
  • When the Season is Over, Close the Chapter
    Mar 8 2024
    • Childbirth education and lack of recognition from evidence-based birth organization. 0:02
    • Ravae and Denise discuss their podcast updates, current events in the birth space, and advocacy for safe and comfortable spaces.
    • Denise Bolds and 5 other women, including 2 black women, have been working on a Longitudinal Study to improve birth outcomes for black and brown families.
    • Despite their efforts, they have received little recognition or support from Evidence Based Birth, including being asked to present at their conference.
    • Black History Month and DEI efforts in the birth work community. 4:16
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the erosion of Black History Month and Juneteenth celebrations in corporate America, with a focus on the lack of commitment from white leadership organizations.
    • The two doulas highlight the importance of 365 blackness and the need for white organizations to be mindful of their actions and commit to supporting black vendors and promoting black history throughout the year.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses the lack of attention and action around Black History Month, despite previous claims of support from allies.
    • Denise Bolds joins the conversation, sharing her own experiences with pain and the need for acknowledgement and addressing of systemic issues.
    • Leadership and communication in a maternal health organization. 9:04
    • Denise and Ravae discuss Rebecca's sudden dismissal of their work without explanation, despite previous support and collaboration.
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss the importance of proper communication and leadership in the Black birth worker community, with a focus on building relationships and acknowledging the work of older, more experienced individuals.
    • Denise Bolds expresses frustration with younger doulas who don't understand the history of the work and don't want to acknowledge the contributions of older, more experienced individuals.
    • Ravae Sinclair shares her frustration with the abrupt and disrespectful manner in which she was removed from a leadership role in a community organization.
    • The speaker and others agree that it's important for leaders to do better in treating volunteers with respect and care, especially when transitioning them out of their roles.
    • Building relationships and maintaining influence in the workplace. 16:46
    • Denise Bolds reflects on her experience with EPB and acknowledges the need to move on, feeling undervalued and unappreciated despite her contributions.
    • Ravae Sinclair shares similar experiences of being transitioned out of spaces and recognizes the importance of containing those experiences for future growth.
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of being mindful of who you build relationships with in your business and personal life.
    • She shares her experience of intentionally limiting her interactions with certain people who have not been supportive or respectful, and reassessing those relationships yearly.
    • Letting go of toxic relationships and trusting God's plan. 21:27
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss outgrowing people and relationships, with Denise sharing her experience of resigning from several organizations and Ravae offering tips for those in similar situations.
    • Ravae Sinclair reflects on a situation where someone suddenly ghosted them after years of close connection, highlighting the need to recognize and respect people's boundaries.
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the importance of recognizing signs of closure in personal relationships and moving on when necessary.
    • They share their experiences with betrayal and how it can take time to catch up and move forward.
    • Ravae Sinclair shares her experience of building relationships in business,...
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    36 mins
  • The Leadership Edition- Calling Up, Calling Out
    Feb 27 2024
    • Doula referrals in a Facebook group. 0:00
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss common issues on social media related to birth work and leadership.
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss a post in a Facebook group for doulas of color where a request for referrals for a "high profile or celebrity burning person" was made in the middle of the day on February 6.
    • The original poster asked a doula to tag a colleague in central New Jersey, but the doula tagged an agency owner instead, leading to confusion and negative commentary in the thread.
    • Professionalism and authenticity in the birth worker community. 3:26
    • Ravae Sinclair and Emily were discussing a client in a public thread when Emily tagged blindsided, a doula, in the comment.
    • Blindsided replied to the comment, stating that it's not an issue of respect but authenticity, and her doula work is professional and discreet.
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes authenticity in doula work and referrals.
    • Ravae Sinclair shares her reaction to a negative exchange between two leaders in the birth worker community on social media, finding it sad and throwing her off during a positive moment.
    • Denise comments on the impact of such interactions on the people watching, highlighting the importance of professionalism and leadership in the community.
    • Using social media responsibly and avoiding negativity. 9:43
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the negative consequences of using social media to direct passive aggression towards someone, rather than having a private conversation.
    • Ravae Sinclair expresses frustration with a public conversation between two colleagues, feeling it was unnecessary and unpleasant.
    • Sinclair suggests that difficult conversations should be handled in private or with a small supportive group, rather than in a public space.
    • Social media etiquette and backstabbing. 14:22
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the negative impact of social media on black maternal health disparities, including the potential for passive aggression and hostility when tagging someone in a post.
    • The speakers emphasize the importance of being mindful of the potential consequences of tagging someone in a social media post, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like race and reproductive health.
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the concept of "karma" and how it relates to a person who has been mistreated, with Ravae expressing her belief that the person will ultimately ruin their own opportunities through their actions.
    • Ravae shares her observations of the person's behavior, including their tendency to backstab and lack of loyalty, and how it has affected their relationships and opportunities.
    • Ravae Sinclair expresses frustration with a recent incident in which someone was publicly criticized and believes it's a symptom of a larger problem in the birth worker space of not holding each other accountable for our actions.
    • Denise Bolds agrees that there is a lack of accountability in the space and notes that it's important to call people in and hold them responsible for their behavior, but also recognizes that it's not always easy to know how to do this in a constructive way.
    • Trust and accountability in the doula community. 23:11
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the importance of accountability in the birth work industry, with a focus on trustworthiness and reliability.
    • They share examples of unethical behavior, such as a doula who took money for childbirth education but didn't provide the class, and a midwife who stole money from black birth workers.
    • Denise Bolds discusses a Black doula who falsely claimed to have helped New York State doulas get their Medicaid certification, and how this has caused...
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    33 mins
  • The Katt Is Out The Bag- It's the Year of Reveal
    Feb 20 2024

