
  • Self Care vs. Self Indulgence - How to tell the Difference
    May 29 2023

    #SelfCare is a huge topic and blessedly we are talking more and more about the importance of it. However, there is a fine line between self-care, self-indulgence, buffering and even self-sabotage.

    That glass of wine. Working out, Over-eating. Are they self-care or self-indulgence?

    In this episode we dive into how to know whether you are truly practicing self-love or if you're fooling yourself and ultimately undermining your goals.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Judgement: What I learned from my f’ed up week
    May 12 2023

    I had one helluva a week! Over-eating, over-drinking, over-thinking, and basically breaking every coaching practice and self-development technique I've ever learned.

    I share what happened, the good, bad, ugly and the judgement. I also share why this imperfect week maybe been one of the most important weeks I could've ever had and how it was a blessing in disguise.

    Learn how you can work with me and sign up for a free consultation at jenroecoaching.com or email me at jenroecoaching@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Get Results Now
    May 1 2023

    We set goals and we have dreams so why aren't we getting the results we want? In this episode I will provide you with some easy steps that will help you to stop talking about and start actually achieving the results you want!

    If you are interested in one on one mindset coaching and assistance in getting the results you want, be sure to visit my website at jenroecoaching.com to learn how to work with me!

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Words Matter
    Apr 24 2023

    In this short episode I explore how the way we say things to ourselves can make all the difference. If you have ever heard yourself dreadfully think, "I really should go workout," Or "I really should order the salad instead of the burger", then my dear friend, you are should-ing all over yourself.

    We also explore the concept of asking for permission vs. forgiveness.

    If you are interested in one on one coaching or signing up for one of my upcoming group coaching groups. Visit me at Jenroecoaching.com for more information.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Why Your Affirmations aren’t Working
    Apr 16 2023

    Affirmations can be an amazing tool to help manage your negative thoughts, strengthen your self belief and propel you towards your goals. However, it can be disheartening when you feel they aren't working and have become a waste of time and effort.

    If that sounds like you, then listen up! This episode is for you.

    In this episode I will explain why your affirmations may not be working and how to create affirmations that will help you move in the direction you seek.

    Reach out to me to share your affirmations, find out information about how we can work together or just to say hi.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Get off the Hot Mess Express
    Apr 9 2023

    It's time to get off the hot mess express!

    Clutter. It's everywhere. It's in our environment, our thoughts and our calendars. This episode deep dives into the importance of taking out the literal and figurative crap that is taking up space and blocking us from moving forward mentally, physically and emotionally. Clear the weeds and let's go.

    Apple subscribers, if you're enjoying this podcast, be sure to leave a review! And if you're interested in learning how to work with me, visit my website at jenroecoaching.com

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Stop Letting the Past Sabotage Your Future!
    Apr 2 2023

    Our brains are often so worried about the past, we fail to look forward. Even worse, our brains love to take the past and make it mean we can't do something.

    We look at the past and maybe see failed diet attempts, failed businesses or failed relationships. Our brains like to act like this means you will fail again - it's a sneaky thought that we often don't catch but it's a thought that is standing in your way.

    Past thinking can seriously sabotage your future. Join me to learn how to stop past thinking and how to start looking forward.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • How to Get Unstuck
    Mar 21 2023

    Trying to lose weight? Start a new career? Form a new habit? It's frustrating when we are going along, just trying to reach our goals, and find ourselves just stuck. Here are some of the reasons you might be getting stuck and how to handle them.

    Please reach out to me if you need help getting unstuck and want to learn more about working with me at jenroecoaching@gmail.com. And if you are enjoying what you're hearing please leave a review!

    Más Menos
    19 m