• #367 Hot Flashes, Stress, and Sleepless Nights - Could Blood Sugar be the Problem?
    Jul 30 2024

    How many nights have you experienced poor sleep and thought it was due to hot flashes or the need to pee?

    Those things may have played a role, but if you look back to earlier in the day, you could uncover an underlying cause of the hot flashes that wake you up and make you realize you need to pee.

    Have you considered the power of what you eat and how you respond to stressors as a contributing factor to hot flashes?

    In this episode, I’ll explain how stress and blood sugar impact your hormones and undermine your sleep.

    The good news about that is there’s a lot you can do to manage both of those issues and we’ll dig into that too.

    Listen in now and maybe you’ll get some more restful sleep soon!

    Referred to in this episode:

    Work with Laura

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    23 mins
  • #366 Beyond A Breast Cancer Diagnosis - Accepting Your Body and The Test Results
    Jul 26 2024

    Today, I want to have a heart-to-heart conversation about something that weighs heavily on many of our minds: the challenge of deciding whether or not to undergo diagnostic tests for breast cancer. These decisions are never easy, and I understand the fear and anxiety that come with them.

    In this episode, we dive deep into the dilemma of balancing the potential benefits and harmful side effects of diagnostic tests. It’s a tough spot to be in—on one hand, we want to stay vigilant and catch any issues early, but on the other, we’re wary of the possible harm these tests can bring. It’s a dance between being proactive and protecting ourselves from unnecessary risks.

    We also talk about a common and often overlooked emotional response: blaming our bodies when test results don’t meet our expectations. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking our bodies are failing us when we receive less-than-ideal news. But remember, our bodies are incredible, resilient, and always doing their best to heal and protect us.

    I’ll share some practical tips on how to approach these decisions with a calm and clear mind, including seeking second opinions, weighing the risks and benefits, and most importantly, listening to your intuition. Your journey is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

    Referred to in this episode:

    Work with Laura

    Switched on

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    18 mins
  • #365 Detox 101 - Supporting Your Body Post-Breast Cancer
    Jul 23 2024

    In this episode of our podcast, we're diving into a topic that's super important for all of us on our journey to recovery and wellness after breast cancer: detoxification. Welcome to "Detox 101: Supporting Your Body Post-Breast Cancer."

    Detoxification might sound like a fancy word, but I promise, it’s easy to understand and even easier to incorporate into your daily routine.

    In this episode, I’ll break down the detox process into two simple phases. First, we sort out the trash (toxins), and then we make it safe to take out. We’ll talk about how crucial the liver is in this process, acting as the city's waste management center.

    But what happens if our detox system isn't working as it should? We'll explore some common signs, which can indicate that your body needs a little extra help with detoxification.

    The good news? There are plenty of foods and herbs that can support this process.

    I’ll highlight some detox superstars and amazing herbs that can further enhance your detox efforts.

    Join me as we navigate this essential aspect of empowering ourselves with knowledge and practical tips to support our incredible bodies. Tune in to learn how to feel your best, inside and out. Let's get started on this detox journey together!

    Referred to in this episode:

    Metabolic Health Coaching

    3x4 review video

    Squeaky Clean Keto

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    34 mins
  • #364 Breast Cancer and Mental Health Breaks - Calm Your Mind to Support Your Body
    Jul 19 2024

    I don’t know about you, but when the world feels overwhelming and stressful, I know it’s time to step back and take a mental health break. We all know how challenging life can get, and sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is take a breather.

    In this episode, I dive into how to recognize when you need a break and, just as importantly, how to permit yourself actually to take one. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but taking a moment to pause and recharge is vital for our mental and emotional well-being.

    I also talk about the impact of constantly consuming news and social media. It's no secret that the news can be heavy and often leaves us feeling drained. So, I share some tips on taking breaks from these sources or being intentional about following accounts that bring positivity and uplift our spirits. Our social media feeds can be a source of inspiration and joy if we curate them mindfully.

    Another key point is the importance of connecting with others. Whether it's family, friends, or support groups, surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people can make a world of difference. It's about finding that balance and protecting our mental health.

    So, if you're feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, or you just need some tips on how to take better care of your mental health, this episode is for you. Tune in, take a break, and give yourself the love and care you deserve.

    Referred to in this episode:

    The Better Than Before Breast Cancer™ Life Coaching Membership

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    23 mins
  • #363 Caring For Your "Second Heart" After Breast Cancer
    Jul 16 2024

    In this episode, we explore the fascinating concept of the "second heart," a nickname for the soleus muscle in the calf.

