
  • #16 法入家门
    Jun 26 2024

    Updated every Wednesday

    你的国家有《家庭暴力防治法》吗? 若丈夫打老婆,有人报警,警察会插手管吗?

    Does your country have a Domestic Violence Prevention Act? If a husband beats his wife and someone calls the police, will the police intervene?


    Law Enters the Household


    家务事 (jiāwù shì)

    中文解释: 家庭内部的事务或问题。

    英文解释: Domestic affairs or issues within a family.

    暴力 (bàolì)

    中文解释: 使用力量或武力进行伤害、胁迫或破坏的行为。

    英文解释: The use of force or violence to harm, coerce, or destroy.

    忍无可忍 (rěn wú kě rěn)

    中文解释: 无法再忍受,到了忍耐的极限。

    英文解释: Unable to bear any longer; at the end of one's patience.

    人权团体 (rénquán tuántǐ)

    中文解释: 为了维护和促进人权而成立的组织。

    英文解释: Organizations established to protect and promote human rights.

    民意 (mínyì)

    中文解释: 大众的意见或看法。

    英文解释: Public opinion or views of the general public.

    有期徒刑 (yǒuqī túxíng)

    中文解释: 法院判处的剥夺犯罪人自由一定期限的刑罚。

    英文解释: A fixed-term imprisonment; a prison sentence for a specific period of time.

    促使 (cùshǐ)

    中文解释: 推动或使某事发生或改变。

    英文解释: To prompt or cause something to happen or change.

    民事 (mínshì)

    中文解释: 与个人或团体之间的权利和义务关系有关的法律事务,通常不涉及犯罪行为。

    英文解释: Relating to legal matters concerning the rights and obligations between individuals or groups, typically not involving criminal conduct.

    保护令 (bǎohù lìng)

    中文解释: 法院为了保护受害者安全而颁布的法律命令,禁止施暴者接近或接触受害者。

    英文解释: A legal order issued by a court to protect the victim's safety, prohibiting the abuser from approaching or contacting the victim.

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    Más Menos
    23 m
  • #15 自行车友善
    Jun 19 2024

    Updated every Wednesday

    友善(yǒu shàn)

    Chinese Explanation: 形容环境或人非常友好、方便。

    English Explanation: Describes an environment or person that is very friendly and accommodating.

    有许多台湾人梦想骑自行车环岛,自行车车友们认为,有三宝能帮助他们完成环岛梦想:7-ELEVEN、警察局和加油站。7-ELEVEN和台湾自行车大厂美利达合作,免费提供自行车打气筒及「简易维修工具」,这些工具包括常见的L型扳手、S型扳手、螺丝起子和调节器等。在必要时,店员也会提供协助。此外,7-ELEVEN还免费提供热水,车友还可以购买食物和饮料 ...

    环岛(huán dǎo)


    英文解释:Cycling or traveling around an island, typically referring to a complete trip along the island's perimeter.

    车友(chē yǒu)


    英文解释:Friends or groups who enjoy cycling and often ride together.

    打气筒(dǎ qì tǒng)


    英文解释:A tool used to inflate tires.

    维修 (wéi xiū)


    英文解释:Maintenance refers to the process of repairing and servicing damaged, malfunctioning, or aging equipment, machinery, buildings, etc., to restore them to their normal working condition.

    扳手(bān shǒu)


    英文解释:A hand tool commonly used to tighten or loosen bolts and nuts.

    螺丝起子(luó sī qǐ zi)


    英文解释:A hand tool used to tighten or loosen screws.

    调节器(tiáo jié qì)


    英文解释:A tool used to adjust and correct bicycle components to ensure they work properly.


    Many Taiwanese people dream of cycling around the island. Cyclists believe that three essentials can help them achieve this dream: 7-ELEVEN, police stations, and gas stations. 7-ELEVEN collaborates with Taiwan's major bicycle manufacturer Merida to offer free bicycle pumps and "basic repair tools." These tools include common L-shaped wrenches, S-shaped wrenches, screwdrivers, and adjusters. When necessary, store staff will also provide assistance. In addition, 7-ELEVEN offers free hot water, and cyclists can purchase food and drinks.


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    Más Menos
    23 m
  • #14 玫瑰少年Womxnly
    Jun 12 2024

    Updated every Wednesday


    Does your country have gender equality laws? Are diverse genders respected in your country?

    玫瑰少年 (Womxnly)


    传统性別角色 (Chuántǒng xìngbié juésè)(“jiǎosè)

    中文解释: 传统性别角色是指社会上对不同性别应该如何行事和表现的传统期望和规范。

    英文解释: Traditional gender roles are the conventional expectations and norms about how different genders should behave and act in society.


