
  • How Limiting Beliefs Are Formed
    Jul 15 2024

    Are you carrying limiting beliefs that you feel like you will never be able to get rid of? Do you feel like you have tried everything to heal your limiting beliefs, but you keep having them pop up? Are you a high achiever, and are your limiting beliefs getting in the way of the life you truly want? If so, then this episode can help you let go of those beliefs and find healthier beliefs that can serve you better.

    In this episode of the Permission to Love podcast, we discuss what limiting beliefs are, how they are formed, and practical steps to change them. We also examine how to identify limiting beliefs, understand their roots, and develop new, empowering beliefs that lead to a healthier relationship with oneself.

    🧠 Key Topics:
    •What are limiting beliefs?
    •How limiting beliefs are formed
    •Steps to change limiting beliefs
    •Developing new, empowering core beliefs

    Key Points Discussed:
    1.Introduction to Limiting Beliefs
    2.What Are Limiting Beliefs?
    3.Examples of Limiting Beliefs
    4.How Limiting Beliefs Are Formed
    5.Changing Limiting Beliefs
    6.Shifting Energy Around Limiting Beliefs
    7.Understanding the Purpose of Limiting Beliefs
    8.Developing New Core Beliefs
    9.Using Curiosity to Understand Limiting Beliefs
    10.Visualizing Future Self and Core Beliefs
    11.Giving Yourself New Experiences

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    28 m
  • How to Discover, Develop, Set, and Keep Boundaries
    Jul 8 2024

    Do you struggle to set meaningful boundaries in your life? Are you experiencing boundary fatigue? Do you feel like your nervous system is fighting you when you try to enforce your boundaries? Were you never taught how to set healthy boundaries.

    If you answered yes to these questions, you are not alone. Many of us struggle with setting healthy boundaries. However, we can learn to discover, develop, set and keep boundaries without guilt and in a way that serves us and our relationships.

    In this episode we dive deep into all thing’s boundaries. Learn what boundaries are, why we struggle to set and maintain them, and practical steps to establish and keep them in your life.

    🧠 Key Topics:

    • Understanding what boundaries are
    • Why setting boundaries is challenging
    • Steps to set and maintain healthy boundaries
    • Benefits of having boundaries in relationships

    Key Takeaways:

    • What Are Boundaries: Boundaries are limits we set to define what we will and will not tolerate in our relationships and interactions.
    • Challenges in Setting Boundaries: Childhood trauma, toxic relationships, and lack of boundary-setting skills can hinder our ability to set healthy boundaries.
    • Steps to Set Boundaries: Discover your boundaries, develop clear boundary statements, communicate them effectively, and follow through on maintaining them.
    • Benefits of Boundaries: Improved self-worth, clearer relationships, reduced stress, and enhanced overall well-being.

    Key Points Discussed:

    1. Introduction and Importance of Boundaries
    2. Why We Struggle with Setting Boundaries
    3. What Are Boundaries?
    4. Boundaries Are Not About Control
    5. Why We Need Boundaries
    6. Types of Boundaries
    7. Benefits of Setting Boundaries
    8. Discovering Your Boundaries
    9. Identifying Pain Points and Setting Boundaries
    10. Developing Your Boundary Statements
    11. Setting Boundaries with Others
    12. Keeping Your Boundaries
    13. Accountability and Boundary Worksheet

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    34 m
  • How to Take Control of Your Happiness
    Jul 1 2024

    Are we looking for happiness in the wrong places? What makes for a genuine and sustainable life of happiness.

    In this episode, we discuss the pursuit of happiness, the impact of trauma on happiness, and practical ways to enhance your happiness.

    We look at a number of research studies that have looked at the factors that increase happiness and how to apply them in our daily lives.

    Key Topics:

    • Are we happy?
    • The impact of trauma on happiness
    • The biology and psychology of happiness
    • The role of external circumstances vs. internal practices
    • Practical steps to boost happiness through daily habits

    Key Takeaways:

    • Impact of Trauma: Trauma and painful life experiences can significantly impact our pursuit of happiness.
    • Internal vs. External Fixes: Understanding that true happiness comes from within, not from external circumstances.
    • Happiness Research: Insights from the Minnesota Twins Study, the Harvard Study on Happiness, and Sonja Lyubomirsky's "The How of Happiness."
    • Three Components of Happiness:
      • Set Point (50%): Genetic predisposition.
      • Circumstances (10%): External factors like income, job, and environment.
      • Behaviors/Activities (40%): Daily practices that we can control.
    • Practices for Happiness: Mindfulness, gratitude, positive social connections, physical activity, and mindset shifts.

