• How to publish your book
    Sep 4 2024

    In this conversation, Peter Anthony interviews Michele DeFilippo, an expert in self-publishing. They discuss the benefits of having a published book for business owners and entrepreneurs, the challenges of writing and self-publishing a book, and the services provided by Michele's publishing company. The main steps in the publishing process are editing, cover design, typesetting, proofreading, and printing. Michele emphasizes the importance of professional services and the misconception that a traditional publisher is necessary. In this conversation, Peter Anthony and Michele DeFilippo discuss the process of publishing books, focusing on printed books and e-books. They cover topics such as choosing keywords and descriptions for book listings, the best platforms for publishing books (including Amazon and IngramSpark), the benefits of self-publishing, the importance of maintaining control over your book, and the option of creating audiobooks. Michele also shares her own book, 'Publish Like the Pros,' which provides an overview of the publishing industry.


    Having a published book is a great way for business owners and entrepreneurs to showcase their expertise and tell their customers more about their business.

    The biggest challenge in self-publishing is finding accurate information online and understanding that a traditional publisher is not necessary.

    The publishing process involves steps such as editing, cover design, typesetting, proofreading, and printing.

    Professional services, such as editing and book design, are crucial for creating a high-quality book.

    Authors should focus on writing their manuscript and then seek help from experts in the publishing industry. Choose keywords and descriptions carefully when listing your book on platforms like Amazon.

    Consider using both Amazon's KDP and IngramSpark for the widest distribution and lowest cost.

    Self-publishing allows authors to maintain control over their books.

    Audiobooks can be created as an additional format for your book.

    Michele DeFilippo offers a book called 'Publish Like the Pros' that provides an overview of the publishing industry.

    Sound Bites

    "It's a great way to tell your customers about your business."

    "A book is kind of like a college diploma. It proves that you were able to put in four years worth of effort."

    "Independent publishing means you are the publisher and you don't need a publisher."

    "By using both of these platforms together, you get the widest distribution at the lowest cost."

    "We can do all sorts of things for people. We can build a website. We can help you with your audio book. We can help with marketing and promotion, whatever the author needs."

    "I normally recommend a professional narrator because they just do, they know how to breathe and they're trained and they know how to make the book come to life in a way that most people just can't do."



    Introduction and the Popularity of Writing Books


    Challenges of Self-Publishing and the Misconception of Needing a Traditional Publisher


    The Step-by-Step Publishing Process: Editing, Cover Design, Typesetting, Proofreading, and Printing


    The Importance of Professional Services in Self-Publishing


    The Benefits of Self-Publishing


    Maintaining Control Over Your Book


    Introducing 'Publish Like the Pros'

    Find Michele here:




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    32 mins
  • Business Growth Architect
    Sep 2 2024

    Beate Chelette, a growth architect, helps businesses in the building, growth, and scale phases. She takes a holistic approach, mapping out the terrain, identifying the target audience, and creating a strategy for success. She advises against pursuing ideas that have no chance of success, such as converting coffee table books into eBooks. Instead, she encourages finding unique and viable ideas, like developing an ethical AI-powered retail search engine or creating an online tutoring platform. In the growth stage, it's crucial to understand the market and adapt to changing conditions. Beate emphasizes the importance of understanding the language and needs of the target audience and leveraging AI to gain insights and improve communication. In this conversation, Beate Chelette and Peter Anthony discuss the role of ego and spirituality in entrepreneurship. They explore how ego can hinder an entrepreneur's success and the importance of being clear about one's motivations and goals. Beate shares her personal journey of integrating spirituality into her coaching and consulting work, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of why entrepreneurs do what they do. They also discuss the impact-driven approach to business and the importance of aligning one's business with their values and purpose.


    A growth architect helps businesses in the building, growth, and scale phases by mapping out the terrain and creating a strategy for success.

    It's important to pursue unique and viable ideas that solve specific problems and have a target audience.

    In the growth stage, businesses need to understand the market and adapt to changing conditions.

    Understanding the language and needs of the target audience is crucial for success.

    AI can be leveraged to gain insights and improve communication with the target audience. Ego can be a hindrance to an entrepreneur's success, as it can lead to a lack of self-awareness and an overestimation of one's abilities.

    Being clear about one's motivations and goals is essential in entrepreneurship, as it helps to align actions with purpose and values.

    Integrating spirituality into coaching and consulting can lead to deeper insights and a more meaningful approach to business.

    Successful entrepreneurs are often driven by a desire to make a positive impact and leave a legacy beyond financial success.