    中文解释: 指一个人的性格特征和心理状态。

    英文解释: "Qi zhi" refers to a person's temperament or disposition.

    霸凌 (Bàlíng )

    中文解释: 指的是一个人或一群人对他人进行持续的伤害或骚扰。

    英语解释 : Bullying refers to the continuous harm or harassment inflicted by one person or a group on another.

    歧视 (qíshì )

    中文解释: 歧视是指基于种族、性别、年龄等因素对他人不公平的对待或偏见。

    英文解释: Discrimination is the unfair treatment or prejudice against individuals based on factors such as race, gender, or age.


    中文解释: 重伤指的是严重的身体损伤,通常需要紧急医疗处理。

    英语解释 : Severe injury refers to serious bodily harm that typically requires urgent medical attention.


    On April 20, 2000, a shocking incident occurred at Gaoshu Junior High School in Pingtung County, Taiwan. A student, Yeh Yung-chih, was bullied and discriminated against by classmates for not conforming to traditional gender roles and was afraid to use the restroom during breaks. That day, after obtaining permission from the teacher to leave the classroom to use the restroom, Yung-chih was later found severely injured and lying in a pool of blood. Despite being rushed to the hospital, Yung-chih succumbed to the injuries and passed away.

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    Más Menos
    24 m
  • #13 520
    Jun 5 2024

    Updated every Wednesday


    How many Valentine's Days or confession days are there in your country?


    “520”这三个数字在过去的BB Call时代有独特的含义。在90年代,BB Call非常流行,人们通过发送数字代码来传递信息。由于“520”的发音与中文的“我爱你”相近,它常被用来表达爱意。因此,在那个通讯方式相对简陋的年代,“520”成为了情侣之间传递爱意的重要符号。这个用法不仅简洁,还充满了浪漫色彩,深受当时人们的喜爱...

    独特(dú tè)

    中文解释: 与众不同的,具有唯一性的

    英文解释: unique

    流行( liú xíng)

    中文解释: 广泛传播,广受欢迎的

    英文解释: popular

    代码(dài mǎ)

    中文解释: 用于信息传递的符号或数字组合

    英文解释: code

    简陋( jiǎn lòu)

    中文解释: 简单且不完美的,缺乏先进设备的

    英文解释: simple and crude

    符号( fú hào)

    中文解释: 代表某种意义的标志或记号

    英文解释: symbol

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    Más Menos
    18 m
  • #12 台湾、日本、新加坡及韩国的家庭教育法特色
    May 22 2024

    The Characteristics of Family Education Laws in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea

    Updated every Wednesday


    特色 (tèsè) - 表示某事物的独特特点或特殊属性。
    英文解释:characteristic, feature.

    推行 (tuīxíng) -实施、执行。
    英文解释:implement, carry out.

    定义 (dìngyì) - 明确说明某事物的含义或范围
    英文解释:define, definition.

    纪律(jìlǜ)- 遵守规章制度、守法的行为。
    英文解释:Discipline: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.

    秩序 (zhìxù) - 有规则、有秩序的状态。
    英文解释:Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

    礼义廉耻 (lǐ yì lián chǐ) - 指对待人事物时应该恪守的道德准则和行为规范,包括尊重礼仪、遵守义理、廉洁自律等。
    英文解释:Literally translates to "propriety, righteousness, integrity, and modesty". It refers to the moral principles and behavioral norms that one should adhere to in dealing with people and matters, including respecting etiquette, observing righteousness, maintaining integrity, and exercising self-discipline.

    历经 (lìjīng)- 经历、经过。指经历了一段时间或一系列事件。
    英文解释:undergo, experience.

    修正 (xiūzhèng) - 表示对原有规定或立场进行修改或调整。
    英文解释:amend, revise.

    国际视野 (guójì shìyě) - 考虑问题时以国际范围的观点和角度来看待。
    英文解释:international perspective.

    风俗民情 (fēngsú mínqíng) - 习俗和文化风情。
    英文解释:customs and traditions, cultural practices.

    观点 (guāndiǎn) - 对于某一问题或事物的看法或态度。
    英文解释:viewpoint, perspective.

    作为...的參考及依据 (zuòwéi... de cānkǎo jí yījù)- 作为某事物的参考和基础。
    英文解释:As a reference and basis for...