    Key Points Discussed:

    1. The Pursuit of Happiness
    2. Impact of Trauma on Happiness
    3. The Internal vs. External Fix
    4. The Research on Happiness
    5. Happiness Set Point and Circumstances
    6. The 10% Dilemma
    7. Chasing Happiness and External Fixes
    8. The 40% Within Our Control
    9. Positive Mindset and Daily Practices
    10. Activating Your Internal Pharmacy
    11. Reframing Mindset and Circumstances
    12. Managing Genetic Predispositions
    13. Practical Exercises for Happiness

    "The How of Happiness" by Sonja Lyubomirsky
    Book: "The Good Life" (Harvard Study on Happiness)

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    24 m
  • Feeling Stuck? - How to Get Unstuck
    Jun 24 2024

    Getting stuck on the healing journey is more common than you might think. It happens to all of us.

    So why do we get stuck and how do we get unstuck?

    In this episode of the Permission to Love Podcast we take a look at those questions as well as diving into the common experience of feeling stuck in the healing journey.

    We explore the impact of shame on the healing process, the importance of self-awareness, and practical steps to get unstuck.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Shame and Healing: Shame can make you feel fundamentally flawed and hinder your healing process.
    • Self-Awareness: Understanding your internal relationship is crucial for overall transformation.
    • Reasons for Getting Stuck:
      • Lack of awareness
      • Lack of knowledge or tools
      • Feeling overwhelmed
      • Fatigue and burnout
      • Limiting beliefs
    • Asking for Help: Overcoming the stigma of seeking help and the benefits of external support.
    • Empathy and Accountability: The importance of finding compassionate support and creating accountability in your healing journey.


    00:00 - Introduction and Welcome

    05:40 - Getting Stuck in Healing

    07:24 - Reasons for Getting Stuck

    15:54 - Asking for Help

    19:41 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    24:15 - Accountability with Compassion

    27:17 - The Power of Empathy

    29:13 - Finding a Roadmap

    31:29 - Exercises to Get Unstuck

    33:08 - Additional Resources

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    35 m
  • How to Overcome PAINFUL THOUGHTS and REPROGRAM Your Mind
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode of the Permission to Love podcast, we dive deep into understanding and overcoming negative and intrusive thoughts.

    Discover how to transform your mind from being your master into being your servant and learn the practical tools to reprogram your thinking for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

    Key Topics:

    • The function and power of the mind
    • The impact of trauma on thinking patterns
    • Techniques to identify and replace intrusive thoughts
    • The importance of self-compassion and patience in the healing process

    Key Takeaways:

    • Mind as a Servant, Not a Master: Understanding that the mind can become your servant rather than your master. Intrusive thoughts are not your identity.
    • Impact of Trauma: How trauma can wire our brains to be more susceptible to intrusive thoughts and how these thought patterns are formed.
    • Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to reprogram and develop new neural pathways.
    • Mindfulness and Observation: The importance of observing your thoughts without judgment and realizing their transient nature.
    • Replacement Strategy: Identifying intrusive thoughts and replacing them with positive affirmations and thoughts.
    • Patience and Self-Compassion: Being patient with yourself during the healing process and showing compassion for the experiences that have shaped your thinking patterns.

    Key Moments:

    • Understanding Intrusive Thoughts
    • The Function of the Mind
    • The Power of Habitual Thinking
    • Observing and Understanding Thought Patterns
    • Reprogramming Your Thinking
    • Identifying Intrusive Thoughts
    • Writing Down Positive Replacements
    • Practicing Replacement Thoughts
    • Patience and Physical Therapy for the Mind

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    33 m
  • What is Love?
    Jun 10 2024

    Have you ever been confused about what love is? Do you struggle with being consistent with loving yourself and others. Have you always thought that love is simple a feeling?

    In this episode we also look at some of the misconceptions that we have about love, what love truly is, and how we can access our true nature of love.

    I hope in this episode you will see that YOU ARE LOVE!!!

    Join me as we take a look at:

    • Why love is not just a feeling or preference
    • How to overcome self-judgment and embrace self-compassion
    • Practical exercises to nurture self-love
    • The spiritual essence of love and its healing power

    Love is not a transient feeling or a preference; it's a deeper, steadfast commitment that transcends changing circumstances. By understanding love in this way, we can cultivate more stable and meaningful relationships with ourselves and others.

    We can bring love to all aspects of life, especially the challenging ones, such as personal struggles and negative behaviors that often stem from pain.

    Whether you're struggling with self-acceptance or seeking deeper understanding of love's true nature, this episode has valuable insights to help you on your journey to self-healing and transformation.

