
  • Ep 298 From Conflict to Connection: Expanding Your Tolerance for Differences
    Sep 25 2024

    When did we become a society that became scared of negative recourse when sharing personal beliefs, values, and decisions?

    I had this question burning in my mind because of how divisive we can be at times, especially now, in our current political climate.

    In this week's episode I dive into how to expand our emotional capacity for discomfort, especially when we are presented with opposing views and beliefs.

    Being divisive doesn't work. Black and white thinking doesn't work. And getting angry or hateful at other people when they don't share the same beliefs at us doesn't work..

    So, what works?

    Empathy, understanding, and expanding our own ability to be with our uncomfortable feelings when we see other people thinking and doing differently than us.

    It improves YOUR quality of life. It makes things more peaceful.

    It helps bring people together.

    We can solve problems better, drink less alcohol and be happier in our lives.

    Who doesn't want that? Tune in and hear how you can expand your tolerance for differences so you can feel better and drink less in your own life!

    Join Alive AF! Now, membership open until 10/1 www.angelamascenik.com/aliveaf

    Sign up to retreat in Cancun with me in December and/or Palm Springs in May 2025 here: https://www.angelamascenik.com/2024retreatsandcoaching

    Work with me privately by filling out an application HERE: https://form.typeform.com/to/x8tcz6lm


    How to handle differences of opinion, how to stop over-drinking, how to drink less alcohol, Am I an alcoholic?, why do I drink so much, how to feel your feelings, how to stop the cycle of drinking too much, coaching for women who want to drink less, life coach for drinking less alcohol, Angela Mascenik, stop over-drinking and start living, Alive AF!

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Ep 297 Where I Found Unconditional Love
    Sep 19 2024
    The episode I share the news that a lovely man that I met while I was just beginning my journey to change my relationship with alcohol, has passed away. He owned an organic wine farm in Sicily called Agriturismo Tarantola. https://www.gorgodeldrago.it/en/ His name is Filippo Testa and he touched my life in a profound and deeply spiritual way. I visited his farm during my journey to stop over-drinking and I came home from that trip and wrote a podcast about the unconditional love that I found there on his farm and in Sicily. This podcast shares that original podcast I wrote and recorded back in 2018 along with 2 poems that Phillipo and I created together using piano music that the shared with us while we were on his farm. It is unbelievably beautiful and I wish everyone could have an experience like I did, then. His legacy will live on forever. I will never forget the impact he had on my life at such a special, transformative time. Say YES to your life. Share your sentiments with people who move you. Go on the adventure, see it, feel it, appreciate this one life you have to experience all the things. Here is the translation of the poem that Fillipo wrote: I arriveI goI enterI leaveI departand I meet. I meet different peopledifferent culturesdifferent languagesdifferent colorsIt’s the worldthat spins incessantlyin your hands. And what do you leave behind??What do you leave behind?? Maybe a fragrancea flowera gesturea wordlove or maybe nothingabsolute silence. Butit’s not difficult to turnhatred into lovea tear into a smilerain into sunshine. And youwhat do you leave behind?You, a drop on a leaf that shines like silverYou, a drop among many dropsthat form the meetingsthat bind us together, drawn by one thing:lovefor peoplefor lifefor everything. You leave a smilea hopeyou leave a tracethat remains etchedin the folds of my heart. So leave,always leave something of yourselfso that you may live foreverin a stepin a leafin the green meadowon the hillat evening and at morningso that even the dewwill remind me of a meetingalways and forever. You aremy box of colors. How many of you are there?So many, so very manyand how many colors you leave behind. Vivid colorsbright colorscolorsthat blossom in my heart. Every day I open my boxin silence. I embrace my colorsI embrace them allbecause I knowthat in this momentthey are all painting a thought of love for me. Author, Filippo Testa 2018 Join me on an adventure of a lifetime, one that will change you forever in Mexico in December 2024 or Palm Springs in 2025http://www.angelamascenik.com/2024retreatsandcoaching Join Alive AF:https://www.angelamascenik.com/aliveaf Application to work privately with me:https://form.typeform.com/to/x8tcz6lm Tags:Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, use humor to drink less, drink less, where do I start, wine free work week, sober retreat, unconditional love, say yes to your life
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Ep 296 Where Do I Even Start?
    Sep 11 2024

    You want to stop drinking or cut back but you often think: I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START!

    It feels overwhelming. Your partner still drinks, your friends all drink, your co-workers like to drink when you travel for work trips, heck your gym buddies often meet up for wine after a workout.You know it isn’t good for you.You have done some embarrassing stuff.

    You know it’s affecting your health and likely holding you back from doing more in your life, it might be driving a wedge in some of your relationships.

