
  • Harness the Power of ‘No’ with Accountability Coaching
    Jul 24 2024

    Boundaries are not just for protecting ourselves from external pressures; they are vital tools for self-care, personal growth, and daily empowerment. By defining what is acceptable and what is not, you can prioritize your well-being and make decisions that align with your values and goals. It's not easy to say "No," but reframing it as an act of self-care and self-love makes it a powerful tool for personal transformation. Creating and embracing our boundaries allows us to commit to actions that support our aspirations, leading to a balanced and fulfilling life. Boundaries, combined with accountability coaching, can be a powerful driving force for continuous improvement and success in health, fitness, and overall lifestyle.

    In this episode, we talk about the importance of setting boundaries, the power of saying "No," and how to protect your boundaries and overcome the fear of letting people down with a returning guest, Bonnie. Bonnie is an accountability coach at All-In by Teddi. Her career began in retail marketing and management, where she held divisional manager and director of HR roles at various department stores and led store openings nationwide.

    In 2019, she discovered All In by Teddi Mellencamp, a life-changing program focused on accountability, personalized coaching, and lasting lifestyle shifts toward health and fitness. After succeeding with the program, she became a lifestyle coach at All In, helping clients build lasting lifestyles through movement, clean eating, and positive mindset adjustments. Bonnie has transformed hundreds of lives, trains new coaches, and passionately advocates for the All In community.

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Bonnie
    • [04:28] What accountability coaching is and what All-In offers
    • [09:08] What personal boundaries are and are not
    • [12:56] Why creating boundaries is so important for women
    • [17:45] The transformation that comes with a commitment to self
    • [19:34] How clean fuel and movement can shift your life
    • [22:57] Choosing yourself first and reframing your No without guilt
    • [26:57] How to set boundaries that empower you every day
    • [28:56] Accountability in creating the life that you want to live
    • [30:03] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “Boundaries are the greatest gift we can give ourselves as women.” [12:56]
    • “The power has always been yours to control your boundaries, say No, and take care of yourself, and you just need to grab it back.” [14:16]
    • “When you realize that boundaries are good for self-love and bringing the balance back into your life, and it’s okay to take care of yourself, your whole world changes.” [16:23]
    • “The smallest changes have the biggest impact.” [27:39]

    Let’s Connect


    Website: https://allinbyteddi.com/about-bonnie/

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing, and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Find Serenity through Sound Healing
    Jul 17 2024

    Find Serenity through Sound Healing

    Are you seeking a way to harmonize your mind, body, and spirit? Find serenity through sound healing, a practice that uses therapeutic sound frequencies to promote holistic wellness. Rooted in ancient cultures, sound healing leverages instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, and gongs to produce vibrations that penetrate deep into the body, releasing tension and creating relaxation. By immersing yourself in these soothing sounds, you can experience a reduction in stress, improved mental clarity, and an overall sense of serenity. Whether you are seeking relief from physical ailments, to meditate more, or simply looking to enhance your well-being, sound healing offers a pathway to tranquility and inner peace.

    In this episode, we talk about sound healing, what it is, how it can transform your mind, body, and spirit, and what to expect from a sound healing session with a returning guest, Nicole. Nicole is a yoga instructor dedicated to the art of holistic healing, with her own journey centering around the fusion of yoga, time massage, and the transformative power of energy and sound healing. With a profound passion for facilitating wellness, she weaves together these ancient practices to create a harmonious tapestry of healing experiences. Through the mindful integration of yoga postures, therapeutic touch of time massage, and resonant frequencies of energy and sound, she aspires to guide individuals to self-discovery and wholistic well-being while creating space for both body and spirit to find restoration and balance.

