• STS 044 - WHEN and HOW to Meal Prep - Streamline Nutrition 022
    Jul 17 2024

    Let's be honest - meal prepping just isn't a good fit for everyone. For some people, the Sunday afternoon meal prep is one of their favorite times of the week, but others dread even the idea of eating from a tupperware container. So how do you know if this tactic is right for you? We have a 4-question matrix that can help you determine exactly when and how to meal prep in a way that fits with your lifestyle and goals. If you've been wondering whether this is a good idea for you, then this episode just might be the answer you're looking for!

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    25 mins
  • STS 043 - 3 Easy Ways to Meal Prep (and the BEST Alternative for Those Who Hate It) - Streamline Nutrition 021
    Jul 15 2024

    For some people, "meal prep" is synonymous with "dieting." For many of these people, the two are, in fact, one and the same: to "go on a diet" is to meal prep, and to meal prep is to be "good" at dieting. But for perhaps an even larger group of the general population, meal prep feels like a chore. We all know we probably "ought to do it," but for some reason, it just doesn't seem that feasible (or fun) to eat lunch at work every day from a Tupperware container.

    But what if meal prep could actually be easy... and taste GREAT? What if it didn't even feel like "meal prepping" at all? Today, Jonny and Laura break down how simple it can really be to prepare healthy meals in advance. They discuss the 3 big strategies for simplifying meal prep, and they talk through their #1 favorite alternative to meal prepping (the method they use every week).

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    44 mins
  • STS 042 - How Eating Out Could Actually Help You Reach Your Diet Goals - Streamline Nutrition 020
    Jul 10 2024

    Have you ever experienced this scenario? You've been on a diet for a little while, and it feels like it's really going well. You're feeling consistent with your plan and you feel like your meals are helping you accomplish your goals. Then, you happen to go out to eat with a friend and realize that NONE of your diet strategies will work! What do you do?

    That's exactly what Jonny and Laura talk about today! They break down how to apply the Streamline Nutrition Principles to eating out so that you can still spend time with friends or enjoy yourself on a date with your spouse WITHOUT compromising your diet goals.

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    16 mins
  • STS 041 - How to Burn Fat While Eating Out - Streamline Nutrition 019
    Jul 8 2024

    One of the most frustrating feelings for many dieters is the sinking feeling of walking into your favorite restaurant...while on a diet. Your favorite foods are right in front of you, yet you're "not supposed" to touch them! For most, they feel that they can either deprive themselves and dutifully stay on track, all the while wishing they were eating a juicy burger rather than a lame salad, OR they could throw caution to the wind and pile on the fried food (leading to an inevitable downward spiral of poor eating choices).

    But what if there was another way to approach eating out that didn't force you into the doom spiral of poor choices, but that also didn't feel like total deprivation either? Today, Laura and Jonny discuss the tactic to find the middle ground between eating what you love and staying on target with your goals while eating at your favorite restaurants. If you've been frustrated by your favorite restaurant while on a diet, then this episode is for you!

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    42 mins
  • STS 040 - How a FULL-TIME Mom of 2 Cranks Out High-Protein Weeknight Dinners (without Losing Her Mind) - Streamline Nutrition 018
    Jul 3 2024

    If you're a parent, you know the brutality that can be cooking a weeknight dinner. After a long day of work and corralling children, it can be exhausting to think about cranking up a hot stove to put a hot meal on the table for your family. But what if there was a way to make the whole process a lot less stressful (and a LOT higher in protein)?

    Today, Laura walks through the Wilson philosophy on weeknight dinners, from what meals she uses to keep protein, fruit, and veggie intake high, to strategies for handling toddlers along the way, and even some of the spiritual ramifications of cooking as a family.

    If you're a parent with young kids, this is an episode you don't want to miss!

    Want to make your next weeknight dinner 1) easier than ever, 2) delicious, and 3) packed with protein? Then try out our Streamline Staple Meals recipe booklet! This tiny booklet is crammed with all of Jonny and Laura's favorite repeatable recipes that are sure to keep you on track while staying sane along the way. Download them for free here!

    ⁠Streamline Staple Meals

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    32 mins
  • STS 039 - Taking the STRESS Out of Weeknight Dinners on a Diet - Streamline Nutrition 017
    Jul 1 2024

    Have you ever gotten to the end of a long day full of decisions (like deciding NOT to eat the mini-Snickers on the HR manager's desk) and restraint (like NOT throat-punching Craig as he drones on about why "mosquitoes just don't bite him"), only to be hit with one more decision that takes the wind right out of your sails: What's for dinner?

    If you've ever been in this situation while on a diet, you know the added layer of fatigue associated with it. You've got to find food that you can cook/prep FAST, the somehow keeps you within your calorie goals, and that you can hopefully stomach, all while fixing an entirely different meal for your family to enjoy (which, of course, you have to avoid while they eat!). But what if there was another way?

    In this episode, Jonny and Laura discuss the "other way" of correctly using a strategy most of us already have in play (but in a way that DOESN'T work) - the Weekly Meal Rotation.

    Want to make your next weeknight dinner 1) easier than ever, 2) delicious, and 3) packed with protein? Then try out our Streamline Staple Meals recipe booklet! This tiny booklet is crammed with all of Jonny and Laura's favorite repeatable recipes that are sure to keep you on track while staying sane along the way. Download them for free here!

    Streamline Staple Meals

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    38 mins
  • STS 038 - Setting Up Diet Pillars for Success - Streamline Nutrition 016
    Jun 26 2024

    We've all been on a diet before and noticed that eery phenomenon that hits after about week 2-3. Which phenomenon, you ask? The sudden onset of a severe case of "The Snackies." It's classic! We hit our stride in week one with meal prep containers in tow, but by the time week 2 or 3 rolls around, we find ourselves watching cooking videos on YouTube and dreaming of the next time we can buy Sour Cream and Cheddar Ruffles from the store.

    So what's a guy/gal to do in a world so replete with delicious snacks? The answer is simple: construct your Diet Pillars! Today, Laura breaks down exactly how she approaches her own diet pillars to make snacking not only something that serves her goals, but that she actually looks forward to. Listen in to find out how a full-time mom of 2 has set up her diet for routine success!

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    25 mins
  • STS 037 - How to Ditch the Cravings While on a Diet - Streamline Nutrition 015
    Jun 24 2024

    Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to be cyborgs when it comes to their diet? They seem to be able to say, "No" to just about every tempting treat that walks their way. Most of us, on the other hand, find it hard to pass up a good opportunity to splurge here and there (especially if that opportunity comes in the form of a free dessert at a party or work event...). But is it possible that all of us could be a little more "cyborg-like" in our own approach to cravings?

    We think so! And the answer isn't found in drumming up more will power, but in doubling down on the foods that you already love. In other words, rather than focusing on saying "No" all the time, it's high time we made intentional room to say, "Yes!" to more food in our diet. This episode will show you how to do that in a way that makes it simple to stay on track with your goals.

    Want to learn more about the Streamline Nutrition System? Join our newsletter for up-to-date info and to be first in line to hear when the System is officially available to the public! As a "Thank You", we're giving away FREE access to the Streamline Nutrition Calculator, the tool that we use with clients to help them create a custom macronutrient profile suited to their goals. Download it for FREE here: https://streamline-training-systems.ck.page/03698bd059

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    48 mins