• Work Life Balance Strategy
    Mar 21 2023
    Work Life Balance Strategy In this business life coaching session of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Brittany Settambrino shares that she is worried about how to balance her home life and work life. Brittany is a successful multi-business owner. Her and her husband own three businesses with a fourth in development. They have two adorable children, 40+ employees, and a new high-energy puppy. Brittany finds her sense of accomplishment in her thriving businesses. She is an intelligent, driven entrepreneur, wife and busy mom.   She is feeling the pressure to balance the home life she loves with her work life and that is challenging her sense of accomplishment. During this hour, Coach Brenda Underwood helps Brittany discover what is causing her stress. Then together, they cultivate a strategy to for quality time with her family while continuing to run her successful businesses. Brittany comes away with action steps that will help her be intentional with her time, priorities and achieve her goal of a healthy work life balance. ************************************ Show Notes: * My hectic and hilarious life * My 4’s - 4 day work week and getting home by 4 * Familial patterns - we are not our parents * Social pressures to be a stay-at-home mom * The freedom that comes from embracing our authentic selves * Finding balance & quality time * Actions to create more “mom” time * Time vs. Money - Buy back your time and have more peace of mind * Tapping into creativity * Overcoming subconscious barriers to taking action * Using pivotal questions to transform communication for the better * Schedule top priorities and have “hard stops” * Gain the benefits of a healthy work life balance by scheduling priorities ************************************ Books Mentioned: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey ************************************ Brenda-isms: "As much as we are the same, we are different." "The action is where the magic happens." "Open minds always find an opportunity in every obstacle and closed minds always find a problem with every opportunity.” “Quality time - be present in the moment when you are in their presence.” “Cultivate connectivity that time cannot break.” “Money is like a river, but time is fixed.” “The brain is a muscle - do your reps and let it rest.” ************************************ AHA Moments: * Own being a Go-Getter * Currently, results are controlling my time, but my priorities must control my time. * Make my lists (according to the action step activity) and figure out what my priorities are. ************************************ Social Media: Brittany Settambrino Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The.BA.PA.2020 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/precision_public_adjusting/  ************************************ Connect with BtFL Coach BU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/ FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/   Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/
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    55 mins
  • Stop Self-Sabotage Part 2
    Mar 14 2023

    Stop Self-Sabotage Part 2

    In this life coaching session of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Deborah Franklin continues the conversation of how to stop self-sabotage from operating in her entrepreneurial life.




    Show Notes:

    * Understanding and hacking the habit cycle

    * Trauma, memories, and negative self-talk stored in our cells

    * Figuring out the triggers that result in unwanted behaviors

    * Engaging the body to help the mind

    * The importance of breathing exercises

    * Time and peace - two important elements of creativity  

    * Using the 5-minute breathing tool to change behavior

    * 72-Hour Problem Rule

    * Prayer - be specific with your requests to God

    * Ask the "second question"

    * Action steps to crush and stop self-sabotage




    Bible Verses:

    1 John 4:17-18

    Proverbs 18:21




    Gems from Deborah's Life:

    - "Tap into what I can control and then be able to make a better decision on what I can't control."

    - "You got to get up off the couch and fight!"





    "Indecision is a thief that steals from us."


    "We need courage because fear is ever present."


    "Get surgical with your prayers."




    AHA Moments:


    · Physical exercise can release negative cellular memories and prevent my mind from shutting down


    · Physical exercise is a way to stimulate creativity and stop self-sabotage


    · Get an ROI (Return on Investment) on my Oculus (VR) by using it to enhance my business decision-making


    · Everything is connected!




    Social Media: Deborah Franklin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deborah.franklin.1232

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conversationsdeborahfranklin/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-franklin-1a767738/




