• A self-care technique to help you through the holiday season!
    Dec 22 2022

    Wow, another year is coming to a close and as we begin to welcome in the New Year, we still have more holiday seasonal moments to enjoy. Well, most likely you are thinking that it seems more like trying to manage your way through the remainder of the holiday season. In either case, we all need to slow down a bit, take a breath, shift perspective (At least in this moment...I mean you are listening to this podcast while reading these show notes right? Yes, this is a redirection that helps to shift your focus which lends toward a help in shifting your perspective in the moment.). I mean really...this is the moment that matters because you are living in this moment and hopefully enjoying this lovely redirection I am creating for you as you are no longer thinking about the stressors of the moment, right?

    Okay, now that I have thoroughly taken you out of that stress filled place you were in not so long ago....please listen to this episode (and replay) that helps you practice a self-care technique.

    You can go directly to the skill located at 3:06.

    Be sure to subscribe to my podcast.

    Please listen as often as needed and Season's Greetings!

    Love & Loyalty - Dr. D

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    4 mins
  • It's time to take an adult "time out!"
    Jul 21 2022

    Hey Mind Wisdom Warrior!

    With all the challenges we are facing in the world today, it is about time to take a well-deserved "time out!" We are facing unprecedented times, but if we really stop and take a look around, we may recognize that we are not alone in these highly stressful times. Fear not! Dr. D is here and we will get through the tough times! I cannot promise it won't get harder before it gets easier, but what I can do, is let you know that we are in this world together and we are going to support and lift ourselves and each other up! But first, we need to focus on some serious, "in the moment self-care." What does that mean you ask? I am so glad that you did! It means that there are times that we need to capture and embrace those "moments of time" whether it is just five minutes (or sometimes less) and take that adult "time out!"

    Self-care is often talked about but not really practiced. We live in times where we are applauded and awarded for the hard work we put in on a daily basis. However, often times we are not applauded for when we recognize we need to take a break and do some self-care. Why? Well, I have my opinions...but that is what they are and I do share this same sentiment about opinions and at [00:06:18] you will hear what is shared about "personal opinions" and how we can learn to welcome multiple perspectives, while understanding how personal opinions can impact us...but only in ways that we allow them to impact us...hmmm.....definitely something to think about.

    All this wonderful information coming your way and it all helps us to find ways to be healthier in healthy relationships. So why not take a time out today? Try it out and let others know how increasing self-care has been good for you! But I do not want to get too far ahead of all the amazing things that are shared, so....let's go ahead and get started!

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    8 mins
  • Amazing wisdom, amazing wellness, please welcome Gina Balseviciute!
    Jun 1 2022

    Welcome Mind Wisdom Warrior! I am so pleased that you are here because today we have a guest! Please welcome our esteemed guest, Wellness Coach/Weight Loss Expert/Nutritionist, Gintare Balseviciute! She comes all the way from the United Kingdom to share her wisdom with you!

    As a wellness coach, nutritionist, and weight loss expert (just to name a few of her amazing areas of expertise). Gintare promptly begins to share how she is more than prepared to be of service for your overall healthy weight loss needs. At [00:03:35] Gintare starts to share some amazing mind wisdom on women's health, especially for those challenged with imbalanced hormones and or thyroid problems.

    At [00:06:45] Gintare gives some helpful insight as she shares how weight can impact one's overall health and wellness journey while sharing with you some ways to get motivated along your wellness journey. But that's not all, right before we sign off from our amazing time together, Gintare has a special announcement about her virtual wellness shop you don't want to miss!

    Okay Mind Wisdom Warrior, let's go ahead and get started!

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    17 mins
  • Just take this in, "You are the beauty of many!"
    May 13 2022

    Hey "Wisdom Warrior!" I am so proud to be on this journey with you. I must say we certainly do cover a lot of territories as we continue to explore finding ways to healthier in healthy relationships. We are taking lots of deep breaths throughout this moment of exploration because at [00:02:45] I am taking us in a direction not often traveled. You guessed it! We are going back in time, well back in our own personal timelines to when we were learning from those we grew up with and who raised us. Why? Well, there is this expression that I like to use with my clients and students, when we are looking at how we come into the ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. I share that, "we grow from what we know." What this means is, that sometimes, our earlier life experiences, may have had a major influence on how we think, feel, and behave in our lives now.