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Nicole
    • [04:50] Sound healing and why people practice it for well-being
    • [08:25] How sound healing makes meditation achievable for many people
    • [14:41] How sound bath is different from regular meditation
    • [16:48] How Nicole’s clients have benefited from sound healing
    • [21:59] Nicole's recommendation to anyone new to sound healing
    • [23:12] What to expect from a sound bath session
    • [27:08] Doing sound bath to your body Vs. receiving
    • [28:33] The right and wrong way to heal from a sound bath
    • [33:38] Why sound healing is a personalized experience
    • [34:57] What attracted Nicole to sound healing and what it takes to be a healer
    • [38:05] The most surprising thing Nicole has encountered in her journey
    • [41:51] Common misnomers around sound healing and why give it a try
    • [43:24] Practical tips on how to double on sound healing at home
    • [45:42] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “Sound healing is an incredible and natural practice; it is achievable for anyone who is open to it.
      ” [09:25]
    • “Sound healing opens up an opportunity to achieve an altered state of consciousness organically and naturally on your own and in your own way.” [12:17]
    • “The in-person experience is far more powerful than downloading an app or listening to a sound bath on Spotify or zoom.” [28:38]
    • “Every experience will be unique depending on where you are at your healing journey and it will change depending on the group you are in.” [33:38]

    Let’s Connect

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Tarot and Trusting Your Intuition
    Jul 10 2024

    Tarot and Trusting Your Intuition- The Cards Don't Lie

    Tarot cards hold a unique power in their ability to serve as a mirror to our inner selves, offering insights and guidance that tap into our subconscious mind. Each card, with its rich symbolism and archetypal imagery, acts as a tool for self-reflection and introspection, helping us to gain clarity on our life situations, emotional states, and spiritual journeys. By providing a structured yet intuitive framework, Tarot cards enable us to access our intuition and uncover truths that may not be immediately apparent. Whether used for daily guidance or deep soul-searching, Tarot cards enhance personal growth, self-awareness, and healing as we confront and navigate our inner landscapes.

    In this episode, we explore the power of Tarot cards and their role in helping us tune into our intuition and gain a vantage perspective on our lives and circumstances with a special guest, Cait. Cait is a business and embodiment coach who describes herself as an inner power activator dedicated to helping women reclaim the power within to develop their businesses from a place of inner strength. With a master's degree in coaching and certification in over 20 modalities, including inner child work, parts work, and breathwork, Cait has deeply invested in her spirituality and credits Tarot with saving her life by deepening her connection to her inner voice.

    For the past seven years, she has used Tarot to help clients quickly access deeper insights, lower their defenses, tap into their intuition, and clear away the blocks holding them back. Through the processes of embodying clarity, rebuilding beliefs, and reintegrating parts, Cait creates a dynamic space for solo-led women to reclaim their voices, stand in their unshakable worth, and make business decisions aligned with their highest selves.

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Cait
    • [05:16] An overview of what tarot is and how it works
    • [08:09] How to use tarot as a tool for better self-understanding
    • [09:58] How tarot cards make it easier to accept difficult information
    • [13:00] Why people reach out to Cait for a one-on-one session
    • [17:02] How to tap into the power of tarot in your everyday life
    • [19:35] How Cait has used Tarot in the past
    • [25:10] Ways tarot has helped people seeking Cait’s advice and guidance
    • [31:06] New modalities Cait is using to help women in her coaching business
    • [32:30] The most surprising thing Cait has seen in her journey of healing others
    • [34:43] How to build your self-confidence and self-worth
    • [44:10] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “Tarot is such a beautiful teaching tool and way of expanding your perspective on something and understanding of different things.” [07:51]
    • “Tarot cards don’t lie; they pick up on the energy and whatever needs to be presented at the moment.” [10:21]
    • “When you are coming from the energy of I need the results to happen right now, you are coming from a lack and scarcity energy.” [15:23]
    • “Tarot creates the ability for people to let go of the old way of doing things and open themselves up to receiving new perspectives and insights.” [15:47]

    Let’s Connect

    Chandler Stroud
    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/
    Website - https://www.thatconfidencechick.com
    Email List - https://thatconfidencechick.myflodesk.com/emailoptin

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Energy Healing for a Happier Household
    Jul 10 2024

    Energy Healing for a Happier Household with Katherine MacLane

    Energy healing is a holistic practice that aims to balance and restore energy flow within the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is based on the belief that the human body has an energy field that can be influenced and manipulated to improve health, and these energy fields inform our life’s circumstances and physical bodies. Simply put, your energy ultimately governs your life and impacts everyone and everything around you. But how do you know that you need to shift your energy, and if you do, what things do you need to do on your own to be intentional about seeing a change? That is the focus of this episode with our healing hero, Katherine MacLane.

