
  • 20 | P°3
    Jul 25 2024

    Ready to go from chaos to control in your empire? Call/Text Jason now at +19179832150

    Get the Ops Nerd Newsletter for insider tips and tricks for hospitality operators in three minutes a week or less. https://opsnerd.com

    Jason Littrell is a Hospitality Management Consultant serving ambitious hospitality brands with high impact systems since 2009.


    In this video, seasoned hospitality management consultant Jason Littrell shares insights on building a dynamic HR system for bars and restaurants. Covering topics like the importance of staff recruitment, engagement strategies, and the value of ongoing training. Stay tuned for expert advice on automating processes, fostering a positive company culture, and ensuring long-term employee success.

    00:00 Talent acquisition and culture are critical.

    03:15 Developing job application process to attract top talent.

    06:48 Systematize, document, and record staff interactions transparently.

    Viral Marketing Insight: "The product of the product is like the way you feel when you buy it. And then the product of the product or the product is the person that you become or the identity that you adopt by purchasing that product."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:07 → 00:00:48]

    **Solving the Root of Problems in Business**: "What I'm building today is the solution to the problem of the problem of the problem."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:01 → 00:01:04]

    The Flywheel Effect in Recruitment: "You don't have to recruit as hard anymore. There are not going to churn out. They're not gonna piss off Systems. And they're they're gonna tell their friends what a great place to work it is. So you don't have to look for people so hard. So it creates this kind of flywheel effect."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:41 → 00:01:54]

    **The Importance of Workplace Culture**: "Culture matters. And, and if you are not, big enough to have an a full time HR person that that, that manages this stuff for you then, to do it manually, then you need processes and automations."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:25 → 00:02:38]

    **Finding Top Talent in Today's Job Market:** "So, like, somebody comes into the bar restaurant and says says they're looking for a job, which is becoming rarer and rarer, by the way, then what do you do at that point?"

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:15 → 00:03:22]

    **Successful Employee Onboarding:**

    "And so then there's the actual event where you kind of reinforce the values that you've portrayed in the, in the in the onboarding sequence or in the, in the, nurture sequence leading up to the to the recruiting event."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:50 → 00:05:02]

    **The Importance of Rigorous Pre-Management Training**: "Because if you invest early into this kind of training, the dividends pay off for years."

    — Jason Littrell [00:06:26 → 00:06:31]

    Success is a Process, Not an Event: "Success, winning, profitability. It's not an event. It's a process."

    — Jason Littrell [00:07:31 → 00:07:35]

    Jason Littrell, hospitality consultant, NYC, Kinetic Management Systems, bar marketing, staff engagement, brand sales, advisor, fractional cmo, fractional cto, management expert, innovative solutions, independent spirits, hospitality brands, dynamic solutions.

    How to improve staff retention in my restaurant?

    How to create a successful recruiting event for my hospitality business?

    How to engage and train potential employees effectively?

    How to automate processes in staff management for a bar or restaurant?

    How to build a strong company culture in the hospitality industry?

    How to implement a rigorous pre-management process for employees?

    How to document interactions and automate tasks in staff management?

    How to create a successful onboarding program for new staff members?

    How to ensure compliance with legal HR requirements in hiring processes?

    How to scale staff management systems for multiple restaurants effectively?

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 19 | Impact
    Jul 24 2024

    Ready to go from chaos to control in your bar or restaurant? Call/Text Jason now at +19179832150

    Get on the Ops Nerd Newsletter for insider tips and tricks for hospitality operators in three minutes a week or less. https://opsnerd.com

    Jason Littrell is a Restaurant Management Consultant serving ambitious and dedicated hospitality brands since 2009.


    In this video, Jason Littrell, an expert in beverage brand sales and marketing, shares insights as a seasoned management consultant at Kinetic Management Systems in NYC. Get ready to dive into Jason's journey of solving large problems, understanding the value of consulting, leveraging reputation, and making impactful changes in the industry.

