• SELLING TO CRICKETS | How to sell online WITHOUT a big following
    Jun 24 2024

    How do I sell if I don’t have a following?

    It feels overwhelming and confusing about where to begin and how to invest your time. In this episode I’m sharing with you a quick n’ dirty guide to selling one of the most popular digital products out there – a course – even if your social media presence is tiny.

    In fact, I’d invite ANY entrepreneur launching a brand new product or service to listen to this one because these are key stages and steps that every successful business owner takes before selling online. I’ll also share BIG mistakes I made and how you can avoid them.

    In this business pod episode we talk:

    • Selling successfully with no following
    • The curse of sticking only with what you love
    • What makes an online product/service in demand
    • Why you should create AFTER selling
    • The one important customer every one forgets about

    Listen for support and helpful direction!

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    29 mins
  • YOUR AVENGERS MOMENT | Finding YOUR voice and purpose in business with Kay Fabella
    Jun 17 2024

    Do you ever feel like what you love and what makes money don’t fit in the same box?

    This is a conversation you can’t miss! We’re talking how to find your purpose, listen to your heart and have BIG impact. If you’re someone with multiple passions, listen closely because this one is all about creating a profitable business that ALIGNS>

    Our featured guest, Kay Fabella, is the founder of Inclusion in Progress and a long-time entrepreneur who started with side hustles and pivoted into a successful business.

    She shares her journey, her experience managing anxiety and depression as an entrepreneur and how important it is to create a business that honors both your energy and boundaries.

    In this episode:

    • Creating a business that aligns
    • Following your intuition and values
    • Making space to experiment, fail and pivot
    • Getting off of most social media
    • Staying curious and open to opportunities

    Listen for a deep breath of inspiration!

    Connect with Kay Fabella: www.inclusioninprogress.com
    More about Her First 3 Years: www.herfirst3years.com

    Grab Your FREE Profit Guide: 17 Ideas to Get Clients without Ads or Instagram


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    26 mins
  • LOVE BOMBING IN BUSINESS | Trusting Your Intuition and Telling Your Story with Georgiana Johnson
    Jun 10 2024

    Sometimes the best growth for your business comes from the inside…

    this is the inspiring story of an entrepreneur who dropped out of college, grew a fashion brand and now is facing a major pivot. Georgiana Johnson is the founder of Sukara, a beautiful clothing company based in Bali, with a mission to give back locally.

    I met her while traveling and fell in love with her products but was even more awed by her story. We talk about the amazing backstory of growing a successful business as well as the heart-wrenching moments of questioning will it work and placing trust in the wrong people.

    Listen for inspiration and that reminder that YOU are always the heart of your business.

    Grab Your FREE Profit Guide: 17 Ideas to Get Clients without Ads or Instagram


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    23 mins
  • MY BAD INVESTOR | How to scale your business WITHOUT money
    Jun 3 2024

    What if someone handed you a ton of money for your business, would it solve all of your problems?

    In this solo episode I’m sharing how a bad investor experience showed me the truth behind why we struggle to scale and it has nothing to do with money.

    We go into the deeper blocks to business growth and small shifts you can do right now to get to that next level without spending money you don’t yet have (but I know one day you will!)

    Listen for light-hearted inspiration - you know I’ll get you to laugh once!

    Grab Your FREE Profit Guide: 17 Ideas to Get Clients without Ads or Instagram


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    24 mins
  • HEAD TRASH | Overcoming perfectionism, overthinking & comparison in business with Nicole Kalil
    May 27 2024

    What’s the biggest block in your business?

    You might think it’s sales or marketing, maybe experience but the deeper cause, is YOU.

    Specifically, the thoughts that challenge your self-worth, self-belief and confidence. The mission of this episode is bring awareness to where you might be bringing yourself down with your inner critic, or as expert guest Nicole Kalil says, “the head trash.”

    Nicole is an inspiring entrepreneur and business woman who left C-suite corporate to start her own purpose-driven work. She’s now a top-ranked podcast host and founder of a powerful community of women ready to redefine life and careers on their own terms.

    In this business mindset episode we talk:

    • 5 blocks to inner confidence
    • Overcoming the unexpected in business
    • Creating a work environment that empowers YOU
    • Growing without social media
    • Finding & nurturing your community

    Listen for inspiration, laughs and that “hell yeah!!!” feeling.

    Connect with Nicole:
    Podcast: This is Woman's Work

    for more on this episode: www.herfirst3years.com

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    29 mins
  • GROWING A BUSINESS BABY | Building a community and finding the right business partner with Coaches Christine & Shelby
    May 20 2024

    Have you ever thought about a business partner? Someone to help you build a community TOGETHER?

    Entrepreneurship can be a lonely road but is the best boost another person on your team???

    I love this question because it’s not the same answer for every business owner. You have to dig deep and see if you’d grow better solo or as a team. To help give you perspective, coaches Shelby & Christine share how they built a thriving wellness community together.

    This is a journey from soul-sucking jobs to pursuing true passions. Christine’s shift into wellness started with a deeply personal caregiving experience, while Shelby found her calling in running and personal wellness during the pandemic.

    Their stories are not just inspiring but packed with real-life lessons on choosing the right business partner, building a supportive community and knowing when to step into your own path again. We talk all things business growth – from overcoming perfectionism to making courageous pivots.

    Listen for inspiration and a reminder that you are never really alone in this journey (because we’re all in this lovely entrepreneurship mess with you!)

    In this online business episode:

    *Building a thriving community together
    *What a business partnership looks like
    *Balancing perfectionism and productivity
    *Parenting the business baby you have
    *When to move on in your path

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    30 mins
  • F*** THE LIKES | How to Get Clients without Social Media
    May 13 2024

    Is it possible to grow without social media? For me it was the MOST frustrating part about having an online business. I was tired of the cold dms, the constant content creation and the pouring of my heart into work no one noticed. I was DETERMINED to find other ways to get clients.

    In this solo episode I’m sharing three alternatives to social media that brought me the best fit and most loyal clients. These are methods you’ve probably heard of but not quite this way.

    I also share an alternative way to think about social media that will get you excited to create again and less tired to the numbers.

    Listen for a different approach to finding your people, growing your community and feeling EXCITED about marketing, instead of frustrated!

    To sign up for the Podcast Guest Masterclass: https://chardetryel.com/visibility-masterclass

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    21 mins
  • TRUST THE PROCESS | Burnout, Business Pivots and Finding Joy in What You do with Lou Stokes
    May 6 2024

    What happens when you hit burnout? That overwhelming feeling when you’re doing all you can but something isn’t aligning, and entrepreneurship feels more like work and less like freedom?

    Entrepreneur Lou stokes shares her journey from frustration as a stylist to sustainable fashion thought leader, advocate and speaker. I’ve seen her amazing transformation from work she was good at to a calling she LOVES and aligns deeply with her values. This is such an important listen for any entrepreneur feeling the call to pivot their business but scared to try something new.

    We’re talking about what led to Lou’s burnout, how she successfully pivoted her business and her words of business wisdom on keeping balance between work, mission and well-being.

    In this online business episode:

    • Learning from failures & rejection
    • Aligning your business for more joy & less stress
    • Online burnout – what to do?
    • Pivoting your business
    • Prioritizing well-being & sustainability Listen for courage to change!

    Grab Your FREE Profit Guide: 17 Ideas to Get Clients without Ads or Instagram


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    27 mins