
  • Embodying Strength and Love in Everyday Life w/ Chris Brown
    Jul 16 2024

    Connect with Chris here:


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    Key takeaways:

    • Personal growth starts with telling the truth and being willing to sit in discomfort.
    • Conflict can be an opportunity for growth and learning, but it's important to find a balance between love and challenge.
    • Coaches need to be willing to call out the truth and challenge their clients, even if it may lead to discomfort or potential loss.
    • Over-delivering can stem from a fear of abandonment or rejection, and it's important to set boundaries and not take on too much responsibility for clients' results.
    • Being seen can be both a deep desire and a challenge, and it's important to navigate the shadows and find a balance between self-criticism and self-acceptance.
    • The quote 'I'd rather be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war' represents the desire to embody strength and love in everyday life. Skill development in martial arts involves using less energy and strength as one becomes more skilled.
    • Balance between action and stillness is important in achieving success and fulfillment.
    • Relaxation and clarity are essential for effective decision-making and problem-solving.
    • Fear and motivation can drive behavior, but it is important to shift to inspiration and creation as fuel sources.
    • Money is easier to make than to keep, and self-worth is closely linked to one's ability to attract and hold onto money.
    • Healing oneself is necessary in order to effectively help and heal others.

    Sound bites:

    "It really forced me to look at every piece of myself that was contributing to the separation."

    "Fitting in is absence of true belonging."

    "The trigger is the wound. The response is the level of healing that you hold."

    "Yeah, it's profound."

    "You use less energy and less strength."

    "We try to warrior our way through life."

    Time stamps:

    00:00 Introduction and Life-Changing Experiences

    03:25 The Power of Truth-Telling and Personal Growth

    08:03 Navigating Conflict and Setting Boundaries

    14:51 The Balance Between Over-Delivering and Boundaries

    22:03 Embodying Strength and Vulnerability

    26:12 The Challenges of Perfectionism and the Desire to be Seen

    30:53 The Wisdom of Martial Arts: Balance and Energy Conversion

    31:41 The Art of Skill Development and Energy Management

    34:49 The Interplay Between Strength and Relaxation

    37:33 The Depth of Relaxation and Focus

    41:12 Exploring the Source of Actions and Desires

    51:12 Money and Self-Worth

    56:46 Healing Oneself to Heal Others

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The 5 Must-Have Systems To Grow A Coaching Business To $10k Months
    Jul 12 2024

    Connect with Joel here:




    Key takeaways:

    • Flow in business comes from discipline, surrender, and systems.
    • The five systems needed to grow a coaching business are: productivity, client creation, client management, marketing plan, and delegation.
    • A productivity system includes setting values, vision, goals, and designing a trademark week.
    • A client creation engine involves building a funnel and implementing growth, content, lead gen, and lead nurture strategies.
    • A client management system includes onboarding forms, tracking client progress, and using AI tools for coaching sessions.
    • A marketing plan focuses on creating cohesion, supply-demand tension, and themes for content and offers.
    • Delegation is crucial for scaling a coaching business, and hiring a virtual assistant can help with tasks and systems.
    • Implementing these systems can lead to growth and success in a coaching business.

    Sound bites:

    "Flow comes from discipline plus surrender plus systems."

    "Life is a series of short sprints, not a marathon."

    "Distraction kills more businesses than competition."

    Time stamps:

    00:00 The Power of Discipline, Surrender, and Systems in Business

    02:57 The Five Systems for Growing a Coaching Business

    08:43 Creating Cohesion and Supply-Demand Tension

    15:06 Streamlining Business Operations with a Virtual Assistant

    18:26 Effortless Growth and Enjoyment in Running a Coaching Business

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • How To Retain Dream Coaching Clients For Years
    Jul 12 2024

    Connect with Joel here:




    Key takeaways:

    • Cash flow solves most business problems and retention solves most cash flow problems.
    • Having a long-term vision for clients is crucial for retaining them.
    • Serving clients instead of just pleasing them leads to better coaching and deeper relationships.
    • Personal growth and continuous improvement are essential for becoming a coach that clients want to stay with.
    • Improving the quality of thinking and content helps retain clients and position oneself as a thought leader.
    • Building a product pyramid ecosystem with one-on-one coaching, online training, and community creates multiple revenue streams and enhances client retention.
    • Helping clients become better thinkers and leaders fosters their growth and loyalty.
    • By following these eight steps, coaches can retain clients, experience deep fulfillment, and build a sustainable coaching business.

    Sound bites:

    "Cash flow solves most business problems and retention solves most cash flow problems."