    - Importance of solving significant problems in consulting

    - The value of feedback from clients

    - Understanding the relationship between price and value

    - Leveraging reputation as an asset in consultancy

    - Making impactful changes in clients' lives through execution

    00:00 Leveraging reputation to offer system for free.

    04:05 Dedicated to making impactful changes, not money.

    Work-Life Balance Struggles: "I gotta clean up my elevator pitch a little bit. Not gonna lie. So it's Saturday, it's Memorial Day weekend. I'm a little tired. I'm a little burned out because I've been staring at a screen, actually four screens, for actually, literally three screens for the last three weeks, building out this thing that I'm absolutely 100% obsessed with."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:20 → 00:00:40]

    Finding Fulfillment in Work: "Pick a really large problem and solve that, rather than doing what you love."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:55 → 00:01:00]

    "It's worth nothing right now because nobody wants it because I have no demonstrable results."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:20 → 00:02:25]

    **The Value of Reputation in Business**: "It's not my stuff, it's not my bank account, it's my reputation is the most valuable thing that I own."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:48 → 00:02:53]

    The Importance of Execution: "Money is a lagging indicator. Wealth is a lagging indicator of not only process, but also mindset and commitment and execution."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:46 → 00:04:57]

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • 18 | Nifty
    Jul 23 2024

    Ready to go from chaos to control in your bar or restaurant? Call/Text Jason now at +19179832150

    Get on the Ops Nerd Newsletter for insider tips and tricks for hospitality operators in three minutes a week or less. https://opsnerd.com

    Jason Littrell is a Restaurant Management Consultant serving ambitious and dedicated hospitality brands since 2009.


    In this video, Jason Littrell shares his journey as a seasoned management consultant focusing on optimizing operations for bars and restaurants in New York City.

    In this insightful video, Jason discusses:

    - The challenges of productizing a comprehensive offer

    - The importance of constant staff engagement and feedback in the hospitality industry

    - Utilizing project management software like Nifty for efficient task organization

    - The process of developing and scaling client solutions

    - The benefits of streamlined communication for effective problem-solving.

    00:00 Employee frustration leads to high turnover costs.

    03:34 Creating valuable product, gaining sales, and managing projects.

    07:24 Tasks, API integration, sales, marketing, scalability planning.

    A Fresh Start After Layoff: "I lost my job, so I was laid off 3 weeks ago. Yeah. Today would have been my 3rd paycheck, and so I'm like, do I go out and get a job, or do I go out and, and create some more value for the marketplace? And so I chose the latter. I have not looked for a single job."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:59 → 00:01:08]

    The Importance of Staff Feedback in the Workplace: "And so the staff should be constantly reminded, of how valuable they are, and they should always be asked, regular very regularly how they feel that management is doing."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:47 → 00:01:58]

    ### Building Culture with Continuous Feedback:

    "So nudging the, the guests for feedback on the staff, guests for feedback on the management, staff for feedback on the management, staff for feedback on the guests, and then, systematizing and organizing all these post shift reports, net promoter score surveys, q 12 surveys, and, and helping, and helping management ownership understand what's actually going on in the restaurant from a soft touch point of view."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:43 → 00:03:08]

    **Startups and Sales Challenges**: "I already know I know it's valuable, but I don't know how to convey that it's valuable in a way that's not gonna make people's eyes glaze over because I tend to get jargony and technical really, really fast."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:53 → 00:04:02]

    **The Benefits of Using Nifty PM**: "The reason I liked it was because, one, I got an AppSumo deal for a lifetime. So it means that as long as they're in business, I have their I have access to their software. And so I have access to the software for a lifetime, but there's no monthly fee, which I like."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:57 → 00:05:04]

    **The Power of Task Management Systems:** "So this is how airplanes are flown, this is how surgeries perform, this is how buildings are built."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:32 → 00:05:36]

    Accountability in Task Management: "So there are things that I will be respond that I am responsible for, and every time I am, assigned a task on something, then, then it I get an email notification saying that you've been assigned this task, and then it gives me the deadline, the priority level, and all that stuff."

