
  • What is This Podcast About? | Donald C. Kelly - 000
    Feb 22 2021
    This episode is brought to you in part by Skipio. 

    Are you sick of crickets? The pain of sales reps continually reaching out with phone calls and emails and not receiving a response is real. 

    you sick of crickets? The pain of sales reps continually reaching out with phone calls and emails and not receiving a response is real.

    85% of people prefer text over email and phone calls because they want to engage in a conversation. All text messaging is not equal. Customers respond to people, NOT BOTS. Be more like people and start having conversations that end in conversions. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com.

    This episode is brought to you in part by NetHunt CRM.

    NetHunt CRM is a sales automation tool that lives inside Gmail. It covers a full set of features to manage leads, nurture customer relations, monitor sales progress, and automate sales and marketing workflows. With native-like Gmail and G Suite integration, you can access all the CRM data, launch bulk email campaigns, and set up automated sequences right from your inbox. NetHunt helps to move your leads down your sales funnel and never let the valuable prospects go untouched.

    NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan. 

    Try NetHunt CRM today →  https://nethunt.com/tse

    This course is brought to you in part by TSE Certified Sales Training Program. It’s a course designed to help new and struggling sellers to master the fundamentals of sales and close more deals. It will help them elevate their sales game. Sign up now and get the first two modules free! You can go and visit www.thesalesevangelist.com/closemoredeals also call us at (561) 570-5077. “We value your opinion and always want to improve the quality of our show. Complete our 2 mins survey here: thesalesevangelist.com/survey. 

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • People of Color and Sales | Donald C. Kelly - 001
    Feb 23 2021

    This episode is sponsored by:

    1. Skipio - Get one month free on an Individual plan with code TSE, or, 2 free seats/licenses on Teams. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com.
    2. NetHunt - NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan. 

    Welcome to the first episode of Selling in Color. In today’s episode, let’s talk about why people of color and sales match perfectly together! 

    The misconceptions in sales
    • When talking about sales, people immediately think about individuals who annoy customers. Many people have negative ideas about a sales job. 
    • There’s always a general stigma around sales, people of color, and then people of color and sales. 
     Black people and sales
    • IBM started recruiting black people in the 70s, and the turnout was good, but the rate of people of color in a sales job or white-collar jobs didn’t increase until today. 
    • The jobs available for people of color were in retail. 
    • Today, there are already several other sales jobs out there. In the next episodes, we will have other people of color who work in other industries and in different roles and positions. 
    Becoming a salesperson
    • It takes work before one can become a great salesperson. The barriers to sales, however, are way fewer than the barriers to other careers such as lawyers and doctors. 
    • While those careers make good money, the road going there is long and steep. 
    • On the other hand, sales also give you the same level of income, but the road isn’t as long and steep. You don’t need a master’s degree or doctorate degree to become a great salesperson. You only need to develop the right skills to become a great salesperson. 
    • Sales allowed Donald to have a good lifestyle, take care of his family, and help other people as well. 
    • With a better income, you are able to build generational wealth for your family. 
    • When it comes to sales, you need to hustle and be creative. You need to stand up against the extreme competition. You need persistence and tenacity. There’s a need to have thick skin to be able to weather objections or rejections. 
    • All these mental attitudes are common among people of color. 
    • People of color continue to face challenges and oppressions. We understand difficulties. 
    • Sales is how you can use that attitude and make the best out of it. 
    “People of Color and Sales” episode resources

    Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns. 

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Where Are The Black People In Sales? | DeJuan Brown - 002
    Feb 23 2021

    This episode is sponsored by:

    1. Skipio - Get one month free on an Individual plan with code TSE, or, 2 free seats/licenses on Teams. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com.
    2. NetHunt - NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan. 

    DeJuan Brown - Where Are All the Black Folks in Sales?

    Sales is a huge industry and there is much space for everyone. Still, one could ask Where are the black people in sales? DeJuan Brown talks about this subject in today’s episode. 

