• Product Marketing Life | Sarah Din, SurveyMonkey
    Jan 23 2020

    In the very first episode of our new Product Marketing Life series, we spoke to Sarah Din, the Director of Product Marketing at SurveyMonkey, about what a day in the life of her role looks like.

    After that, we picked her brains on everything from what advice she'd give herself if she could start her career again to which skills other PMMs should focus on first.


    "If you're not good at messaging, you really can't do a product marketing role. So be really good at figuring out how to message to the right people at the right time."
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    34 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Tamara Grominsky, Unbounce
    Feb 7 2020

    We take a deep dive into customer segmentation with Unbounce's Director of Product Marketing, Tamara Grominsky. From processes to filters to influencing the roadmap to reviewing to reporting, this show's jam-packed with tonnes of action-led takeaways.


    "We use a process that takes into consideration three different steps. And those steps are volume, performance, and potential. So the first thing we do is we really look at volume, and this means we're pulling a bunch of different data on all of our current and past customers."
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    22 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Phill Agnew, Brandwatch
    Feb 14 2020

    We caught up with Brandwatch's Director of Product Marketing, Phill Agnew, about three core components of consumer psychology - distinctiveness, anchoring and scarcity - and how product marketers can apply those concepts to their work.


    "25% of marketing budget is wasted, it gets no ROI. There's another brilliant stat from HVR, they did analysis of new product launches, and they found that on average 80% of new consumer product launches fail. If 25% of our budget's being wasted and 80% of new product launches fail, then clearly something is broken, something's not right."
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    43 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Bree Bunzel, Dropbox
    Feb 28 2020

    New to the world of Customer Advisory Boards? Or want to freshen up what you've already got? Either way, this show's for you.

    We spoke to Bree Bunzel, APAC Product Marketing Lead at Dropbox, all about customer listening and what CABs look like over at Dropbox. From who's involved and how often they run them, to what agenda they follow and how they share their findings, expect tons of tips from start to finish.


    "We spent a lot of time in the early days building up this program defining the 'why'. Why do these people actually come to this? Why do they invest their time? What's in it for them? What's in it for Dropbox? And setting those table stakes at the beginning really makes a different experience in conversation."
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    31 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Marcus Andrews, HubSpot
    Mar 13 2020

    Looking to learn about narrative design? Then you landed on the right pod. We caught up with HubSpot's Principal Product Marketing Manager, Marcus Andrews, about what narrative design is, why people should be adopting it, and how PMMs can actually go about implementing a narrative design approach.

    "You're always fighting to be heard in this very, very noisy environment. So I think people really have to try something different. And that's what narrative design and strategic narratives do."

    P.s. For anyone wanting to immerse themselves in narrative design even more, Marcus also wrote about it here, and will be answering questions on it here.

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    36 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Jasmine Jaume, Intercom
    Mar 27 2020

    Wondering what life as a PMM at Intercom looks like? Look no further. We got a sneak peek into what a day of their Group Product Marketing Manager, Jasmine Jaume, goes like...and as you might imagine, it's busy and varied!


    "We generally will launch Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, one of those days, Friday is just not a great day because everyone's off for the weekend. And Monday is also challenging for a similar reason with people coming back in and having lots of stuff to deal with and vying for their attention."

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    50 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Sapphire Reels, Pluralsight
    Apr 3 2020

    Right now is not the norm. Tons of product marketers have been thrown into remote working from one day to the next and understandably, lots of people have lots of questions.

    We spoke to Sapphire Reels, a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Pluralsight, about how PMMs can adapt to working from home in light of COVID-19.


    "People feel this immense sense of pressure to be productive because they are at home and they want to be responsive and doing all these things, because they don't want to portray this image that they're not doing their job. So I would just say don't beat yourself up around that idea, especially in this current environment."
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    58 mins
  • Product Marketing Life | Andy Raskin
    Apr 17 2020

    We caught up with well-known positioning and messaging maestro Andy Raskin about the secret sauce behind his success, the difference between narrative positioning and descriptive positioning, the importance of getting CEOs bought in, and more.

    Here's the tweet we reference throughout the show.


    "Narrative positioning seems to win every time. It's like who are the category leaders? What's the story they're telling? As we get more and more into this world where customers are bombarded by claims, it's the ones who are telling a story that is not about claims and that is actually about the customers."
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    28 mins