    Connect with BtFL Coach BU


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/

    FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/


    Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC

    Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/

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    30 mins
  • Stop Self-Sabotage Part 1
    Mar 7 2023
    In this life coaching session of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Deborah Franklin brings to the table her desire to stop a pattern of self-sabotage from operating in her entrepreneurial life. Deborah knows that this trend of self-sabotage comes from her past and is causing her doubt and loss of confidence. First, coach Brenda helps Deborah determine where the message of low self-worth started. Then she provides tools and action steps for Deborah to take that will up-root negative self-talk, stop self-sabotage, and free the way for Deborah to fully grasp opportunities to stand out in all situations as the dynamic leader God created.   Deborah Franklin is a successful high school educator who has stepped up to the plate of leadership in the classroom. However, she feels she is holding back from standing fully in her authentic power as Founder of Church Girl CEO, a publishing and coaching business serving women in ministry. She says holding back is causing her doubt and loss of confidence.   ************************************************   Show Notes: * The dream and what's holding me back * Self-sabotage - a habit and part of my persona * Impact of verbal abuse as a child * Feeling like the "different one" * What would you tell your eight-year-old self now? * The power of focus * Feeding your subconscious a new story * Making bad decisions by holding onto an illusion * Fear of rejection and people-pleasing * Learn to lead with "no" before "yes" * Time management and decision making * Finding the "hack" that will work between triggers and habitual behavior * Get active - physical activity stimulates brain activity   ************************************************   Books Mentioned: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Atomic Habits by James Clear   ************************************************   Gems from Deborah's Life: - Verbal abuse - "First time I felt small because of words" - "Being smart is not the only thing you can be" - "You can be who God called you to be no matter what!"   ***********************************************   Brenda-isms: "We can't transform our facades, who we are trying to be. We can only transform who we really are."   "When we allow something to become a part of our identity, we live from that place."   “Fear is a spirit.”   "Suppressed pain becomes poison in the soul. When you process your pain, it sets you free!"   "The Holy Spirit whispers, the enemy roars!"   "Exercise your discipline muscles."   "Every good thing ain't a God thing."   ************************************************   AHA Moments: · I never saw the smaller me · Eat to live, not live to eat · Running through Paris – Using my escape route (VR exercise) to get unstuck · Love yourself for who you are now!   ************************************************   Social Media: Deborah Franklin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deborah.franklin.1232  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conversationsdeborahfranklin/ LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-franklin-1a767738/   ************************************************   Connect with BtFL Coach BU   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/ FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/   Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/
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    45 mins
  • Leaving a Legacy by Building a Business
    Feb 28 2023
    In this business coaching session of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Chikita Simmons describes her vision of business expansion. Brenda takes us through the emotional and practical steps needed to build and expand a business for the purpose of leaving a legacy. Listen and explore your own goals as Brenda leads Chikita through the emotions, the whys, and the practical steps that lead to success. Come away, like Chikita does, with solid steps for building a business vision and applying them to your unique venture.   Chikita Simmons is the owner of Nex Gen Realty & Associates, a full-service real estate brokerage and property management company in Georgia. She is expanding her business in South Carolina and sought out Coach Brenda Underwood looking for solid action steps, strategy and encouragement.   **********************   Show Notes: * Celebrating the fruits of previous coaching * Just keep rolling with the punches in life * Influence and wisdom from grandparents * The courage to listen to the little girl in me * Do it! Stop procrastinating and quiet the negative voices * Get clear on what your vision is * Don’t delay your plans by giving your power away * First entrepreneur in the family despite the naysayers * Building a legacy through action and service to others * Put “feet to the vision” with action steps * Set dates to your action steps so the brain will “lock on” * Essential elements to include in your plan and strategy * Include excitement in your goals - ex. Grand Opening! * Find someone who believes in you and your vision   **********************   Book Mentioned: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey   **********************   Bible Verses: Matthew 6:3 Proverbs 16:3   **********************   Gems from Chikita’s Life: - “My dream helps me fight” - “What would the younger version of me say to me now?” - “I want to teach people how to do life through homeownership, one block at a time!” - “Why Charleston? Grassroots. The place where the blood of my grandmother’s tears and prayers started.”   **********************   Brenda-isms: “God is not obligated to give you a second chance on opportunities.” “It is hard unlocking the golden handcuffs with the keys to entrepreneurship.” “As much as we are the same we are different.” “Are the hands of man more secure than the hands of God?”   **********************   AHA Moments: ● Validation! You remembered me - my tears and my dreams - and didn’t give me pushback. ● It really is okay to dream. ● This is my legacy.   **********************   Social Media: Chikita Simmons   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AtlantaLifeStyleConnectionsNGR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nexgenrealtyatlconnections/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chikita-simmons-00147a38   **********************   Connect with BtFL Coach BU   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/ FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/   Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/
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    52 mins
  • Defeating the Fear of Failure
    Feb 22 2023
    In this mentoring session of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Amanda Bell asks for help with defeating the fear of failure that is haunting her and keeping her up at night. Amanda is the CEO of her home and has two small children. Her love for her children and the desire to see them get a good start in life led her to homeschooling. Now fear, specifically of failure, is causing her to doubt her ability to give them all they need to grow into their God-given purpose. Coach Brenda helps Amanda understand the anatomy of fear and how it creates mental barriers that hinder confident action.  Then she shares breakthrough tools that will crush the barriers and defeat fear allowing Amanda to thrive in her calling from God. We will even learn some powerful gems from Amanda’s life.   ************************************************   Show Notes: * Afraid to try because I’m afraid to fail * The thoughts that keep me up at night * Reasons for homeschooling * We grow with our children * Why blended families are hard * How to create self-sufficient children * Empower children to believe that they are capable * Who is the author of fear? * Contending and facing off with fear * Remove fear from being a dictator in your life to a being spectator * What has the fear of failure cost you? * Create a battle plan to face off with fear * Slay the enemy with the “sword of God’s Word.” * “I know what I am called to do!”   ************************************************   Bible Verses: 2 Timothy 1:7 Luke 10:18-19 2 Corinthians 2:14 Psalm 56:8 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 1 Corinthians 12:3   ************************************************   Gems from Amanda’s Life: - Our kids are only going to be children for a small season and they will be adults for a long season.   - Train your children when they are young how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.   - When you come up against things you don’t want to do that is when God and the Holy Spirit meets you and rewards you.   ************************************************   Brenda-isms: “My personal motto: Getter Done and Keep it Simple!” “Men need to be respected and women need to be loved.” “Here (on this side of eternity – earth) is the most pain any Christian will ever experience.” “Allow scripture to interpret scripture.” “You can’t play Patty Cake with the devil.” “You have to yoke up in the Spirit and fight.” “Breakthrough takes as long as it takes us to make a commitment.” “The devil can’t create anything all he can do is pervert truth.” “Don’t give fear a voice or a vote in your life.”   ************************************************   AHA Moments: ●     Realize when to stop being their parent and start being their advisor ●     Capture Your Thoughts Breakthrough Tool ●     Jesus Christ is Lord!   ************************************************   Social Media: Amanda Bell Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mandy.bell.75033   ************************************************   Connect with BtFL Coach BU   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/ FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/   Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/  
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    58 mins
  • Crushing Procrastination Part 2
    Feb 14 2023