    Listen to the replay of a class I just held and I’ll tell you 5 simple things you can do TODAY to help you move forward toward the relationship you want to have with alcohol.

    Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you swear it off forever or even today.

    But the class will help you do something about it right now and that is exactly what you need.

    Don't forget to sign up for the Wine Free Workweek Challenge happening next week:

    Grab a spot for my Cancun Retreat:

    To apply for private coaching click here:

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Ep 295 How to Use Humor to Drink Less
    Sep 5 2024

    Get ready to laugh! This episode I discuss why humor is often a good strategy to help ease the pressure around changing your relationship with alcohol.

    Laughing releases natural feel good endorphins, takes the pressure off real time urges and battles about drinking or not, and it's fun!

    I encourage you to seek out funny things throughout your day.

    The easiest thing to laugh at is your own mind and the wild ideas and suggestions it will tell you when you don't really want to be drinking.

    Nature is also really funny. Going outside and observing some wildlife is sure to get a giggle or two.

    And videos are really funny too, if you want a funny one that I can't stop laughing about, email me
    hello@angelamascenik.com and I'll send it to you!!

    Join me for Wine Free Workweek:

    Grab one of the last 4 spots to Cancun:

    Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, use humor to drink less, drink less, humor, laugh

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Ep 294 Pen to Paper: How Journaling Can Help You Stop Over-Drinking
    Aug 29 2024

    I am delighted to dedicate a full podcast episode on JOURNALING!

    I get asked all the time, 'Why do I need to journal?' 'Do I have to journal?' 'I hate journaling' 'I don't know how to journal.'

    And this episode goes into 3 areas:

    Why do I need to journal?

    How to Journal?

    What to do with the journaling after.

    The big takeaway is this: Journaling helps you see how your mind is responding to things. It helps you learn about yourself more and it helps you connect with yourself on a deeper level and when you do that you are more capable of changing your behavior (like the over-drinking).

    I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Ohhh, and guess what's coming back in September? The Wine Free Work-week Challenge,
    Check it out here www.angelamascenik.com/wfww

    4 spots left in the Cancun + Coaching opportunity, don't miss it:

    Check out Alive AF! here:

    Apply to work with me privately here:

    Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, overcome your biggest fears, journaling, why do I journal, how do I journal, what do I do with the journaling after

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Ep 293 How to Face and Overcome Your Biggest Fears
    Aug 21 2024

    This podcast episode takes you through a few exercises in naming and overcoming your fears that might be stopping you from reaching your goals.

    Fear can help us or hold us back.

    When looking at making personal changes such as alcohol, fear is something that typically holds us back.

    It's important to really see your fears and then decide what you want to do from there.

    Do you want to take action or do you want to stay where you are?

    We need to go through the exercise of facing our fears before we can make a clear decision.

    Tune in and listen as I walk you through how to face and overcome your biggest fears!

    4 spots left in the Cancun + Coaching opportunity, don't miss it:

    Check out Alive AF! here:

    Apply to work with me privately here:

    Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, overcome your biggest fears

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Ep 292 The Beauty in the Process: Why Success is More Than the End Result
    Aug 15 2024

    This episodes dives into the how to see the payoff and the beauty in the process to your goals instead of focusing on just end goal.

    I recently led a small group of women on a challenging 8-mile hike during my Seattle Retreat and it was foggy at the peak.

    But, I quickly realized that the hike wasn't about the great views at the end, it was more about putting yourself in an opportunity to expand your discomfort and to grow and that the payoff will serve you LATER, maybe not right in that moment, but you will call on your skills that you learned during that hike for years to come.

    And that is the same way to approach any goal or change you want to make. It's about celebrating yourself along the way and finding the ways in which you did make changes and got out of your comfort zone. This makes the journey of it more fun and motivates you to keep going.

    Tune in and hear more about this hike and why expanding your discomfort and celebrating yourself along the way is what you need to be focusing on!

    Check out Alive AF! here:

    Grab the last few Cancun Retreat Spots here:

    Apply to work with me privately here:

    Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, beauty in the process

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Ep 291 Friendships
    Aug 7 2024

    Join me for a conversation I had with my very good friends, Josh and Dan.

    We have been friends for 25 years and have navigated as much as any friendship could.

    We discuss navigating the relationship when someone changes their relationship with alcohol.

    We also discuss the secrets to maintaining and growing our friendships, that include being authentic, trusting each other, telling each other the truth and investing time into the relationship.

    I hope you enjoy this special conversation!!

    Check out Alive AF! here:

    Grab the last few Cancun Retreat Spots here:

    Apply to work with me privately here:

    Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, friendships

    Más Menos
    41 m