    Black folks in sales

    • There are many black salespeople out there across industries. They are, however, below the surface because they’re not vocal on LinkedIn and other platforms. They are focused on hammering down the work and there are reasons for that. 
    • The black community is rich with sales leadership but unfortunately, we don’t have many black salespeople in the tech industry. We don’t know where they are because we don’t necessarily hear their voice, they’re not putting out a lot of content, and they’re not doing other things aside from hustling year after year.

    The struggle of people of color in sales

    • There is a problem with mobility within sales for black people. 
    • There need to be more black people, black sales leaders, and black sellers because the more diverse a team is, the more profitable it becomes. 
    • The ability to have diverse thoughts, perspectives, and ideas within the team improves the performance of everyone in the team. 
    • It takes a long time for black sellers and black leaders to get to the level of social credibility and that is a problem in itself. 
    • Black people can speak of a subject matter and post it without getting any invite to any platform. It’s different for white people. They’d post one thing and all of a sudden, they’re invited to all the platforms. 
    • Even when a black sales leader has proven his/her work for a long time, there will still be others who’d remain doubtful. Even when heshe has years and years of experience, you’d still be considered a risk to work with. 
    • Some companies are trying to fix the problem and starting to invest money in taking away the implicit bias in job descriptions and other hiring practices, promotional practices, and speaking engagements. 
    • While the work on fixing the issue has begun, we still have a long way to go towards diversity. 
    • There is a good community out there where the black people congregate and help each other out. Along with DeJuan and others, they sharpen their tools in sales, and they put each other in a position where they can understand the waters and become successful. 
    • It’s important to broaden our scope on how and where we’re recruiting from and how we view talent. 
    • It’s essential to broaden your network and to always be on the lookout for the people on your contact list and the people you connect with on LinkedIn. Be intentional in diversifying your network and the people you speak to and learn from. 

    “Where Are The Black People In Sales?” episode resources

    Check out Sales for Culture that’s about to launch on February 1st. It’s a space, not only for sales leaders but for everyone who wants to be empowered. It’s a community to help others improve your skills and hone your talent in sales. It’s a place where black tech sellers, leaders, and more congregate. 

    Connect with  DeJuan Brown, Marcus Knight, and Jacob Gebrewold on LinkedIn. Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns. 


