
  • Ser la oveja negra
    Jul 10 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Ser la oveja negra - To be the black sheep.

    Similar: "To be the black sheep of the family"

    Meaning: To be the odd one out, the rebel, or the nonconformist in a group, often implying someone who doesn't fit in or follow the norms. This idiom originates from the idea that a black sheep in a flock of white sheep would stand out as different and unusual. It's a metaphor for someone who deviates from the expectations or norms of their family, social group, or community, often in a way that is seen as unconventional or rebellious.

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  • Echarle leña al fuego
    Jul 9 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Echarle leña al fuego - To throw wood on the fire.

    Similar: To add fuel to the fire.

    Meaning: To make a bad situation worse by saying or doing something that intensifies or escalates the conflict or problem. Use this when someone's words or actions contribute to aggravating an already tense or difficult situation instead of resolving it.

    It is particularly useful when you want to warn someone against exacerbating an already volatile or delicate situation through their behavior or remarks.

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  • Estar en la luna
    Jul 8 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Estar en la luna - To be on the moon.

    Similar: To have one's head in the clouds

    Meaning: To be distracted, daydreaming, or unaware of one's surroundings.

    Best used when someone seems completely absorbed in their thoughts and oblivious to what's happening around them. It's a lighthearted way to point out that their mind is elsewhere.

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  • Pan comido
    Jul 5 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Pan comido - Eaten bread.

    Similar to: "A piece of cake" or "A walk in the park"

    Meaning: Something that is very easy or simple to do or accomplish.

    It likens an easy task or situation to something as simple and effortless as eating bread. Bread is a basic food that requires little effort to consume, so comparing a challenge to "eaten bread" implies that it's straightforward and requires minimal effort or difficulty.

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  • De tal palo, tal astilla
    Jul 4 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    De tal palo, tal astilla - From such a stick, such a splinter.

    Similar to: "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree" or “Like Father, Like Son”.

    Meaning: Children typically inherit qualities or behaviors from their parents. Have you ever noticed how kids can be little carbon copies of their parents sometimes? Well, that's what this idiom refers to - that a splinter from a particular piece of wood is going to be just like that wood. Just like children often turn out similar to their parents. Like parent, like child as they say! The apple doesn't fall far.

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  • Buscar 5 patas al gato
    Jul 3 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Buscar 5 patas al gato - To look for 5 legs on the cat.

    Similar: “To go looking for trouble.”

    Meaning: To unnecessarily complicate a simple matter or situation by overthinking it. Or trying to find trouble or problems where there aren’t any. This is based on the fact that cats have four legs, so looking for a fifth leg on a cat is an exercise in futility and unnecessary complication. It's a humorous way of saying that someone is making a simple matter more complex than it needs to be by overanalyzing or finding issues where there are none.

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  • Por si las moscas
    Jul 2 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Por si las moscas - In case of flies.

    Similar to: "Just in case" or "As a precaution"

    Meaning: To take preventive measures or precautions against potential problems or situations, even if they seem unlikely. The origin is uncertain, but it may be related to the idea of shooing away flies or protecting oneself from their potential annoyance or harm. Over time, the phrase came to represent taking preemptive action or being prepared for unexpected circumstances, no matter how improbable they may seem.

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  • Soltar la sopa
    Jul 1 2024

    Spanish idiom / Dicho del dia:

    Soltar la sopa - To release or spill the soup.

    Similar: "To spilling the tea” or “Spilling the beans" or “Letting the cat out of the bag”.

    Meaning: To share the latest gossip or reveal a secret or other confidential information,

    often unintentionally or carelessly. This paints a picture of accidentally spilling or dropping a bowl of soup, representing the unintentional release of sensitive information. It's a metaphor for carelessly revealing a secret or divulging confidential details that were meant to be kept private.

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