
  • Everything is Going to Be All Right Because You Are Untouchable
    Aug 10 2021

    You don't need to fear today or the future because you are untouchable.

    The same mercy of God that sent Jesus to save you still works in your life once you are born again so that darkness holds no power over you.

    Today I share three witnesses with you that you are untouchable:

    "We are convinced that everyone fathered by God does not make sinning a way of life, because the Son of God protects the child of God, and the Evil One cannot touch him." 1 John 5:18 TPT

    "The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble." Psalm 19:23 NIV

    "Now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority." Luke 10:19 TPT

    And that my Stress Buster friend, is either true or it's not.  What will you believe?

    If you enjoy this podcast and want to learn how to take these stress busting principles deeper and further into your own life so you can live a life of freedom from stress, worry and fear, CLICK HERE to schedule a free session to hear how I can help you.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Your Biggest Stress Questions About Parenting Answered
    May 15 2021

    Have you have lost the joy of parenting?  Has the wonder of the miracle that you have been entrusted with worn off?

    Listen in to learn from my guest David Baker:

    • Where to find the owner's manual to your child
    • How to handle disagreements about how to parent between spouses
    • Why drugs and alcohol are not a problem for your child...or you
    • What your role should be for adult children not living for God
    • And much, much more!

    And get your free gift:
    The Three Most Important Things to Teach Your Children
    at www.fixfamilies.com

    About my guest: David Baker
    David Baker was born in Columbia, TN and when he was twelve, his dad’s job moved his family moved to Ft. Madison, IA.  From there he went into the Army and became a paratrooper in the 82nd airborne division.  In the Army, David was stationed at Ft. Jackson, SC; Ft. Gordon, GA; Ft. Benning, GA; Ft. Bragg, NC and Korea.  

    After the Army, David surrendered to the call to ministry and went to Bible College.  He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Pastoral Theology and a Master’s Degree in Education and a Doctorate in Divinity. 

    After serving as a youth pastor in California, David moved back to Columbia to start a Church in 1993.  He and his wife of thirty-one years, Laura, have eleven children: David, Sarah, Alyssa, Jonathan, Mark, Darick, Grant, Laurissa, Cameron, Janessa and Carson.  Their ages range from 30 down to 12 years of age.  Three of the children and married and there are seven grandchildren. 

    David is a pastor and has started non-profit companies.  He has written five books and is a best-selling author, speaker, chaplain, coach, and entrepreneur.  

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Are You Reigning in Life? Take the Quiz to Find Out!
    May 8 2021

    "Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!" Romans 5:17 TPT 

    The Bible tells us we are to reign with Christ.  That we are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).  

    In this podcast, I give you some training for reigning:

    • Take the short quiz to see what areas of reigning you might need to learn more about
    • Learn how Stress Busters who reign don't see problems to solve but promises to attain
    • Where and how you get your authority over your stressors 
    • How to bring with you everything you need instead of trying to get Heaven to send it
    • And much, much more!

    CLICK HERE to get a downloadable copy of the quiz.

    CLICK HERE to book your Stress Buster call with me, and we'll see if I'm the best fit for you as a coach to finally get your mind to quiet down, your body able to relax and the joy of your salvation to return.  

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • When It Rains, It Pours: 5 Powerful Responses to Multiple Stressors!
    Apr 24 2021

    First the car needs a new engine, then your daughter calls to say she is getting a divorce, then your job says you need to work 12 hour days for the next month, and to top it all off you dad says he's getting his hip replaced and could you help out with his care and watch his dog?

    You could probably handle one or two stressful things but when it hits you from every side you start to wonder, "How much more can I take?  What should I do next? Where do I even start to fix this mess?"

    My guest today, Barry Spilchuk, knows exactly how you feel.  He was hit with 5, yes 5, major life events that rocked his world all at the same time.  But God...

    You'll learn:

    • The 5 Words Given to Him in a Dream That Changed Everything
    • How to Get Unstuck From a Victim Mentality
    • The Powerful S.A.L.A.D. Formula to Use When Life is Hitting You From Every Direction
    • And Much, Much More!

    About My Guest: Barry Spilchuk 

    • He’s the 1st Canadian to coauthor a Chicken Soup for the Soul book.
    • Barry has been dubbed - “Canada’s Dale Carnegie”.
    • He loves to help people get UN-STUCK and he has dedicated much of his life to helping people and organizations BOUNCE BACK from tough stuff.
    • He’s also helped over 180 people become authors in the last four years!
    • Barry’s recent book - I’M NOT DONE YET - Everyone Deserves an Encore is dedicated to people over 40 who have come to the realization that - “All they have ever wanted - Isn’t enough!” and they want to - Move from Success to SIGNIFICANCE and live a life of NO REGRETS!
    • He’s shared the stage with: A Prime Minister of Canada / Helen Lieberman - who helped stop the Apartheid movement / Princess Zara Aga Khan / Dr. Phil… and more.
    • He can be reached at: Barry33@me.com



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    50 m
  • Put Yourself in a Place of Power & Ditch the Chaos
    Apr 5 2021

    God gave us emotions but did He mean for us to be on an emotional rollercoaster ride every day?  One moment we are peaceful, then we get out of bed (lol).  Then the next moment we are stressed to get us and the kids out the door.  The next moment we are settled into routine and everything is calm and manageable and along  comes trouble!  We get hit in the face with regret or embarrassment or anger. 