    — Jason Littrell [00:06:50 → 00:07:05]

    **The Journey of Building Scalable Systems**: "You have to do those things in that order because if you try to automate it when it's broken, then you're just gonna scale that system."

    — Jason Littrell [00:08:06 → 00:08:09]

    Jason Littrell, management consultant, NYC, bars, restaurants, systematize, optimize, staffing, scheduling, training, onboarding, sales, marketing operations, productize, value communication, nifty pm, project management software, AppSumo, user-friendly, Gantt charts, accountability, automation, scalable, coaching, consulting.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 17 | Nudges
    Jul 22 2024

    In this video, Jason Littrell, an expert in beverage brand sales and marketing, shares insights on his innovative staff engagement solutions for bars and restaurants. He discusses the development of a new HR system, focusing on points, nudges, and gamification to enhance staff retention and performance.

    Covered in this video:

    1. The importance of acknowledging uncertainty in problem-solving.

    2. Utilizing systems and automations for HR tasks like retention and onboarding.

    3. Implementing gamification, points, and nudges for staff engagement.

    4. Building a shift report mechanism with a point system for recognition.

    5. Launching a newsletter called Ops Nerd to showcase workflow impact on bars and restaurants.

    00:00 Learned systems during COVID, exploring HR improvements.

    04:03 Failing, learning, and building new strategies.

    07:21 Improving system, solving problems, cost-effective solution.

    Understanding the Creative Process: "Everybody nobody really knows what they're doing. And until you understand that and realize that you don't know what you're doing and it's okay, Can you release the creative energy that is required to figure out what the problem is?"

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:33 → 00:00:48]

    Innovative Employee Engagement: "I was kinda hit to an idea to, start to systemize things that involve HR retention, training, onboarding, and keeping people happy and engaged for a long time."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:14 → 00:01:26]

    The Power of Sprint Building in Software Development: "I just love this kind of sprint building, of the system because it all makes sense to me. And, and the cool thing about the software is that I just have to build it once. And then, we implement it, we optimize, rinse and repeat."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:14 → 00:02:27]

    The Economic Impact of New York Nightlife: "In New York, nightlife and bars and restaurants are around a $2,000,000,000 economic impact, and that's a very meaningful thing to me."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:52 → 00:02:57]

    Failing Forward: "When I owned a bar for 6 minutes, that's, I did have one of those moments of, like, why didn't this work? I it was supposed to work. I was supposed to know this."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:54 → 00:04:02]

    Innovative Employee Feedback Systems: "Literally just responding with 1 character in a text message, will, will, give us the information that we need to make decisions."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:42 → 00:04:48]

    Employee Recognition Systems: "But having that kind of recognition makes people wanna stay forever."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:34 → 00:05:36]

    Finding Excitement in the Little Things: "There's lots of things that are kind of exciting when you kinda break them down into really, really small pieces."

    — Jason Littrell [00:06:33 → 00:06:38]

    Exciting New Launch: "I'm launching a newsletter called Ops Nerd, o p s n e r d. And, that's where I'm gonna be show showing, specifically what, like, the workflows that I'm working on and and what what their impact is and how that's gonna help bars and restaurants because there's 100 of them."

    — Jason Littrell [00:06:52 → 00:07:07]

    The Problem with Multiple Software Subscriptions: "I found out that most people, that are into Kinetic promoter scores, review request, reputation Management like that. They have, like, 4 or 5 different pieces of software for this, which by itself is insanity because that means that they're paying for that software, And they either don't know how to use it or, or it's, kind of lost by the wayside, and they're just paying for something that they're not using."

    — Jason Littrell [00:07:38 → 00:08:00]

    Jason Littrell, Kinetic Management Systems, bar and restaurant optimization, staff engagement solutions, HR system, systems and automation, gamification, points and nudges, impact on employees and businesses, newsletter Ops Nerd, workflows, interconnected solutions.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 16 | Service Recovery
    Jul 21 2024

    Service recovery can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal patrons. In this video, Jason Littrell shares a strategic approach to guest feedback systems and staff incentives.