    Aligning one's business with their values and purpose is crucial for long-term success and fulfillment.



    The Role of a Growth Architect


    Finding Unique and Viable Ideas


    Monetizing Podcasts and Niche Markets


    Ethical AI and Retail Search Engines


    Adapting to Changing Market Conditions


    Leveraging AI for Insights and Communication


    The Role of Ego in Entrepreneurship


    Integrating Spirituality into Coaching and Consulting


    The Impact-Driven Approach to Business


    Aligning Business with Values and Purpose

    You can find Beate here:

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    41 mins
  • Heros Journey Coaching
    Aug 23 2024

    The conversation explores the concept of the hero's journey and its application in coaching individuals and businesses. The hero's journey is a pattern found in myths and stories across cultures and time. It involves stepping into the unknown, facing obstacles, and ultimately transforming or discovering one's true self. The conversation also delves into the power of storytelling and the connection between the head, heart, and gut in shaping our experiences. The importance of beginning with the end in mind and creating a compelling future story is emphasized. Courage is highlighted as a key trait of heroes on their journey. The conversation explores the concept of the hero's journey and how it can be applied to individuals, leaders, and organizations. It also touches on the idea of superhero coaching and the importance of addressing grief in the process of change. The conversation concludes with advice on how to approach life using the hero's journey archetype.
    hero's journey, coaching, myths, storytelling, transformation, future story, courage, hero's journey, superhero coaching, change, grief, leadership, organizations
    The hero's journey is a universal pattern found in myths and stories across cultures and time.
    The hero's journey involves stepping into the unknown, facing obstacles, and ultimately transforming or discovering one's true self.
    Storytelling is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.
    Creating a compelling future story and beginning with the end in mind can shape our experiences and help us achieve our goals.
    Courage is a key trait of heroes on their journey. The hero's journey is not about being invincible, but about being vulnerable and relatable.
    Planning is not enough when embarking on a journey of change; it requires continuous preparation and adaptation.
    In organizations, storytelling and shared vision are crucial for successful change.
    Grief is often neglected in the process of change and should be addressed and acknowledged.
    Everyone has the potential to be a hero and can draw inspiration from their own personal superheroes.
    Being conscious and intentional about staying on the path of change makes it easier to navigate.
    Courage on the Hero's Journey
    Creating a Compelling Future Story Embracing the Hero's Journey in Life
    Preparing for Change: Beyond Planning

    About Brian Gorman
    Since first trying to convince Syracuse University to change its mascot from that of a Native American stereotype, the common thread in my journey has been change. At the personal level, I have gone from an introverted Eagle Scout as a college freshman, to a public speaker (including TEDx), author, podcast host, and podcast guest. At the organizational level I have been a change catalyst, consultant, and leader working with everything from startups to century-old global companies. At the social level, I have been an AIDS activist and LBGTQ+ rights activist, and volunteer with an organization that works to help heal child sexual abuse. My commitment is to share everything I know about moving through change with everyone I can in every way I know how even as I continue to learn and grow myself. Brians socials:

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    31 mins
  • Imposter Syndrome
    Jun 16 2024

    Imposter syndrome is a common experience where individuals feel like they don't deserve their success and fear being exposed as a fraud. It can be caused by various factors, including childhood experiences, attachment style, and societal expectations. People with imposter syndrome often have low self-esteem and struggle to acknowledge their achievements. They may constantly worry, downplay their accomplishments, and feel like they don't belong. Overcoming imposter syndrome involves acknowledging and challenging these feelings, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals.

    Key Takeaways

    Imposter syndrome is a common experience where individuals feel like they don't deserve their success and fear being exposed as a fraud.

    It can be caused by various factors, including childhood experiences, attachment style, and societal expectations.

    People with imposter syndrome often have low self-esteem and struggle to acknowledge their achievements.

    Overcoming imposter syndrome involves acknowledging and challenging these feelings, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals.