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    24 m
  • Challenges Affecting Black Women in Sales | Cynthia Barnes - 003
    Mar 2 2021
    There are many black women in sales and despite the challenges, they keep on moving forward to have success. Tune in as today’s guest, Cynthia Barnes, speaks of the challenges affecting black women in sales.  Cynthia Barnes is the founder and CEO of the National Association of Women Sales Professionals. It’s a member-based organization of women who sell B2B services in a male-dominated industry such as SAAS (Software as a Service), tech, cloud, and others. The organization provides two things to its members: access to laser-focused companies on achieving parity for women in sales and training created by women for women to reach the top 1%.  Women’s participation in sales Anytime there’s an underrepresented population, there will always be challenges that are specific to them and vice-versa. When women are working from home, they aren’t only employees. They are also mothers and wives. They juggle three or more different roles all at the same time. These women are doing a good job of making sure that they’re staying balanced, but that comes at a price. Sometimes at the expense of their mental health. When women give so much to their company, to their husbands, and their kids, they have nothing left for themselves. Cynthia emphasizes the thought that you can’t pour from an empty cup. You always need to fill the cup to be a rockstar at work, home, and with the kids. Organizations can make a difference in ensuring that their employees are appropriately compensated and given the work-life balance they need. When sales members are well taken care of and they’re engaged, their output greatly improves. The money organizations put into their employee care is an investment. The expression, ‘Happy wife, happy life,’ is also applicable at work. If women in sales are happy, engaged, supported, and heard, they’ll be able to perform better. As it is, women already outsell men by 5%. With that support system at work, women can do so much more.  Challenges women face in sales Sales leaders who did not grow up with a diverse background will less likely prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion because it’s only thought to get more revenue, not an actual idea where they feel and see tangible results.  With the racial and systemic bias in the previous year, many companies wanted to get women in sales. They wanted not only black women but also the other underrepresented minorities. The problem is that there are no programs in place to elevate women in sales. They only attract them but they do not make an effort to retain them. There are still no organizational changes that make the women feel respected, welcomed, and represented. When it comes to bringing in more diversity to the table, all you often see is a team of leaders who are all men. Women are leaving the workforce because they can’t be a wife, a mother, and a teacher at the same time. It’s about creating a culture of belonging. Women should have a voice at the table, not just a seat. They need to be heard and to be treated fairly.  Breaking the barriers There should be more women in leadership roles. As a leader of an organization for women in sales, part of Cynthia’s responsibility is to empower women to have the right mindset, get the right verbiage, and build awareness around microaggressions. Women shouldn’t sit idly waiting for the opportunities that they’ve already earned. Women should be the change that they want to see.  “Challenges Affecting Black Women in Sales?” episode resources Connect with Cynthia Barnes on LinkedIn. You can also check out their official site here.  Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns.  This episode is brought to you in part by Skipio.  Are you sick of crickets? The pain of sales reps continually reaching out with phone calls and emails and not receiving a response is real.  85% of people prefer text over email and phone calls because they want to engage in a conversation. All text messaging is not equal. Customers respond to people, NOT BOTS. Be more like people and start having conversations that end in conversions. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com. This episode is brought to you in part by NetHunt CRM. NetHunt CRM is a sales automation tool that lives inside Gmail. It covers a full set of features to manage leads, nurture customer relations, monitor sales progress, and automate sales and marketing workflows. With native-like Gmail and G Suite integration, you can access all the CRM data, launch bulk email campaigns, and set up automated sequences right from your inbox. NetHunt helps to move your leads down your sales funnel and never let the valuable prospects go untouched. NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan.  Try NetHunt CRM today ...
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    27 m
  • How Can We Help Those Coming Into Sales After Us to Find Success? | Jacob Gebrewold - 004
    Mar 9 2021

    As sales leaders, do we ask ourselves how we can help those coming into sales after us to find success? Sales is difficult if you are without a mentor or coach. In this episode, Jacob Gebrewold talks about the importance of helping new salespeople to succeed. 

    Jacob’s beginning in sales

    • Jacob didn’t get into sales on his own. It was a team effort in the sense that a lot of people rallied to lead him to where he is right now. 
    • He started his first sales development rep role when he was 18 and went on to become an account executive after that. 
    • His passion is tied to helping people solve their problems and there is no greater industry where he could solve problems at scale but in the tech space. 
    • It wasn't originally his plan but he was tapped by some people on  LinkedIn. He got help from many people on how to navigate the interview process and how to best articulate what he is bringing to the table. 
    • Having diverse people in the team who use different methods in solving problems based on their life or work experiences makes the team better. They add value to the team. 

    Challenges that hold people from getting into sales

    • Oftentimes, people are not aware that a B2B sales career is an option. 
    • Some white people who previously didn’t know about tech roles still end up in the tech sales space because of their network and the community they are in. It’s different for black men and women who probably do not hang out at the Golf and Country Clubs. Most of the black people do not have those established social numbers. 
    • Generally, there’s a misconception about sales and what salespeople do. 
    • It’s also difficult for black people to walk in a space where they don’t see that many people who can relate and understand their experiences. There are some conversations that black people can’t relate to and vice versa and that may leave them feeling lonely and without a sense of real belonging. 

    Helping others understand the opportunity in sales

    • Black salespeople should be disproportionately equipped out of anyone in any career path to speak about what you do. 
    • While money is not the only measure of success or value, it’s still nice to have an impact on your income and sales have that. Many people in sales put in more effort and they are rewarded incredibly. 
    • Targeted communication to black folks about what they’re hoping to get done will be helpful. This is something that black sales leaders should be excited to bring to the black community. 
    • Sales is a career where you don’t need that tertiary education but would still be able to earn six figures. This truth should be communicated more to the community. 