    In this episode of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Ann Serrie continues to unfold the roots to her issues with procrastination. Brenda helps her discover where these beliefs come from, prioritize her time, and learn techniques to tap into her creative skills, accomplish her goals, and feel a sense of joy and satisfaction.



    Show Notes:

    * Procrastination is causing a sense of paralysis

    * Is it fear of inadequacy or fear of success?

    * Problems with perfectionism

    * Words matter - perceived messages from childhood 

    * A healthy desire to be a caregiver can be distorted into people-pleasing

    * Costs of de-prioritization of self

    * Visualization and vision boards as tools to move forward

    * Am I willing to let go of the old me to become the new me?

    * How will my life change with success?

    * Heart for hospice & lessons learned

    * If I have seven days to live, what are my regrets?

    * Being in balance and alignment with our God-given gifts



    Books Mentioned:

    One Year to Live by Steven Levine



    "The wealthiest place in the world is the graveyard."  - Myles Monroe




    “God blesses the steps you take and not the ones you contemplate.”

    “Anything that is truth can be perverted by the enemy.”

    "Perfectionism is a slave driver, it is never satisfied."

    "It is amazing what God can do with a committed YES!"

    "Anything that is out of place creates chaos."

    "Write a new chapter for your life. You own the pen and the paper!"



    AHA Moments:

    ●     The “Future You” visualization.

    ●     Our brain is a muscle. It is not laziness to seek rest.

    ●     One decision can lead to discipline.  Discipline leads to fulfillment.

    ●     Have the courage to say "No".

    ●     Trust in God first.



