• The Difference Between Training and Development
    Jul 23 2024

    "Development's hard. You have to have the guts to sit down and talk to somebody and tell them some hard news sometimes. Training's easy. Everybody loves the training. It's just learning something."

    Key Moments

    01:20 Uniqueness of training vs development

    03:23 Learning through training vs. development of personal growth and behavior

    06:54 Positive feedback creates more secure and productive employees

    11:38 Cockerell Academy courses available as standalone courses on CockerellStore.com



    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Leaders everywhere need to have a strong understanding of the difference between development and correction. In a 2016 episode of Creating Disney Magic Jody and I talked about training and development. During this conversation we dive deeper into the difference between development and correction.

    As I grew as a leader I became more clear on the differences between development vs. Training. Training is the easier part—it's about making sure your employees are learning specific skills. That means someone is teaching a skill or a task. Development, on the other hand, is individualized and focuses on personal growth and behavior. One-size-fits-all training can't replace the tailored, one-on-one interactions that true development requires.

    There is a correction as part of development. Effective development isn't just about correcting mistakes; it's about building a person up. Praise and positive feedback play a vital role in fostering a good attitude and encouraging continual improvement.

    Leaders can make sure they are creating the right environment through intentional training. People are more likely to develop positively when they feel valued and cared for. Your job as a leader isn't just to correct behavior but to create a culture where individuals can flourish.

    Check out the full episode for more on how you can create a supportive environment that drives both personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on this essential conversation.

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    13 mins
  • Add a Plus to the Work You Do
    Jul 16 2024

    "Always do what they expect and then give them something they don't expect. A little plus it up. Give them a little bit more."

    Key Moments

    02:00 Overcoming insecurity through experience and hospitality.

    05:44 Exceed expectations by adding a little extra.

    09:05 Appreciate the little things makes life happier.

    12:20 Avoiding PowerPoint in presentations to increase engagement.

    15:55 More ways to learn from Lee


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    It felt like time to take a walk down memory lane to revisit a never-before-heard episode. Jody and I recorded for the very first time together at the 2015 Podcast Movement. This throwback episode highlights timeless lessons on leadership, management, and customer service.

    Three key takeaways from the episode:

    Embrace Connection: At conferences or any networking events, don't shy away from introducing yourself. Building relationships and connecting with others can lead to invaluable learning experiences and opportunities.

    Plus It Up: Inspired by Walt Disney's philosophy, always strive to give a little extra in everything you do. Whether it's adding a thoughtful touch or going the extra mile, those small efforts can leave a lasting impression.

    The Power of Small Things: Often, it's not the grand gestures but the small, consistent acts of kindness and appreciation that build strong relationships and a positive work environment. Focus on the little things, and the big things will take care of themselves.

    Catch the full episode for more ways to create magic in your organization.

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    18 mins
  • Be Clear About What it is Like to Work With You
    Jul 10 2024

    "If you're not doing a good job, I'm going to speak to you about it. If you're doing a good job, I'm going to tell you about it. That's how we work around here

    In hiring, clarity is key. Lay it out upfront: the hard work, long hours, and expectations. Magic happens not by chance but by setting clear, honest expectations. Be transparent to avoid disappointment later.

    Entry-level work can be brutal. It's essential to prepare newcomers for the reality they’re stepping into. At Disney, we show them all aspects of the job, not just the glamorous parts. Honesty builds stronger teams. One way of making sure you build strong teams is by starting with strong training and setting expectations. They aren't just corporate buzzwords; they're fundamentals. If the team fails, often it's on leadership for not being clear or thorough enough. Train well and communicate often.

    Professionalism goes beyond skill. It’s showing up, looking presentable, and acting the part. We can't assume new hires know the basics. Outline every detail, no matter how small. Better over-informed than underprepared. Every role, from housekeeper to manager, deserves clear communication about what it entails. Sugarcoating helps no one. Respect your team by being brutally honest about the work ahead. Authenticity breeds trust and success.

    Remember, we're not just hiring bodies. We’re shaping futures, and the clearer we are, the more successful they’ll be. Let’s make sure they know everything they need to thrive.

    Make sure to listen to episode 509 "Be Clear About What it Is Like to Work With You" for more on setting clear expectations up front.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    About Jody Maberry

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Key Moments

    01:03 Frustrations with work, lack of promotion, stress, and discontent.

    05:49 Performance depends on clarity with training and expectations.

    08:33 Be on time and excel for advancement.

    09:27 Differences in generational knowledge and awareness.

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    12 mins
  • Don't Underestimate What You Can Accomplish
    Jul 2 2024

    "Don't underestimate the influence you have every day on other people around you."