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  • The KEY to Self-Confidence | Trauma and Self-Confidence
    Jun 3 2024

    If you have been struggling to build self-confidence or wondering how to build self-confidence then this episode is for you.

    In this episode of the Permission to Love podcast we explode the concept of self-confidence, particularly for those who have experienced trauma.

    My hope is that you will find insights and practical steps on how to rebuild or build self-confidence for the first time.

    This episode emphasizes that self-confidence is not merely a feeling but a core belief that must be nurtured and developed through consistent actions and trust in oneself.

    Key Topics:

    Self-Confidence Defined:
    - Self-confidence is the ability to trust oneself.
    - It's a core belief, not just a feeling.

    Building Trust with Yourself:
    - Importance of showing up for yourself consistently:
    - Keeping promises to yourself to build self-trust.

    Practical Steps to Build Self-Confidence:
    - Start with small, achievable commitments.
    - Ensure consistency in actions.
    - Use corrective experiences to reinforce positive behaviors.

    Challenges for Trauma Survivors:
    - How trauma can dismantle self-confidence.
    - Strategies to rebuild trust in oneself.

    Action Steps:
    - Choose one small commitment to yourself this week and follow through.
    - Reflect on past experiences and look for ways to create corrective experiences.
    - Keep a journal of your commitments and track your follow-through.

    00:00 - Introduction: Defining Self-Confidence
    03:17 - Common Challenges with Self-Confidence
    05:24 - What Self-Confidence Truly Is
    06:39 - Confiding in Yourself: Building Trust
    08:29 - The Impact of Trauma on Self-Confidence
    10:55 - Building Self-Confidence Through Experiences
    12:09 - My Journey with Self-Confidence and Starting a Podcast
    14:15 - Execution: The Key to Building Self-Confidence
    16:56 - New and Corrective Experiences
    18:02 - Consistency and Repeated Experiences
    20:15 - Keeping Promises to Yourself
    21:02 - Trusting Yourself: A Core Belief
    23:34 - Self-Betrayal and Its Impact on Self-Confidence
    25:36 - Making and Keeping Commitments to Yourself
    28:14 - Practical Steps to Start Building Self-Confidence Today

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    34 m
  • Using Positive Affirmations to Reprogram Limiting Beliefs
    May 27 2024

    In this episode, we dive into how to reprogram our limiting beliefs with the power of positive affirmations.

    Have you tried positive affirmations in the past and they haven’t seemed to work for you? Do you feel like it’s been impossible to let go of your limiting beliefs?

    In this episode, we discussed those questions and more.

    Discover how changing the way you think about yourself can heal your relationship with yourself and manifest the life you truly deserve.

    In this episode, I share personal insights, practical steps, and the neuroscience behind why positive affirmations work.

    Whether you're skeptical of positive affirmations or a firm believer, this episode will offer valuable tools to enhance your healing journey.

    Subscribe for More Content:

    Don't forget to subscribe for more insights on self-love, healing, and personal transformation. Hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest episodes.

    Key Points:

    • Positive affirmations can rewire core beliefs and transform lives.
    • Importance of viewing positive affirmations as tools, not cure-alls.
    • Seven steps to effective positive affirmations:
      1. Alignment with desired changes.
      2. Specificity of the belief you want to change.
      3. Believability and reasonable truth.
      4. Repetition mentally and verbally.
      5. Connecting emotions to affirmations.
      6. Visualizing the desired state.
      7. Consistency and patience.

    Practical Tips:

    • Start small if believing positive affirmations feels foreign.
    • Use physical movement to help connect emotions to affirmations.
    • Visualize your life as if the affirmations were already true.
    • Record and celebrate small wins to stay motivated.

    00:00 - Introduction to Positive Affirmations
    01:14 - Debunking Misconceptions About Affirmations
    02:19 - Understanding the True Nature of Positive Affirmations
    03:11 - The Power of Negative vs. Positive Affirmations
    03:54 - The Correct Application of Affirmations
    06:51 - Personal Story of Transformation Through Affirmations
    09:16 - Detailed Guide to Effective Affirmation Practices
    10:27 - Steps to Crafting Powerful Affirmations
    14:59 - Choosing and Using Your Affirmation Phrases
    16:45 - Adding Intensity to Your Affirmations
    20:07 - Connecting Emotions to Your Affirmations
    23:01 - The Importance of Visualization
    24:04 - Consistency in Affirmation Practice
    27:00 - Commitment to Change: A Long-term Perspective
    28:07 - Recognizing and Celebrating Small Wins
    30:40 - Overcoming Resistance to Change

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    Más Menos
    36 m