    Social Media: Ann Serrie

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ann.serrie

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ann-serrie-73b903b



    Connect with BtFL Coach BU


    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/

    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/

    FB Biz:  https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/


    Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC

    Learn more at  https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/


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    40 mins
  • Crushing Procrastination Part 1
    Feb 7 2023

    In this episode our guest Ann Serrie relates that she feels procrastination is crushing her ability to be creative. She wants to learn how to turn the tables and feel the joy of using her creative gifts for her own projects by crushing procrastination. Ann enjoys her job, being a wife, volunteering, and playing with her dogs. She is also a podcast editor, photographer, writer, and novice guitar player - but those projects/hobbies seem out of reach due to a lack of time, energy, and motivation.


    Ann is frustrated by her inability to accomplish her projects because of other obligations. When she does find free time, procrastination and "laziness" are hindrances to tapping into her creativity. Her goal for this coaching session with Brenda is to learn techniques for crushing procrastination so that she can tap into her creative skills, accomplish her goals, and feel a sense of joy and satisfaction.



    Show Notes:

    * What is fueling procrastination

    * Where did the procrastination cycle begin

    * Is multitasking really a skill? Is it even possible?

    * Stress may be a motivator, but it takes a toll on the body

    * People-pleasing = deprioritized self

    * Learning to value my projects as much as I value others

    * The subconscious mind is the habit mind

    * "Motivation is short-lived" - Rely on Discipline

    * The many benefits of Discipline

    * Define all decisions through the filter of priorities

    * Take care of yourself, and you will serve others better

    * Determine life priorities - not goals

    * Action steps to create disciple and results



    AHA Moments:

    • Stewardship is multifaceted.
    • The cycle of Love - God, Self, Others Matt 22:36-40



    Social Media: Ann Serrie

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ann.serrie

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ann-serrie-73b903b


    Authors Mentioned: Mel Robbins, Neil Fiore and Caroline Leaf




    "Stop serving out of a cup that is empty!"

    "Relaxing is required."

    "To get consistent results, you have to be consistent."

    "If I'm connected to God, I'm healthy."

    "All change happens with a decision."

    "When motivation is in its proper place, then it stops sabotaging you."



    Connect with BtFL Coach BU

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/

    FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/


    Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC

    Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/


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    38 mins
  • Overcome the Need to Control
    Jan 31 2023

    In this episode of Breakthrough with Brenda, guest Patrina Buckley describes how her life is overwhelming and she is feeling exhausted by her need to control everything. Patrina is a dynamic, independent, confident woman. She is a mom, a full-time employee in the customer service field, a certified life coach for youth and teens, and she is currently in school pursuing a degree in Psychology. With all that she has going on, Patrina is seeking answers because she is missing her “joy” and her health is suffering as her strength is drained by a need to control herself, her loved ones, and her relationships.  

    Through a series of thoughtful questions, Brenda empowers Patrina to discover how her need to be in total control is draining her and potentially harming her relationships and health. By the conclusion of the interview - Patrina has several AHA moments and walks away with action steps to learn to tame her “control freak”.


    Show Notes:

    1. The problem with problem-solving for everyone
    2. Detrimental effects of holding my world together
    3. Confronting the #1 hindrance - a need to control
    4. Peeling back the layers to find where “my way” started
    5. “Double-edged sword of control and confidence"
    6. Figuring out how to loosen the reins
    7. Learning to “chill-ax”
    8. Balance and order
    9. Indecision - a thief of your time
    10. Five-year vision - worn out or living joyfully
    11. Taking “my hands out of the pot”
    12. Transitioning from Martha to Mary
    13. Three action steps to “let go and let God”


    AHA Moments:

    -     Middle school memories then and now - the cycle of control coming full circle. 

    -     Waking up and letting go now to build better relationships. 

    -     Stop trying to be the Holy Ghost Jr.

    -     Mary and Martha - Ask myself "What do I want to be doing in the presence of God"


    Social Media: Patrina Buckley

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patrina.buckley 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youthlifecoachtrina/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/youthcoachtrina 


    Media Mentioned:

    Becoming a Prayer Warrior by Elizabeth Alves



    “Breakthrough can happen in an instant, the instant you decide to be different.”

    “Trust God - otherwise, you will stress yourself out trying to be the 4th Godhead.”

    “Indecision is a thief of your time.”


    Connect with BtFL Coach BU:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachbu

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/btflcoachbu/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btflcoachbu/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/btflcoachbu

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breakthroughforlife/

    FB Biz: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughforlifecoachbu/


    Presented by Breakthrough for Life LLC

    Learn more at https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/podcast-breakthrough-with-brenda/

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    57 mins