encourage you to start with self-love. Make a list about loving yourself for 30 days to help alter your misgivings of love in general and see where it takes you.

    I hope you indulge in the feeling of love more often and grow with me as I begin my next journey in podcasting.

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • How to get started on your self-love journey
    • Creating love with your thoughts
    • What happens when you step into love as a choice
    • How to alter your relationship with love
    • The importance of stepping away from myths about love

    Resources Mentioned: 

    • Check out the Habits, Love, and Your Brain Webinar
    • Learn more about my group coaching offering 


    Special Offer: 

    • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Your Relationship with You
    Feb 7 2023

    When you’re able to accept and love yourself for who you are in the present moment, feelings like happiness, joy, and contentment come a lot easier. There’s also less resistance around building habits that support your goals and working through mindset challenges.

    If that’s the case, then why are we so quick to neglect our relationship with ourselves? In this episode, I unpack what it means to have a relationship with yourself and share some strategies to foster a more loving connection. 

    I recap why using willpower to fix a problem never works, and explain how to instead work with your brain to make sustainable changes. I highlight some examples of why the all-or-nothing approach can hold you back from making progress and practicing integrity with yourself. Plus, I talk about ways to uncover the stories that you believe about yourself and work on rewiring any negative internal dialogue. 

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • Why I believe the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one in your life 
    • The benefits of having a more loving, supportive relationship with yourself 
    • Training your brain to look for positive attributes instead of negative ones 
    • The importance of keeping promises to yourself and allowing space for flexibility
    • Tips for creating a belief plan and commitment to ‘future you’ 

    Resources Mentioned: 

    • Join me on February 12th at 10:30am EST for a webinar about how to create the love that you want

    Special Offer: 

    • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 

    Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • It's not the Circumstance's Fault
    Jan 31 2023

    When you’re feeling any sort of emotion, how often do you attribute that feeling to something outside of yourself? Most of us do this often and aren’t even aware of it. 

    It can feel disempowering when your emotional state is dependent on external circumstances or people’s behaviors that are completely outside of your control. But, when you start to bring awareness and acceptance to your thoughts and intentionally shift the narrative, your lived experience can completely change. 

    This process isn’t meant to promote toxic positivity or bypass yourself. Rather, I invite you to practice choosing different truths that already exist within you. When you do this, you can focus your energy on the areas that you can actually control, like your thoughts and beliefs. 

    My challenge for you this week is to try this technique the next time you're blaming something outside of yourself for how you're feeling. I share some techniques in the episode to recognize patterns and create intentional solutions. I’d love to hear from you if you try it out ー DM me on Instagram and let me know!  

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • Examples of how common it is to look outside of yourself to create your feelings 
    • Why trying to exert more control over a situation doesn’t typically work 
    • Liberating yourself from the stories that keep you stuck 
    • My four-step process for emotional empowerment 
    • A simple way to test whether a situation or your thoughts are creating how you feel 

    Resources Mentioned: 

    • Join me on February 12th at 10:30am EST for a webinar about how to create the love that you want

    Special Offer: 

    • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Working with Self-Sabotage
    Jan 24 2023

    Self-sabotage is when people do or don't do things that block their success and prevent them from accomplishing their goals. It's not about circumstances, but rather the active choices we make to resist growth. In today’s episode, I break down why we self-sabotage, the four most common ways that this cycle occurs, and solutions to break out of the pattern. 

    In short, your primitive brain wants you to maintain the status quo, even if your prefrontal cortex is committed to success. It might look like procrastinating, quitting, not setting goals, or distracting yourself with other activities. But, you can start to work with your brain to shift into a mindset that actually favors growth over complacency. 

    The first step is to actively decide to not self-sabotage. I share some exercises and practices to support that decision, like creating more safety in your nervous system and re-establishing your identity. If you're currently in a self-sabotage cycle or have a history of it, tune into this episode and let me know what resonates with you. 

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • What self-sabotage is and some common examples of what it looks like 
    • Choosing short-term discomfort for long-term pleasure
    • Why doubt generally feels better than growth when we’re in this place of self-sabotage 
    • How to manage expectations and create acceptance before you've achieved your goals 
    • Questions to ask yourself to get really curious about your relationship with self-sabotage

    Special Offer: 

    • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Connecting with Your Future Self
    Jan 17 2023

    When you talk to your future self, that version of you knows your past, present, and future. They have the wisdom to get you where you want to go and can reveal your ‘why’ and ‘how’ in ways that no one else can. 

    In this episode, I dive into what I mean when I talk about ‘future self' and share questions to guide conversations with that person. I also explain how connecting to future you is a great tool for creating happiness and joy in your life. 