    · Katt Williams' comedy special and 2024's revealing themes. 0:00

    o Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss Katt Williams' comedy special, which they find refreshing and relevant to current events.

    o They emphasize the importance of owning up to one's actions and being held accountable for hurting or stealing from others.

    · Monique's career and race in the entertainment industry. 3:00

    o Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss Mo’Nique's experience as a Black woman in the entertainment industry, with Denise expressing support for her truth-telling and Ravae acknowledging the challenges of parenting and forgiveness for Black women.

    o Denise and Ravae analyze Mo’Nique's situation, highlighting the double standards faced by Black women in the industry and the lack of forgiveness for their choices.

    o Mo’Nique discusses the challenges of being a Black woman in the entertainment industry, including the pressure to be perfect and the lack of collaboration between Black women in the same profession.

    o Mo’Nique shares her personal experience of being mistreated by Oprah Winfrey, highlighting the need for Black women to work together and not see each other as competition.

    · Black maternal health disparities and corruption in the medical industry. 7:27

    o Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss how gossip and misinformation can spread quickly in their community, leading to schisms and conflicts.

    o Both women prioritize truth and evidence in their interactions, seeking to collaborate and serve families in a more effective and compassionate manner.

    o Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss the financial gain from Black maternal health disparities, with Bolds noting that eradicating the issue would result in a billion-dollar loss for various industries.

    o Bolds also mentions that there are towns built around prisons in upstate New York, highlighting the economic benefits of incarceration.

    o Denise Bolds shares a story of a client who was induced by a doctor despite wanting a spontaneous vaginal birth, highlighting the need for doulas to advocate for their clients' choices.

    o Bolds offers a certified training program for doulas to learn how to negotiate and advocate in instances of inductions, emphasizing the importance of empowering Black women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

    · Bait and switch tactics in obstetrics. 14:52

    o Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss a doctor's unethical behavior towards a client, including bait-and-switch tactics and prioritizing financial gain over patient care.

    o Denise Bolds, a doula, helps the client navigate the situation by reminding her of her birth preferences and encouraging her to trust her body, ultimately leading to a successful and empowering birth experience.

    o Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss a client's experience with a Black OB who tried to bait and switch her, highlighting the importance of awareness and precautions when choosing a provider.

    o The doulas emphasize the value of having a supportive team during childbirth, particularly in navigating unexpected scenarios and ensuring a positive experience.

    o Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss how the pandemic has changed the birth arena, with some positive and negative impacts.

    o They highlight the power dynamics between hospitals and birth workers, with hospitals controlling and regulating birth, while birth workers are seen as a...

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    35 mins
  • The Lifestyle of Being a Doula & Virtual Doula Support
    Feb 11 2024

