
  • 聖霊に満たされる時、何が起きるの? 適切な時に、適切なことが成し遂げられる - What Happens When Filled with The Holy Spirit? You can accomplish the right thing at the right time
    Jun 29 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージでは太助牧師が「 聖霊に満たされる時、何が起きるの? 適切な時に、適切なことが成し遂げられる」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。


    In this message Ps Tasuke talks about " What Happens When Filled with The Holy Spirit? You can accomplish the right thing at the right time" in these 3 points:

    Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.

    ヨハネ 14:26 AMPからの直訳 / John‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬ ‭AMP

    使徒 4:5-7 ERV / Acts 4:5-7 ERV

    使徒 4:8-9,12-14 ERV / Acts 4:8-9,12-14 ERV

    使徒 1:8 JCB / Acts 1:8 NLT

    マタイ10:20 JCB / Matthew 10:20 NLT

    ヨハネ 14:27 JCB / John 14:27 NLT


    The Right Boldness At the Right Time


    The Right Word At the Right Time


    Supernatural Peace Comes With The Filling of The Holy Spirit

    A. 聖霊にオープンになる

    Be Open To The Holy Spirit

    B. 2.語られていることに一歩踏み出す

    Step out into What God Spoke to You

    QUESTIONS(質問) :


    ・聖霊はどのように、適切な時に適切な言葉と大胆さをあなたに与えてくれますか?(使徒1:8, マタイ10:20)

    ・聖霊から来る超自然的な平安を体験したことがありますか?その時のことについてシェアしてください。 (ヨハネ14:27)


    ・How did the Holy Spirit help Peter and John speak boldly and perform miracles, even without special training?(Acts 4:8-14)

    ・How does the Holy Spirit give you the right words and boldness at the right time?(Acts 1:8, Matthew 10:20)

    ・Have you experienced supernatural peace from the Holy Spirit? Can you share a specific time when this happened? (John 14:27)

    ・How does the presence of the Holy Spirit give you confidence, as seen in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedenego?(Daniel 3:13-27)


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    Más Menos
    29 m
    Jun 22 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージでは登牧師が「聖霊は最高で、力強い私たちの教師」について以下の2つのポイントから話します。


    In this message Ps Noboru talks about "THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR POWERFUL TEACHER" in these 2 points:

    Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.

    ヨハネ14:26 ERV訳 / John 14:26 ERV

    使徒10:10-15 ERV訳 / Acts 10:10-15 ERV

    使徒10:19-20 ERV訳 / Acts 10:19-20 ERV

    1コリント2:11-14ERV訳 / 1 Corinthians 2:11-14 ERV

    使徒 1:8 ERV訳 / Acts 1:8 ERV

    ローマ8:11 ERV訳 / Romans 8:11 ERV





    QUESTIONS(質問) :





    ・How has the Holy Spirit changed your thinking, like Peter’s vision?(Acts 10:10-20)

    ・How do you tell the difference between human wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s wisdom?(1 Corinthians 2:11-14)

    ・How does the Holy Spirit empower you to share about Jesus?(Acts 1:8, Romans 8:11)

    ・How has the Holy Spirit comforted and guided you during hard times?(Luke 24:20-32)


    Connect with us:

    Web: mylifehouse.com

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    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

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    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 聖霊 - 私の助け主、私のコーチ - Holy Spirit - My Helper, My Coach
    Jun 15 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージではロド牧師が「聖霊 - 私の助け主、私のコーチ」について以下の4つのポイントから話します。


    In this message Ps Rod talks about "Holy Spirit - My Helper, My Coach" in these 4 points:

    Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.

    ヨハネ 14:15-18 ERV / John 14:15-18 NKJV

    ヨハネ 14:26-27 ERV / John 14:26-27 NKJV

    1 列王記 19:9-18 JCB / 1 Kings 19:9-18 NIV


    Listen in the quiet place!


    Get up and get back in the game


    Delegate and move to strengths


    Get a 'Holy Spirit Bigger Picture'

    QUESTIONS(質問) :





    ・How does the Holy Spirit help us?

    ・Why is it important to listen for God’s voice in quiet moments?

    ・What did God tell Eliah to do, and how can we follow God’s directions?

    (1 Kings 19:9-18)

    ・How can the Holy Spirit help us understand the bigger picture of our lives?


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    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

    Other Podcasts:

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    Lifehouse Messages (English): https://lifehousemessages.captivate.fm/listen

    Lifehouse Hong Kong (Cantonese & English): https://lifehousehongkong.captivate.fm/listen

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • 誰があなたを導いている?聖霊は私たちを導いてくれる存在 - Who is Guiding You? Holy Spirit is Our Guide
    Jun 8 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が「誰があなたを導いている?聖霊は私たちを導いてくれる存在」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。


    In this message Ps Monty talks about "Who is Guiding You? Holy Spirit is Our Guide" in these 3 points:

    Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.