    Known for its importance in maintaining cardiovascular health, the soleus muscle is a powerful pump during activities like walking, running, and standing, aiding venous return and preventing conditions such as varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

    Studies highlight the soleus muscle's critical function in enhancing heart function, improving cardiac output and cognitive performance, particularly in older adults, by maintaining adequate blood flow to the brain.

    For breast cancer survivors, maintaining good circulation is vital for recovery, as it helps reduce swelling, combat fatigue, and prevent blood clots.

    Understanding and supporting the second heart's function can significantly improve your circulatory health and overall well-being.

    Check out this Tuesday Terrain Talk episode of Better Than Before Breast Cancer™ for all the details and simple ways to strengthen your “second heart”.

    Referred to in this episode:

    Work with Laura

    Metabolic Health Coaching


    Reversal of Cognitive Aging through Enhancement of Cardiac Output

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    22 mins
  • #362 From Pleaser to Protector - Standing up for Yourself After Breast Cancer
    Jul 12 2024

    On this day, the 13 anniversary of my first breast cancer diagnosis, I am reflecting on all the lessons I’ve learned about caring for myself and prioritizing my healing.

    I can’t help but think about how often I’ve witnessed myself and my clients feel compelled to please others at the expense of their well-being. This tendency can lead to mistreatment or overextending yourself, even hindering your recovery and overall quality of life.

    The central message of this podcast is clear: true kindness towards oneself isn't solely about accommodating others at all costs, but rather about asserting boundaries with compassion and self-respect. I want to encourage you to recognize that setting boundaries is not selfish—it's a vital component of self-care and healing.

    You can cultivate resilience and foster a healthier, more sustainable recovery process by prioritizing your needs and limits.

    Listen now to gain insights into the transformative power of boundaries, and learn how these principles can empower you to advocate for yourself effectively.

    Let’s talk about the journey from being a people-pleaser to becoming a protector of one's well-being. Your healing journey requires nurturing and self-respect.

    Referred to in this episode:

    Work with Laura

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    24 mins
  • #361 Organ Meat - How This Nutrient Dense Food Can Support Your Health - The Benefits Risks and Options
    Jul 9 2024

    Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s been both celebrated and controversial: organ meats and organ meat supplements.

    As breast cancer survivors, navigating our nutritional choices is crucial, and understanding the potential benefits and risks of organ meats can help us make informed decisions.

    We discuss how these nutrients can be especially beneficial for those recovering from breast cancer, aiding in energy restoration, immune support, and overall vitality.

    While the benefits are significant, being aware of the risks is important.

    For those who might find the idea of consuming organ meats unappealing, organ meat supplements can be a convenient alternative. We discuss what to look for in a high-quality supplement. These supplements can provide many of the same benefits as whole organ meats, without the preparation and taste challenges.

    This episode is packed with valuable information to help you make informed dietary choices. Whether you’re considering adding organ meats to your diet or opting for supplements, understanding both the benefits and risks is key to making the best decision for your health.

    Referred to in this episode:

    Work with Laura on your Metabolic Health

    Grass Fed Organ Meat Supplement

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    29 mins
  • #360 Navigating Conflicting Thoughts and Wellness Choices After Breast Cancer
    Jul 5 2024

    This episode marks a significant milestone—celebrating 13 years since I discovered a lump in my breast that resulted in a cancer diagnosis. The journey has been both challenging and enlightening, marked by two major hurdles that I had to overcome: navigating conflicting thoughts and pushing the boundaries of wellness.

    Over the years, I have grappled with the internal struggle of holding onto conflicting thoughts.

    On one hand, I firmly believe in my ability to heal and improve my health through dedicated effort and lifestyle changes.

    On the other hand, the pervasive thought that cancer is an incurable disease has cast a shadow over my optimism from time to time.

    There were times when this duality made it difficult to fully commit to my healing beliefs. In this episode, I delve into the strategies and mindsets that helped me reconcile these opposing thoughts and move forward with a balanced perspective.

    The second significant aspect of my journey involved pushing the boundaries of wellness.

    I adopted a rigorous regimen of healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management techniques. These efforts yielded promising results, showing improvements in my tumor markers and PET scans.

    But sometimes, curiosity and a desire to be “normal” led me to test the limits by temporarily reverting to less healthy habits.

    Throughout this episode, I share my experiences, insights, and the lessons learned from this journey.

    By reflecting on the importance of mental resilience and the tangible effects of lifestyle changes, I hope to inspire and guide others in navigating their paths to recovery. Join me as we explore the complexities of healing, the power of positive thinking, and the crucial role of wellness in overcoming breast cancer.

    Referred to in this episode:

    The Four Pillars of Breast Cancer Recovery

    Work with Laura

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    23 mins