• Data Drives Hard Decisions
    Jul 18 2024

    Faced with a tough choice in your business? Data could be the key to making the right call.

    A few years back, the gym here was deeply attached to the large group training model. It was a fun and exciting place with lots of enthusiastic people. But there was a problem. Even though people liked the gym, many didn't stay for long, and the gym's income wasn't steady.

    An analysis of client retention data was the only way to figure out a solution.

    What he found was eye-opening. Higher-paying, semi-private clients were staying three times longer than group training clients. With the data providing clarity, it was time to decide to move to the semi-private training model. Even though some people didn't like it, it was the best decision for the business.

    That's just one example of how data can help gym owners make the hard decisions.

    In this episode, Tim and Randy explore how data can inform and guide decision-making, even in the most challenging situations.

    Join the conversation!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Emotional ties to business decisions (01:19)
    • Analyzing client retention and segmentation (03:50)
    • The data-driven decision to shift focus to semi-private training (05:54)
    • Higher retention and revenue from semi-private clients (10:14)
    • Handling client backlash and making tough decisions (13:05)
    • Importance of continuous innovation and data analysis (14:30)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    20 mins
  • Don't Underestimate The Task At Hand
    Jul 16 2024

    As a gym owner, have you ever wondered why some clients stay with you for years while others come and go?

    Many gym owners underestimate this task by assuming immediate readiness from prospects without proper engagement. Converting a prospect into a paying client who will stick with you for a long time requires a lot of nurturing.

    The vast majority of potential gym clients are unaware of their need for your services or haven't considered your gym as a solution.

    Tim and Randy stress the importance of understanding where potential clients are in their awareness journey. From being completely unaware to being fully aware of their fitness needs and solutions.

    Once you understand this, you’ll appreciate more the importance of initial consultations over free classes and many other approaches.

    Tune in to learn some proven strategies that will help you build a thriving gym with a steady stream of loyal clients.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • The complexity of converting strangers into clients (01:11)
    • Importance of educational content and value-based marketing (03:09)
    • Awareness Triangle and targeting clients (08:49)
    • Creating nutrition guides using local restaurant menus (10:40)
    • Significance of initial consultations (18:59)
    • Long-term nurture strategies for client retention (17:46)
    • Testing and tweaking marketing strategies (20:06)
    • Conclusion and call to action (20:27)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    21 mins
  • Are You 50% of The Way There
    Jul 11 2024

    It's July! This is a crucial time to take stock. Have you achieved 50% of the goals you set for your gym in January? Are you on pace to hit your targets?

    If not, where are you falling short, and what adjustments can you make to get back on track?

    If you haven't been tracking your gym's performance, now's the wake-up call you need. Without goals and data, success becomes entirely random.

    Data allows you to adjust your strategy mid-year. Maybe a marketing campaign needs a refresh, or perhaps it's time to introduce a new pricing structure.

    Remember, this is about your livelihood. Your gym likely supports your family and your lifestyle. Take control and ensure your hard work translates into success.

    In this episode, Tim and Randy remind you to check your numbers and if you're not happy with them, course-correct and make the rest of the year a true success story.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Setting financial goals based on lifestyle (01:32)
    • Importance of real-time revenue tracking (02:49)
    • Sustainable growth vs. desperation marketing (10:11)
    • Misleading marketing in the fitness industry (13:33)
    • Financial literacy and understanding profit margins (17:23)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    22 mins
  • Don’t Fall In Love With Your Own Product
    Jul 9 2024

    Have you ever questioned if your gym's training model is really the best for your clients?

    It's easy to fall in love with the training modality or business model you've created, even when it isn't delivering the best results for your clients.

    The gym owners who succeed are the ones willing to evolve their business to suit their client's needs as well as ensure long-term business success.

    While high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been popular recently, research suggests strength training is still the most effective way to build muscle and burn fat.

    Large group training gyms struggle to provide the personalized attention and safety measures needed for strength training.

    Client retention is another important factor. Clients who don't see results are unlikely to stay with a gym. Strength training offers a proven method for achieving lasting fitness goals.

    In this episode, Tim and Randy explain why gym owners must be willing to adapt their training models and offerings, even if it means letting go of a model they've fallen in love with.

    Curious to learn more?

    Tune in to this episode!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • The danger of falling in love with your product (00:33)
    • Tim's story of changing his gym model (01:53)
    • Importance of strength training for all fitness goals (03:27)
    • Challenges with high-intensity training gyms (05:59)
    • Example of successful model transition (14:23)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    17 mins
  • When You Drank Enough Kool-Aid
    Jul 4 2024

    Have you ever felt frustrated by clients who come for free trials but never commit? You’re definitely not alone.

    Many gym owners think free trials are the golden ticket to new memberships. But they’re wrong.

    Free trials attract low-quality leads and devalue the services your gym offers. You might get a bunch of potential clients, but they are often people who could never afford your services in other ways.

    Or even if they could, they won’t see the value of your offer. At the end of the day, why would they pay for something they got once for free?

    In this episode, Tim and Randy explain why free trials might be sabotaging your gym's success and offer an alternative that is healthier for your gym business.

    Curious to learn more?