    The Sales for the Culture community

    • It’s a community of black sellers for black sellers to make sure that black people are attracted to, empowered in, enabled for, and included in the tech sales profession. 
    • Sales for the Culture community is created to make sure that the black folks don’t do the sales game alone. 
    • It partnered with a non profit organization called Re:work Training. They tag people from untapped backgrounds, especially the black folks. They give them free training and get them up to speed on how to get a tech sales job. 

    “How Can We Help Those Coming Into Sales After Us Find Success?” Episode Resources

    Connect with Jacob Gebrewold on LinkedIn. Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Sales Is For White People | Agnel Ingalls - 005
    Mar 16 2021
    A lot of us grew up believing that sales is for white people. In truth, sales is for everyone. In this episode, Donald Kelly is joined by Agnel Ingalls. Listen to the episode as they both talk about this subject and the assumption that sales is for white people.  Getting to know Agnel Ignalls Agnel only stumbled into sales. He was originally from Kensington, Philadelphia. It’s a poor and drug-infested neighborhood. Growing up, he learned how to prioritize education. Going to school wasn’t easy. He was a 15-year old kid and had to commute for two-and-a-half hours every day to get to school. His day started at 4:30 AM, and he got home by 2 AM. He would transfer from one bus to another and sneak into the school bus to get to school on time. He also worked at Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch after school to pay for his transportation.He got kicked out of the school because they found out that he was commuting. He went to a different school, and still, he learned how to be uncomfortable. He still worked and landed an internship, and then he went to college. The Notion of Sales Agnel didn’t think of sales as a career for only white people because he discovered sales when he was in college. He was with one of his professors, and they were going over career paths. Knowing how he loves talking to people, his professor just threw it out there, ‘Sales.’Agnel didn’t think that sales was a career for him. Growing up impoverished, however, and always on the search for money, he got interested in sales for the financial gain that comes with it. The stigma that sales is for white people is just that same stigma that everything is for white people. In this generation, we’re trying to move past that mindset. A lot of organizations are now seeing the importance of diversity to improve their team and their revenue. As for sales, it’s no longer just for white people. It’s also for the black and the brown people. It’s for everyone who wants to make a lot of money to help their families and for whatever personal reasons they may have. People only suggest careers in law and medicine during high school because these are the paths that lead to making a lot of money. They don’t mention sales to high school students as potential careers. That’s why high school students don’t know much about it.  Changing the mindset The communities just need a lot of support. There is a need to start educating people and showing people that sales career paths are available for them. It’s also helpful to learn how to be uncomfortable because that feeling will motivate you to move forward.  “Sales is for White People” Episode Resources Connect with Agnel Ingalls on LinkedIn.  Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns.  This episode is brought to you in part by Skipio.  Are you sick of crickets? The pain of sales reps continually reaching out with phone calls and emails and not receiving a response is real.  85% of people prefer text over email and phone calls because they want to engage in a conversation. All text messaging is not equal. Customers respond to people, NOT BOTS. Be more like people and start having conversations that end in conversions. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com. This episode is brought to you in part by NetHunt CRM. NetHunt CRM is a sales automation tool that lives inside Gmail. It covers a full set of features to manage leads, nurture customer relations, monitor sales progress, and automate sales and marketing workflows. With native-like Gmail and G Suite integration, you can access all the CRM data, launch bulk email campaigns, and set up automated sequences right from your inbox. NetHunt helps to move your leads down your sales funnel and never let the valuable prospects go untouched. NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan.  Try NetHunt CRM today →  https://nethunt.com/tse This course is brought to you in part by TSE Certified Sales Training Program. It’s a course designed to help new and struggling sellers to master the fundamentals of sales and close more deals. It will help them elevate their sales game. Sign up now and get the first two modules free! You can go and visit www.thesalesevangelist.com/closemoredeals also call us at (561) 570-5077. "We value your opinion and always want to improve the quality of our show. Complete our 2 mins survey here: thesalesevangelist.com/survey.  We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes so tune in on Apple Podcast and Spotify. You can also leave comments, suggestions, and ratings to every episode you listen to.  You can also read more about sales or listen to audiobooks on Audible and explore this huge online library. Register now to get a free book and a 30-day free trial.  Audio provided by...
