
  • 10-Point Cheatlist That Every Yoga Teacher Needs for Classes
    Oct 3 2024

    In this episode, I highlight an often-overlooked but crucial step in yoga teaching—building a solid foundation before focusing on sequencing. I share a 10-point cheat list to help yoga teachers improve their class planning and sequencing skills. This includes understanding each pose’s fundamentals, knowing the Sanskrit and English names, and being aware of the benefits and contraindications. I also emphasize the importance of using props, guiding students through breathwork, and recognizing whether a pose is heating, cooling, or neutral. Additionally, I discuss how to assess the difficulty of poses, incorporate proper warm-ups, and balance sequences with counter poses. Mastering these principles helps create more thoughtful and personalized classes that enhance students' well-being.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Know the Name of the Pose
    • Know the Benefits of the Pose
    • Contraindications
    • Adaptations of Poses
    • Use Props Skillfully
    • Breathing Pattern for Poses
    • Know the Nature of the Pose
    • Pose Levels
    • Warm-up Needs
    • Counter Poses

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    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Understanding Emotions Through Ayurveda with Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath
    Sep 26 2024

    In this episode of Let's Talk Yoga, we explore the relationship between emotions, yoga, and Ayurveda with Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath, an expert in Ayurveda. Dr. Jay provides valuable insights into how Ayurveda views emotional health, the impact of doshas on emotions, and whether certain emotions are more harmful than others. We discuss the significance of prana, the Ayurvedic perspective on depression, and how to move from a tamasic state toward better emotional well-being. The episode offers practical advice on improving emotional health and managing relationships while maintaining balance, offering listeners a deeper understanding of emotions in holistic health.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What is Ayurveda’s perspective on emotions and emotional well-being?
    • How can we identify signs of healthy emotional health in ourselves and others?
    • What role do doshas play in shaping our emotional experiences?
    • In what ways do emotions influence both the mind and the body?
    • Are certain emotions considered more detrimental than others in Ayurveda?
    • Understanding prana through an Ayurvedic lens: its connection to emotions.
    • How does Ayurveda conceptualize and approach depression?
    • Strategies for moving out of a tamasic state towards emotional clarity.
    • Practical tips for cultivating better emotional health.
    • How can individuals assess their progress in emotional well-being?
    • Navigating interpersonal interactions while maintaining emotional balance.

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    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Reality of Teaching Yoga with Adam Husler
    Sep 19 2024

    Today, I'm excited to introduce Adam Husler, a dedicated yoga teacher from the UK. I discovered Adam online a couple of years ago and have been inspired by his authentic approach to yoga ever since. In our conversation, Adam shares his unique perspective on teaching yoga, especially for beginners. His insights offer a fresh alternative to the often academic and sequence-focused discussions in modern yoga.

    Episode Highlights:

    • How do yoga teachers show up and be their own authentic selves?
    • The fine balance between being liked and not liked as a yoga teacher.
    • What should a new teacher focus on?
    • Moving from confusion to clarity
    • The importance of grounding and reflecting
    • Asking for feedback from students
    • How do teachers respond to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)?
    • Asking your “why”
    • The importance of reading
    • How can students ask for support?
    • Adam’s biggest mindset shift

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    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Understanding Meditation with that Meditation Guy
    Sep 9 2024

    I've been increasingly interested in the topic of meditation over the past year and have been waiting for the right guest to kickstart the conversation. Recently, I came across Jimmy Wightman, also known as That Meditation Guy on Instagram. Based in the UK, he is a well-respected meditation and mindfulness teacher. I've been following Jimmy's work for quite some time, and I believe the time is right to have him as a guest on the podcast.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What is the goal of meditation and why should someone meditate?
    • Setting yourself up for success in meditation
    • Mindfulness and meditation: what comes first?
    • Dealing with rough moments in meditation
    • What type of meditation to start with
    • Stages of attention
    • Do you meditate for joy or happiness?
    • How much time is needed to cultivate a steady meditation practice?
    • Grief and trauma in meditation
    • Learning meditation through apps and videos versus going to a teacher
    • How does someone choose their mantra?

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    Más Menos
    40 m
  • 40 Yoga Poses – Here’s a Pronunciation Guide
    Sep 1 2024

    Today, I want to share with you a helpful guide that I've created for pronouncing Sanskrit yoga pose names. This guide is intended to save you the significant cost of enrolling in teacher training just to learn how to pronounce these names. While I couldn't include every yoga pose, I've made sure to cover the most fundamental ones in this episode.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Standing poses
    • Backbends
    • Inversions
    • Seated poses
    • Balance poses
    • Supine poses

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    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 5 Cueing Styles to Enhance Your Yoga Class Today
    Aug 18 2024

    In this episode, I aim to highlight the significance of cueing as a crucial component of your skill set. Over the years, I have crafted five distinct queuing styles, and I am excited to share them with you. These styles are straightforward and practical. I encourage you to take note of them and consider integrating one, two, three, or all five into your classes.


    • Teaching a yoga or an asana class is not solely about cueing.
    • Yoga classes in America
    • The challenge of being a good communicator
    • My goal in every class
    • 5 Cueing Styles to Enhance Your Yoga Class
      • Directional cueing
      • Action-oriented cueing
      • Expansive cueing
      • Experiential cueing
      • Benefit cueing
    • Reasons why Down Dog is one of the best poses

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    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Audit Your Yoga Education with This Checklist
    Aug 9 2024

    My 200-hour program begins in September, just 5 weeks from now, and this episode was created as a source of inspiration for that. Consider this as a thorough evaluation and comprehensive audit of your yoga education journey thus far. The purpose is to help you accurately assess your current position as a yoga student or instructor. Reflect on the quality of the education you have received so far, whether it has been outstanding, good, average, or below par.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Focus on how much clarity you get from your teacher instead of solely focusing on the credentials and popularity index.
    • Are you an Asana expert?
    • My non-negotiables whenever I share something about a pose
    • How much pranayama should you learn?
    • Is yoga history and evolution important?
    • How much of the subtle body or Sukshma Sharira do you know?
    • Yoga for special conditions
    • Adaptability of yoga
    • Yoga philosophy and how to live yoga off your mat
    • Teaching skill set
    • The sequencing and the teaching
    • The Invisible stuff

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    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 5 Poses that Will Make Headstand Effortless, Mythical Story, & More
    Aug 1 2024

    In today's episode, I will be unveiling five essential poses that are a must-know. These poses form a checklist for those aspiring to master Shirshasana, the head balance, or aiming to teach it to others. I will also delve into the mythical story of Shirshasana, adding depth and cultural context to this practice.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What is Shirshasana
    • Shirshasana as the king of all poses
    • The mythical story of Shirshasana
    • Physical benefits of Shirshasana pose
    • Psychological benefits of Shirshasana pose
    • Five non-negotiable headstand preparatory poses
      • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-facing Dog
      • Uttanasana
      • Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
      • Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff Pose
      • Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand Pose, the mother of all poses
    • Alternative options for individuals unable to put weight on their neck or head
    • Headless Headstand

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    Más Menos
    34 m