    Tune in to this episode!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Discussing echo chambers (01:34)
    • Critique on free trials (03:11)
    • CrossFit business model flaws (04:50)
    • Alternatives to free trials (08:51)
    • Value of diverse business practices (13:30)
    • Importance of profitability (14:47)
    • Iron Circle mastermind insights (15:10)
    • Value of paid trials (21:09)
    • Questioning traditional practices (28:38)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    30 mins
  • Facebook Marketing Is Dead - Do This Instead
    Jul 2 2024

    More and more gym owners are realizing that Facebook marketing isn't what it used to be. Even though many still depend heavily on it, this shift can be a chance to explore more effective ways to reach new clients.

    This episode introduces a tool that offers gym owners much better results than they could ever expect from Facebook ads. Tim and Randy sit down with David Carroll, founder of DOPE Marketing, which specializes in direct mail and data-driven marketing strategies.

    Yes, direct mail probably makes you immediately think of the inefficiencies of traditional campaigns. But David's company has developed software that streamlines the process and enables this old-school method to make a huge comeback.

    Imagine being able to send personalized mail to your ideal clients without barely lifting a finger.

    This is exactly what David's software makes possible. Combining direct mail with modern digital tools, this software can help gym owners create comprehensive marketing strategies based on informed decisions.

    It allows gym owners to use data to better target marketing efforts and reach the most promising potential clients, saving gyms (and other similar businesses) tons of time and money.

    Curious to learn more about this powerful marketing software? Tune in for the full conversation and learn how it can breathe new life into your marketing strategy.

    Let's dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Who is David Carroll (00:42)
    • Background on DOPE Marketing (02:18)
    • Benefits of targeted direct mail (05:19)
    • Using data to identify ideal customers (11:25)
    • Strategies for re-engaging past clients (18:25)
    • Neighborhood targeting for new clients (21:29)
    • Special birthday campaign ideas (22:48)
    • Importance of data-driven marketing decisions (26:39)
    • Simplification of business through data (31:51)

    Additional Resources:

    - Check out DOPE Marketing website to learn more about their software

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    33 mins
  • Client Theft: Stop Trainers From Stealing Your Members
    Jun 27 2024

    Almost every gym owner has been there: a personal trainer leaves and takes clients with them. Some of them were in this situation more than once.

    It's a huge issue in the fitness industry, and a major headache. How do you stop trainers from walking away with your clients?

    Sure, contracts are one way to handle it, but if your gym doesn’t have a solid system to keep clients loyal, no contract can save you from the loss of clients or the costs of endless legal battles.

    This episode, Tim and Randy are sharing four strategies they've successfully used in their gym to tackle this problem. They’ll discuss how to create a loyalty to your gym that keeps clients around even if their go-to trainer leaves.

    Tune in to find out how to keep your gym's client base solid and your business stable, no matter who comes and goes.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Early bird tickets for the Chicago Growth Summit (00:54)
    • Client theft - the biggest issue in the fitness industry (03:03)
    • Understanding perspectives: coach vs. client vs. gym owner (08:26)
    • W-2 employees vs. 1099 contractors (12:34)
    • Ensure clients know results come from the gym, not the coach (15:16)
    • Use your own software (Semi-Private Pro) (16:50)
    • Switching trainer schedules & maintaining consistent client experiences (18:26)
    • Open communication and support for coaches (22:55)
    • Recap (26:17)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    28 mins
  • Coach Up To Avoid This
    Jun 25 2024

    Many gym owners are chained to their gym. Maybe not literally, but no matter how hard they work, they can't step away without everything falling apart.

    In addition to lacking systems, doing everything on their own, and micromanaging, one of the main reasons for this is because they are constantly stepping in to cover for missing staff. These gym owners are always the go-to person for every little thing — from fixing toilets to making sales calls.

    Are you recognizing yourself in this picture? Then this episode is the one you don’t want to miss because Tim and Randy discuss how to break this cycle.

    One of the crucial things is to train coaches to take on higher responsibilities - to step up, handle sales, manage clients, and generally keep operations running smoothly.

    This way, not only will you avoid having to jump back into operations, but you also empower your staff and show them a clear path for their career growth.

    And that’s a win-win situation: Your coaches get to develop new skills and advance in their careers, and you get the freedom to focus on the bigger picture and business development.

    Tim and Randy refer to this concept as "coaching up," whereas "backfilling down" refers to the owner stepping in to cover operational gaps.

    If you tune in, you’ll learn more about these two concepts. You’ll also find out why it’s not enough just to coach up if you haven’t built comprehensive systems and SOPs and why it’s crucial that your operations can run smoothly, even if a key team member is unavailable.

    Tim and Randy have made this episode short, but packed with pure gems - join them and see for yourself!

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Coaching up concept (01:38)
    • Empowering coaches with additional skills (06:23)
    • Creating career growth paths for staff (08:45)
    • The reality of owner dependence (11:23)
    • Practical steps to implement coaching up (12:37)
    • Recap (13:30)

    Additional Resources:

    - Win an InBody 380 body composition scanner

    - Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

    - ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group

    - An app designed for semi private training - Semi Private Pro

    - Business Accelerator Program winninggym.com/call

    - Learn more about The Iron Circle

    - Jump on a call with Randy


    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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    12 mins