• 240: Forced Maturity
    Jul 31 2024
    Maturity is a good thing. Def: having reached the most advanced stage. Obviously not what we think, advanced stage. Mature is not about being serious or lacking fun. Immature: Not fully Developed. How We Think Development Happens It takes time…somewhat accurate. Maturity is gradual; but it is not inevitable. Development takes time; but time doesn’t mean develop is going to happen. How to Force Maturity You can force maturity through responsibility. Example: A friend (Robby Brown) & his level of maturity I’ve never met a mature person who carries no responsibility. The best way to bring people to development is to add responsibility. Conversation with a friend (Ward) on Leadership. Notes Proper responsibility will add strength, too much weight will cause it to crack. People vastly underestimate their ability to carry weight. Church Plant Days There is no such thing as leadership development that isn’t load bearing
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    21 mins
  • 239: Habits of Self-Awareness
    Jul 24 2024
    Intro-Quick Recap The danger of self-awareness becoming unbalanced Self-Awareness is not a gifting, it’s a set of habits and disciplines. Today: The Habits that bring self-awareness Read The Room How do people respond to you? Kindness can distort your view of reality. What is the response when you speak: Do people in? Do they look down? Don’t mistake authority for influence. What is the response when you enter: Energy go up or go down? Other Questions - Do people tease you? If they don’t, probably take yourself too seriously. - Do people confide in you? If they don’t, probably afraid of you. Key Question: What are the nonverbal cues to my presence? - Ask the Room - Quickest way to gain self-awareness. Favorite Question: What’s it like to be on the other side of me? Doing it is worth nothing, doing it right means everything! Don’t argue. Implement. Close Self-Awareness is a discipline. Two Habits to help you in that.
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    21 mins
  • 238: Don’t let this become unbalanced
    Jul 17 2024
    Intro We are not "balance" people. Obviously, some things need balanced: Today talk about self-awareness The Problem Give a picture of self-awareness: Ripple effects of your decisions and your presence. The problem is when others awareness of you exceeds your own level of self-awareness. What happens when that becomes unbalanced: You keep making messes that you're unaware of. You slow down because you always have to re-calibrate yourself to current reality. You will eventually lose your leadership. People will deal with a mess when you're winning, never when you're losing: Coaches What makes this so Tricky: Others, always, have a better a view of you than you do. Literally: YOU CAN'T SEE YOU! So you don't know what it's like when you enter the room, or leave it! Which means: Self-Awareness if not about gifting, it's about the discipline to gain that perspective. Not Gifting: When someone says, "I'm really self-aware", they're not. Or they were at one time, but they're not. There are habits of self-awareness that must be cultivated.
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    20 mins
  • 237: Two Words to Shorten Any Meeting
    Jul 10 2024
    Note: Purpose of this podcast is to save you time, we will do that and not go any longer than the content needs. - We all hate long, unproductive, meetings. - The two words: I agree! - Meetings are long because… People feel the need to weigh in and give their two cents; meetings are about better decisions because of a better perspective. People hide a lack of clarity of thought behind many words. If I wanted your perspective I would have asked, I want to know what you would do. - Implement this: Tell people, if you agree; say it. Then let’s move on.
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    9 mins
  • Intro - “Thinking Limitations” - The Limitation: We think Input vs Desired Outcome - Series coming up of “And Here’s Why…” The importance of outcome-based thinking. Where we Fail - Start: I want to accomplish this. (Goal or Desired Outcome) - Next: In order to do that, I need to do this. (Best Guess) - Discipline: I did what I set out to do. Issue: Did what you did do what you wanted it to do? Why You Need Outcome Thinking - Someone’s else’s input will have different results for you than them. Physically, Eating, Preparation, Education. Different Pieces - People say “Think Process, not goals”. - Yes, goals are only met through process. - But you must think process and goals. Goals: S.O.M.E. Goals (Outcome Based) - Activity and Outcome must always stay connected- but outcome matters more than activity. Exercise - Toyota: 5 Why’s: Get to the root of the problem and not just deal with the surface issue. - Outcome-Thinking: 5 So What’s. WIthin 5 you better be at the Vision.
    Jul 3 2024
    The Limitation: We think Input vs Desired Outcome Series coming up of “And Here’s Why…” The importance of outcome-based thinking. Where we Fail Start: I want to accomplish this. (Goal or Desired Outcome) Next: In order to do that, I need to do this. (Best Guess) Discipline: I did what I set out to do. Issue: Did what you did do what you wanted it to do? Why You Need Outcome Thinking Someone’s else’s input will have different results for you than them. Physically, Eating, Preparation, Education. Different Pieces People say “Think Process, not goals”. Yes, goals are only met through process. But you must think process and goals. Goals: S.O.M.E. Goals (Outcome Based) Activity and Outcome must always stay connected- but outcome matters more than activity. Exercise Toyota: 5 Why’s: Get to the root of the problem and not just deal with the surface issue. Outcome-Thinking: 5 So What’s. WIthin 5 you better be at the Vision.
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    22 mins
  • 235: Two Way Doors
    Jun 26 2024
    Intro: – Jeff Bezos idea on decisions: Two Way Doors and One Way Doors. – Implications How This Changes: – Pace: – One-Way: Slow – Two-Way: Relatively Quickly. Don’t need high confidence level, just some intuition. – People: – Two-Way: Few – One-Way: Many points of input. Not just for better decision-making but because we’ll all have to live in the reality. Failures: – We treat every decision like a two way, or a one way. – Two way Like a one way: – Unnecessarily waste time and get significantly behind. – Bad decision makers think they’re making decisions – One way like a two way – Resentment builds in. – Paint yourself into a corner.
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    21 mins
  • 234: Magic
    Jun 19 2024
    The magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding. Reality The thing I want to do; got me here. The thing I don’t want to do; will get me there. Questions: What do you do first? What do you put off last? Flip Them! Who are you drawn to first, who do you ask their opinion last? Flip Them! What project keeps coming on your “I need to get to” list. Do you keep pushing it back due to lack of impact or because of difficulty?
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    20 mins
  • 233: Learning Humility
    Jun 12 2024
    What Humility Is A fake lack of confidence Unawareness of your giftings Humility is the absence of pre-occupation with yourself. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, humility is thinking of yourself less. CS Lewis One Reason Humility Is So Important Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Humility reveals the gap that you can grow into. Important idea I used to think humility was the default and pride slowly crept in. I now believer that pride is the default, and humility has to be learned. Evidence: JJ Reddick & Lebron James podcast. Kids, Staff. We assume competency and mastery are much closer than they actually are. Learning Humility Part One People use the phrase "being humbled" "Humbled" comes at two moments: When ignorance meets competency When competency meets mastery Notes: Humbled does result in at least a short-term humility. You don't have to be humbled to be humble. Part Two Humility is a posture, humbled is an event. Humility is not being unaware of competency, it is believing you have more to learn to reach mastery. Key: I don't have to be around a master to grow in my mastery. I can learn it from anywhere. That's humility: I have room to grow and everyone can help me get there.
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    20 mins