    ヨハネ筆14:16-17 ERV訳 / John 14:16-17 NLT

    使徒の活動記録 16:6-10 ERV訳 / Acts 16:6-10 NLT

    ヨハネ筆16:13 ERV訳 / John 16:13 NLT

    ハバクク書 2:2 JCB / Habakkuk 2:2 NIV

    ピリピ 4:7 ERV訳 / Philippians 4:7 NLT


    Receive the Holy Spirit


    Write it Down


    God will Give You Peace


    Not My Will, But YOUR Will Be Done

    QUESTIONS(質問) :






    ・Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to be with us forever. How can the Holy Spirit guide us in our daily lives?(John 14:16-17)

    ・The Holy Spirit guided Paul and Silas on their journey. Have you ever felt guided by God in your decisions? How did it feel?(Acts 16:6-10)

    ・It says the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. How can we listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His guidance?(John 16:13)

    ・Why is it important to write down what God is telling us?(Habakkuk 2:2)

    ・How can we experience this peace in our lives?(Philippians 4:7)


    Connect with us:

    Web: mylifehouse.com

    Instagram: instagram.com/lifehouseglobal/

    Facebook: facebook.com/lifehouseglobal

    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

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    Lifehouse Messages (English): https://lifehousemessages.captivate.fm/listen

    Lifehouse Hong Kong (Cantonese & English): https://lifehousehongkong.captivate.fm/listen

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 聖霊の力 - The Power Of The Holy Spirit
    Jun 1 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージでは将史牧師が「聖霊の力」について以下の5つのポイントから話します。


    In this message Ps Masashi talks about "The Power Of The Holy Spirit" in these 5 points:

    Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.

    使徒1:8 ERV / Acts 1:8 NLT

    使徒2:1-4 ERV / Acts 2:1-4 NLT

    ヨハネ7:37-39 ERV / John 7:37-39 NLT

    使徒1:8 ERV / Acts 1:8 NLT

    使徒2:40-41 ERV / Acts 2:40-41 NLT

    使徒2:17-18 ERV / Acts 2:17-18 NLT

    1コリント14:3 ERV / 1 Corinthians 14:3 NLT


    Jesus’ Last Words


    Day Of The Pentecost


    It’s For Everyone - Come & Drink


    The Holy Spirit Gives You Boldness (Power) Dynamo


    The Holy Spirit Enables you to Dream, Vision, and Prophesy

    QUESTIONS(質問) :





    ・The Holy Spirit gives us power. How can this power help us talk to others about Jesus?(Acts 1:8)

    ・Is the Holy Spirit only for believers or can anyone experience the power of the Holy Spirit?

    ・The Holy Spirit helps people see dreams and visions and speak messages from God. How can these help us today? Does this encourage you?(Acts 2:17-18)

    ・Prophecy is meant to help and comfort people. Have you ever felt or comforted by something someone said to you?(1 Corinthians 14:3)


    Connect with us:

    Web: mylifehouse.com

    Instagram: instagram.com/lifehouseglobal/

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    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

    Other Podcasts:

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    Lifehouse Messages (English): https://lifehousemessages.captivate.fm/listen

    Lifehouse Hong Kong (Cantonese & English): https://lifehousehongkong.captivate.fm/listen

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • あなたは誰?-WHO ARE YOU?
    May 25 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージでは朱馬牧師が「あなたは誰?」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。

    In this message Ps Shiva talks about "WHO ARE YOU?" in these 3 points:

    エペソ1:3 ERV / Ephesians 1:3 NLT

    エペソ1:4 ERV / Ephesians 1:4 NLT

    エペソ1:5 ERV / Ephesians 1:5 NLT

    エペソ1:6 ERV / Ephesians 1:6 NLT

    エペソ1:7-9 ERV / Ephesians 1:7-9 NLT


    You’re blessed


    You’re chosen


    You’re part of God’s family


    You can do all of this because of Jesus


    Connect with us:

    Web: mylifehouse.com

    Instagram: instagram.com/lifehouseglobal/

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    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

    Other Podcasts:

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    Lifehouse Messages (English): https://lifehousemessages.captivate.fm/listen

    Lifehouse Hong Kong (Cantonese & English): https://lifehousehongkong.captivate.fm/listen

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • お金に関する健康的な考え方って?寛大さ VS ケチさ-What is the Healthy Thinking on Money? Generosity VS Stinginess
    May 18 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージでは太助牧師が「お金に関する健康的な考え方って?寛大さ VS ケチさ」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。

    In this message Ps Tasuke talks about "What is the Healthy Thinking on Money? Generosity VS Stinginess" in these 3 points:

    箴言 11:24 MSGからの直訳 / Proverbs 11:24 MSG

    マルコ 10:20-25 ERV / Mark 10:20-25 NLT

    ルカ 19:5-10 ERV / Luke 19:5-10 NLT

    2コリント 9:7 JCB / 2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT


    Stinginess closes the doors for the big life that God has in store


    It is Grace That Makes Us Generous


    Generosity=Joyful Giving

    Connect with us:

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    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

    Other Podcasts:

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    Lifehouse Messages (English): https://lifehousemessages.captivate.fm/listen

    Lifehouse Hong Kong (Cantonese & English): https://lifehousehongkong.captivate.fm/listen

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • なぜ自分は「恵み」に葛藤してしまうの? 律法主義VS恵み - Why Do I Struggle With Grace? Legalism VS Grace
    May 11 2024

    (Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が「なぜ自分は「恵み」に葛藤してしまうの?-律法主義VS恵み-」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。

    In this message Ps Monty talks about "Why Do I Struggle With Grace? -Legalism VS Grace-" in these 3 points:

    ヨハネ 1:17 JCB / John 1:17 NIV

    ヨハネ 8:1-11 ERV / John 8:1-11 NLT

    ローマ 3:21-24 ERV / Romans 3:21-24 NLT

    ローマ 6:23 ERV / Romans 6:23 NLT

    ローマ 8:1-3 ERV / Romans 8:1-3 NLT

    ガラテヤ 5:1 ERV / Galatians 5:1 NLT




    Just Receive!


    Live in Grace

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    Video Messages: ビデオメッセージ: youtube.com/LifehouseTokyo

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    Más Menos
    35 m