• The Divine Play Podcast ep 5 "Letting Go of Attachments and Expectations: Embrace the Unknown"
    Jun 27 2024

    Welcome back to the Divine Play Podcast! In this heartfelt and empowering episode, we, your hosts, dive into the liberating practice of letting go of attachments and expectations. As emotional health coaches, we invite you to explore how releasing your grip on the outcomes can transform your life.

    Have you ever noticed how expectations can become preconceived resentments? We all have moments when life throws us unexpected hurdles—like a long train blocking your path or construction delays making you late. These disruptions can skyrocket our stress levels and drain our energy. But what if we approached these moments with curiosity instead of frustration?

    Join us as we discuss how our attachment to comfort and the familiar can sometimes hold us back from creating the life we truly desire. Let's explore together the mental and emotional freedom that comes with embracing the unknown and learning to roll with whatever comes our way.

    In this episode, we share practical tools you can use to navigate life's surprises with grace and ease. We'll help you shift your mindset, reduce stress, and stay grounded no matter what life throws at you.

    Curious friends, let's discover what happens when we let go of the need to control every outcome and open ourselves to the endless possibilities that await.

    Tune in to Episode 5, "Get in The Arena," and start your journey towards living with more peace, joy, and resilience. Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share your thoughts in the comments—we love hearing from you!

    #MentalHealth #LettingGo #Expectations #EmotionalWellbeing #DivinePlayPodcast #EmbraceTheUnknown #StressRelief #Mindfulness #SelfCare #EmotionalResilience


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    20 mins
  • The Divine Play Podcast S2 E4 "Get in The Arena"
    Jun 19 2024

    Welcome to Season 2, Episode 4 of the Divine Play Podcast, titled "Get in The Arena." In this thought-provoking conversation, we dive deep into the fears that hold us back from stepping into the arena of life. What do you say no to because of the fear of being judged or worrying about what others will think? Are you even getting into the arena? This episode hits home for both of your hosts as we explore how this fear manifests in our lives and ask you, our listeners, how it shows up in yours. It's crucial to understand that how you do one thing is how you do everything. Pay attention to the stories you're telling yourself. Key insights from this episode include: * Get curious, about how you process your anger.... Daily Grounding Practice: Establish a daily routine to get grounded and connected to your higher self. Emotional Movement: Emotions are energy in motion; they need to move. Use movement to process your emotions, as stagnation is problematic. Recognizing Red Flags: If you start pulling away from the stories that once inspired you, it's a red flag indicating something needs examination. Compassionate Inquiry: Question the painful stories that hold you back. What if they aren't true? Join us as we encourage you to get into the arena, face your fears, and rewrite the narratives that limit you. Tune in and discover how to transform fear into action and live a life of courage and authenticity. ------------------------- Subscribe & Follow us: The Divine Play Podcast Email: thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/ Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shannon--mirilena Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996

