• Fitness & Time - the two things that "get away" from you!
    Nov 23 2020

    This is a BIG announcement! 

    Feminine Fitness Program 

    Early Bird Pricing

    Intentional Priority Program

    Joelle on Instagram 

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    10 mins
  • The BEST workouts for your cycle. Follicular & Ovulation
    Nov 19 2020

    Today I am talking about what workouts are best to support our body through the follicular and ovulation phases. We must cycle sync our workouts to what phase we are to see the best results with the least amount of effort. 

    Joelle on Instagram 

    Feminine Fitness Client Waitlist 

    Protea Supplements - Joelle takes Stress Defy and Baseline+ 

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    9 mins
  • How to start syncing with your cycle!
    Nov 12 2020

    So starting out we want to get you to square one with cycle syncing. Once you have gotten in sync with your body then you can approach your health and fitness goals. You can start working out smarter not harder. You can stop dieting and start nourishing your body with the particular phase in mind. This will help with better energy and digestion as well.


    Joelle on Instagram

    Protea Supplements

    Facebook Group

    Feminine Fitness Waitlist

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    16 mins
  • Significant other & your cycle - will they understand or think you're crazy?
    Nov 9 2020

    This podcast episode is about do we need to and how to we share about our feminine cycle with our spouses. Its about me knowing what is going on with my body, mind, and hormones and making small changes. A lot of times men won’t want to know or won’t be receptive to it because they don’t understand because they are not going through it. And in my opinion we can sync with our cycles, make changes that support our flow, and the men in our lives don’t even have to know. And not because we need to feel shame about having a period, because I feel no shame in talking about what my body does and goes through its just that we as women have to take the self empowerment first. I feel like often times women hold themselves back if their man does not fully “support” her. You don’t need your man to support what is going on with your hormones. That is the power that lies within you.

    So here are some tips on how I have synced with my cycle, made life changes that have impacted my relationships, and sometimes my spouse is aware of what’s going on but most of the time he isn’t.


    Feminine Fitness Waitlist

    Joelle on Instagram

    Facebook Community

    Protea Supplements - Stress Defy and Baseline+ are Joelle’s favorites.


    ** The content in Feminine Fitness Podcast - mind, body, & cycle syncing is for information only, not a guarantee of outcome. Information is gathered and shared from reputable sources, however no individuals should use the information, resources, or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self treat any health- related condition. Never disregard medical professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Always consult your doctor before starting any new lifestyle changes in fitness and nutrition. **


    "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."

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    15 mins
  • Why you lose motivation to workout and eat healthy!!!
    Nov 3 2020

    How to become motivated to workout and get healthy? How can you find motivation to workout and eat healthy?

    Let me tell you how cycle syncing is the ultimate motivation hack for understanding why you fall off the bandwagon of health and fitness.



    Joelle on Instagram

    Facebook Group

    Feminine Fitness Waitlist


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    9 mins
  • FEMININE FITNESS - why the podcast is changing.
    Oct 27 2020

    Welcome my friend to episode 1 season 2 of the podcast. We are making a big pivot with this one going from Intentional Productivity Podcast into Feminine Fitness - mind, body. & cycle syncing. This podcast is a show for women who want to align their health and fitness goals with our hormones. If you feel like health and fitness is always a fight against your body, subscribe to the show, because I am going to be teaching simple tips that you can easily implement into your life that make a big difference. I have seen a huge change in how my body looks and how I feel since aligning my workouts and food with my cycle. This isn’t “woo woo” this is how our body was created and instead of working against it like society tells us to or suppress what is going we are going to use it as our super power to enhance every area our life.


    Joelle on Instagram

    Facebook Community


    ** The content in Feminine Fitness Podcast - mind, body, & cycle syncing is for information only, not a guarantee of outcome. Information is gathered and shared from reputable sources, however no individuals should use the information, resources, or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self treat any health- related condition. Never disregard medical professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Always consult your doctor before starting any new lifestyle changes in fitness and nutrition. **

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    11 mins
  • Completely OVERWHELMED & drained! What to do when things feel like too much.
    Oct 20 2020

    Right now a lot of feelings are happening especially with the circumstances that are happening around us. Today I want to talk about the feeling of being completely overwhelmed and chaotic. I know that we can go into “fix it” and “doing” things to change how we are feeling. Before we get doing the to dos lets talk about our mindset.

    Joelle on Instagram 

    Facebook Community 

    Intentional Priority Planner

    Intentional Priorities Course 

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    14 mins
  • FOCUS - stop getting distracted so you are more productive!
    Oct 13 2020

    Today’s podcast episode is going to give you tips on how to stay focused. As women we tend to multitask all the time. But bouncing around from one thing to the next takes more time and energy than just focusing on one thing at a time.

    Especially when you are working from home it can be very distracting because you get side tracked by the mess, dishes, or laundry which sends you into a random task of organizing the entry closet and you wonder how in the world did so much time go by but nothing got done. Here are my tips for getting productive and staying focused on a task at hand.


    Joelle on Instagram

    Free Facebook Group

    @gocleanco on Instagram if you are not following them you should.

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    14 mins