    Key Moments

    01:14 Family and Leadership

    04:06 The Importance of Building Strong Family Relationships

    08:19 Sharing Knowledge and Experiences

    11:27 The Importance of Hard Decisions

    13:53 Power of Influence


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Don't Underestimate What You Can Accomplish

    Leadership starts at home. Parenting taught me clarity and trust. A while back my son, Daniel Cockerell, interviewed me about leadership and parenting. It was recorded during the early days of Dan’s own podcasting venture. Our conversation highlights leadership lessons from a variety of personal and professional experiences.

    Whether you are a parent or in a management role it is imerative to have clarity and consistency. Providing clear expectations and addressing issues head-on is crucial. It builds trust and ensures everyone knows where they stand. The key is finding the balance between being serious and showing love.

    One thing I learned over the years is that kids and employees like to know the bigger picture and their role in it. They love to ask, "why?" Everyone’s contribution makes a difference when they see the broader impact of their work. It doesn't matter is they are a parking enforcement officer, hospitality worker, or child at school. They want to understand the greater purpose behind the work they are being asked to do.

    Often people overestimate what they can accomplish in a day and underestimate what they can accomplish in a year. Stay focused on long-term goals while acknowledging daily progress. Remember, your actions today shape the future. Don’t underestimate the influence you have on those around you and the things that you can accomplish. Lead by example and share your wisdom to leave a lasting positive impact.

    Make sure to listen to this episode to her Dan and I talk about navigating leadership, parenting, and how to not underestimate what you can accomplish. Then go take a vacation so you are well rested and ready to take on all the demands of your work. Call Magical Vacation Planners at 407-442-2694 to help you. They can accomplish a lot when it comes to planning your ideal trip.

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    17 mins
  • Build Relationships Before You Need Them
    Jun 25 2024

    "Make sure you're doing things for other people long before you're going to ask them to do something for you."

    Key Moments

    01:24 Building Meaningful Professional Relationships

    04:57 How to Handle Unresponsive Colleagues

    06:31 The Power of a Phone Call or Face to Face Conversation in a Digital Age

    07:43 Impact of Personal Stress on Leadership


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Build Relationships Before You Need Them

    A crucial aspect of leadership and management is building relationships before you need them. When a someone takes the time to build relationships across departments, they ensure seamless collaboration when the time comes. Throughout my years as a leader, including an executive with The Walt Disney Company, I learned a number of practical strategies that maintain strong connections and while also making sure everyone is held accountable.

    Everyone needs to recognize that proactive relationship building is always valuable. Develop strong connections with colleagues outside your department long before you need their help. Invest time in genuine interactions—have a casual lunch, send a thank-you note, or simply check in. These small gestures accumulate and solidify a foundation of trust and mutual support.

    When you need to delegate tasks outside your department, be persistent yet considerate. This is not as challenging to do when you have already built a relationship and have an empathetic lens. Humor and directness can go a long way in breaking resistance. There are times you will have to push through the obstacles, but always maintain a respectful and understanding demeanor towards others' pressures and workloads.

    In our digital age, it’s easy to rely on emails and texts. Switch things up and prioritize communication over convenience. Picking up the phone or having face-to-face conversations can resolve issues more effectively and save time. Direct communication makes sure everyone has clarity and shows your commitment to collaboration.

    Whether you're in management, customer service, or just interested on leadership advice, this episode is an important one. If you are ready to create magic in your organization, make sure to listen. By the end you will be ready to build relationships that will pave the way for smoother operations and enhanced cooperation.

    Magical Vacation Planners does a great job of building relationships. When you are ready for a vacation reach out to them. Once you meet their team you will know why you will want them to plan every trip you take. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    11 mins
  • Helping an Employee Deal with Burnout
    Jun 18 2024

    "I think 99% of the time, they don't tell you everything that is causing that, and maybe they don't even know."

    Key Moments

    01:52 Effective Communication in the Workplace

    02:46 The Impact of Workplace Pressure

    05:34 Overcoming Fear in Your Career

    07:58 The Power of Checking In


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Helping an Employee Deal with Burnout

    One topic that resonates with many professionals is employee burnout. Someone recently reached out with concerns about an employee feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. It is a reality many employees and leaders face. However, it is important to recognize that it is not just about one stressor. Burnout is often due to a combination of personal & professional pressures. Identifying the root cause is key.

