• The Transformative Power of Breath Work with Leland Holgate Sr.
    Jul 29 2024

    Join Cyndee and Gabriela on the Uncensored Journey Podcast as they dive into the transformative story of Leland Holgate Sr. Born in Italy to U.S. Army parents, Leland faced childhood abuse and a traumatic military career. Despite these challenges, he discovered healing through yoga, breath work, and holistic wellness. Now a trauma-informed yoga and fitness instructor with advanced studies in neuroscience and neurochemistry, Leland founded Warriors for Life America, a non-profit supporting military personnel and veterans. In this episode, Leland shares his techniques, like "60 Seconds to Freedom," and explains how breath work can shift the body from stress to relaxation. He also discusses the importance of men's mental health and addressing stigma around emotional expression. Tune in to hear Leland's insights on resilience, healing, and the power of breath.

    Tune in every Monday for new content!

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    59 mins
  • Navigating Menopause: Insights from Expert Laura Lamb
    Jul 22 2024

    In the latest episode of the Uncensored Journey Podcast, hosts Cyndee and Gabriela talk with menopause practitioner Laura Lamb. Laura, a former investment risk analyst turned health expert, shares her journey into menopause coaching, inspired by the challenges many women face during menopause.

    Laura explains menopause and perimenopause, emphasizing the importance of understanding these stages. She dispels myths about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), highlighting its safety and benefits when used correctly. For those preferring natural methods, Laura recommends an anti-inflammatory diet, regular pelvic floor exercises, hydration, and stress management.

    She encourages women to advocate for their health, find reputable information, and join supportive communities. Laura introduces the Menopausal Lab, a free resource offering comprehensive menopause education.

    Tune in every Monday for new episodes of the Uncensored Journey Podcast! Subscribe on all platforms and follow us on Instagram and TikTok at @theuncensoredjourney. Connect with Laura Lamb on Instagram and TikTok @LauraLambe, and join the Menopausal Lab for free resources and support. For more content and updates, visit @theworthwarrior and phoenixmedicine.me. Until next week, stay empowered and informed!

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    55 mins
  • The Hidden Dangers of Sugar: What You Need to Know
    Jul 15 2024

    Welcome to the Uncensored Journey podcast, where we dive deep and get real about what it takes to transform inside and out. I'm Cyndee, and alongside Gabriela, we're uncovering the hidden dangers of sugar in today's episode: "The Hidden Dangers of Sugar: What You Need to Know."

    Sugar: The Not-So-Sweet Truth

    Sugar is omnipresent in our diets, often hidden under numerous aliases in processed foods. High fructose corn syrup, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, agave nectar, lactose, glucose, molasses, evaporated cane sugar, brown sugar, and brown rice syrup are just a few examples. The disturbing reality is that many "healthy" foods are loaded with these hidden sugars, making it challenging for consumers to avoid them.

    The Impact on Health

    The health implications of consuming hidden sugars are profound. Processed sugar not only contributes to joint inflammation but is also a root cause of many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and even Alzheimer's. Contrary to popular belief, sugar is a more significant health threat than salt. It is often found in unexpected places, such as meats and sausages, compounding its harmful effects.

    The Addiction Factor

    Processed sugar is highly addictive, with properties comparable to drugs like cocaine and nicotine. Studies even show similarities to heroin addiction. This addictive nature leads to constant cravings for sugary snacks and processed foods, perpetuating a cycle of dependency that often starts in childhood. Early exposure to sugar-laden foods contributes to the rise in early onset diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases.

    Hidden Sugar in Everyday Foods

    Everyday foods, including those marketed as "low-fat" or "healthy," often contain hidden sugars. This deceptive labeling can lead to numerous health issues, including liver disease, diabetes, heart disease, and behavioral problems in children. Sugar's presence in savory foods like ketchup, bread, and processed meats also affects our mood, energy levels, and overall health by causing blood sugar spikes and crashes.

    Practical Tips for Reducing Sugar

    To combat the pervasive presence of hidden sugars, it's crucial to read labels and be mindful of what you consume. Start by cutting out obvious sources of sugar like soda and fruit juice. Opt for whole foods and home-cooked meals whenever possible. When dining out, inquire about ingredients and avoid dishes with hidden sugars. Gradual changes can make a significant difference—begin by reducing sugar in one area of your diet, such as breakfast cereals or snacks, and replace sugary foods with fruits that contain natural sugars.

