• G012 | An Hour with Paul Vittles, how far can we go TOWARDS ZERO?
    Jul 20 2024

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    Paul Vittles is the Founder of Towards Zero Suicide CIC and the Chief Facilitator of Zero Suicide Society. Over an hour Paul shares personal insights from his journey of bringing together people on a journey and engaging them in the conversation TOWARDS ZERO. He shares innovative technological advances as well as inspiring personal stories of post-traumatic growth, people with incredible passion and energy who are making a difference in the community.

    We all have a part to play and can make a difference. Every little matters, what we can we learn from Becky and Debbie that we can replicate in our own back yard.

    Ending on a message of hope, Paul makes a plead to be ambitious, we can and we will make a difference to the numbers of lives lost to suicide. Join us on the path #TowardsZero. Connect with Paul and join the conversation.

    The key references are:

    Video Highlights from the #ZeroSuicideSociety #Humber-to-Mersey #JoinTheDotsTour Launch Conference 12 June 2024


    The (Ground-Breaking) Action Research Report 'Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society'


    Webinar Tutorial on the Zero Suicide Society Model, Framework & Transformation Programme


    The Jordan Legacy's Call for Greater Ambition in the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, 2023-2028


    Paul Vittles' Detailed Critique of the National SP Strategy for England and Fundamental Flaws in the National Strategy Process


    Post-Tour Report Responding to Call for Data, Evidence & Arguments for 'The Business Case' & Expansion of Training


    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 34 | Safe Life Guide - Enact & Evaluate
    Jul 13 2024

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    Key Message: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~ Laozi. It is time to live your values through actions in the here and now.

    Download SAFE Life Guide from Apple App Store and Goolge Play Store. Also there are details for our Instagram page which has #KISS; Key Images Simple Statements

    The proof of the pudding is of course in the eating, in life’s pursuits, living by our values involves taking action, values guided committed actions. To begin with the sphere of control may seem very small and the sphere of concern very large. However, outside the sphere of control is a sphere of influence that is larger than what can be directly controlled. The beauty of small steps is that once one begins to take actions, the sphere of control enlarges and things that were previously only in the sphere of influence come into the sphere of control and the sphere of influence eats into the sphere of concern.

    In this episode, we discuss how to craft small, simple, realistic steps that you can take on a daily basis. We will also introduce you to the bulls eye technique to evaulate weekly whether you have been able to live by your values.

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    26 mins
  • 33 | Safe Life Guide - People and Pursuits
    Jul 6 2024

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    Key Message: Underpin "What Matters to You" with Values. Align life goals with your core values using Safe Life Guide's HOPE Framework.

    Download SAFE Life Guide from Apple App Store and Goolge Play Store. Also there are details for our Instagram page which has #KISS; Key Images Simple Statements

    Think about the people and pursuits that matter to you. As you touch the lives of your loved ones or follow your dreams, what values would you want to live in these relationships or the daily pursuit of your life goal? Values can lead you to your Ikigai, the sweet spot of your passion, mission, vocation and profession. Your plan de vida, soul’s purpose, values will provide with the WHY you wake up in the morning. It is the values that will help you stay on course and be the wind in your sails. Underpinning life goals with values is a bit like learning to use your sails, you cannot change the direction of the wind or the distance to the destination, but you can adjust your sail.

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    22 mins
  • 32 | Safe Life Guide - Own My Values
    Jun 29 2024

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    Key Message: Values foster hope and healing, values gender joy and meaning. Explore your core values using Safe Life Guide's HOPE Framework.

    Download SAFE Life Guide from Apple App Store and Goolge Play Store. Also there are details for our Instagram page which has #KISS; Key Images Simple Statements

    When the fog descends, and one can’t see ahead, or the sand banks shift, values help us stay on course. In the midst of an emotional storm, values provide grounding and help us reconnect with our strengths. When a storm tips us into the water, values help us stay afloat and keep up the battle for survival. Values are like the sails that catch the wind and help us keep the momentum on the long road of life goals. Values guide us and give us a sense of direction, they anchor us amidst emotional turmoil and keep us safe and provide us the oomph to do the hard yards that life needs us to do.

    Close your eyes for 30 seconds and think of a helpful action / step you have taken recently, and ask what values did they relate to? You will often find that the value anchored you or helped you move towards what matters to you.