    Introduction to Imposter Syndrome


    Causes of Imposter Syndrome


    The Impact of Imposter Syndrome

    Find Ezgi here:

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    46 mins
  • Sales Psychology Decoded
    May 28 2024

    Psychometrics in sales can shed light on how individuals' traits and preferences affect their performance as salespeople. Psychometrics focused on sales activities and processes can help make salespeople more effective. Psychometrics have evolved over time, with the current model being the ocean model. Sales teams can have a mix of different people with different strengths and capabilities, and psychometrics can help identify and develop these traits. Psychometrics measure inclination, preference, and capabilities, providing insight into how individuals are likely to behave or perform in certain competencies or situations. The conversation explores the importance of understanding client traits and their effectiveness in sales. It emphasizes the need to coach each other within the organization and tailor sales approaches to fit the client's needs. The discussion also touches on the role of corporate culture and values in sales, the importance of diversity in sales teams, and the power of experiences in selling. Curiosity and care are highlighted as key traits for successful salespeople. In this final part of the conversation, Peter and AJ discuss the importance of understanding clients' preferences and needs in sales. They emphasize the need for personalized and evidence-driven sales approaches, rather than relying on generic techniques. They also highlight the value of conducting client surveys and closed-loss reviews to gather feedback and improve sales strategies. The conversation concludes with Peter expressing his appreciation for AJ's insights and offering contact details for those interested in his services.

    About our Guest Andrew Jones or 'AJ'

    "I am an Independent Consultant /Business Psychologist and coach selling my services into a wide range of organisations – my current business framework includes a blend of concurrent associateships with Psychometric Firms, Leadership development firms, Career Consultancies, and specialist boutique people development organisations – all of which seek to engender behaviour change in the workplace including Sales effectiveness and Consulting skills.

    I am unquenchably curious about people’s relationship with their work – independent of what they do for a living ! Particularly specialising on the correlations between personality and role and themes of motivation, employee engagement, and role satisfaction. Been using personality tools to enhance sales performance for over 20 years. "
    LinkedIn link

    Psychometrics in sales can help identify and develop individuals' traits and preferences that affect their performance.
    The ocean model is the current way of understanding how individuals differ and can be applied to sales teams.
    Psychometrics measure inclination, preference, and capabilities, providing insight into behavior and performance.
    Understanding individuals' traits and preferences can help sales leaders have more personalized conversations and develop effective sales strategies. Understanding client traits and their effectiveness is crucial in sales
    Coaching each other within the organization can lead to more effective sales approaches
    Tailoring sales approaches to fit the client's needs is essential
    Corporate culture and values play a significant role in sales
    Diversity in sales teams can lead to better decision-making
    Experiences are as important as services in sales
    Curiosity and care are key traits for successful salespeople Personalized and evidence-driven sales approaches are more effective than generic techniques.
    Conducting client surveys and closed-loss reviews can provide valuable feedback for improving sales strategies.
    Understanding clients' preferences and needs is crucial for building rapport and establishing an indispensable relationship.
    Clients are often willing to share their opinions and experiences when asked, so it

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • So you are an introvert?
    May 3 2024

    This conversation explores the definition and misconceptions of introversion. It highlights the strengths of introverts, such as deep thinking and expertise in specific areas. The conversation also addresses the relationship between introversion and shyness, as well as the concept of ambiverts. It emphasizes the value of introverts in networking and their preference for deeper relationships. The conversation delves into the thought process of introverts and the importance of confidence and preparation in communication. It also discusses the role of introverts in group settings and their contributions to decision making. The weaknesses of introverts, including recognition, acceptance, and perfectionism, are explored. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique qualities and contributions of introverts. This conversation explores the topics of working in our strengths, the conflict of strengths and sales, embracing introversion, overcoming shyness, introversion and deep thinking, accepting introversion, different facets of introversion, quiet and strong, understanding introversion, and introversion and pessimism.


    Introverts are deep thinkers and may also be deep feelers, with a preference for thinking before speaking.

    Introversion is not the same as shyness, and introverts can enjoy socializing and building relationships.

    Introverts have strengths in deep thinking, expertise, and the ability to contribute unique perspectives.

    Introverts may struggle with small talk and benefit from preparation and speaking early in group settings.

    Recognizing and accepting introversion is important, and introverts should embrace their natural abilities. Focus on working in your strengths to be most effective and happy.

    Embrace your introversion and use it to your advantage.

    Overcome shyness by understanding your unique gifts and building confidence.

    Introversion is not one-size-fits-all; there are different facets and strengths within introverted personalities.