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    21 mins
  • The Divine Play Podcast "Slowing Your Roll" Part Two- Embracing Self-Care and Healthy Boundaries
    Jun 13 2024
    Welcome back to another enriching episode of the Divine Play Podcast! In this continuation of our "Slow Your Roll" series, we dive deeper into the practice of setting healthy boundaries and giving yourself permission to say no. By allowing others to say no, we create a safe space for ourselves to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy balance in our lives. In this episode, we explore how integrating self-care practices like bodywork, energy healing sessions, and therapy can be more effective when we allow time to process what comes up. Jumping back into the rush hour of life can hinder the benefits of these self-care practices, so it's crucial to create space for reflection and integration. Key Takeaways: Permission to Say No: Understand how giving others permission to say no also empowers us to do the same.Learn to feel safe and open when prioritizing your needs. Effective Self-Care Practices: Discover practical tips on integrating self-care into your busy life.Explore various self-care activities, including grounding, bodywork, energy healing, and therapy sessions. Creating Space for Reflection: The importance of allowing time to process after self-care sessions.Tips on avoiding the rush and creating reflective space in your day. Daily Grounding Practices: Simple activities to stay grounded, such as spending time in nature, sitting in the sun, and holding silent space.The benefits of grounding practices on emotional and mental well-being. Incorporating Joy and Gratitude: Techniques for bringing joy into your day, like dancing, singing, and setting daily alarms with positive affirmations or mantras.The power of gratitude in reframing your mindset, even if just for 20 seconds. Technology Boundaries: Discussing Mirilena's idea of shutting off technology at 7 pm.The importance of being present and how disconnecting from technology can enhance your connection to yourself and others. Practical Tips: Grounding Practices: Spend 5 minutes grounding on grass, dirt, cement, or an earthing mat.Sit in the sun for 10 minutes to recharge and relax.Take off your shoes and walk barefoot to connect with the earth. Joyful Activities: Dance to your favorite songs to shake off energy and uplift your mood.Sing along to your favorite music to release tension and bring joy. Mindfulness Techniques: Hold silent space for 5-10 minutes, allowing yourself to be present.Set alarms on your phone with powerful statements, mantras, or pieces of gratitude to reframe your mindset throughout the day. Technology Detox: Experiment with turning off technology at 7 pm to enhance presence and connection.Reflect on how this practice affects your mental clarity and emotional well-being. Conclusion: In this episode of Divine Play Podcast, we emphasize the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and creating space for reflection. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you can maintain a healthy balance and live a joyful life. Join us as we explore practical tips and insights to help you navigate the busyness of life while prioritizing your well-being. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts and experiences on self-care and setting boundaries in the comments below. Thank you for tuning in to the Divine Play Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. Your support helps us reach more listeners who can benefit from our content. Stay connected with us on social media and share your thoughts using the hashtag #DivinePlayPodcast. _____________ Follow Us: The Divine Play Podcast Email: thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/ Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shannon--mirilena FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996
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    14 mins
  • Slowing Your Roll: Creating Downtime and Healthy Boundaries (part 1)
    Jun 6 2024

    Welcome back to another episode of the Divine Play Podcast, where we offer practical guidance for living a joyful life. This week's topic is "Slowing Your Roll." We dive into the constant struggle of juggling all the responsibilities we hold and the importance of creating downtime, even during the busiest seasons.

    In this episode, we explore how crucial it is to fill your emotional cup to reduce burnout. Often, we create the hustle by overloading our schedules or by always being there to support others. But what if we started setting healthy boundaries? What if we learned to say no without feeling guilty and made self-care a daily routine?

    Are you a rescuer? This episode might be just what you need to hear right now. We share practical tips and insights to help you manage your time better and take care of your mental health.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The Importance of Downtime:

      • Learn how to carve out downtime, even in the busiest of seasons.
      • Understand why taking breaks is essential for emotional and mental well-being.
    2. Filling Your Emotional Cup:

      • Discover ways to nurture and replenish your emotional reserves.
      • Practical advice on how to prevent burnout by prioritizing self-care.
    3. Creating Healthy Boundaries:

      • The significance of setting boundaries to protect your mental health.
      • Tips on how to say no without guilt and create open space in your daily routine.
    4. Managing the Hustle:

      • How we contribute to our own hustle by overcommitting.
      • Strategies to maintain balance and avoid overextension.

    Discussion Points:

    • The Pressure to Support Others:

      • It's easy to add to our schedules by constantly supporting others.
      • Balancing support for others with self-care is crucial for maintaining mental health.
    • Healthy Boundaries and Saying No:

      • Explore the benefits of setting boundaries and learning to say no.
      • Practical advice on implementing these boundaries effectively.
    • Routine Creation:

      • Tips for integrating downtime into your daily routine.
      • The impact of regular downtime on overall well-being.

    Practical Tips:

    • When triggered by something, remind yourself that we are a mirror for all things.
    • When people say no to you when you ask for help, take a moment and say, "Thank you for taking care of yourself." This gives others permission to say no and gives you permission to do the same.


