
  • 131. "Lower the volume, Higher your standards"
    Jul 23 2024

    Welcome to the Sunroom Podcast!! Listen in to this weeks
    episode 131. "Lower the volume, Higher your standards"

    Believe it or not, many people choose to stick with lower personal
    and professional standards.

    Why? It’s simply easier.

    In fact, it’s always easier to choose the path of least resistance.
    Many people would rather stay in their comfort zones than
    try something new, but comfort zones keep many people
    (and businesses) stuck in routines for years.

    Highly functioning individuals or organizations that execute well
    and meet their goals almost always have one trait in common:

    High standards.

    Committing to raising your standards isn’t easy, but it results in greater opportunities and growth, and your hard work will pay off in the long run.

    How are you raising your standards in life? Let us know in the comments!

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    27 m
  • 130. "What Are You Choosing?"
    Jul 16 2024

    ​Welcome to the Sunroom Podcast
    In this weeks episode 130. "What Are You Choosing?"

    Making decisions that are aligned with our values can be challenging, especially when we are faced with difficult choices. In this episode, Wren will explore the concept of mindful decision-making and how to make choices that honor our values.
    She will discuss the importance of aligning our values with our decisions, and how to consciously evaluate options in order to make the best choice for ourselves.

    By the end, you will have the tools necessary to make decisions with intention and integrity. So listen in!

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    25 m
  • 129. "In a New Timeline"
    Jul 8 2024

    ​Welcome to the Sunroom Podcast
    In this weeks episode 129. "In a New Timeline"
    Wren will discuss how to quantum leap toward the
    alternate reality you desire using conscious awareness,
    positive thoughts, and spiritual practices as you shift
    your everyday experience. Reminding you that at any
    given moment, you can shift realities, something often
    called quantum leaping or quantum tunneling.

    Be open to Signs: Whether you’re receiving signs from alternate realities or the here and now, stay vigilant.

    Incorporating the principles and techniques on this episode is the first step to truly understanding how to quantum jump.

    By harmonizing with the universe’s rhythm, we can
    potentially transition from our existing reality to our
    highest aligned dream state.

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    28 m
  • 128. "Knowing your No's"
    Jul 2 2024

    Welcome to The Sunroom Podcast!
    This week's episode 128. "Know Your No's"

    Is a great explorer mission to take on — especially if you may want or need to stretch out your comfort zone a bit — but really, it’s more lasting to be discerning and intentional with your yes, to ground those things you commit to in meaning and purpose.

    This is a great episode to reflect on and to close out one year and start a new one.

    Or anytime we’re adapting to changes.

    Ine of the most powerful things you can do in life — especially when things around you are shifting and changing — is to know what your NO is and to fully embody it!

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    32 m
  • 127. Discover your true nature
    Jun 26 2024
    Getting to Know Yourself: 5 Ways to Discover Your Joyful True Nature

    1. Becoming familiar with the mind, its relentless habits, recurring stories, intricate workings
    2. Getting to know your younger self—the child you, teenage you
    3. Meeting grief.
    4. Getting clear with the ego
    5. Finding honest relationships—those you trust who are committed to self-awareness in the same way you are

    We all have access to knowing ourselves. We’ve just layered ourselves under habits of thinking, avoiding, running, and being busy and distracted instead of meeting what is—our beautiful, joyful true nature.

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    23 m
  • 126. Crown Guided Meditation
    Jun 18 2024

    Welcome to The Sunroom Podcast
    This week's episode is 126.
    "Crown Chakra Guided Meditation"

    Join Wren in this meditation as she directs healing energy to our Crown Chakra through visualization practices and positive affirmations to allow all of the grounded work we've gone over the past 6 months to blossom and awaken your intuition and inner wisdom.

    Intentions used in meditation:
    ️"I am connected to the divine source of all creation.
    "I am guided by the wisdom and love of the universe."
    "I surrender to the divine flow of life and trust in the journey of my soul.
    "I am a vessel of divine light and love,

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    12 m
  • 125. " Welcome To Reiki 2"
    Jun 12 2024

    Welcome to The Sunroom Podcast! This week's episode 125. "Welcome To Reiki 2" Wren opens the door to her personal intuitive experience of being a 12th generation Usui Reiki practitioner and all that has unfolded in her 25+ hrs worth of tangible service. Wren was attuned to level 2 September 23, 2023 and since then a beautiful unfolding of mindful healing has filled her life and the lives of her clients.

    From techniques to symbols, experiences and thoughts, allow this episode to take you on a journey through Wrens energetic experiences that have transformed not only the way she confidently walks through this life but all that she has learned and shares with passion in order for you to the same!

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    41 m
  • 124. "The Crown Chakra"
    Jun 4 2024

    From Flow with Wren welcome to The Sunroom Podcast!
    This weeks EP 124. "The Crown Chakra" Wren dives into our last month of the 7 energy hubs located within the body by teaching you how to connect with this chakra, expand your perception and maybe even experience a spiritual awakening.

    Listen to discover what the Crown Chakra is, its defining characteristics, common blockage symptoms, as well as powerful chakra balancing techniques.

    Each chakra represents spiritual energy that helps us understand ourselves better. Sahasrara or Crown Chakra energy is a realization of completeness. By bringing balance and peace to the body and mind, we can overcome obstacles, let go of emotional blockages, and walk the path toward spiritual consciousness.

    To connect with Wren:
    IG - @thesunroom_podcast | @flow_with_wren

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    28 m