• What to include in your mental race day plan
    May 3 2024

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    Welcome to another episode of the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast.

    In this episode, I talk about what to include in our mental race day plan - pre - during - post.

    Key Highlights:

    • Introduction to mental race day planning
    • The power of visualization
    • Creating your IF-THEN plan
    • Building a pre-race routine
    • Focus techniques during a race
    • Post race reflection

    If you have any questions about this episode or would like to chat about how we can work together, you are welcome to email me at neil@neiledge.com

    You are also welcome to take a look at my website which notes the programs that I take you as athletes through: htps://www.neiledge.com

    I also recently launched my second online program for those athletes that would like to work one to one with me but financially its a little challenging.

    The program is a Video PowerPoint version of my preventing panic in open water program.

    This will take you through the steps to ensure that you swim calmly and confidently on race day, without panic.

    You can learn more by clicking on the free trailer video here

    If you are enjoying the episodes, please consider buying me a virtual coffee by clicking here for the secure link, which will be much appreciated.

    Feel free to also join my private Facebook group with 1400+ fellow triathletes.


    Have a great day all.


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    18 mins
  • Mastering your Race: The 'If-Then' Strategy for Triathlon Success
    Apr 8 2024

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    Welcome to another episode of the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast.

    In this episode, I talk about a powerful strategy from cognitive-behavioral psychology that could revolutionize your approach to racing: the 'If-Then' planning technique.

    Key Highlights:

    • Introducing the 'If-Then' Strategy: I talk about the 'If-Then' planning technique from cognitive-behavioral psychology and its transformative potential for triathletes. I simplify this strategic approach, showing its power to enhance mental preparation and resilience in both training and racing scenarios.
    • The Impact of 'If-Then' Planning on Performance: Discover how adopting 'If-Then' scenarios can significantly improve your adaptability during races, enable quick, effective decision-making under pressure, and foster a proactive rather than reactive mindset.
    • Crafting Your 'If-Then' Scenarios: Delve into methods for developing personalized 'If-Then' plans. Beyond visualization and positive self-talk, learn how to anticipate challenges and pre-script responses that align with your race goals and training values.
    • 'If-Then' Strategy in Action: Gain practical tips for integrating the 'If-Then' strategy into your daily training and pre-race routines. From mental rehearsals to real-world applications, we explore how to make 'If-Then' planning a cornerstone of your mental toughness toolkit.

    If you have any questions about this episode or would like to chat about how we can work together, you are welcome to email me at neil@neiledge.com

    You are also welcome to take a look at my website which notes the programs that I take you as athletes through: www.neiledge.com

    I also recently launched my second online program for those athletes that would like to work one to one with me but financially its a little challenging.

    The program is a Video PowerPoint version of my preventing panic in open water program.

    This will take you through the steps to ensure that you swim calmly and confidently on race day, without panic.

    You can learn more by clicking on the free trailer video here

    If you are enjoying the episodes, please consider buying me a virtual coffee by clicking here for the secure link, which will be much appreciated.

    Feel free to also join my private Facebook group with 1400+ fellow triathletes.


    Have a great day all.


    Support the Show.

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    10 mins
  • Maximizing Performance: How Managing Cognitive Load Boosts Focus and Endurance
    Mar 20 2024

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    Welcome to another episode of the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast.

    In this episode I will be talking about an important concept from Cognitive Psychology that is a game changer for you as athletes: cognitive load.

    Key Highlights:

    • Understanding Cognitive Load: Discover what cognitive load is and why it's a game-changer for athletes across disciplines. We break down this complex psychological concept into easy-to-understand terms, highlighting its significance in both training and competitive environments.
    • The Link Between Cognitive Load and Athletic Performance: Learn how cognitive load affects an athlete's ability to absorb new techniques, maintain concentration during critical moments, and push through physical and mental barriers in races and competitions.
    • Strategies to Manage Cognitive Load: Explore effective strategies beyond traditional techniques like visualization and cognitive restructuring. We introduce mindfulness as a powerful tool for managing cognitive load, enhancing focus, and reducing perceived exertion.
    • Mindfulness in Practice: Get actionable insights on integrating mindfulness into your training routine. From breathing exercises to body scans, we cover practical exercises that can help lower cognitive load, improve focus, and optimize performance.