    - Implementing micro Net Promoter Score surveys efficiently.

    - Optimizing guest feedback and service through real-time responses.

    - Automating staff rewards and gamification systems.

    - Understanding and utilizing Q12 surveys for employee engagement.

    - Developing a service recovery plan to foster long-term customer loyalty.

    00:00 Quantifying q twelve survey for team sentiment.

    06:44 Service recovery plan creates long-term customer loyalty.

    07:50 "It's absolutely insane. See you next week."

    Title: Innovative Guest Feedback Systems: "So specifically, how we can build in micro net promoter score surveys into every little interaction or as many interactions as is tasteful and as possible."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:15 → 00:00:25]

    "Customer Service Efficiency": "In the rare occasion that that person is busy or or can't talk to you, then they're always gonna get a text back immediately."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:16 → 00:01:21]

    "Quality Assurance in Customer Service:": "One is, like, this person was a dick. I was, like, you know, I'm not happy with the outcome of this call."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:52 → 00:01:56]

    Exceptional Service Experience: "And then 5 means that this is an exceptional service, and I got more than fuzzies and, oh my god, take my money"

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:56 → 00:01:57]

    Internal Rewards Gamification: "If you accumulate 500 points, then you are going to get a benefit from this particular Jason. Or, like, or we're gonna send you on a trip, or we're gonna do we're gonna take you out to dinner, or something like that. Something something extra special for just being in a good mood all the time."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:45 → 00:03:01]

    **Understanding Employee Sentiment**: "But we're gonna be able to tell the managers and leadership of a of a bar restaurant, of a group, exactly how well the staff is doing, or how much they like their jobs."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:53 → 00:04:04]

    Customer First Hospitality: "And there are numerous studies that discuss, how well, how somebody feels in any particular day, if they're if they're if they have meaning in their work, how well they, while they serve their customers and never is it higher than in hospitality."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:04 → 00:04:20]

    "Genuine Happiness Over Fake Positives": "We want people to be genuinely happy and and and serve people genuinely from the heart, but we also want them to be rewarded for that."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:31 → 00:05:35]

    Guest feedback, micro net promoter score surveys, call routing, guest services, feedback quality, internal gamification system, Q12 survey, staff sentiment, real-time results, customer empowerment, genuine service, service recovery plan, staff happiness, dynamic staff engagement, bar marketing, innovative solutions, Kinetic Management Systems, beverage brand sales, marketing, NYC, Jason Littrell, hospitality brands, advisor, fractional CMO, CTO.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 15 | MVP
    Jul 19 2024

    Join Jason Littrell as he dives into his latest insights on building successful bar and restaurant operations. Discover how innovative systems and strategic staff engagement can revolutionize the industry.

    - The high failure rates of bars and restaurants and why it happens.

    - Collaborating with a coach to create automated management systems for hospitality businesses.

    - Implementing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for better customer interaction.

    - The importance of continuous staff development and systematic hiring processes.

    - Utilizing technology to establish clear strategies for profitable bar management.

    00:00 Exciting collaboration between tech and strategy for bars.

    06:22 Automating hiring process to improve staff experience.

    07:29 Zappos story illustrates employee happiness and systematization.

    **Startling Business Realities**: "8 out of 10 bars and restaurants typically go out of business. The number is, a little bit lower than that in the 1st year, but it's still a very high number, like, 60 something percent, which is total insanity. So, like, if you're investing in a bar restaurant, then why on earth would you why would you do that?"