    Balancing doula work with family life as a single mom. 0:00

    • Aspiring doula struggles with balancing work and family as a single mom to young children.
    • Challenges of being a single parent and doula. 2:09
    • Single parents face significant stress, and adding on-call responsibilities may not improve quality of life.
    • Plan ahead for childcare during nighttime calls as a doula.
    • Doula work, business tips, and bartering. 5:21
    • Ravae Sinclair suggests creating a business that supports birthing and postpartum families, such as meal prep or childbirth education, to help balance work and family life.
    • Denise Bolds adds that there is a growing market for nutrition and meal prep services, and that skills in yoga, fitness, or art therapy can also be applied to the parenting space.
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss the option of bartering as a way for doulas to receive payment for their services, with Denise sharing her experience of not having much experience with bartering in New York City.
    • Both Ravae and Denise agree that paying doula services off in installments is a more common practice in their area.
    • Contracts and exchanges in birth doula work. 10:53
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of written contracts for exchanging services, especially when it comes to rural families trading goods or services.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses challenges with upfront payments for birth and postpartum work, including the risk of non-refundable contracts and PayPal refunds.
    • Birth work excellence and virtual doula support. 13:49
    • Ravae emphasizes the importance of providing value to clients immediately after contract signing.
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the importance of responsiveness in client communication, particularly when it comes to exchanging deposits and manifesting energy.
    • Ravae emphasizes the need to be proactive and set up the next steps for clients, such as sending an email with links and a welcome packet, to ensure a smooth onboarding process.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses virtual doula support reducing C-sections by 60%, with a higher impact on black women.
    • Virtual doula work and its challenges. 19:52
    • Denise Bolds highlights the importance of assessment skills in virtual doula work, using her experience as a social worker to provide valuable insights.
    • Virtual doula work has become more prevalent since the pandemic, with successful businesses emerging globally, despite initial skepticism.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses the challenges of virtual doula work, including disruptions from technology and lack of continuity in support.
    • Sinclair highlights the importance of being able to see and observe the birthing person and their support system in virtual doula work.
    • Virtual doula work and pricing. 24:30
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of experience and anticipation in virtual birth support, using her own expertise to help families prepare and navigate the process.
    • Sinclair navigates tech challenges and preps partners for physical aspects of birth, while also maintaining a consistent and connected presence for families.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses the challenges of virtual doula work, including relying on others for physical comfort measures and communication.
    • Sinclair believes virtual doula support should not be priced the same as in-person support due to the differences in workload and responsibilities.
    • Virtual doula work and pricing. 28:51
    • Denise Bolds emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience and assessment skills for virtual doulas, citing her own 10-year experience with over 287 births.
    • Ravae Sinclair disagrees, arguing that lower prices for virtual
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    47 mins
  • Evaluating Birth Work Courses, Trainings & Legal Contracts
    Feb 4 2024
    • Evaluating quality of doula courses. 0:00
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss the importance of vetting courses for quality education in the birth and postpartum industry.
    • They share their concerns about the lack of reliable information and poor communication in some courses, highlighting the need for a trustworthy platform for continuing education.
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss tips for evaluating the credibility of online doula courses, including Google searching the instructor and asking mentors or peers for recommendations.
    • They also caution against relying solely on online reviews or testimonials, as they may be biased or unreliable.
    • Evaluating birth work courses and trainers. 5:20
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of researching a potential birth worker's connections and reach, as well as their sensibility and experience in the field.
    • Denise Bolds agrees, highlighting the value of checking a person's social media presence and online presence to gauge their expertise and experience in the birth work space.
    • Ravae Sinclair provides a checklist for evaluating online courses, including researching the instructor, checking for contact hours, and verifying the course's organization and objectives.
    • Denise Bolds emphasizes the importance of considering the course's platforms, contact hours, and potential for leveraging credentials in building a practice.
    • Doula training and accounting for cash payments. 10:25
    • Doulas must be diligent in avoiding fraudulent trainings and certifications.
    • Ravae Sinclair advises doulas to use receipt books to account for cash payments, while Denise Bolds suggests using apps for digital receipts.
    • Contracts for birth workers with legal advice. 13:57
    • Ravae Sinclair advises doulas on contracts and their importance for business legitimacy.
    • Ravae Sinclair provides legal advice to a client, emphasizing the importance of using a licensed attorney in the client's state to review contracts to ensure compliance with state law.
    • Denise Bolds expresses surprise at the importance of having a licensed attorney review contracts, and Ravae Sinclair explains the benefits of using a lawyer who is licensed in the client's state.
    • Legal contracts for doulas and birth workers. 18:25
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of having a customized contract for doulas and birth workers, rather than relying on templates or DIY approaches.
    • She suggests investing in a professional contract template, even if it's a small investment, to ensure legal protection and avoid potential risks.
    • Ravae and Denise discuss the importance of self-care and goal-setting for birth workers, with a focus on the end of the year and preparing for 2024.
    • Self-care and community support for doulas. 23:01
    • Find a supportive community to replenish energy and prevent burnout in birth work.
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss their podcast and upcoming plans for 2024, including inviting guests and answering questions in a live Q&A.
    • They express gratitude for their collaboration and look forward to supporting their audience in the new year.

    The New Doula Course Vetting Checklist

    1) Google Them

    2) Ask folks about them

    3) Check their social media

    4) Get the course outline and objectives

    5) Call them- talk with them, get acquainted!

