• Reframe Your Trade Show Sales Conversations - TSI19.7
    Jul 26 2024

    Ever been the unhappy victim of a slimy sales pitch? (Haven’t we all!)

    Want to make sure you never come across that way?

    Then you’ll want to take careful notes as you listen to my conversation with sales expert Aleasha Bahr, who believes there’s a much better strategy for those in-booth sales conversations. (Hint: It’s NOT all about selling!)

    She’ll guide you step by step how to:

    • Seamlessly weave your pitch into the conversation
    • Put everything in context for each person
    • Handle objections in a totally new way
    • Create a more natural follow-up approach
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    27 mins
  • 5 Ways to Make Meaningful Connections - TSI19.6
    Jun 26 2024

    When you’re at a trade show, it’s easy to get focused on simply gathering leads or generating sales – short-term results.

    But beyond that, are you building meaningful connections that can lead to future business or open doors to other exciting opportunities?

    I know I’ve made some of my best client and friend connections at a trade show. Perhaps that’s how you and I first met!

    In order to meaningfully connect with someone – whether that’s a customer, neighbor, coworker, or anyone else – you need to focus on a few basic things. Together, these actions guarantee more effective communication and demonstrate your interest in the other person.

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    7 mins
  • Market Like a Rock Star: What Exhibitors Can Learn from Taylor Swift - TSI19.5
    May 30 2024

    Earlier this year, I attended a workshop on how to market like Taylor Swift, and let me tell you … there are a wealth of insights you can learn by studying this multi-award-winning, stadium-packing music legend.

    And it really doesn’t matter whether you know a single one of her songs (I’m only familiar with a few myself). We’re going to break down the strategies she uses to create raving fans who can’t wait for her next album debut – and how you can put each of these to use in your trade show marketing.

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    9 mins
  • Crafting Experiences That Captivate - TSI19.4
    Apr 30 2024

    Designing an impressive exhibit display just isn’t enough anymore.

    Attention spans are shorter, and attendees want experiences that not only educate about your products, but also involve and entertain them.

    At the same time, sponsoring the opening reception or other official event at the show is likely outside the budget for many companies. So what’s a creative exhibitor to do?

    Wendy Porter has decades of experience producing memorable events, and she joins us to share insider tips on:

    • Why it’s more important than ever to create experiences off the show floor
    • How to curate an exclusive experience for your ideal audience (with fun examples!)
    • Why the way you transport them to your event sets the tone
    • How to use in-booth activities to increase attendee dwell time
    • What an “Alice story” is and why it matters
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    32 mins
  • Creating Events That Care for People & Planet - TSI19.3
    Mar 28 2024

    Lifestyles have changed since the "Great Pause," and stamina is a big part of that. While event attendees used to be willing to be booked solid from sunup to sundown (and far beyond), that just doesn't fly anymore.

    Savvy trade show organizers and exhibitors are learning to integrate wellness into all aspects of the event – from the overall schedule to meals to in-booth activities and more.

    In this episode, wellness consultant David Stevens goes beyond the buzzword of wellness and shares strategic ways to integrate well-being into events by:

    • Becoming mindful of the attendee experience
    • Incorporating wellness elements in your booth
    • Designing after-hours events that won't burn people out
    • Understanding what "wellness washing" is & how to avoid it
    • Pacing yourself and your team to make it through the entire show
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    36 mins
  • Trade Show Blind Spots: What Are You Overlooking? - TSI19.2
    Feb 22 2024

    Certain topics are getting lots of buzz these days: staffing challenges, budgets, sustainability, AI. But too often that’s all they are – buzzwords.

    So for this episode of Trade Show Insights, I invited one of my trade show BFFs to join me for a conversation that goes beyond the surface of these topics to what should be on everyone’s radar.

    You see for several years, Rich Vallaster and I have scheduled frequent touch-base calls to analyze what’s happening in the trade show industry, what’s working, and what needs to change. Now you have the opportunity to listen in as we discuss:

    • How staffing shortages at all levels can affect exhibitors
    • What show managers can do to make things easier for new exhibitors
    • Why shows need to reward loyalty for both exhibitors and attendees
    • How there’s a big disconnect around the topic of sustainability
    • When and how to put AI tools to use
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    35 mins
  • Reimagining Trade Show Sponsorships - TSI19.1
    Jan 29 2024

    When you hear the word "sponsorship," what do you think of first? The welcome reception ... or tote bags ... or a gazillion banners hanging all around the convention center?

    Sure, that's what most shows do. But you don't want to be like most shows, right?

    Time to makeover the sponsorship menu with options that stand out and benefit everyone involved – attendees and exhibitors, as well as the show's bottom line.

    In this episode, brand activation and sponsorship strategist MK Granados from Gen City Labs explains how to:

    • Tap into unique opportunities hiding in plain sight
    • Use sponsorships to solve problems for attendees
    • Show exhibitors you care about their needs too
    • Make the arrival experience memorable
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    31 mins
  • Let Your Goals Be Your Guide - TSI18.11
    Nov 29 2023

    What's your goal for your next trade show?

    No matter how you answer that ... learn how to use your goal as a North Star to guide all your trade show decisions: what your exhibit should look like (what it should or shouldn’t include), how to promote it, what to give away, and even how to craft your follow-up strategy.

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    6 mins