    Learning to slow down and prioritize self-care is essential for living a joyful and fulfilling life. By setting healthy boundaries, saying no when necessary, and incorporating downtime into our routines, we can better manage our responsibilities and reduce burnout. This episode provides practical tools and heartfelt insights to help you achieve a balanced and joyful life.

    Don't miss part two of this "Slow Your Roll" conversation next week!

    Thank you for tuning in to the Divine Play Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Your support helps us reach more listeners who can benefit from our content. Stay connected with us on social media and share your thoughts on creating downtime using the hashtag #DivinePlayPodcast.


    Follow us:

    Shannon & Mirilena

    The Divine Play Podcast

    Email: thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996

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    16 mins
  • Divine Play Podcast: Season 2, Episode 2 - "Understanding and Healing from Grief"
    Jun 1 2024

    In this episode of Divine Play Podcast, we delve into the complex and often uncomfortable experience of grief. Grief is a universal emotion that touches everyone, arising from various aspects of our lives, including our lineage. It can stem from numerous sources: the loss of a loved one, a traumatic event like a car accident, a miscarriage, or significant life transitions, such as entering a new stage of womanhood.

    Grief manifests in countless ways, and there is no singular path to healing. Everyone's journey through grief is unique, and it's essential to honor our feelings and processes. Often, we may feel tempted to withdraw and hide our emotions, but true healing comes from expressing and experiencing these feelings. Asking for support during these times is not only okay, but it's also crucial. As the saying goes, "Feelings buried alive never die." Embracing our memories—whether they are beautiful or dark—plays a pivotal role in our healing journey.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The Universality of Grief:

      • Grief is a common thread that runs through all our lives, regardless of its source.
      • It's a deeply personal experience, shaped by our individual circumstances and histories.
    2. The Healing Process:

      • There is no "right" way to grieve. Each person's path to healing is unique.
      • Expressing emotions and seeking support are vital components of the healing process.
      • It's important to feel through your emotions, rather than suppressing them.
    3. The Role of Memories:

      • Memories can be both a source of pain and beauty.
      • Allowing ourselves to fully experience these memories can lead to profound healing.
    4. Practical Tools for Living with Joy:

      • Despite the pain, finding ways to reconnect with joy and purpose is essential.
      • The podcast offers practical advice and tools to help navigate grief and find moments of joy.

    Poem Shared by Mirilena:

    (coming soon)

    "In the anger and in your grief, the birds will continue to sing."

    This poignant line from Mirilena's poem reminds us that life goes on around us, even in our darkest moments. The birds' song is a metaphor for the persistent beauty and continuity of life, encouraging us to find hope and solace in the midst of our grief.


    Grief is a challenging and often painful part of life, but it also offers an opportunity for profound personal growth and connection with others. By embracing our emotions and seeking support, we can navigate through grief and emerge stronger. This episode of Divine Play Podcast aims to provide you with practical tools and heartfelt insights to help you live with joy, even in the face of sorrow.

    Listen to the full episode for more insights and personal stories on dealing with grief.

    Thank you for listening to Divine Play Podcast. If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Your feedback helps us reach more people who might benefit from our content. Stay connected with us on social media and share your thoughts and experiences on grief using the hashtag #DivinePlayPodcast.


    Follow Us:

    • Shannon & Mirilena

      The Divine Play Podcast

      Email: ⁠thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com⁠

      YouTube:⁠ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw⁠

      IG:⁠ https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/⁠

      Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996⁠

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    23 mins
  • The Divine Play Podcast "What It Takes To Transform"
    May 22 2024

    In this highly anticipated first episode, we delve deep into the heart of transformation. Drawing from our wealth of experience and insights gained from guiding countless clients on their journeys, we explore the pivotal question: What is the number one catalyst for initiating profound change?

