• SE 86: Can I Have Solid Relationships After a Shaky Childhood?
    Jul 9 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I’ve been learning about attachment styles and how we develop unhealthy attachment styles if we didn’t have secure attachment with our parents when we were growing up. I didn’t have one with my parents, so I’m wondering how to form a secure attachment with God and others. Is it possible?


    Summer Webinar Series – You are invited to join Laura Busse and Dr. Michaelle Knight

    July 18 – Embrace Disappointment and Dream Again

    August 8 – Press On with Perseverance and Make a Plan

    Sign up https://www.3oclockwakeup.com/event-details-registration/embrace-disappointment-and-dream-again

    – Hope to see you there!

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    • Reviewing the four attachment styles: secure, anxious, avoidant, or disorganized, which one did you experience in your family of origin?

    • We invite you to take the attachment assessment below. What did you learn about yourself?

    • What attachment style do you lean towards? Any thoughts of why this might be?

    • Think of all the ways attachment styles play out in the world around you. How do they impact your relationship with God (however you define God), yourself, and others? What’s one way you could step closer and grow in one of these relationships?


    Attachment Style Assessment – Take the Quiz

    Wired for Love by Stan Tatkan – Book

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    34 mins
  • SE 85: Attach Yourself
    Jun 26 2024

    This Week's Listener Question:

    My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. There's nothing wong with the relationship. On paper we look perfect, but I feel restless and bored. Should I practice gratitude and find contentment, or is this a sign I should leave the relationship?

    Announcement: Are you in a time of transition? Do you need coaching and teaching to take steps in a new direction? You are invited to join Laura's summer webinar with Dr Michaelle Knight.

    July 18 and August 8 - go to 3oclockwakeup.com\transitions-webinar-workshop

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    31 mins
  • SE 84: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes - TRANSITION and Face the Change
    Jun 4 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    Wow! I just got terrible news which will greatly impact my upcoming plans. I feel like I’m swimming in the soup of confusion, disappointment, and crisis. How do I figure out where to start when I can’t even think straight?


    Are you in a season of TRANSITION? Do you want to find firm footing in times of change?

    Then sign up for Laura’s Summer Webinars with Dr. Michaelle Knight! HERE

    June 13, July 18, August 8 – every month we guide you through new doors that lead to growth & hope!

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. When your plans get unexpectedly interrupted and you find yourself in a time of transition, what emotions come up for you?

    2. In times of transition, what strategies have you tried that have NOT been helpful?

    3. Christine taught us how to un-blend our emotions or “parts”. What resonated with you? What strategies are you willing to try? What motivates you to un-blend your “parts” or emotions?

    4. What’s one thing you can do to find an anchor in your anxiety or silence and solitude to promote calm in your life?


    Are you in a season of TRANSITION? Do you want to find firm footing in times of change?

    Then sign up for Laura’s Summer Webinars with Dr. Michaelle Knight! HERE

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    38 mins
  • SE 83: Negative Thoughts In My Head
    May 28 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I’ve been a person of faith along time AND I still wrestle with negative talk in my head. How do I stop all the negative chatter?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. Draw a map of your mind and label different areas with thoughts that often repeat. Which ones do you think are negative (-) thoughts, which ones are positive (+) thoughts? You can label or color code them.

    2. Look at each thought you recorded, who’s voice is in your mind? It’s common to have more than one voice competing for your attention.

    3. How did some of these voices protect you as a child or lead you to become the person you are today?

    4. What would it look like to befriend or be curious about each voice you labelled?

    5. Laura shared these insights from her neurobiology class. What gets our attention, focuses our thoughts’ direction, builds new neuro connections, and leads to personal transformation. How does knowing this encourage you to intentionally choose what you pay attention to? Give an example where you’ve seen this play out in your life.


    Becoming Aware by Daniel Seigel – Book

    The Artist’s Way By Julia Cameron – Book

    I.F.S Therapy – 8 C’s calm, clarity, compassion, connection, confidence, courage, creativity, curiosity

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    34 mins
  • SE 82: Lonely and Looking For Love
    May 21 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I’m really lonely. I wish I could find a life partner. I’ve always wanted to get married. It’s really hard on the weekends. I don’t trust dating apps. How do I learn to be content with being alone?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. When do you often feel lonely? How can you relate to this woman’s question?

    2. Where do you find external community and a sense of belonging?

    3. In what ways can you develop inner self-love or radical acceptance?

    4. What vows can you make to yourself? Brainstorm several then pick your top 3-5.

    Soul Challenge:

    Write 3-5 personal vows you pledge to yourself. Post them somewhere you’ll see often.


    The Heroine’s Journey Workbook by Maureen Murdock – Book

    God, Sex, and Musical Theatre by Kristin Hanggi Book

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    33 mins
  • SE 81: Heroine's Journey Part 9: At The Crossroads, Is It Worth The Risk?
    May 14 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I’m a single woman now. My husband died five years ago from cancer. I’ve always had a dream of doing mission work and recently found out I could be a nurse with Doctor’s Without Borders. I’ve never had the courage to change my life so dramatically. Do I follow my dream or stay in my comfort zone and continue to do what’s practical?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. When have you stood at a cross road and had to make a risky choice? What dreams and fears collided at that choice point?

    2. Who do you identify as an ancient of days heroine? How can see model for you?

    3. When have you taken a radical risk to pursue a dream or desire? What did you learn about yourself in the process?

    4. If you choose to live a bold, brave, or risky life, who will you be influencing?

    Soul Challenge:

    Christine and Laura are unpacking the Heroine’s Journey. What questions are arising for you? Please submit them at www.soulenchilada.com


    Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief by David Kessler – Book

    The Heroine’s Journey Workbook by Maureen Murdock – Book

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    31 mins
  • SE 80: Heroine's Journey Part 8: Courage to Promote Myself
    May 6 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    At work, I’m the director of my department. I really like my job but I want a promotion, a new position of greater responsibility and authority. How can I find the courage to self-promote and apply for new positions?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. How do you get sabotaged by your inner critic? What does is often say?

    2. Can you think of a time when you waited for someone to rescue or validate you? Share your story.

    3. When have you criticized a man in your life for something you needed to activate in your life?

    4. Where do you need to self-promote? What holds you back? How can you take the next step of courage?

    5. Stand in a warrior position (yoga or make up your own). How can your body claim more authority in your life? What would that look like?

    Soul Challenge:

    Christine and Laura are unpacking the Heroine’s Journey. What questions are arising for you? Please submit them at www.soulenchilada.com


    Your Body Language My Shape Who You Are – TED Talk by Amy Cudy – Talk

    The Confidence Gap – Link

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    33 mins
  • SE 79: Heroine's Journey Part 7: Healing the Mother-Daughter Split
    Apr 30 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    How can I empower my adult children to turn to God and trust their relationship with Him without me (Mom) as constant intermediary?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. What is the nature of your “mother wound”? Was your mother more likely to be intrusive, controlling, rejecting, neglectful or somewhere in between?

    2. How have your mother’s limitations played out in your life?

    3. What would it look like to forgive your mother for her limitations? If you have forgiven her already, describe your journey.

    4. When you think of your own limitations, what would it look like to forgive yourself?

    5. If you are a mother, in what ways can you share with your childhood that they have everything they need within themselves to make decisions and /or move forward?

    Soul Challenge:

    Christine and Laura are unpacking the Heroine’s Journey. What questions are arising for you? Please submit them at www.soulenchilada.com


    The Heroine’s Journey: Woman’s Quest for Wholeness by Maureen Murdock Book

    How to Raise an Adult: Break Free from the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success by Julia Lythcott-Haims Book

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

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    33 mins