    Key takeaways from this episode:

    • Understand the Underlying Issues: Often, burnout isn’t just about the current workload. It can stem from personal issues or a lack of balance. It's crucial to have open and honest conversations to uncover the root causes.
    • Maintain an Open Dialogue: Consistently check in with your team members. Don't wait for them to come to you; actively engage in discussions about their well-being and potential stressors.
    • Promote a Supportive Culture: Create a workplace environment where employees feel valued and heard. Sometimes, just knowing they have your support can ease feelings of burnout and anxiety.

    Some experience burnout more intensely than others so it is important to know how to handle it. From understanding the underlying causes of burnout to practical solutions for alleviating stress, this episode provides guidance to help you support your team members effectively.

    If planning a vacation has you feeling burnt out, let our friends at Magical Vacation Planner handle the details so you can truly relax. Make sure you reach out to them at 407-442-2694.

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    9 mins
  • Dealing with Bad Meetings
    Jun 11 2024

    “Leaders need to recognize how important it is to have trust and involvement and being inclusive, and especially appreciating people telling you the truth."

    Key Moments

    03:14 Mishandled meetings lead to a toxic culture.

    05:15 Empower employees, listen, learn, and succeed.

    07:08 Navigating the choice to improve or accept a bad workplace situation.

    09:54 Responding to constructive criticism as a leader.

    12:04 Impact of implementing pre-shift meetings

    13:45 Recapping the art of effective meetings


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Dealing with Bad Meetings

    One way to create a toxic environment and drive away talent is to lead with a “my way or the highway” style. Recently a listener reached out with a question about dealing with bad meetings. The meetings she mentions are so bad that employees now call their meetings the “you suck meeting.” This term was coined by employees frustrated by the negative and authoritarian style of their morning meetings. Unfortunately, culture issues like this can develop in any workplace if leadership doesn't strive for positive and inclusive communication.

    If you are ever in a toxic workplace situation and are on your way out, consider writing a helpful and constructive note. Let leadership know the impact of their approach. They may not even realize how their actions are driving away good employees. Workplace information delivered the right way can spark change. On the flip side, if you are staying in a workplace with a toxic culture you are going to have to face a hard truth. You either deal with the environment or start looking for a better one.

    Leaders need to pay attention. Creating a toxic atmosphere drives away talent. When an employee gives feedback it is important to be open to it. When you create an environment where people feel included in meetings you are less likey to get to a point where your meetings are no longer deemed effective. There are two essential questions to include in your next pre-shift meeting. What do I need to know to help you do a better job? What do you want to be working on? Empower your team through involvement and support.

    If you want to be average, let it go. If you want to be great, everything matters. Aim for greatness. And remember that every detail counts.

    To make sure you have a great vacation make sure you reach out to Magical Vacation Planners. Let them plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    15 mins
  • Great Leaders Ask Questions
    Jun 4 2024

    "Something I learned from Al Weiss was if you don't understand something, ask questions."

    Key Moments

    01:10 Questions from 500th episode that are focused on Disney

    02:49 Importance of asking questions in leadership

    06:25 Opening day of "Euro Disney" had challenges with multinational staff

    09:31 Disney enforcing professional uniform and appearance standards.

    11:08 Value of sharing knowledge across generations.

    15:31 Experience and exposure opens eyes to new career paths and possibilities.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Great Leaders Ask Questions

    During our live recording for episode 500 people asked a lot of questions in the chat. Any time someone asks a question I appreciate it. Years ago while working at Disney I realized that great leaders ask questions. During this episode we answer more questions about my years working for Disney, including who taught me to ask questions.

    When I moved to Florida from Paris I worked closely with the president of Walt Disney World, Al Weiss. Al's clarity, financial acumen, and insistence on understanding the details really shaped my approach to leadership. The company has great attention to detail, which is brought to life through hard work and clear communication from leaders. Those were key in making big moments happen, such as the opening of what was then called Euro Disney. Disney's commitment to clear expectations, training, and professionalism are the keys to creating Disney magic over and over again.

    One of the best parts of being retired and now teaching, speaking, and conducting workshops on more leadership and management lessons like these. I get a lot of joy in passing on valuable knowledge to individuals of all ages. Not only here in businesses and schools, but in locations like Mexico and Brazil. There are always stories and lessons to share after so many years working for an organization like Disney. Let me know how I can help your organization create their own version of Disney magic.

    Make sure to listen to this episode and find ways you can apply the lessons in your own work environment. Whether it's asking more questions to gain clarity, maintaining high standards, or finding opportunities to pass on knowledge to others. Creating a plan is the first step in creating magic.

    Another step to take is to reach out to Magical Vacation Planners. Let them plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694 so they can help you create magic on your trip.

    Show more Show less
    17 mins