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    24 m
  • How I Broke Into Tech Sales Fresh Out of College | Caleb Norris - 006
    Mar 23 2021
    Sales never occurred to Caleb Norris as a potential career, and despite his struggles in high school, he broke into tech sales fresh out of college.  He had started to believe limiting ideas about himself before graduation, but he got a job in a restaurant and he had a chance to start working on marketing and ROI for the restaurant. Eventually, he went to college and identified some bigger opportunities for himself.  Legacy of sales Caleb wanted to ultimately land in technology or energy because he recognized that those two industries would never go away. The problem, as he saw it, was that he didn’t really have the skillset for either one. He was connected to someone who was hiring entry-level sellers for a tech company, and Caleb hounded him for a month trying to land an interview. He ultimately earned the interview and was offered a job as a business development rep. Within a month he was managing the team of BDRs. There’s a significant overlap between sales and restaurant work because you learn a lot about engaging with customers and pleasing your audience. If, for example, you focus on the kids, the parents will love you. Caleb calls restaurants “breeding grounds for leaders.”People of color don’t typically have a legacy of tech sales in their families. Caleb didn’t either, but he overcame that.  Mastering sales RangeForce works hard to create equal opportunities for many different people, and the company does this by removing the gate-keeping. You can come into the company with no prior knowledge but still earn a place in the company by starting at the beginning. Caleb found that if you’re about your paper or your coin, sales is where you should be. People like the idea of leadership or marketing, but if you can master sales, there’s no limit on your financial game.Think of sales as a consultative opportunity. You’re offering something of value, so both sides are winning.Find a mentor who is in the industry you’re pursuing; someone who can help you get a foot in the door. People in technology often love to talk about their industry. Past experience  People often cite the need for a four-year degree to land an entry-level sales position, but that isn’t necessarily true. Don’t let that be a deterrent for you.The thing that helped Caleb most was learning how a company builds revenue. He learned during his time at the restaurant that there were areas they could improve, and as he studied reports, he looked into the details that helped him understand how the company could operate better to build more revenue. His boss at the restaurant helped him understand how the team’s success could positively impact the people who worked there. Their success would allow other employees to create a great life for their families. His understanding of the intersection between sales and marketing helped him, but he gained it primarily working at the restaurant.If you’re a good salesperson, you can overcome that objection.Use your powers of influence to land yourself an interview. Even if your past experiences aren’t in sales, they can help you land a sales position. Figure out how you can cast your past experience in the context of sales.  “How I Broke Into Tech Sales Fresh Out of College” episode resources Connect with Caleb Norris on LinkedIn to ask questions or hear more about his journey. He’d love to connect you with others who can help.  Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns.  This episode is brought to you in part by Skipio.  Are you sick of crickets? The pain of sales reps continually reaching out with phone calls and emails and not receiving a response is real.  85% of people prefer text over email and phone calls because they want to engage in a conversation. All text messaging is not equal. Customers respond to people, NOT BOTS. Be more like people and start having conversations that end in conversions. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com. This episode is brought to you in part by NetHunt CRM. NetHunt CRM is a sales automation tool that lives inside Gmail. It covers a full set of features to manage leads, nurture customer relations, monitor sales progress, and automate sales and marketing workflows. With native-like Gmail and G Suite integration, you can access all the CRM data, launch bulk email campaigns, and set up automated sequences right from your inbox. NetHunt helps to move your leads down your sales funnel and never let the valuable prospects go untouched. NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan.  Try NetHunt CRM today →  https://nethunt.com/tse This course is brought to you in part by TSE Certified Sales Training Program. It’s a course designed to help new and struggling sellers to master the fundamentals of sales and...
