• 128. A Farewell from Meena
    Aug 28 2024

    For many young people, arriving at a point where they want to embrace leading, the verb wholeheartedly, with open arms is often a challenge. In this episode, Meenakshi Arundhati, Editor and Production coordinator of the Women Emerging Podcast is looking back at has 9 clips from 9 episodes this year, that helped her grow into her own leading. It is an episode that attempts to stitch together the voices of women from varied life and leading experiences, as they share what has helped them lead, and learning to claim the verb leading, making is their own.

    This episode is Meena's farewell to her time at Women Emerging as she moves back to the studio to pursue her love for acting.

    The following episodes are featured in order of appearance:

    121. Find the bathroom with Chmba Ellen Chilemba

    108. How to Release Energy with Valérie Lucq

    106. How to Lead Disruptors with Veerle Simoens

    123. How Trauma Shapes Leading with Chadia El Meouchi

    125. How Energy Unblocks Leading with Puri Canals

    102. How to Build a Fluid Team with Jeta Bejtullahu

    107. How to Delegate with Katy Barrow-Grint

    98. How to Reverse a Decision with Stefanie McCollum

    117. Insights from the Pakistan expedition with Simi Kamal

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    40 mins
  • 127. How Digital Violence Targets Essence with Anna-Lena von Hodenberg
    Aug 21 2024

    This is the last episode in your 4Es Series and we are joined by Anna-Lena who is a journalist, and co-founded HateAid, a non-profit organisation that advocates for human rights in the digital space. At a time when women are disproportionately attacked online, especially those leading, Anna-Lena and Julia discuss how digital violence targets our Essence. Essence is what makes us who we are, and specifically makes us lead the way we do. When one is targeted and pieces of our essence are picked at, what does that do one sense of sense and one's leading? What is it about being torn down in the virtual space that make it so painful? Is it even possible to prevent it? What does one do when targeted brutally? How do you recover?

    About the Guest:

    Anna-Lena von Hodenberg is a professional journalist, having worked, among others, for media companies RTL and NDR. In 2018, she founded HateAid together with Campact e. V., Fearless Democracy e. V. as well as a lawyer committed to combatting right-wing violence. The non-profit organisation advocates for human rights in the digital space. Its goal: to make the internet a positive space where democratic values apply for everyone. HateAid is a non-profit organisation that promotes human rights in digital space and stands up against digital violence and its consequences at both social and political levels.

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    31 mins
  • 126. How Combining Opposites Enriches Leading with Sunita Dubey
    Aug 14 2024

    In the fourth episode of the 4 Es series, Julia is joined by Sunita, whose experience spans across continents in the field of renewable energy. Leading in different contexts has taught her how to combine seemingly opposite ideas and the one she holds closest is her ability to balance humility with assertiveness. Every new context offers and opportunity to unlearn and re-learn, she say, for the pace, the language and the mode of working may change. This is where humility is necessary. At the same time, it is important to be confident and assertive when it comes to your subject matter. Sunita offers a range of tools and phrases she keeps handy when working with the various kinds of energy one encounters when leading a team. How can you learn to be empathetic but also have clear boundaries? How do you learn to run a successful and healthy team in vastly different context?

    About the Guest: Sunita Dubey is the Country Representative for the GEAPP in Vietnam and leads battery energy storage system work in the region. She has 25+ years of combined experience in the energy sector in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. She has double master’s in environmental science and energy policy and is a Chevening fellow.

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    28 mins
  • 125. How Energy Unblocks Leading with Puri Canals
    Aug 7 2024

    In this episode of the woman emerging podcast, Julia is Joined by Puri, a scientist, whose deep love for nature has shaped the way she leads. As Puri sees it, in nature and leading, the system will fuction so long as Energy is allowed to flow freely. The moment there is a blockage in the flow of Energy, a problem arises. As human beings, we seem to be of the opinion that we must compete in this world to get ahead, however Puri makes a pointed observation that most of what plays out in nature is an act of collaboration not competition as we have been made to believe. To lead, is not about being the best at everything, instead it is about being good enough. And, what one needs to cultivate is the ability to bring people together and hold them. How do you continue to stay curious as a leader? Why is it important? How does one learn to unblock energy and facilitate collaboration? How do we redefine and measure success that values collaboration and not competition?

    About the Guest: Purificació Canals has a BSc and a PhD in Biological Sciences from Barcelona University and works on marine and coastal conservation. She’s deeply involved in connecting people around the world to protect the ocean; first as President of MedPAN (2009-2024) and currently, as coordinator of the Global Network of MPA Manager Networks (The Ocean Foundation & Blue Nature Alliance). She’s also the Institutional Relations Director at Underwater Gardens International S.L. a company focused on marine restoration.