    Katherine MacLane is an Energy and Life Coach, Energy Healer, Reiki Practitioner, and Keynote Speaker. She creates virtual and in-person experiences to help individuals and organizations discover their highest potential through energy work and scientific frequency tools. With over two decades of experience in transformational change and communications, Katherine uses a scientifically-backed method to elevate vibrations and unlock your most authentic self. Her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, CBS Sunday Morning, and Forbes. Katherine is a Southern Methodist University and Kellogg School of Management graduate and is a certified Reiki practitioner, Energy Healer, and Coach.

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest, Katherine MaLlane
    • [04:20] What is energy healing, and why would you reach out to Katherine
    • [06:56] Why people should actively participate in their own energy work
    • [08:32] How energy healing helps people who have connected with their higher frequencies
    • [24:29] What are chakras, their role and importance
    • [33:25] How Katherine got into the energy healing space
    • [35:28] Necessary skill sets required to influence another person’s energy
    • [37:07] Overview of a typical energy healing session with Katherine
    • [39:39] Most surprising lessons learned from the energy healing process
    • [40:43] Suggestions on how to start shifting your energies at home without a healer
    • [41:56] Episode wrap-up and best ways to connect with Katherine

    Standout Quotes:

    • “Energy is everything. We operate 100% on energy, and everything we do, think or experience is determined by the energies we have.”- [04:25]
    • “Vibrations and frequencies attract the experiences you will encounter.” [04:58]
    • “You can be anything you want. You just have to align with the energy of what it is that you want and stay on that positive frequency.” [25:52]
    • “One of the most powerful things that you can do to shift your energy is finding gratitude in everyday things. The most powerful way to calculate the practice of gratitude is writing it down.” [40:43]

    Let’s Connect

    Katherine Maclane

    Website: https://www.katherinemaclane.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherinepettymaclane/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kpmaclane/

    Email: kpmaclane@gmail.com

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Signs, Synchronicities, and Spirits
    Jul 10 2024

    Signs, Synchronicities, and Spirits

    "Signs, Synchronicities, and Spirits" constitute the fascinating world of psychic mediumship, where the unseen realms intersect with our everyday lives. Recognizing signs and synchronicities can reveal the presence and guidance of spirits, providing insights and connections. A psychic medium plays a crucial role in opening a door to the spirit world, delivering messages, validation, comfort, and direction from the deceased. By interpreting these spiritual markers, psychic mediumship can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own life paths and offer solace and a sense of interconnectedness that guides you toward a more harmonious and spiritually attuned existence.

    In this episode, we talk about what psychic mediumship is, why people look for help, its benefits, and how this spiritual guidance can help you reconnect with yourself with a special guest, Lea Morgan. Lea is a psychic medium offering mediumship and intuitive guidance readings. After a career in advertising and interior design, Lea couldn’t shake the pull to open up to and understand her intuitive gifts fully. Her story is one that shows how spirit can guide you throughout your life by providing the opportunities and experiences needed to hone your skills and ultimately be of service to others.

    All of her offerings are intended to provide her clients with healing, connection, faith, peace, love, and hope. Lea also hopes to normalize the perception of psychic work by sharing her own journey openly through workshops, interviews, and information on her website.

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Lea Morgan
    • [04:31] What is psychic mediumship, and why people reach out to Lea
    • [06:10] Spirit guides and why it’s important to have open lines of communication
    • [09:29] When Lea realized her special ability to communicate with spirits
    • [16:20] What inspired Lea to go into psychic mediumship fulltime
    • [17:36] How people interpret and interact with Lea's work
    • [21:28] Spirituality and believing that you are not alone
    • [23:05] How Lea’s clients heal from communicating with the dead
    • [27:47] How Lea opens a window to bring comfort during grief
    • [29:13] Ways psychic mediumship can help navigate life situations
    • [30:56] How spiritual conversations help people connect with themselves
    • [33:27] Ways to be more receptive and attune with your intuition
    • [36:21] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “If we all got into a room and shared what we’re challenged with, everyone would feel like they had a group of people who immediately understood them.” [18:42]
    • “We’re all connected, we’re all going through the same thing called being human, we all have very similar challenges, fears, hopes and wishes.” [19:07]
    • “Spirituality and believing something bigger than yourself can be so comforting and go a long way, making us feel less alone.” [21:04]
    • “Create pockets of space in your life where you can hear a pin drop because that is the subtlety with which information comes to us, and it can be a thought, feeling, or physical sensation.” [33:58]
    • “We don’t want to belittle our logical brain it’s important, but we do want to loosen its strangle on our life by showing it evidence that our intuitive brain can be part of the party; where they happily coexist and help each other.” [35:46]