    Our brains are wired to choose known discomfort rather than make a risky move into new territory. We might not be content with our job, lifestyle, or habits, but at least we know what they are. When we tap into that dreamy future self, answers about what goals to set and how to achieve them start to unfold. 

    Listen in to learn how the happiness you're looking for can be found from talking to your future self. 

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • Why you shouldn’t judge your potential based on past performances 
    • The limitations of seeking strategies from people who have what you want 
    • Tips for talking to your future self 
    • Working through the overwhelm of having your entire plan mapped out 
    • Recognizing when you choose to be complacent instead of getting out of your comfort zone

    Special Offer: 

    • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk 

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Why Can’t I...
    Jan 10 2023

    When we set a goal, we typically use willpower to drive our actions. But, what happens when life gets in the way? I was caught in this loop for so many years where I would feel motivated to exercise every day, eat food that made my body feel good, and avoid drinking alcohol, but then I hit a wall. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just continue to thrive in all areas of my life. 

    What I didn’t realize is that willpower is a limited resource. It works against your brain and nervous system, which eventually leads burn out. The solution is to start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings instead of relying on discipline. Once you can identify what’s going on in your mind, you can start to shift your perspective and create sustainable changes. 

    Your thoughts and feelings drive your action. Once you can really identify and articulate what you’re experiencing, you can unlock all of these different elements of your life that have otherwise felt inaccessible. In this episode, I share different modalities that can be helpful in this process and unpack how this concept works with real-world examples. 

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • My previous experiences with willpower and motivation 
    • Tools to identify and visualize your thoughts and feelings 
    • How to make it easier to take the action that you want 
    • Getting to a place where you feel happy and satisfied with the choices you make

    Resources Mentioned: 

    • Feelings Wheel

    Special Offer: 

    • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk 

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • How to Set a Goal
    Jan 3 2023

    I have a five-step framework for setting goals that works with your brain and nervous system to create sustainable change. The reason why so many people have trouble meeting their New Year’s resolutions is because they rely on shaming and judging themselves to get there. But, what if you could love yourself and feel happiness along the way? 

    In order to reach your goals, you have to start digging deeper than the actual accomplishment. You’ll most likely find that you’re chasing a feeling by pursuing a certain milestone. Maybe you want a promotion so that you feel validated in your career, or perhaps you want to lose 10 pounds so that you feel confident in your body. 

    In this episode, I share how to set goals that align with your values and get in touch with your ‘why.’ I explain the difference between a belief plan and an action plan, and highlight why it’s so important to prepare for obstacles. I also talk about the role of failure when it comes to success, which is something that’s often ignored. 

    Listen in to hear about my process for setting goals and why it works to support your success. 

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • What I find lacking in traditional goal-setting practices
    • Getting clear on how you want to feel once you reach your goal 
    • The feedback loop of belief and evidence 
    • Creating safety for yourself to make mistakes and fail 
    • Why your future outcomes are not dependent on your past performance

    Special Offer: 

    • Jumpstart your awareness and join me for my free Feel Your Feelings training: ceceliabaummandryk.com/freetraining 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Why Celebrating Is Important
    Dec 27 2022

    Do you allow yourself a moment to acknowledge where you are today and how far you’ve come? If you’re anything like I used to be, it might feel awkward, even challenging, to do that.

    In this episode, I explain why celebration might be hard for you, why it’s important to practice, and the role that it plays in creating happiness. 

    Typically, your brain’s default setting is to zero in on where you’re failing, but you can change how you experience life by intentionally shifting what you pay attention to. When you celebrate your small wins, you’re more likely to keep moving in that direction and cultivate contentment along the way. 

    I share a few examples and analogies of how I’ve seen this show up in clients and in my own life. Becoming a celebrator helps you notice progress and growth, which are important factors for staying consistent with your goals and ultimately experiencing happiness. Listen in to learn more about the significance of celebration and how you can incorporate more of it into your life. 

    Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

    Topics Covered:

    • What celebration is (and isn’t) in the context of personal development  
    • Working through imposter syndrome and situations where you discount your accomplishments 
    • Why you’re more likely to give up if you don’t celebrate milestones 
    • The connection between growth, self-actualization, and happiness 
    • How celebration helps you evaluate your plan of action and effectively find areas of improvement 

    Resources Mentioned: 

    • I’m launching an email series to support anyone who would like guidance with their New Year’s planning. Head over to my website and sign up for my email list to get access to that resource! 

    Special Offer: 

    • Jumpstart your awareness and join me for my free Feel Your Feelings training: ceceliabaummandryk.com/freetraining 

    Follow Me:

    • Visit my website: ceceliabaummandryk.com 
    • Connect on Instagram: @ceceliabmandryk 

    Más Menos
    25 m