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    32 mins
  • 31 | Safe Life Guide - Helps? Harms?
    Jun 22 2024

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    Key Message: Reflect on what helps and what harms, its a simple but powerful technquie that will make you pause before taking action.

    Download SAFE Life Guide from Apple App Store and Goolge Play Store. Also there are details for our Instagram page which has #KISS; Key Images Simple Statements

    As a principle, what we want you to do is ask the magic question, does it help or harm? For this to be an effective strategy you have to ask the question when things are calm, when you have the ability to see clearly what helps what doesn’t, if you ask it in the middle of an emotional storm, it will be tough to differentiate out the two, what harms in the long term might feel helpful in the short term as a way of coping with life challenges. This is what we call the action appraisal, ask the questions with curiosity and without judgement.

    Post Mortem: Did it help or harm? Ask this question in the context of recent struggles as a post mortem to reflect on past actions.
    Ante Mortem: Will this help or harm? Ask this question in the context of future struggles with “what if” scenarios in mind, so that you can plan out your course.

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    31 mins
  • 30 | Safe Life Guide - Hope Overview - ACCEPTANCE
    Jun 15 2024

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    Key Message: If we did respond to adversity through acceptance of reality, we have the power to transform unbearable suffering i.e. what reality feels like back into bearable pain.

    Download SAFE Life Guide from Apple App Store and Goolge Play Store. Also there are details for our Instagram page which has #KISS; Key Images Simple Statements

    In the HOPE framework you will go through four simple steps, you will be asking yourself what helps and what doesn’t, you will spend time identifying your values – the qualities you want to bring to your actions, you will think through the people who matter to you and the meaningful pursuits in your life and relate them to the values and then take small steps to live your life in keeping with your values while you pursue your life goals.

    This episode introduces Acceptance as a concept and some of the interface features of the HOPE view Safe Life Guide application.

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    27 mins
  • 29 | Safe Life Guide - Download from App Store or Play Store
    Jun 9 2024

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    Celebrating Men's Mental Health Month with the launch of - Safe Life Guide.
    Download from Apple App Store and Goolge Play Store. Also there are details for our Instagram page which has #KISS; Key Images Simple Statements
    Also a huge thank you to Adamosoft.
    The episode provides and overview of the 5 sections:

    • Hope View: To support resilience and wellbeing through values
    • Safe View: To support safety through contemporary safety planning
    • Subs View: Subscription to Suicide Prevention Training and Safety Documentation Suite
    • Logs: A range of trackers for a healthier life
    • Resources: news, videos, blogs, podcasts, books

    #safelifeguide #progressguide #suicideprevention #suicideprentiontraining #suicideprentiontrainingprogram #suicideprentiontrainers #safetyplan #resilience #mentalwellbeing #mobileapplication #freesafetyplanningapp #safetyplanningapp #protect #safetyplanningapp #safetyplanningsaveslives #suicidepreventionawareness

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    21 mins
  • 28 | Healing for Healers Launch ~ World Suicide Prevention Day 2023
    Sep 9 2023

    Would love to hear your thoughts...


    You may have picked up Healing for Healers because you are supporting a colleague who has lost a patient to suicide. Do not forget to offer your unconditional support. I am here for you, you can call me any day anytime if you want to talk things through or just a shoulder to lean on. Saying something doesn’t make it better, what makes it better is connection. If you have your own story to share, do so without making it about yourself. To be truly empathic one has to reach within and connect with that place that knows that feeling.

    Everyone comes to work to do a good job. But sometimes bad things happen. When they do, its time to take time to H - E - A - L.

    H - Hindsight Hurts
    Hindsight strips away all the complexity and simplifies cause and effect. Thinking how did I not see this is unfair. Be kind to your self.

    E - Event ~ Non-event
    The significant event reminds us of the gravity of our work. Take time to remember the daily small wins when we steer people’s lives for the better. As “non-events” we generally take them for granted.

    A - Accept, Affirm
    The emotions you experience today are nature’s signal to you that you are a kind and compassionate human being, accept and affirm these feelings.

    L - Look, Listen, Learn
    Look after yourself, you cannot pour from an empty cup, listen to your colleagues, many have been on this journey and use this adversity to grow.

    H - E - A - L your S - O - U - L is the combined wisdom of errors in judgement I, Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray, have made over two decades while supporting self and colleagues who lost a patient to suicide, mistakes you dont have to make...

    Connect with Assoc Prof Manaan Kar Ray on Linkedin
    Follow us on www.progress.guide

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    27 mins