    6) Get Contact hours- leverage!


    How to find us:

    Ravae Sinclair @birthconnections and natlbirthpostpartumpros

    Denise Bolds @BoldDoula and @blackwomendovbac

    Website: www.doulathatpodcast.com


    Platforms: Apple, Spotify,...

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    28 mins
  • End of The Year/Beginning of the Year Tips for Doulas
    Jan 28 2024
    • Backup doula coverage during holiday season. 0:04
    • Be ready for the end of the year with induction times, weather considerations, and illness preparation.
    • Choose a backup doula early and get their commitment in writing to ensure peace of mind during emergency situations.
    • Prepare the family for potential switch from in-person to virtual support if needed, and activate the backup doula as a last resort.
    • Ravae Sinclair advises preparing families for potential illnesses and discussing backup doula coverage during the season.
    • Denise Bolds emphasizes the importance of having a plan for inductions and clear communication with providers to avoid unwanted interventions.
    • End-of-year prep for doulas, including email management and self-care. 6:21
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss end-of-year tasks, including inventory management, tax preparation, and email cleaning.
    • Organize emails by archiving older ones and creating a "23" folder for searchability.
    • Ravae Sinclair suggests using an out-of-office message to set expectations and provide a link to a birth doula service, while also including a personal touch to show professionalism.
    • Ravae and Denise Bolds discuss the benefits of taking a nap during the day, including recalibrating energy levels and feeling cozy and relaxed.
    • A viral video of a mother dancing provocatively at a party. 12:41
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss a viral video of a man dancing with a woman at a formal event, with the woman's back turned and her hips gyrating in a provocative manner.
    • The hosts analyze the video, finding it enjoyable and impressive, but also noting that it could be seen as inappropriate or disrespectful due to the woman's lack of consent.
    • Ravae Sinclair observes a son's reaction to his mother's provocative dancing, finding it heartbreaking and noting the lack of attention given to his emotions.
    • Denise Bolds shares her thoughts on the situation, agreeing with Ravae's assessment and finding it sad that no one addressed the son's hurt.
    • Blending personal and professional life in birth work. 17:10
    • Denise Bolds shares her experience as a black single mom raising her son Jordan, highlighting the societal pressure on black men to become the man of the house.
    • Denise and Ravae Sinclair discuss the importance of maintaining boundaries and being a good role model for their children, with Denise emphasizing the need to be a responsible and present mother.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses the blending of personal and professional online, highlighting the importance of maintaining a consistent brand image for businesses in the birth work industry.
    • Sinclair suggests that birth workers may need to elevate and make shifts in their online presence to provide consistency and predictability for clients, while also maintaining a personal connection.
    • Ravae Sinclair advises business owners to be mindful of their online presence, as a lack of privacy settings and personal content can repel potential customers.
    • Sinclair suggests creating separate personal and business social media accounts to maintain privacy and professionalism.
    • Social media consistency for business owners. 25:06
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the importance of maintaining a professional image on social media, with Denise sharing her approach of only posting business-related content and Ravae agreeing that she only posts minimal personal content.
    • Denise and Ravae suggest considering a separate page for personal and business content, and reflecting on how they want to show up privately versus publicly.
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss the importance of consistency in social media for businesses, highlighting the "know, like, trust" factor...
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    33 mins
  • One Year Look Back: The Abrupt Dismissal from DONA International's Board (recorded on April 11, 2023)
    Jan 1 2024
    • The impact of leadership change on doula career and black maternal health. 0:09
    • Ravae Sinclair reflects on the abrupt transition out of leadership with DONA International and its impact on her doula career and the Black maternal health crisis.
    • Race and dysfunction in a doula organization. 1:30
    • Denise Bolds shares her personal experience with disappointment and betrayal after a unanimous vote to prioritize black birth workers was ignored by some board members.
    • Ravae Sinclair echoes Denise's shock and disbelief at the lack of follow-through on initiatives to uplift Black birth workers, despite unanimous support from the board.
    • Ravae Sinclair felt relieved and liberated after leaving a dysfunctional organization, realizing the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of personal relationships.
    • Denise Bolds experienced a harsh lesson on personal growth and relationships, recognizing the need to prioritize self-care and set boundaries in toxic situations.
    • Organizational dysfunction and resistance to change. 6:41
    • Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss their experiences in a dysfunctional organization, with Ravae realizing she's good at operating in dysfunction and Denise mentioning the importance of negating not just the board but also the management office.
    • DONA's leadership faced criticism for prioritizing financial interests over cultural fit and diversity.
    • Organization prioritizes white privilege over equity and change, despite harmful past actions.
    • Diversity and inclusion in a non-profit organization. 12:17
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss experiences with racism and bias in DONA International, with Bolds sharing how the organization's leadership was resistant to change.
    • Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and supporting marginalized groups within the organization.
    • Denise Bolds was motivated to continue Ravae's work as leadership due to the benefits she received from the new web page and policies.
    • Denise refused to fire Ravae despite board members' requests, leading to bullying and harassment.
    • Race, power dynamics, and betrayal in a non-profit organization. 18:12
    • Denise Bolds refused to comply with the board's request to terminate the community doula program, leading to her removal from the board.
    • Ravae Sinclair questioned the board's decision to mix the termination of the contract with Denise's role on the board, feeling it was a separate issue.
    • Ravae Sinclair expresses outrage at being removed from a board and not being paid for contract work, despite years of free labor, and accuses the organization of not valuing Black women.
    • Sinclair questions the organization's credibility in providing training and workshops on black maternal health when they cannot honor their contract with a black woman.
    • Race and leadership in a doula organization. 23:15
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discussed the challenges of implementing innovative ideas in a predominantly white organization, with Denise Bolds expressing frustration at the fear and intimidation they faced.
    • The two women highlighted the importance of providing valuable member benefits, such as legal support and tech support, to enhance the lifestyle, work, and skills of paying members.
    • Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss their dismissal from the board of DONA, with Bolds criticizing the lack of member involvement and Sinclair expressing frustration with the lack of accountability.
    • Bolds and Sinclair argue that the organization is not member-led, with Bolds stating that she has yet to see what is better than her leading the group.
    • Leadership and backstabbing in a non-profit organization. 28:15
    • Ravae...
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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • Aspiring Doula Tips & Virtual Doula Support
    Dec 12 2023