    Let’s Connect

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Free Your Body from Past Trauma with Myofascial Release
    Jul 10 2024

    Free Your Body From Past Trauma With Myofascial Release (MFR)

    Myofascial Release (MFR) is a therapeutic technique designed to alleviate pain and tension by targeting the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs in the body. This holistic approach addresses not only physical ailments but also emotional and mental trauma, providing comprehensive healing. MFR involves gentle, sustained pressure and stretching to release fascial restrictions, improve mobility, and promote overall well-being. By focusing on the fascia, MFR helps to restore balance and function to the body, facilitating the release of past traumas and supporting a pain-free existence. This therapy empowers people to actively participate in their own healing process, creating a deeper connection with their bodies and enhancing their quality of life.

    In this episode, we talk about myofascial release (MFR) and its impact on our ability to heal emotional and physical wounds with a special guest, Karen Remele. Karen's journey began as a modern jazz dancer and instructor until a horrific motorcycle accident changed the course of her life. She is now dedicated to helping others live pain-free existences and educating on the benefits of myofascial release. Karen is both a licensed physical therapist assistant and a licensed massage therapist. Ultimately, she became a student and expert instructor of the John. F Barnes MFR therapy, which she has now practiced for over 25 years

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Karen Remele
    • [03:02] What Fascia is and its role in the human body
    • [05:24] Why people reach out to Karen for myofascial release
    • [10:12] How our mind and belief system can keep us stuck in the past
    • [12:15] How Karen learned about MFR and why she started practicing
    • [21:43] MFR in healing mind, body and spirit
    • [23:48] The most surprising thing Karen has learned in her journey
    • [27:54] Reconnecting with yourself and taking your power back
    • [29:00] Why MFR therapy awareness is not popular despite its effectiveness
    • [32:29] Karen’s advice to listeners contemplating MFR
    • [34:14] How to get started stretching your fascia at home
    • [36:38] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “Myofascial release affects you not only emotionally but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually; it’s a whole-body approach.
      ” [07:13]
    • “You can make progress mentally, but your body is still very much stuck in the past.” [10:06]
    • “Learn to let go and know that being soft and patient can be more impactful than pushing through and being hard on something.” [22:24]
    • “MFR treats any diagnosis that is given to a person; it doesn’t matter what the papers are saying.” [23:08]
    • “You have to be willing to participate in your own healing journey, it’s easy to take a pill, it’s easy to sit down and let someone do something to you, but in MFR you are participating on how far you want to go.” [26:54]

    Let’s Connect

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • The Mindset Makeover: Healing for Happiness
    Jul 10 2024

    The Mindset Makeover Healing for Happiness with Katie Wee

    Mindset coaching helps transform our thinking to serve our goals and aspirations better. It aims to align our thought patterns with the kind of life we desire, enabling us to achieve our highest potential. A good mindset is also crucial for achieving personal success and fulfillment. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to set and reach your goals.

    Optimism gives you the motivation to work hard and overcome obstacles, leading to greater accomplishments. Additionally, having a growth mindset, where you see failures as opportunities to learn and improve, helps you continuously develop your skills and knowledge. This not only brings personal success but also a sense of fulfillment as you grow and achieve your dreams.

    In this episode, we’re going to talk with Katie Wee as she shares more about what she does best for humanity: helping you optimize your mindset so that you can experience more happiness, fulfillment, and personal success. She shares her four pillars of happiness in working your own life and why meeting your future self is so important in unlocking your happiness. Katie Wee is an actress, keynote speaker, survivor, mindset coach, writer, and the founder of Happy Camp.