    It can be a tough area of our lives to reflect upon however, never fear, starting at [00:10:00] I have us doing some amazing thinking exercises while practicing our breathing. You got this "Wisdom Warrior!" Keep going!

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    15 mins
  • Know your worth to show your worth. Is your personal value stuck in the past?
    Apr 25 2022

    Here we are in this amazing space! I am still getting ready to put that "glitter" on my motivational cheerleader skirt, as we continue to work on finding ways to become healthier in healthy relationships. Of course, with all things human, nothing is simple or easy. So, with that reality, we are exploring lots of different things in order to develop how you can become a healthier you in healthy relationships.

    At [00:02:00] I ask a shortlist of questions that will help to clarify exactly where is your personal value located. And yes at [00:03:00] there are those, "clutch the pearls and pass out" moments as we dive deeper into how to begin to create change from within. But remember, life is a journey and with each step of the way, let's find the "warrior" within you! At [00:05:00] I begin to share a visual exercise that provides you a moment of relief from those "stinking thinking" messages that you have been carrying around far too long. And once you begin to experience that moment of relief, we begin another thinking exercise. Just a brief side note: although the relief is brief, it will progress into longer moments of relief...keep listening and practicing with me and you'll begin to notice the changes. Yes, keep practicing the coping skills that you have learned and continue to learn. And last but not least, use your words. All of this, is of course, easier said than done.

    But hey, we've got glitter, hope, and the most important thing...YOU! Let me be that "therapist in your pocket," as we continue to discover the more authentic and genuine you!

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    15 mins
  • Know your worth to show your worth: This cheerleader says, you're a Rockstar!
    Apr 11 2022

    We are finding ways to be healthier in healthy relationships. In this episode, we continue to explore finding ways to increase your self-confidence. We are examining how control and self-confidence sometimes tend to collide with each other. Never fear! This cheerleader is here to shake awake that "Rockstar" power status that you have!

    Starting at [00:03:00] I get real and honest as I begin to share with you about the power you personally hold in this world. As I share some entertaining humor, I invite you to shake up your way of thinking about life and its experiences. I have us exploring self-confidence and how trust also plays a major part in how we navigate that sometimes "love/hate" relationship with that dreaded "C" word, control.

    Around [00:09:00] I have you practicing a hand dandy exercise that I hope gets you motivated to take on the day! Okay warrior, let's do this! One, two, three, go! Show the haters what you know!

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    10 mins
  • Know your worth, to show your worth: Increase self-confidence to decrease that need to control!
    Mar 28 2022

    Just when you thought you were through with wrestling with that dreaded "C" word (control, yikes!). Oh yes, it's back and with a supercharged platform from which there is no escape! Wow, at least that seemed like a little more of that, "on the edge of your seat" moment. There really is no magic to this type of work. What I am hoping you are able to take away from this podcast episode is, that if you continue to work at the change you are striving for, the likely hood for change will increase. Around [00:05:00] I share a "get honest" moment as I break down how those "possible matters/issues/concerns/etc... that may lurking behind that need for you wanting to have control is basically creating that need for you to control everything around you. Find time to practice the exercises I brought along with me and I am almost certain you will find more peace of mind, greater self-confidence, but most of all...a more authentic and genuine YOU!

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    11 mins
  • Know your worth, to show your worth: What is your likability factor level?
    Mar 21 2022

    Just when you thought that sometimes dreaded "C" word was done and over with. That darn "c" word (also known as "control")! Well, thankfully we glide gently into that subject toward the latter part of the episode. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. In this second episode, we explore not just the one million dollar concept, we explore the two million dollar concept. We are getting into the thick of things as we continue to explore how to be healthier in healthy relationships. Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't get you interacting with me on building up your "likability factor level" with a wonderfully helpful exercise at approximately [00:06:00]. Ready or not...well actually... we both know you are so ready for this. So here we go!

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    11 mins