    · Balancing doula work with family life as a single mom. 0:00

    o Aspiring doula struggles with balancing work and family responsibilities as a single mom to young children.

    · Challenges of being a single parent and doula. 2:09

    o Single mom of a five-year-old faces stress as a primary caregiver and seeks support for safety net and community.

    o Consider creating a childcare plan with a neighbor or co-op to support each other during late-night calls.

    · Doula work, business tips, and bartering. 5:21

    o Ravae Sinclair suggests creating a business that supports birthing and postpartum families, such as meal prep or childbirth education, to help balance work and family life.

    o Denise Bolds adds that there is a growing market for nutrition and meal prep services, and that skills in areas like yoga or art therapy can also be applied to parenting and family development.

    o Ravae Sinclair and Denise Bolds discuss the option of bartering as a way for doulas to receive payment for their services, but Denise notes that this is not a common practice in New York City due to the limited availability of doulas and the need for them to work independently.

    o Both Ravae and Denise agree that paying doula services off in installments is a more common practice in their area, with families paying for services as they receive them rather than all at once.

    · Contracts and exchanges in birth doula work. 10:53

    o Ravae Sinclair emphasizes the importance of written contracts for exchanging goods or services.

    o Ravae Sinclair discusses challenges with upfront payments for birth and postpartum work, including the risk of non-refundable contracts and PayPal refunds.

    · Birth work excellence and virtual doula support. 13:49

    o Start services ASAP to avoid losing potential clients.

    o Denise Bolds and Ravae Sinclair discuss the importance of promptly responding to clients and providing clear instructions for the next steps in the onboarding process.

    o They emphasize the need to be responsive and proactive in communicating with clients, especially when it comes to exchanging deposits and initiating the onboarding process.

    o Ravae Sinclair discusses virtual doula support reducing C-sections by 60%, with a higher impact on Black women.

    · Virtual doula work challenges and skills. 19:52

    o Denise Bolds highlights the importance of assessment skills in virtual doula work, using her experience as a social worker to provide valuable insights.

    o Virtual doula work has become more prevalent since the pandemic, with successful cases in various locations, despite initial skepticism.

    o Ravae Sinclair discusses the challenges of virtual doula work, including disruptions from technology and lack of continuity in support.

    o Denise Bolds emphasizes the importance of being able to see and read people's emotions and reactions in real-time, which can be difficult with virtual technology.

    o Ravae Sinclair shares her experience as a virtual doula, navigating technical issues and preparing partners for birth while remote.

    o Ravae emphasizes the importance of staying connected and consistent for virtual doula work, especially for inexperienced practitioners.

    Virtual Doula (part 2)


    • Pricing for virtual doula services vs in-person support.
    • Ravae Sinclair discusses...
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    47 mins