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    Más Menos
    22 m
  • #11 国际家庭日 International Day of Families
    May 15 2024

    Updated every Wednesday

    澳洲家庭教育的专责及统整机构是家庭住房社区服务及原住民事务部(Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs),简称:FaHCSIA,愿景是帮助不同生命周期阶段的个人与家庭,以满足各种生活需求,目标是:增进家庭在社会与经济上的参与、促进社会的向心力、缩短原住民不利的差异、支持家庭基础的生活标准(尤其是幼儿的),以及支持个人、家庭与社区的互动...

    机构(jī gòu)
    中文解释: 指的是一个组织,通常有特定的目的和功能。
    英语解释 : Institution or organization

    专责( zhuān zé)
    中文解释: 指的是特定的责任或权限。
    英文解释: Responsibility or jurisdiction

    统整( tǒng zhěng)
    中文解释: 指的是整合和统一管理。
    英文解释: Integration or consolidation

    原住民事务(Yuán zhù mín shì wù)
    中文解释: 与原住民相关的事情或议题。
    英文解释: Indigenous Affairs

    生命周期(shēng zhōu qī)
    中文解释: 一个人从出生到死亡所经历的各个阶段。
    英文解释: Life cycle

    向心力(xiàng xīn lì)
    中文解释: 凝聚力。
    中文解释: Centripetal force or cohesion

    经济( jīng jì)
    中文解释: 生产、分配和消费资源的系统或活动。
    英文解释: Economy

    社区(shè qū)
    中文解释: 地区。
    英文解释: Community

    互动(hù line)
    中文解释: 两个或多个人之间的互相交流。
    英文解释: Interaction

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    Más Menos
    17 m
  • #10 地牛翻身 A Bull Who Lives Under The Earth And Causes Earthquakes Upon Stirring(Earthquake)
    May 8 2024

    Updated every Wednesday


    Have earthquakes ever occurred where you live? What was the magnitude? Are you aware of evacuation methods?

    环太平洋(huán tài píng yáng):Circum-Pacific
    地震带(dì zhèn dài):earthquake belt
    威胁(wēi xié):threat
    芮氏(ruì shì):Richter
    规模(guī mó):magnitude
    余震(yú zhèn): aftershocks
    罹难(lí nàn):died
    截稿前(jié gǎo qián): before deadline
    台湾积体电路(tái wān jī tǐ diàn lù):Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
    鸿海科技集团(hóng hǎi kē jì jí tuán):Foxconn Technology Group
    预防性停机 (yù fáng xìng tíng jī): preventive shutdown
    化学实验室 (huà xué shí yàn shì):chemical laboratory
    烧毁 (shāo huǐ):burned down
    宿舍(sù shè):dormitory
    不堪使用(bù kān shǐ yòng):unusable
    采取 (cǎi qǔ) - Adopt or take


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    Más Menos
    19 m
  • #9仙侠剧热播 Fantasy martial arts dramas are popular
    May 1 2024

    Updated every Wednesday

    Have you watched fantasy martial arts dramas? If so, what are your thoughts after watching them?
    1.仙侠剧 (xiān xiá jù)
    英文解释:Dramas that combine elements of immortal heroes, martial arts, and mythology.

    2.热播(rè bō)
    英文解释:Hot broadcast; refers to currently popular TV shows, movies, or other media content.

    3.司马迁 (sī mǎ qiān)
    英文解释:Simaqian, an ancient renowned historian.

    4.《史记·游侠列传》(shǐ jì · yóu xiá liè zhuàn)
    英文解释:'Biographies of Wandering Warriors' from the 'Records of the Grand Historian'.

    5.除暴安良 (chú bào ān liáng)
    英文解释:To eliminate violence and maintain peace.

    6.侠 (xiá)
    英文解释:A knight or chivalrous person with a sense of justice, often seeking justice for the weak or oppressed.

    7.江湖 (jiāng hú)
    英文解释:The martial arts world or community in martial arts novels, filled with martial artists and wanderers.

    8.玄幻 (xuán huàn)
    英文解释:Narratives filled with mysterious and fantasy elements.

    9.黑化 (hēi huà)
    英文解释:When positive characters turn evil.

    10.琼瑶剧(qióng yáo jù)
    英文解释:Qiong Yao's dramas, which are television dramas with love as the main theme.

    11.花千骨(huā qiān gǔ)
    英文解释:The Journey of Flower. A fantasy martial arts drama broadcasted in 2015.

    12.大IP+大制作+大流量 (dà IP + dà zhì zuò + dà liú liàng)
    英文解释:A comprehensive drama production model featuring big intellectual properties, high-quality production, and high traffic.

    13.虐恋 (nüè liàn)
    英文解释:Describes love relationships filled with pain and struggle.

    14.美强惨 (měi qiáng cǎn)
    英文解释:Beautiful, powerful but tragic character design.



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    Más Menos
    22 m