    The days are up and down and some days are down and down.  You might even be screaming, "Get me off this ride!"  Stressors bring along with them chaotic emotions that make us long for the days of calm and control.

    Here's a few things we'll cover in today's podcast:
    1) Thoughts are liars.
    2) Your words can create power or helplessness.
    3) What your emotions are trying to tell you.

    CLICK HERE for the free download of my emotion chart and tracker.

    Other resources mentioned in this podcast:
    1) Last week's podcast on responding versus reacting.
    2) Click here to set up a free chat with me to see if the brand new group coaching experience -  90 Day Stress Detox - is right for you.  We are starting live together in two weeks and spaces are limited.  A special "Case Study" discount is available for only this first group launch so check it out now  instead of purchasing at a higher price later.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Why You Are Running in Circles With Your Stress
    Mar 29 2021

    Oh, the insanity of expecting our stress levels to change without us changing anything.  When we don't make those changes we just keep going in circles with our stress.  Round and round we go fighting the same stress battles year after year.

    But how many of us are working on the needed changes and what are the needed changes?

    Much of our reaction to stressors is learned and then repeated over and over until it becomes automatic. 

    In this podcast, we are exploring how the pathways in our mind are created that keep us making the same decisions and reactions that result in us being stressed.  Then I'll show you a new and better way.

    The Stress Buster Coach Resources referenced during the podcast:
    Amazon Bestselling Book: What Are You Looking At?  Finding Joy In the Chaos & Monotony of Life

    This podcast episode is sponsored by my 90-Day Stress Detox Group Coaching Experience.  God wants to fully release your soul into a place of complete freedom, lightness and joy.  You’ll learn how to do that in this 90-day transformation experience.  You’ll discover how to release those weights of stress that you have been carrying, lose the burden and get your life back.

    This is for the burned out, overwhelmed Christian woman who wants to get long term stress busting results and not just quick fixes.  If you realize something has to change, I know I can help you because all of my personal 1-on-1 coaching clients have said the program was life changing for them.  Use this link to schedule a free call with me to learn more and see if this 90 Day Detox Group Coaching Experience is a good fit for you.    Spaces are limited and special discounts are in place for a limited time so book your call now.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Stuck in a Funk?: Shift Your Mental State in a Heartbeat
    Mar 22 2021

     When there is so much difficulty in life going on and so much for your mind to process, you can get stuck in a funk.

    Today's podcast guest will help you get unstuck and shift your mental state in a heartbeat!

    You've got a supernatural hotline to God and she'll show you how to use it. 

    Joy is not a feeling but a state of being that you can access any time.  Listen now to find out how.

    This podcast episode is sponsored by my 90-Day Stress Detox Group Coaching Experience.  God wants to fully release your soul into a place of complete freedom, lightness and joy.  You’ll learn how to do that in this 90-day transformation experience.  You’ll discover how to release those weights of stress that you have been carrying, lose the burden and get your life back.

    This is for the burned out, overwhelmed Christian woman who wants to get long term stress busting results and not just quick fixes.  If you realize something has to change, I know I can help you because all of my personal 1-on-1 coaching clients have said the program was life changing for them.  Use this link to schedule a free call with me to learn more and see if this 90 Day Detox Group Coaching Experience is a good fit for you.    Spaces are limited and special discounts are in place for a limited time so book your call now.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • The Secret to Making the Spiritual More Real & Creating an Inner State of Peace
    Mar 16 2021

    Your life is created on the framework of imagination.  You visualize something happening and it creates a frame that your life builds upon.    What kind of life are you building?  Are you visualizing more God thoughts or more of your own thoughts?

    We picture a lot of fearful things.  We imagine the worst.  We consider all the bad that could happen.

    What if you instead pictured the promises of God?  You imagined the blessing operating fully in your life.  You consider all the good things the Father has in store for you and built your life on that framwork?

    The picture you have of God will bring faith, strength and the ability to change the world.  What are you picturing?

    In this episode, I cover the how and why of using visualization as one of your stress busting tools.  This is one of the things that has made the invisible spiritual realm more of a reality in my day to day life.  It has caused me to hear from God better and has allowed my physical body to finally relax when nothing else worked.

    This podcast episode is sponsored by my 90-Day Stress Detox Group Coaching Experience.  God wants to fully release your soul into a place of complete freedom, lightness and joy.  You’ll learn how to do that in this 90-day transformation experience.  You’ll discover how to release those weights of stress that you have been carrying, lose the burden and get your life back.

    This is for the burned out, overwhelmed Christian woman who wants to get long term stress busting results and not just quick fixes.  If you realize something has to change, I know I can help you because all of my personal 1-on-1 coaching clients have said the program was life changing for them.  Use this link to schedule a free call with me to learn more and see if this 90 Day Detox Group Coaching Experience is a good fit for you.    Spaces are limited and special discounts are in place for a limited time so book your call now.

    Más Menos
    26 m