    Defining Introversion


    Misconceptions about Introversion


    Introverts and Shyness


    Introverts and Ambiverts


    Introverts and Socializing


    Introverts and Deep Thinking


    Introverts' Expertise and Contributions


    Introverts' Value in Networking


    Introverts' Preference for Deeper Relationships


    Introverts' Approach to Socializing


    Introverts and Small Talk


    Introverts' Thought Process


    Introverts' Strengths in Conversations


    Introverts' Confidence and Preparation


    Introverts' Contributions in Group Settings


    Introverts' Thinking and Speaking Process


    Introverts' Integrity and Perfectionism


    Introverts' Confidence and Speaking Early


    Introverts' Contributions to Decision Making


    Introverts' Weaknesses: Recognition and Acceptance


    Introverts' Weaknesses: Thinking and Speaking


    Introverts' Weaknesses: Perfectionism


    Introverts' Strengths and Weaknesses


    Introverts' Weaknesses: Understanding and Embracing


    Introverts' Weaknesses: Rounding Out


    Working in Our Strengths


    The Conflict of Strengths and Sales


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    53 mins
  • Making Teams Work: Amanda Crews
    Apr 19 2024

    In this conversation, Amanda Crews and Peter Anthony discuss teams and transformation. They explore how organizations recognize the need for transformation and the importance of understanding the current and future state. They emphasize the significance of engaging individuals within the team and aligning their skills with their roles. The conversation also highlights the value of embracing diverse perspectives and creating psychological safety within the team. They discuss the challenges of virtual environments and the importance of fostering cohesiveness in virtual teams. In this conversation, Amanda Crews and Peter Anthony discuss the importance of recognizing and reinforcing team values, especially in a virtual environment. They explore the idea of creating a virtual award system to appreciate and motivate team members. Amanda emphasizes the need to maintain the human element in a virtual world and suggests various ways to do so. They also discuss the significance of appreciation and recognition in boosting team morale. The conversation delves into leading a team in transformation and the importance of unpacking individual excellence within the team. They highlight the impact of team dynamics on performance and the power of praise and recognition. Amanda and Peter also touch on the importance of diversity in teams and provide advice for engaging individuals in team transformation. Lastly, they discuss how to be a valuable team member in transformation and the importance of taking initiative and demonstrating engagement.

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    50 mins
  • Why Personality Matters: Stewart Desson
    Apr 11 2024

    Stewart Desson, CEO of Lumina Learning, shares his journey into psychometrics and the creation of Lumina's unique approach. He discusses the three personas in Lumina: underlying, everyday, and overextended, and how they provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's behavior. Desson emphasizes the importance of normalizing overextended behaviors and the value of emotional intelligence in adjusting behavior to build rapport and relationships. He also highlights Lumina's inclusivity and its ability to provide positive insights for neurodiverse individuals. Lumina's scientific engine and three persona approach set it apart as a beneficial psychometric tool. Stewart Desson discusses the use of technology to empower individuals and create a dialogue for exploration. The Lumina model focuses on emotional stability and the Big Five personality traits. The concept of neuroticism is reframed as overextension, and the importance of valuing diversity in teams is emphasized. Psychometrics can lead to better collaborative outcomes and high-performing teams. Overcoming command and control leadership is crucial for effective leadership development. Lumina is committed to ongoing research and using it to make interventions more successful. The future of Lumina involves helping organizations be more self-aware, productive, and effective.


    • Lumina's three persona approach (underlying, everyday, and overextended) provides a comprehensive understanding of an individual's behavior.
    • Normalizing overextended behaviors and emphasizing emotional intelligence can lead to better relationships and performance.
    • Lumina's psychometric tool is inclusive and provides positive insights for neurodiverse individuals.
    • The scientific engine and three persona approach make Lumina a unique and beneficial psychometric tool. Technology can be used to empower individuals and create a dialogue for exploration.
    • The Lumina model focuses on emotional stability and the Big Five personality traits.
    • Valuing diversity in teams leads to better collaborative outcomes and high-performing teams.
    • Overcoming command and control leadership is crucial for effective leadership development.


    Introduction and Early Interest in Psychometrics

    First Encounters with Psychometrics in Work Context

    The Lumina Model and Measuring Introversion and Extroversion

    The Three Personas in Lumina: Underlying, Everyday, and Overextended

    Understanding and Normalizing Overextended Behaviors

    Scientific Engine and Three Persona Approach

    Inclusivity and Neurodiversity in Lumina

    Empowering Individuals with Technology

    The Lumina Model and Emotional Stability

    The Big Five Personality Traits

    Handling Neuroticism in the Workplace

    Risk Reactors and Reward Reactors

    Balancing Optimism and Pessimism

    Valuing Diversity in Teams

    Psychometrics and Better Collaborative Outcomes

    Developing High-Performing Teams

    The Importance of Listening and Collaboration

    Overcoming Command and Control Leadership

    The Future of Lumina and Research

    Driving Performance and Effectiveness in Organizations

    Self-Awareness and Developmental Approaches

    The Relationship Between Productivity and Happiness

    Exploring Lumina and Psychometrics

    Embracing Lumina and the Scientific Engine

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    43 mins