    If you have any questions about this episode or would like to chat about how we can work together, you are welcome to email me at neil@neiledge.com

    You are also welcome to take a look at my website which notes the programs that I take you as athletes through: www.neiledge.com

    I also recently launched my first online program for those athletes that would like to work one to one with me but financially its a little challenging due.

    The program is a Video PowerPoint version of my 4 weeks to race day program which will take you through a structured process to ensure that you feel calm, confident and ready to race on race day.

    You can learn more by clicking on the trailer video here

    If you are enjoying the episodes, please consider buying me a virtual coffee by clicking here for the secure link, which will be much appreciated.

    Feel free to also join my private Facebook group with 1400+ fellow triathletes.


    Have a great day all.


    Support the Show.

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    10 mins
  • Tapering Your Mind: Mental Preparation Strategies for the Final Weeks Before Race Day
    Mar 11 2024

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    Episode Summary:
    Welcome to another episode of the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast.

    Today, I focus on a crucial but often overlooked aspect of triathlon preparation: Tapering Your Mind.

    As race day approaches, refining your mental approach is as vital as your physical taper.

    We'll uncover the significance of reducing cognitive load, utilizing visualization, and managing emotions leading up to race day.

    These strategies aim to sharpen your mental edge, ensuring you're as prepared mentally as you are physically.

    Key Points Discussed:

    • Strategic Mental Rest: Reducing Cognitive Load to Sharpen Focus
    • Visualization and Mental Rehearsal: Fine-Tuning Your Race Strategy
    • Emotional Regulation: Managing Excitement and Nerves for Optimal Performance

    As discussed during the episode, If you would like to discuss working with me personally to ensure that you feel calm, focused and ready to race on race day, I offer 2 options:

    • Working with me on a structured 4 week program consisting of 4 x 1 hour weekly calls plus unlimited support during and after.
    • A 1 hour online video PowerPoint presentation which will take you through a condensed version of the program plus unlimited support also (this will be available on my website by the end of today (Monday 11th March) under online programs.

    Contact Information:
    Have insights or questions about tapering your mind for race day or working with me?

    Please feel free to email me at neil@neiledge.com.

    If you're looking to elevate your mental game this season, as a seasoned Triathlon Mental Performance Coach for Age Groupers and Pros alike, I'm here to assist. Discover the programs I offer at www.neiledge.com.

    Join Our Community:
    Be part of our dynamic triathlon community by joining Triathlon Mindset on Facebook, where I share weekly triathlon mindset tools and strategies to optimise your mindset for success before, on and after race day.

    You are also welcome to follow me on Instagram by clicking here.

    Support the Podcast:
    If the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast resonates with you and you'd like to support my efforts, consider buying me a virtual coffee!

    Your support is invaluable and helps me continue delivering impactful content.

    Please click the secure link here to kindly buy me a virtual coffee.

    Wishing you all an incredible day,


    Support the Show.

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    17 mins
  • Recharge to Race: Unlocking Mental Recovery for Peak Triathlon Performance
    Jan 24 2024

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    Episode Summary:
    In this insightful episode of the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast, I delve deep into the importance of mental recovery days for triathletes. Join me as Iexplore how taking intentional breaks from physical and mental training can significantly enhance your performance, resilience, and overall well-being.

    Key Points Discussed:

    • The concept of mental recovery days in triathlon training.
    • How mental rest contributes to improved performance and mental resilience.
    • Practical tips for effectively incorporating mental recovery into your routine.
    • The psychological and physiological benefits of taking regular breaks.

