• Stop Settling for Less
    Dec 18 2021

    There's nothing worse than putting your all into something, and then it shatters. Stop repeating the same patterns, stop settling for less than you are worth, and stop putting up with things that make you unhappy.

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    8 mins
  • An Anxious Perspective
    Oct 12 2021

    A piece of perspective of a person with anxiety, and sharing how those with and without anxiety disorder can play a positive role in recovery by sharing a few do's and don'ts.

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    18 mins
  • The Start and Resolution of a Mental Breakdown
    Oct 11 2021

    Shel begins to show the beginning to a personal mental breakdown, and talks about how she is resolving it, along with other methods that have helped her through the years.

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    15 mins
  • Protect Your Energy
    Sep 24 2021

    Exploring the importance of saving your energy, understanding what it is you are searching for, and the importance of putting yourself in the correct environment.

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    9 mins
  • Self Forgiveness
    Sep 5 2021
    Exploring the difficulties, obstacles, and reasons as to why some of us have a hard time with self-forgiveness, and discussing the importance in learning how to be kinder to ourselves and push through the self criticism.
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    11 mins
  • Shel's Favorite: Abandonment Issues and Moving on with Life
    Aug 2 2021

    How to Deal with Your Abandonment Issues

    Are you constantly pouring into others without anyone pouring into you? 

    In this episode, we talk about abandoned people and how their hurt stops them from connecting with others. 

    Being alone is not the worst thing, being alone and suffering in silence is the worst thing. Sometimes when you’re abandoned and left alone for so long, you no longer want to be around people or accept their help.

    Hurt and abandoned people are always trying to help others, which makes the situation worse for everyone involved. It becomes a selfish issue that’s not about helping the other person but proving we’re enough to be kept around. 

    An abandoned person is always trying to overdeliver by giving what is not being given to them, which only stops others from delivering to them. You are the reason you find yourself suffering alone because your cup will run out eventually. Remember that you’re not obligated to serve anyone unless you serve yourself. Helping yourself is not selfish because you can only fully give when you’re giving yourself.

    It is important to care about the other person’s perspective to effectively communicate in a community. Be empathetic when communicating so as not to damage others and yourself in the process. Stop reacting off of your hurt, learn about yourself, and how to communicate so you don’t hurt others. Find a balance between giving others and yourself so you don’t fall back into your hurt. 

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    13 mins
  • Shel's Favorite: How Do You Define Yourself?
    Jul 12 2021

    Who Are You? What Defines You?

    Who are you, really? Do your accomplishments and the things you own define you? Who were you before all those achievements? The things we’ve achieved or we own shouldn’t define us; we should be defined by our values, what we stand for, and what we wish to give to humanity. 

    In this episode, we dive deep into answering the question ‘who are you?’ The best people in the world are the ones who want to teach, to give back to the world, and who say without judgment. We get so quick at judging others but slow at properly judging ourselves. 

    The truth is that you don’t need huge achievements to define yourself, and you don’t need to share who you are to feel validated. Your degree, your luxurious career or lack thereof, your car, etc., are things shouldn’t have to define you. It is the things that no one can take away from you that define who you are. Think of who you would be if all the things you have were taken from you today.

    Many people are distracted by all the things surrounding them that they lose who they are. Challenge yourself and others to get to know each other outside your material possessions. This is because the amount of money in your bank account or your social standing doesn’t make you better than anyone else. What makes you better is having true values, ethics, and caring for others. 

    Choosing a life of fulfillment is choosing more than your material things. Material things aren’t evil, but imagine all those things stacked on top of a core personality, that is goals. 

    Nobody ever teaches us who we’re or are supposed to become as people, which makes it easy for us not to care who we are. Knowing who you are will help you maneuver around others and how you may be perceived by others. 

    When asking yourself who you are, ask yourself why you put yourself in certain environments and situations. Evaluating who you are or are becoming will give you the space to change your mindset and circle. To change for the better, you have to be honest with yourself and what you can improve on to become the best version of yourself. 

    The time you’re spending now and the days you’re enduring are lessons for you to build a better life for yourself. Don’t ever have regrets when evaluating who you are because it took your past to get where you are today. Now is the time to become that person you never were; now is the right time. Be proud of yourself because many people never make it to this stage. 

    Don’t downplay yourself; you deserve to be you at this very moment!

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    21 mins
  • Shel's Favorites: Stop Hating and Start Building Yourself
    Jul 10 2021

    Stop Hating and Start Building Yourself

    Why do you use your energy to hate when you could use it positively?

    In this episode, we talk about hate and how you can transform that hating energy into something positive for yourself. 

    Many times, we don’t realize that we’re projecting ourselves on others, especially when we’re hating them. Did you know that you’re killing your own yourself when you’re hating? Stop making enemies out of potential alliances, take that hate, and turn it into something positive.

    We often hate people who are displaying something we desire but don’t have, and instead of taking it as a learning experience, we take the opportunity to hate. When hating, you’re unconsciously hoping that something bad happens to the object of your hate, which is not right. 

    Take the opportunity to build yourself when you see something you desire instead of hating. Do not let your own self-judgment be more than your self-improvement. 

    Step away from the mirror so you can come back to it looking different. Find what works for you, instead of wasting your time critiquing yourself. 

    Turn your hate into a resource! Go ask them what makes their story so you can also build yours.  

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    8 mins