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    24 m
  • Changing Perceptions: Recognizing that Black People Sell Every Day | Toya Brown-Riberdy - 007
    Mar 30 2021
    Sales is for everyone, no matter the race or color. It’s not just for white people. Today’s guest is Toya Brown-Riberdy. Tune in and listen as Toya Brown-Riberdy and Donald Kelly talk about why recognizing that black people sell every day is now important.  The ‘black people aren’t good salespeople’ notion The notion probably stems from the truth that a lot of black people work nine to five jobs, they have a minimum wage, and that the six-figure jobs are not something that black people should strive for. Toya believes that it’s about the opportunity and the conversations we have around the dinner table. What we see with the people around us prompts us to put ourselves in this certain box and in this box, we can only do limited things. Success for black people often means that you have to be an athlete, a TV personality, or a musician. Not all black people know that sales is also for them.In truth, black people are the consummate customer service representatives but unfortunately, it’s not the kind of job that’s presented for most of us.  The limiting belief It somehow comes from the fact that we don’t know that there’s an opportunity. The position of the world and the society is that sales is not a position that you see a black person is doing. In the movies, black people have always been the assistants and the sidekicks. Valuing and getting an education is one way of setting yourself up on the opportunities and roles that you think are outside your realm. Not everyone has the financial capacity to get a college degree. If you have something that you’re good at, then use that edge to get to school. Use the system to your advantage. If you’re good at sports, use that to get an education. Take advantage of any opportunity and don’t pack it up. Stay for the education because that will take you to the next level.  Sell yourself every day We sell ourselves every day in a way that we put our best foot forward at all times. Black people know how it feels to walk into a room and be the only black person there. Sell yourself well and make a friend. Introduce yourself and start a conversation. It’s the same with sales. We pick up the phone and start a conversation first.  We have so much more to offer. Other people see so much potential in black people even when sometimes, we don’t see these potentials in ourselves.  Handling objections Black people always face objections, every single day, from the moment we walk into a room full of people and sense that we’re not expected. People always have the perception of how black people talk and act. Until they hear you speak, they won’t really know that you have a proper tone or that you’re articulate. The important thing is that we continue our story and not let that objection get to us. We are resilient and adaptable. Use that to handle objections. Believe in yourself. If you know you have the capabilities to pin down the role, then go to the table with confidence.  “Changing Perceptions: Recognizing the Black People Sell Everyday” episode resources Reach out and follow Toya Brown - Riberdy on LinkedIn.  Speak with Donald directly for more sales talks. Reach him via these channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about any sales concerns.  This episode is brought to you in part by Skipio.  Are you sick of crickets? The pain of sales reps continually reaching out with phone calls and emails and not receiving a response is real.  85% of people prefer text over email and phone calls because they want to engage in a conversation. All text messaging is not equal. Customers respond to people, NOT BOTS. Be more like people and start having conversations that end in conversions. Try Skipio at www.Skipio.com. This episode is brought to you in part by NetHunt CRM. NetHunt CRM is a sales automation tool that lives inside Gmail. It covers a full set of features to manage leads, nurture customer relations, monitor sales progress, and automate sales and marketing workflows. With native-like Gmail and G Suite integration, you can access all the CRM data, launch bulk email campaigns, and set up automated sequences right from your inbox. NetHunt helps to move your leads down your sales funnel and never let the valuable prospects go untouched. NetHunt CRM offers TSE listeners a 40% discount for the first 3 months along with free user training and a dedicated Customer Success Manager with any pricing plan.  Try NetHunt CRM today →  https://nethunt.com/tse This course is brought to you in part by TSE Certified Sales Training Program. It’s a course designed to help new and struggling sellers to master the fundamentals of sales and close more deals. It will help them elevate their sales game. Sign up now and get the first two modules free! You can go and visit www.thesalesevangelist.com/closemoredeals also call us at (561) 570-5077. "We value your opinion and always want to improve the quality of our show. ...
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    24 m