    "Having a long-term vision for clients is crucial for retaining them."

    "Serving often actually means saying the uncomfortable, it often actually means triggering our clients and challenging them."

    Time stamps:

    00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Retaining Clients

    02:04 Chapter 1: Creating a Long-Term Vision for Client Retention

    04:56 Chapter 2: Serving vs. Pleasing: The Art of Effective Coaching

    09:18 Chapter 3: Building Retention with a Multi-Year Vision

    16:10 Chapter 4: The Netflix Model: Keeping Clients Engaged

    17:40 Chapter 5: Becoming a Curator of Information for Client Retention

    18:06 Chapter 6: Helping Clients Become Better Thinkers and Leaders

    20:00 Chapter 7: Building a Product Pyramid Ecosystem for Retention

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Am I Running A Pyramid Scheme (The Answer May Surprise You)
    Jul 11 2024

    Connect with Joel here:




    Key takeaways:

    • Every business is a pyramid scheme to some degree, with someone at the top creating the most value.
    • There are ethical and unethical pyramid schemes, and it's important to distinguish between them.
    • The business coaching industry is highly saturated and requires high-quality marketing and nuanced approaches.
    • Business coaches make money because they are passionate about business and can have a greater impact in that field.
    • Sell your audience what they want and give them what they need to meet their needs and grow your business.
    • Approach business with a beginner's mindset and drop skepticism to learn and apply universal marketing truths.

    Sound bites:
    "Am I running a pyramid scheme? Yes. And no."
    "Marketing truths are true for any market."
    "If I could help one coach, they could then go and help a hundred."

    Time stamps:
    00:00 Understanding Pyramid Schemes and Business Coaching
    03:46 The Journey from Mindset Coach to Business Coach
    07:21 Challenges and Misconceptions in the Business Coaching Industry
    10:13 The Importance of Understanding the Market and Meeting the Audience
    11:12 Sell What They Want, Give Them What They Need

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Creating a Portfolio of Inspired Clients w/ Lenn Pryor
    Jul 8 2024

    Connect with Lenn here:


    Connect with Joel here:




    Key takeaways:

    • Flow state is a state of pure alignment where everything comes together effortlessly.
    • Flow state can be addictive, and there can be a crash that follows.
    • Zen Buddhism emphasizes the importance of stillness and balance in accessing flow state.
    • A great coaching session requires alignment, urgency, and importance.
    • Coaching is most fulfilling when there is a deep connection and inspiration between the coach and the client. Trust the process and honor the suck in your coaching journey.
    • Say yes to opportunities, even if they don't align with your long-term goals.
    • View every client as a learning experience and be open to the lessons they bring.
    • Focus on being authentic and true to yourself, rather than chasing money or prestige.
    • Coaching is a vocation, not just a career, and it takes time and practice to develop the skills to truly help clients.

    Sound bites:

    "Flow state is like being possessed."

    "Flow state is a totally heightened state of awareness."

    "Flow state is addictive and drug-like."

    "If you're in that boat, then maybe you can get there faster because you can just fully jack into finding your authentic true core self and living in that self because the basics are taken care of on Maslow's hierarchy and you're up here in, you know, the top of the pyramid."

    "And I look back and go, gosh, why did I waste my time? And I'm like, well, cause I had to meet them to know I didn't want to work with them. Later, right? I had to meet that person. I had to go say yes to that topic or to that personality or to that, you know, or learn that the money isn't worth it."

    "Who doesn't want to make $10,000 a month off of a client? He'd have contracts locked in for six figures from one person per year. He'd be set. He'd just collect them up."

    Time stamps:

    00:00 The Indescribable Nature of Flow State

    07:02 The Addictive and Challenging Aspects of Flow

    14:33 The Influence of Zen Buddhism on Flow and Coaching

    29:26 Creating Great Coaching Sessions

    35:05 Finding Inspiration in Clients

    41:32 The Journey of Becoming a Coach: Trusting the Process and Saying Yes

    44:03 Discovering What You Don't Want: The Grind of Coaching

    47:58 The Art of Coaching: Keen Observation and Synthesizing Insights

    52:42 Embracing the Unknown: Being Relaxed and Letting Go

    55:58 The Power of Insight: Seeing What Can't Be Seen

    01:07:42 The Long Journey: Trusting the Process

    01:14:35 Taking Flight: Embracing the Mayhem of Coaching

    See less

    Más Menos
    1 h y 17 m
  • Avoid These 7 Marketing Mistakes at All Cost
    Jul 5 2024

    Connect with Joel here:




    Key takeaways:

    • Playing it safe in coaching leads to blending in and not standing out in the market.
    • Having systems in place is crucial for consistency and success in coaching.
    • Focusing on the needs of clients and making it about them is key for lead generation.
    • Adopting an abundant mindset and realizing the potential for new clients is important.
    • Overthinking can lead to inaction and overwhelm, while taking action builds momentum and clarity.
    • Leveraging social proof and partnerships can help in generating leads.
    • Loving your offer and being enrolled in it is essential for successful sales and marketing.

