• Ep. 28 Embrace Your Fear: The Power of Taking Action
    May 31 2023
    We're Back! I was taking a break from recording and really processing some big life transitions these past months but I am excited to be back and sharing with you all again. In this inspiring episode, we explore the transformative concept of feeling fear and doing it anyway. Facing our fears is crucial for personal growth and living a fulfilling life. Here are some reasons why it is important to face our fears: Overcoming limitations: Fear often creates self-imposed limitations that hold us back from reaching our full potential. By facing our fears, we challenge these limitations and open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences. Building resilience: Confronting our fears builds resilience and mental strength. When we face our fears, we develop the ability to cope with difficult situations and bounce back from setbacks. This resilience is essential for navigating the ups and downs of life. Expanding our comfort zone: Fear keeps us within our comfort zone, but growth happens outside of it. By facing our fears, we expand our comfort zone and become more comfortable with discomfort. This enables us to take on new challenges and embrace personal and professional growth. Gaining confidence: Each time we face and overcome a fear, our confidence grows. By proving to ourselves that we can handle difficult situations, we develop a sense of self-assurance that permeates all areas of our lives. This newfound confidence empowers us to take on bigger challenges and pursue our dreams. Discovering hidden potential: Many fears are rooted in the unknown or a lack of self-belief. By facing our fears, we unveil our hidden potential and realize that we are capable of far more than we initially thought. This process of self-discovery can lead to profound personal transformation. Expanding life experiences: Fear often prevents us from trying new things and exploring different aspects of life. By facing our fears, we open ourselves up to a wider range of experiences, which can enrich our lives, broaden our perspectives, and create lasting memories. Overcoming regret: Regret often stems from not taking action due to fear. By facing our fears and taking calculated risks, we reduce the likelihood of future regret. Even if things don't go as planned, we can take solace in the fact that we had the courage to try. Ultimately, facing our fears allows us to break free from the constraints that hold us back and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and personal fulfillment. It is through confronting our fears that we truly unlock our potential and create a life that aligns with our dreams and aspirations. Thanks for tuning in this week! If you like the episode please give it a rating and review and lets keep building this community together :) Instagram: @lifebeneaththeshallows @naia.litman --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    22 mins
  • Ep. 27 Dorian: Life is the medicine - Self acceptance, Activation & Embodying the work.
    Mar 30 2023

    Welcome back to Life Beneath The Shallows. This week I had the pleasure of chatting with Dorian, a photographer, creative, healer & beautiful soul. In this episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of travel, and how it can help us to embrace life's challenges and find greater self-acceptance. We also explore the fascinating world of plant medicine. Along the way, we'll learn about the importance of embodiment practices, and how they can help us to connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us. But that's not all - we also explore the role of the throat chakra in our ability to express ourselves authentically, and the vital importance of self-love and self-compassion on our personal growth journeys. We'll discuss the idea that humans are cyclical beings, and that learning to enjoy the journey is just as important as achieving our goals. This episode is sure to offer something valuable and inspiring. So sit back, relax, and get ready to explore the many wonders of the human experience. If you enjoyed it please leave us a rating and review to help us grow this community and promote authenticity and vulnerability in a world that deeply needs it! Dorian's IG Naia's IG Podcast IG Dorian's book recommendation: The Creative Act Of Being - by Rick Rubin

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Ep. 26 Five Tips For Navigating Grief
    Feb 16 2023

    Grief reminds us of the uncertainty life carries, it gets us to rethink everything we care about, to re-prioritize where we put our focus, who we talk to, and what we end up doing with our lives. Our temporary existence is somewhat reminded of us. What are we going to do with each day? Each hour? Each minute?

    Grief is painful. Grief is heavy. Losing someone you love is probably one of the most if not hardest things we have to experience in this human life. This week I tell you my tips for navigating grief, the right (and wrong) things to say to someone who is grieving, my experience with grief & more. If you are experiencing grief right now you are not alone. I hope this episode resonates. 

    I love you all. Thank you for tuning in this week. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here.

    My 5 tips for navigating grief:

    1. Let yourself FEEL, cry, sleep, scream, write, and shake. Things will trigger you, let yourself feel whatever comes up whenever it comes up, set a timer to allow yourself time to cry, and then when the timer goes off return to your day. Do this as many times as you need to until the energy dissipates.
    2. Talk to a therapist weekly or more if needed, and have someone who is trained on how to navigate grief, and who can help hold space for you.
    3. Celebrate the person, identity, or animal you are grieving, remember the beautiful memories, and feelings, honor the person, and have a celebration of life to honor this time.
    4. Find something to believe in after death, god, spirit, source, or ANYTHING that feels good to you.
    5. Talk about it, find a grief group, talk to friends, be vulnerable with those you feel safe with, express what is coming up for you, and let people know what feels good and doesn’t everyone is just trying to navigate it.


    Grief Info

    Grief Counseling


    Grief Counselors/Therapists

    EFT Tapping for Grief

    Ted Talk on Grief

    Podcast on Grief

    Reach out to me on IG: @naia.litman @lifebeneaththeshallows

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    34 mins
  • Ep. 25 Aligning to the frequency of your highest self
    Feb 2 2023

    Hi, soul fam!

    This week's episode is about aligning to the energetic frequency of your highest self, best self, dream life, etc.