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:39 → 00:00:53]

    **Innovative Business Collaboration**: "It is just so exciting to me to to work with somebody who knows what they're doing. This is my coach, by the way. They're like, we're I'm working with my coach and, we're building something that is very, very exciting as a collaboration."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:19 → 00:01:31]

    Innovative Customer Service Approach: "And what it does is it makes, you know, so, we create we're also creating boundaries so that you don't have to like, it's all on an app. It's not on their regular phone, so it doesn't ring them in the middle of the night when they're not working, for instance."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:37 → 00:02:48]

    **The Impact of Hospitality Sector on Economy**: "Now, so like in New York alone, I think, nightlife bars, restaurants is around a $22,000,000,000 economic impact. And so, and that's tens of thousands of jobs."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:16 → 00:03:26]

    Recipe for Success: "If you were able to manage a system that is proven, that is articulated, that that is an ongoing, like, year on year strategy that, all but guarantees that you're gonna be successful as long as you work the program and it's reinforced by automate automations, systems, nudging, and making sure that it gets executed and implemented at scale every single time. That is the recipe for success."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:04 → 00:05:03]

    The Wild West of Hiring: "Whereas right now, there are no rules. It's it's the wild west. People are hiring people out of turn. They're not they're not hiring the right people, which ultimately leads to people quitting or getting fired, full stop."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:03 → 00:05:16]

    "Employee Satisfaction Matters": "And if you're not making them happy with by being mindful of their training, of their ongoing, you know, career development and personal Management, then and and providing them options and tools and a system to keep the managers accountable for for that career planning."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:46 → 00:06:01]

    **Automated Hiring and Feedback Systems**: "I've built this implementation system where that says, hey. We're looking for hiring and then it it's always hiring, always looking for talent and then, nurturing the talent whether you have positions or not."

    — Jason Littrell [00:06:36 → 00:06:47]

    Bar and restaurant management, staff engagement, hospitality industry, Jason Littrell, business automation, recruitment systems, staff training, customer service, Interactive Voice Response, IVR, bar profitability, employee retention, hospitality careers, management systems, bar marketing, Kinetic Management Systems, NYC, beverage brand sales, management consultant, innovative solutions, fractional CMO/CTO, independent spirits, hospitality brands.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 14 | Problems
    Jul 18 2024

    Join Jason Littrell as he shares his latest journey in entrepreneurship after being let go from his job. Discover how he's turning this challenge into an opportunity with innovative solutions for the beverage and hospitality industry.

    - How shifting focus to the right problems unlocked infinite scalability

    - The importance of taking care of oneself to achieve clarity

    - The benefits of using centralized systems for efficiency

    - The philosophy of solving the right problems for real impact

    - Insights from MJ DeMarco's book "Unscripted"

    For a glimpse into Jason's expertise and innovative approaches, tune in to see how he's making a meaningful impact in the industry.


    Ready to go from chaos to control in your bar or restaurant? Call/Text Jason now at +19179832150

    Want to see a demo of Kinetic Management Systems? Head to https://kmsdemo.com or text/call +19179939169

    Jason Littrell is a Restaurant Management Consultant serving ambitious and dedicated hospitality brands since 2009.

    Want support from our free and private community? Join BarTeams HERE: https://barteams.com/invitation?code=EAFC68

    Want tech and ai insights for independent spirits and hospitlaiity brands delivered directly to your inbox once a week? Check out news.barteams.com


    *Finding Opportunity in Adversity*: "I think it's possible that getting let go may have been one of the best things that's ever happened to me, professionally, at least."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:22 → 00:00:30]

    Topic: Building a Scalable System for Community Impact

    Quote: "All this stuff is built into a centralized universal system that is going to help people have a almost paint by numbers approach to building their bars and increasing their presence in their communities, being able to engage charities and do, do really fun things that can make meaningful impacts in people's lives, and that is why I do it."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:54 → 00:02:20]

    Unstoppable Trajectory: "What I should be thinking about, like, what are the problems that need to be solved? And by shifting my thinking, and by really taking my care taking care of myself physically, I I think I I'm on this, like, unstoppable trajectory to, to really, really help people and solve very meaningful problems for not an enormous amount of money."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:08 → 00:03:32]