    Sound bites:

    • "Seven mistakes coaches make in their efforts to generate consistent leads."
    • "Having systems in place makes business feel easy and fun."
    • "Making it about the clients and solving their problems is how we make money."

    Time stamps:

    00:00 Playing it Safe: The First Mistake Coaches Make in Lead Generation

    05:59 Letting Go of a Lack Mindset in Coaching

    10:36 The Power of Social Proof and Partnerships in Lead Generation

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • From Zero to Six Figures: How I Built My Coaching Business
    Jul 4 2024

    Connect with Joel here:




    Key takeaways:

    • Building a coaching business is simpler than it's made out to be, with three core components: expression, enrollment, and systems.
    • Express from the heart, enroll oneself in their own potential and offer, and engineer systems for consistent client creation and delivery.
    • Develop self-belief and conviction in oneself and their offer to effectively enroll clients.
    • Engineer systems for rapid testing, client creation, and client delivery to ensure consistency and scalability.
    • Focus on creating high-value content, nurturing prospects, onboarding clients, and retaining clients for long-term success.
    • Building a coaching business requires dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to personal growth.

    Sound Bites:

    "Took my very first coaching business from zero to over six figures in my first year as a coach"

    "Building profitable and thriving coaching business is simpler than it's made out to be"

    "Break free from that feast to famine cycle and build the systems, the strategies that are predictably going to grow your business"

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction: From Zero to Six Figures

    09:15 Helping Coaches Achieve Their First 10k Month

    16:36 Engineering Systems for Rapid Testing and Client Creation

    24:02 end of podcast

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • The Neuroscience of Safety and Connection w/ Mel Howard
    Jul 1 2024

    Connect with Mel here:


    Connect with Joel here:



    Key takeaways:

    • Embodiment and breathwork can lead to profound personal growth and transformation.
    • Softness and gentleness can be just as powerful as going through intense experiences.
    • The feminine offers the gift of receptivity, allowing us to fully experience and connect with the richness of life.
    • Connecting with the body and breath can help create a sense of safety and grounding.
    • Being present in the moment and embracing vulnerability can lead to deeper intimacy and connection. Intentional breathing and grounding in the body can shift us from fight or flight to a state of calm and connection.
    • The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in creating a sense of safety and connection.
    • Emotional neglect can lead to difficulties in self-compassion, relying on others, and identifying emotions.
    • Feeling and accepting all emotions, including anger, grief, and shame, is essential for self-compassion and inner freedom.
    • Simplicity, patience, and compassion are key qualities to cultivate. The power of stillness and slowing down in coaching
    • The importance of creating a container for coaching sessions
    • Doing your own inner work as a coach to better serve your clients
    • The value of vulnerability and not knowing as a coach
    • The impact of presence and attunement in coaching
    • Melanie's favorite coaching question: 'What are you noticing in your body right now?'
    • Advice for new coaches: Trust yourself and focus on what you already know
    • Melanie's contact information: Instagram - @BreathCoachMelHoward

    Time stamps:

    00:00 Introduction and Tradition of Asking Questions

    01:20 Joel's Journey to Working with Melanie

    08:10 Leaning into Resistance and Softness

    12:30 The Power of the Feminine and Trust

    16:23 The Gift of the Feminine and Connecting with the Body

    25:12 Breath and Grounding in the Body

    29:30 The Neuroscience of Safety and Connection

    35:30 Emotional Neglect and Feeling

    48:12 Simplicity, Patience, and Compassion

    54:50 The Power of Stillness and Slowing Down in Coaching

    56:34 Creating a Container for Coaching Sessions

    01:00:00 The Importance of Presence and Attunement in Coaching

    01:04:53 Doing Your Own Inner Work as a Coach

    01:09:20 The Value of Vulnerability and Not Knowing

    01:14:11 Melanie's Favorite Coaching Question

    01:16:02 Advice for New Coaches

    01:19:06 Melanie's Contact Information

    Más Menos
    1 h y 21 m