    I am going through a transitional time in my life and this is something I am really focusing on as I make changes and new leaps.

    I hope you can relate to this episode please share it with someone you think would enjoy it!

    Instagrams: @lifebeneaththeshallows @naia.litman

    Tony Robbins Priming Exercise

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    24 mins
  • Ep. 24 Ryan Encinas: Bridging the gap between Western and Eastern Medicine
    Jan 26 2023

    Hi, soul family!

    This week we have a wonderful new guest Ryan Encinas. Ryan is a registered surgical nurse of 15 years who takes a balanced approach to health. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge of science and spirituality to help people find the modalities that resonate with them personally in their health journey. He is a lifelong student and is interested in Eastern, Western & Indigenous American philosophies. He is knowledgeable in Bio-Hacking, Physical Therapy, nutrition, energy healing work and so much more related to the field. When I met Ryan at the Fit For Service event, Arkadia, last year and knew I wanted to have him on the pod to pick his brain on the topic of health and wellness. 

    Some topics discussed:

    • mental health, spiritual health, physical health
    • supplement information
    • family gene codes
    • intuitive living

    Thank you for tuning in this week! Please share with a friend who would enjoy this, and if you enjoyed this episode please leave it a good rating and review to help us grow this community :) 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    • How to meet yourself workbook
    • Metabolical - Robert Lutstig
    • Symphony of Selves
    • How to do the work - Nicole LePera
    • Shilajit 
    • Root Cause Protocol
    • Cod Liver Oil

    Ryan's IG : @atx_holistic_rn

    Podcast IG: @lifebeneaththeshallows @naia.litman

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    1 hr and 40 mins
  • Ep. 23 Cristian Balcazar: Getting out of your head and into your heart.
    Jan 19 2023

    HI SOUL FAM! This week I have a new guest for you all, Cristian Balcazar.  Cristian is a good friend of mine who I met through the Tony Robbins community when we were young teens. We both attended the Global Youth Leadership Summit 5 years in a row every summer where we learned invaluable skills and met lifelong friends.  He is a motivated entrepreneur starting his career in Sports Management & Media. His passion is helping others, specifically assisting athletes to create sustainable careers. He is one of the most driven, motivated, and caring people I know, and I am so stoked to share this conversation with all of you. I love this episode because we dive into topics surrounding success, motivation, resiliency and so much more. We talked a lot about getting out of your head and into your heart and not making excuses for your life and instead just taking action in the direction of your dreams.

     Some of the topics in this episode: 

    • following your dreams 
    • staying consistent with your goals 
    • taking disciplined action 
    • not making excuses for your life 
    • stay in your heart not your head 
    • anything is possible when you believe it is 
    • mindset is everything

     If you enjoyed this episode please give it a rating and review to help expand our community here!  Cristian's Instagram:@bal.ca.zar @bsm.vision My Instagram: @lifebeneaththeshallows @naia.litman Tony Robbins GYLS more info Thank you for listening & I hope to see you next week!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    58 mins
  • Ep. 22 2022 Reflections
    Dec 22 2022

    Hi, soul fam!

    This week I'm reflecting back on a crazy, wonderful, powerful year.

    Join me as I unpack this year and what I have learned:

    • Things always get better. Over time and as we age, life shapeshifts and transforms. We will never stay the same.
    • Putting in the work does pay off. Maybe not instantaneously but eventually. Watering the seeds is just as important as planting them. Finally, you will have a garden of beautiful plants and flowers and beautiful butterflies and bees that help create the ecosystem that is your life
    • Beating yourself up won’t solve anything. Being a bully to yourself only slows down your progress forward. Better to be kind and be on your own team than against yourself.
    • No one is ever doing as well as they appear to be online. Social media is a highlight reel and that is just fine. But you must remind yourself it is just one slice of the pie, not the whole thing.
    • Challenge grows resiliency, do not fear it, appreciate it and what it teaches you.
    • We may never understand our existence in this lifetime but that proves that our task is not to understand it but to live it.
    • Having embodiment practices will help you to feel god/source/connection more consistently.
    • Perfection breeds unfulfillment, it doesn’t exist.
    • You don’t have to think about who you want to be, you just have to work on being it, showing up as it is, and being more present.

    Click here for the full 2022 Reflections Page

    Thank you for helping me continue to make this dream a reality. appreciate all of you so much <3

    Stay up to date: @lifebeneaththeshallows @naia.litman

    Please rate and review the podcast if you have a moment, lets grow this community together! 

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    28 mins
    Dec 8 2022

    Hi soul family,

    This week's episode is a morning affirmation track. 

    Affirmations are statements that help you focus on what you want to feel, create & see in your life. By becoming present and focusing our mind on what we want to feel we take back our power for the day. Affirmations help us to consciously align with what we would like our lives to feel and look like. 

    • Listen to this first thing every morning to shift your focus and manifest the day you desire!
    • You can listen lying down, sitting, or gazing in front of a mirror.

    Don't worry about believing the statements fully at first. It is normal for us to have doubts and feel unaligned with what we want to experience at times. Especially if you have been operating from a negative headspace. With practice and intention, my hope is that these affirmations help you feel a little more positive and confident in your day. 

    Share this track with a friend & subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you are tuning in from :)

    IG: @lifebeneaththeshallows @naia.litman

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/naialitman/support
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    7 mins