    Contact Information:
    Have thoughts or questions about this episode? I'd love to hear from you! Reach out to me at neil@neiledge.com for any queries or insights.

    Or if you are considering improving your mental game this season, as an experienced Triathlon Mental Performance Coach working with both Age Groupers and Pros, I will be happy to help you.

    You are welcome to take a look at the programs that I offer via www.neiledge.com

    Join Our Community:
    Become a part of our growing triathlon community! Join us at Triathlon Mindset on Facebook to connect with fellow athletes, share experiences, and gain exclusive content.

    Support the Podcast:
    If you enjoy the Triathlon Mental Performance Podcast and would like to support me, consider buying me a coffee! Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me keep producing quality content. Visit Buy Me a Coffee to show your support.

    Have a great day all.


    Support the Show.

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    12 mins
  • Interview With Pro Triathlete Lizzie Rayner
    Dec 14 2023

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    On this episode, I talk to Pro Triathlete Lizzie Rayner.

    We talk about;

    • Her highs and lows in her first season as a pro
    • How she pushes through those days when she is struggling
    • How she gets back on track after a less than expected performance, albeit after a strong first season, she hasn't had many

    Lizzie is not only one of the newer Pros to watch next season but also very cool.

    Please do follow her journey on Social Media via the following links (disclaimer, she also has a new very cool puppy as an extra incentive)


    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizzie-rayner-8aaa96b9/

    If you would like to discuss working with me as a mental performance coach, to overcome challenges, or learn how to use the power of your mind to race faster, feel free to email me at neil@neiledge.com

    Youcan learn more about me and the programs that I offer here on my website - www.neiledge.com

    You are also welcome to join my private Facebook group with 1600 fellow triathletes via;


    If you would like to support me on this journey of creating content for you all, please feel free to buy me a coffee.

    You can do so by clicking the following link.


    Have a great day all.


    Support the Show.

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    32 mins
  • Overcome Your Fear Of Descending Fast
    Nov 20 2023

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    In this episode, I talk about how to overcome your fear of descending fast on your bike.

    Do you experience this or know of someone who does?

    If someone else, feel free to share this episode with them.

    Fear of descending is a common challenge and one that I get asked about a lot.

    There are many myths about how to prevent our fight, flight, or freeze response from triggering those feelings of fear that we experience.

    In this episode, I take you through the first part of the process to prevent this from happening, so as to ride fast descents in training and on race day calmly.

    Would you like details of the short program that I have taken many athletes through to ride fast descents calmly?

    I will be happy to send them to you along with testimonials from fellow triathletes who have taken this 4-call program

    You are welcome to email me at neil@neiledge.com

    You are also welcome to take a look at my website which notes the programs that I take you as athletes through. www.neiledge.com

    Feel free to also join my private Facebook group with 1400+ fellow triathletes.


    Have a great day all.


    Support the Show.

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    16 mins
  • Mental preparation in your pre-season
    Nov 14 2023

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    In this episode, I talk about mental preparation in your pre-season.

    Many athletes plan to use this pre-season to overcome challenges such as.

    * Preventing panic in open water
    * Overcoming your fear of fast descents
    * Removing mental blocks and more

    As many of you know, I have helped a number of athletes overcome those challenges.

    Yet whilst overcoming those is important, we also need to look at the long term.

    You train for hours to improve your swim, bike, and run times and yet your mind plays an important part in faster race times.

    Spending time in your pre-season to establish solid mental structures will pay huge dividends.

    I talk about weekly steps to ensure that you build that structure in this episode.

    If you have any questions about this episode or would like to chat about how we can work together, you are welcome to email me at neil@neiledge.com

    You are also welcome to take a look at my website which notes the programs that I take you as athletes through. www.neiledge.com

    Feel free to also join my private Facebook group with 1400+ fellow triathletes.


    Have a great day all.


    Support the Show.

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    11 mins