    It all begins with a willingness—an openness to embrace the possibility of transformation. Whether you're seeking to shed old habits, heal past wounds, or step into a new version of yourself, the journey towards change requires courage and commitment.

    But let's be real—choosing to embark on this path isn't always easy. It demands effort, introspection, and a willingness to confront the uncomfortable truths that lie beneath the surface. Yet, it's in these moments of challenge that true growth flourishes.

    So, dear listener, as you embark on your own journey of self-discovery and evolution, remember this: The path to transformation may be strewn with obstacles, but it's also rich with opportunity. The power lies within you to choose your "hard" — the challenges of growth or the stagnation of staying the same.

    Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of the human experience, uncovering the divine essence that resides within each of us. Welcome to The Divine Play Podcast—where transformation begins.


    Follow Us:

    • Shannon & Mirilena

      The Divine Play Podcast

      Email: ⁠⁠thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com⁠⁠

      YouTube:⁠⁠ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw⁠⁠

      IG:⁠⁠ https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/⁠⁠

      Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996⁠⁠

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    20 mins
  • "Journey to Joy: Season 2 Trailer"
    May 15 2024

    Get ready for an exciting new season of The Divine Play Podcast! In our upcoming season, we're shifting gears to bring you an even more engaging and interactive experience.

    Join us in our season premiere as your hosts come together to reflect on the journey so far, including the unforgettable moment of meeting each other in person for the very first time. From the outset, our podcast has been about sharing recipes for living a life filled with joy, regardless of circumstance.

    As we transition into Season 2, we're thrilled to announce a significant change: we're moving away from the interview-style format to focus more on connecting with you, our listeners. We want to hear from you directly and create a roadmap for joy based on your stories, experiences, and insights.

    Throughout Season 2, we'll be diving deep into topics that matter most to you, offering practical advice, inspiration, and encouragement to help you navigate life's twists and turns with grace and joy.

    So, join us on this exciting journey as we embark on a new chapter of The Divine Play Podcast. Your voice matters!

    Stay tuned for more details and get ready to be inspired and hear real talk!


    Follow Us:

    • Shannon & Mirilena

      The Divine Play Podcast

      Email: ⁠⁠thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com⁠⁠

      YouTube:⁠⁠ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw⁠⁠

      IG:⁠⁠ https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/⁠⁠

      Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996⁠⁠

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    10 mins
  • "Be The Storyteller of Your of Your Life" with Sara Adams
    Apr 3 2024

    Join us for an empowering conversation on the next episode of the Divine Play Podcast with Sara Adams, former Mrs. Morocco and transformational speaker and coach. Sara shares her inspiring journey of overcoming domestic violence and rising as the storyteller of her own life.

    At the age of 22, Sara immigrated to the United States from Morocco, where she encountered domestic violence at the hands of a covert narcissist. Through this harrowing experience, Sara discovered profound lessons about self-understanding and empowerment.

    In this candid discussion, Sara delves into the emotional turmoil of confusion, shame, and destruction, and how she navigated through old programming to embark on a journey of self-development and empowerment. She reflects on the pivotal moment when she realized she had the power to shift from being a victim to becoming the clear creator of her own life.

    Join us as Sara, along with your hosts, explores the transformative journey of reclaiming personal agency and rewriting the narrative of one's life. Don't miss this enlightening episode of empowerment and resilience.

    _______________________ Connect with Sara

    Join Sara on this journey of discovery and transformation, embrace the director, the producer, and the lead actor within you. Allow Sara’s transformative vision to guide your performance, setting the scene for your own masterpiece of a life.



    Follow Us:

    • Shannon & Mirilena

      The Divine Play Podcast

      Email: ⁠⁠thedivineplaypodcast@gmail.com⁠⁠

      YouTube:⁠⁠ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6QoXg8j77Z5Ijl9kl-2iXw⁠⁠

      IG:⁠⁠ https://www.instagram.com/thedivineplaypodcast/⁠⁠

      Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550666175996⁠⁠

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    51 mins