    **The Power of Scaling**: "And that is another mental shift that I hadn't thought about is, how do I do work once and then optimize it over time rather than doing work once for one client and then doing it again for another client and then again for another client."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:56 → 00:04:10]

    "Healthy Living for Clarity": "So eating eating eating really clean food that's natural organic that I make myself. Very little packaged food, no sugar, no starch, no carbs, no wheat, no gluten, no alcohol, no cannabis, no psychedelics."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:06 → 00:05:27]

    Viral Topic - Rethinking Passion: "So this thing about, like, do what you love. No. Thank you. What you love, first of all, will turn into something that you don't love anymore. And second of all, it's like, it's kinda selfish because you're, like, solving the problems that you wanna solve, and you are your own customer."

    — Jason Littrell [00:05:39 → 00:06:20]

    Finding Fulfillment in Your Work: "What I like is seeing people benefit from the thing that I made."

    — Jason Littrell [00:06:51 → 00:06:55]

    Jason Littrell, beverage brand expert, marketing consultant, Kinetic Management Systems, staffing retention, secret shoppers, feedback systems, learning management, bar marketing, scalability, financial freedom, Clean diet, MJ DeMarco, Unscripted, Millionaire's Fast Lane, problem-solving, optimization, mental shift, time freedom, kid, professional growth, innovation, hospitality brands.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • 13 | Zoo
    Jul 12 2024

    Join Jason Littrell as he discusses the importance of automation, systems, and processes in both personal and professional life. Learn how these tools can provide time freedom, allowing you to focus on meaningful experiences and tasks.

    Key points covered:

    - Implementing automation and AI for businesses

    - Utilizing live streaming and postproduction options

    - The role of systems and processes in daily productivity

    - Onboarding optimization using comprehensive checklists

    - Achieving time and money freedom through efficient management

    Jason Littrell is an expert in beverage brand sales, marketing, and a seasoned management consultant for Kinetic Management Systems. He provides dynamic, innovative solutions for staff engagement, bar marketing, and brand sales, and serves as an advisor and fractional CMO/CTO for independent spirits and hospitality brands.

    00:00 Efficiency allows for family time and productivity.

    03:22 Exceeding client deadlines, systems are efficient.

    Topic: The Future of Business Automation: "So yesterday, I did a, I I did a, a 25 minute presentation about automation and AI, how to and how to apply that to your business in whether you're building a brand or building a bar or restaurant."

    — Jason Littrell [00:00:32 → 00:00:43]

    The Value of Going Live: "But the point of having a live video is that it's a pattern interrupt."

    — Jason Littrell [00:01:24 → 00:01:27]

    **The Power of Automation in Business**: "By implementing system processes and automations, and SOPs and templates and checklists and stuff like that, I'm able to go fuck off and and go hang out with my kid at school and, go to his, his field trip."

    — Jason Littrell [00:02:03 → 00:02:11]

    "Streamlining Client Onboarding": "I have a comprehensive checklist. I use a software called Nifty that I've uploaded all of the various micro elements of the onboarding process, and I can manage that from my phone."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:00 → 00:03:05]

    # "Delivering Ahead of Schedule"

    "So, like, my my promise to my client was that I would have them up and running in 2 weeks."

    — Jason Littrell [00:03:31 → 00:03:35]

    AI Automation and Time Freedom: "This is about time freedom, and then money freedom comes for that. So if I'm if I'm providing time freedom for myself, I'm eating my own dog food. I'm providing this kind of time freedom for my clients, and that is a value."

    — Jason Littrell [00:04:07 → 00:04:21]

    automation, systems, AI, Jason Littrell, live streaming, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Sessions software, OneStream.live, field trip, workflow, postproduction, beverage brand sales, marketing, management consulting, Kinetic Management Systems, time freedom, money freedom, onboarding, client deliverables, Nifty software, dynamic solutions, bar marketing, brand sales, hospitality, advisor, fractional CMO, CTO

    Más Menos
    5 m