    The Bigger Picture

    Our food system is designed to keep us addicted and unhealthy. Over the past century, average sugar consumption has skyrocketed, leading to numerous health issues. It's essential to take control of our diets and make informed choices about what we eat. Educating ourselves, reading labels, and not falling for marketing gimmicks are crucial steps in prioritizing our health.

    Final Thoughts

    Sugar is more than just a sweet treat; it’s a hidden danger that affects our health in countless ways. By being mindful of what we eat and making informed choices, we can break the cycle of addiction and improve our overall well-being. Start small, make gradual changes, and educate yourself—your health is worth it.

    Stay Connected

    Thank you so much for joining us this week. Please subscribe on all platforms and follow us on Instagram and TikTok @theuncensoredjourney. You can find me, Cyndee, at @worthwarrior, and Gabriela at @phoenixmedicine. Tune in every Monday for more insightful tips and empowering discussions. Until next week, stay healthy and informed!

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    29 mins
  • Uncovering the Power Within: Kellan Fluckiger's Journey of Transformation
    Jul 8 2024

    In this episode of the Uncensored Journey podcast, hosts Cyndee and Gabriela introduce Kellan Fluckiger, who shares his incredible story of transformation and overcoming adversity. Kellan details his commitment to helping 250 million people realize their true potential, sharing his own journey from a troubled childhood and addiction to a life of purpose and joy.

    He recounts near-death experiences and divine interventions that prompted dramatic changes in his life, leading him to become a coach and author. Over the past 16 years, Kellan has written multiple books, composed songs, and developed a unique Personal Truth and Commitment document along with a daily creation process to help others transform their lives.

    This episode emphasizes themes of faith, resilience, and the power of personal transformation.

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    58 mins
  • Unlocking Transformation: Exploring NLP with Rick on Uncensored Journey Podcast
    Jul 1 2024

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Uncensored Journey podcast, where hosts Cyndee and Gabriela delve into transformative healing modalities and alternative approaches to self-improvement. In this episode, they are joined by Rick, also known as the Amazing Rick, who brings a wealth of knowledge in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), mental and emotional release, and hypnosis. Rick shares his journey from software engineering to becoming a master practitioner and trainer in NLP, offering profound insights into how these techniques can foster personal growth and transformation.

    Rick begins by discussing the core principles of NLP, known as presuppositions. These fundamental beliefs help individuals view life through new lenses, granting grace and understanding to others. One of Rick’s favorite presuppositions is "the map is not the territory," which illustrates how our perceptions are not the reality itself but representations that can often mislead us.

    Rick emphasizes the practical applications of NLP in daily life, particularly in communication. He shares anecdotes about how techniques like mental and emotional release can alleviate anxiety and transform negative emotions. For example, he helped a client in Wilmington, Delaware, release deep-seated anger, resulting in a profound shift in her emotional state.

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    48 mins
  • Exploring the Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy with Laurel
    Jun 24 2024

    Welcome to this week's edition of The Uncensored Journey Podcast, where we explore transformative discussions on significant topics. Today, we're joined by special guest Laurel Van Woerkom, an expert hypnotherapist and wellbeing coach. She sheds light on the true nature of hypnotherapy, debunking the common myth that it's about mind control. Instead, it's a therapeutic practice that leverages a naturally occurring state of focused attention—similar to meditation or yoga—to access and modify subconscious beliefs that shape our behaviors and emotions.

    Laurel discusses how children often naturally enter this hypnotic state, which aids in learning and development. She also highlights the empowering nature of hypnotherapy in allowing individuals to safely explore and transform their subconscious mind, facilitating profound personal changes without the downsides of conventional medical treatments.

    Moreover, Laurel debunks other myths surrounding hypnotherapy, emphasizing that it is a conscious, controlled, and cooperative process. She also touches on its practical applications, such as stress management and pain relief, and shares insights into past life regression, explaining its benefits in emotional healing.

    Choosing the right hypnotherapist, Laurel notes, is crucial, advising listeners to seek experienced practitioners who tailor their approaches to individual needs. This enlightening conversation with Laurel Van Comb underscores hypnotherapy's legitimacy and effectiveness as a tool for significant personal growth and healing.

    Discover more about Laurel's work by visiting Live Well with Laurel, and take advantage of a special offer for our listeners: mention the Uncensored Journey podcast for a 50% discount on your first session.