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and what in for you in today’s show with Katie Wee
    • [04:26] What mindset coaching is, and why you would reach out to Katie for it
    • [09:33] Why it is so important to think about our mindset every day
    • [14:18] How to raise your self-worth and start getting the things you deserve
    • [19:30] The four pillars of happiness
    • [19:39] #1 Learn from life
    • [21:46] #2 Being your best friend
    • [27:20] #3 Taking responsibility for your happiness
    • [29:42] #4 Taking intentional actions
    • [35:11] Katie’s childhood trauma and the mindset shift she has had to have for healing
    • [42:22] Her Happy Camp retreat and how it has helped women reconnect with themselves
    • [45:04] What Katie has learned about people in her journey of helping others
    • [50:06] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “Mindset coaching is a way to modify our way of thinking for our highest benefit. This is with the aim of making it serve us with the kind of life we want.” [05:39]
    • “We will all live in the future. But is it the future you want to have or not? The best way to take care of the future is to be conscious about the present.” [07:11]
    • “Each person is different and when we are all fully into who we were meant to be, we get happier, more lit up, more excited about life and all the people around us too.” [08:19]
    • “Learn from life. Life is here for you, and small challenges are not a hindrance to your success path—they are the success path.” [19:39]
    • “Be your best friend because the longest relationship you will ever have is a relationship with you.” [21:46]
    • “Your external world is a mirror of who you are internally.” [25:47]

    Resources Mentioned

    The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks: https://amzn.to/3RCfvyJ

    Let’s Connect

    Katie Wee

    Website: https://www.katiewee.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itskatiewee/

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Human Design and the Blueprint of You
    Jul 10 2024

    Human Design and the Blueprint of You

    Human Design is a tool to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, both emotionally and physically. Known as the science of differentiation, it provides a unique blueprint for accessing parts of ourselves that are unreachable externally. Unlike purely mental systems, Human Design requires active experimentation and engagement. It integrates past wisdom, learned experiences, and memories while also aligning with the visions we hold for our future. By utilizing human design, you can uncover insights and guidance that are difficult to access through conventional means, offering a holistic approach to self-discovery and growth.

    In this episode, we discuss Human Design and how it can help you evaluate your full self through a completely different lens with a special guest, Zach. Zach has been coaching and educating professionally for the last decade, an adventure that has taken him all over the world. The core and foundation of his work is human design, a modern science containing ancient systems for exploring the nature of being. Zach holds advanced degrees in pedagogy, literature, and French, along with certifications in CliftonStrengths coaching and human design.

    Zach's primary philosophy, in Ram Dass's words, is that "We are all just walking one another home," He believes in helping others grow, evolve, and reconnect with their true selves through holistic, multi-dimensional support.

    Tune in!

    What You Will Learn:

    • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Zackh
    • [04:02] An overview of human designs and its 5 primary systems
    • [05:35] Why people reach out to Zach for a human design reading
    • [06:45] Why human design and how it has helped Zach's clients
    • [11:06] The 5 Types within human design, their strategy and authority
    • [14:44] The role of the mind in decision-making
    • [17:06] A practical example of how Zach applies human design
    • [20:11] What a typical human design session looks like with Zach
    • [22:28] What attracted Zach to human design
    • [26:18] Challenges Zach faced going all-in on human design coaching
    • [32:38] How human design helps people reconnect with themselves
    • [34:17] Common fears about Human Design and why try it
    • [36:11] Tips on how you can get started with human design at home
    • [38:10] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:

    • “The only reason that human design is relevant, meaningful, valuable to us is because it incorporates our own personal experience.
      ” [04:42]
    • “Human design is about making what is unconscious conscious so that we have a say, we're not on autopilot or just being ragged all around by the universe.” [06:10]
    • “Instead of trying to fix something that feels broken, find where you are already whole and use that as a point of reference.” [19:20]
    • “Overnight success is a myth; overnight success takes about 10 years, and the first 9 and a half years are pretty slow; it didn’t come out of nowhere; it happens because there is a foundation.” [25:39]
    • No one can self-love us for us; other people can love us, but self-love comes from within.” [32:50]
    • Self-awareness is the seed towards self-acceptance, self-love and through self-acceptance and self-love, self-care becomes intuitive.” [33:05]

    Let’s Connect

    Chandler Stroud

    Website: https://healingheroespodcast.com/

    Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

    Más Menos
    39 m