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    52 mins
  • Unlocking the Power of Somatic Therapy with Heiki
    Jun 17 2024

    Welcome to this enlightening episode of the Uncensored Journey podcast, where we explore the transformative world of somatic therapy with Heiki, a multi-disciplinary artist and seasoned trauma therapy practitioner. Heiki’s journey is a profound testament to the power of internal healing and self-discovery through somatic practices.

    Heiki shares her personal evolution from external success to finding genuine internal peace. After years of "surviving" rather than truly living, she turned to somatic therapy, which marked the beginning of her transformative healing process. This experience led her to establish Radical Presence, her private practice where she integrates somatic inner child work and principles from Internal Family Systems (IFS).

    In this episode, Heiki illuminates the essence of somatic therapy, a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind and body. She explains how trauma and emotional experiences are not just psychological but are also physically stored within our bodies. Somatic therapy helps individuals become attuned to these hidden physical manifestations of pain, facilitating a profound healing process that addresses both psychological symptoms and deep-seated emotional wounds.

    A key focus of Heiki's practice is the concept of "radical presence," which she describes as fully inhabiting the moment and connecting with our adult selves, free from the shadows of past traumas. This presence, Heiki argues, allows for a stable and grounded approach to facing life's challenges, fostering resilience and self-acceptance.

    Heiki also discusses how her personal battles with addiction and identity crises have deeply informed her therapeutic approach, stressing the importance of empathy, understanding, and non-judgment in her sessions. She advocates for a client-centered therapy that progresses at the individual's pace, aiming to gently reshape the protective mechanisms developed from trauma.

    For those feeling daunted by the prospect of transformation, Heiki offers encouraging words: start with small steps focused on current struggles and move forward with gentle curiosity about oneself. The journey to healing doesn't require a radical overhaul but rather a compassionate exploration of one’s inner world.

    Heiki's insights are a beacon for anyone seeking to understand more about somatic therapy and its potential for deep, lasting change. By fostering an environment of radical presence, she helps individuals navigate their path to wellness, making peace with their pasts, and embracing their present with hope and clarity.

    To delve deeper into the world of somatic therapy with Heiki or to discover how you can start your journey toward healing, visit her at www.radicalpresence.org or follow her journey and insights on Instagram @Heiki.radicalpresence. Join us as we continue to explore powerful stories and insights on the Uncensored Journey, your raw, unfiltered guide to truths that matter.

    Tune in every Monday for new content!

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    45 mins
  • The Hidden Costs of Convenience: A Dive into Nutritional Labels and Healthy Choices
    Jun 10 2024

    Join hosts Cyndee and Gabriela in this eye-opening episode of The Uncensored Journey Podcast, where we uncover the hidden costs of convenience at the grocery store—not just in terms of your finances but also your health. Discover how misleading labels can lead to poor dietary choices and long-term health issues.

    In today’s discussion, we dive deep into why reading labels is crucial. Gabriela sheds light on deceptive additives like MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and vague terms like "natural flavors," which often mask unhealthy ingredients. We emphasize the importance of understanding what you consume to avoid processed substances that can harm your body.

    Cyndee passionately illustrates the stark difference between the simplicity of whole foods and the complex, often unpronounceable ingredients found in many processed foods, using a popular plant-based burger as an example. She compares its long list of ingredients to the single ingredient in beef, highlighting how real food offers transparency and nutritional benefits.

    We also explore the true cost of convenience, discussing how the appealing packaging and marketing of "low fat" and "diet" foods often conceal chemical additives that pose health risks. Cyndee shares her personal experience with making homemade mayonnaise, revealing how simple and cost-effective DIY kitchen projects can be compared to buying store-bought products loaded with chemicals.

    The episode is packed with practical tips for preparing your food, understanding labels, and making informed choices that prioritize health over convenience. We challenge the notion that convenience foods save time by detailing how a little extra effort in the kitchen can lead to healthier, more satisfying, and environmentally friendly eating habits.

    Tune in to transform how you think about what you eat, learn to decode labels, and make choices that are truly good for you and your wallet. Remember, the food you consume today shapes your health tomorrow.

    Don’t miss this insightful discussion that will empower you to take control of your dietary habits for a healthier lifestyle. Subscribe and follow us on our journey to uncovering the truths that really matter about health and wellness.

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    27 mins