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    25 mins
  • 124. How Motherness Redefines Leading with Karvika Thapa
    Jul 31 2024

    In this episode Julia talks to Karvika, a tech entrepreneur and leader based in Nepal. Karvika shares her journey of leading and how embracing motherness not just in the home but also at work redefined the way she leads. It taught her how to balance being nurturing and fierce. It is when she embraced this piece of her Essence that she found her authentic self and discovered what truly drives her - to nurture the next generation of young women in tech, specifically in her home country, Nepal. As she leads her team, guided by her motherness, she also feels a sense of motherness towards her country. She hopes she and her team will be able to put Nepal on the map in the world of tech. None of this is easy. In tough times, she turn to her ancestors, the women in her life, her grandmother in particular, and how she is inspired by how even with few resources, these women never failed to generate energy and mobilise people. SWhere do you turn to in tough times, when you are in unfamiliar terrain? Have you discovered which piece of your Essence you hold closest to your heart?

    About the Guest: An entrepreneur and tech leader with a Master's degree from the US, Karvika has international experience in education, healthcare, retail, and government sectors. She founded Kimbu Tech in Nepal to boost women's participation in tech and create local jobs while promoting Nepali products and services globally. She is also the chairperson of Simjung, a BPO serving clients from around the world and the Director of V.S. International College, aiming to enhance the quality of tech resources. Additionally, she also runs the "Women in Tech" Facebook group.

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    27 mins
  • 123. How Trauma Shapes Leading with Chadia El Meouchi
    Jul 24 2024

    This episode marks the beginning of a new series about a concept that is central to the Women Emerging Expeditions - The Four Es - Essence, Elements, Expression and Energy. Each week we will be joined by one Woman reflecting on their life in leading through the lens of this concept.

    Julia is joined by Chadia who generously shares her journey beginning with her Childhood in Lebanon, where the war resulted in her being shipped off to boarding school in the UK, a place she did not know the language and was far way from all things familiar. She talks about the lesson of adaptability and resilience she learnt early on. She speaks of the need to lead with flexibility and empathy as most people are fighting agaist a number of challeges that are beyond their control, such as economic collapse, a pandemic and and absent State. Growing up, being exposed to both eastern and western traditions, she says, has allowed her to be able to see different perspectives and has enabled her to act as a bridge between different kinds of people, ideas and perspectives. Chadia emphasises on the need to learn how to find a middle ground and meet people half way. To do so she shares some of the tools she uses, such as stepping into the shoes of someone on the opposite side, or learning to wear different masks to make the people around you comfortable and easier for them to relate to you, allowing for effective leading. But how does one remain authentic? How does one balance empathy and yet ensure goals and deliverable are met? What does it mean to find a middle ground and yet not compromise on what you believe in?

    About the guest: Chadia El Meouchi is Managing Partner at Badri and Salim El Meouchi Law Firm. She is a dedicated and passionate business and transactional lawyer, managing partner, entrepreneur, and community activist with a proven track record of excellence in Middle East and beyond. She is also a board member in various international and regional companies and NGOs.

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    29 mins
  • 122. So what if I am petite with Shulammite Ajayi
    Jul 17 2024

    This week Julia is joined by Shulammite, whose unwavering self belief is refreshing. In this episode, Shulammite weaves together the lessons shared by Sophie, Priya and Chmba. She reminds us that it is important to get the narrative straight in our heads for ourselves - you don't have to fit in and you mustn't buy into the narrative those who patronise are pushing on to you. To truly believe in your abilities and reinforce that belief will give you the strength to fight the good fight in the long run.

    In the final episode of this series of how young people deal with being patronised, we are reminded loud and clear that the fire that burns within Sophie, Priya, Chmba, and Shulammite is here to stay and it is an invitation for us to get on board and join in!

    About the Guest: Shulammite Ajayi is an award winning STEM Teacher, Public Speaker, and Fashion Entrepreneur. She is a Teach For Nigeria Alumnus and is the Founder of Vocational Stars Founder.

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    28 mins
  • 121. Find the bathroom with Chmba Ellen Chilemba
    Jul 10 2024

    In the third episode of our series on how young people deal with being patronised, Julia is joined by Chmba. Last week Priya left us with a question for Chmba - How do you deal with being patronised when it happens in the moment, in public on the big stage - as it often does when you are the 'young' expert at a global summit. Chmba's first piece of advise was to know where the bathroom is whenever you enter a new unfamiliar space so that you know where to go when you need a moment alone. Here, you can talk to yourself and be your own source of encouragement to get you through the day. She talks of learning to cultivate a deep sense of empathy towards oneself, reminding us that often when patronised in those spaces it feel like a punch in the gut that somehow materialised out of nowhere. Like Sophie she is brutally aware the fact that perhaps one needs to expect being patronised and so she shares her own practice of having responses ready, so that when the punch hits, you have ready. When the punch in your gut lands, how do you learn to pick yourself up in the moment? How do you learn to hold space for yourself when you are exposed and vulnerable in an unfamiliar space?

    About the Guest: Chmba Ellen Chilemba, a Malawian a community organizer, activist singer-songwriter, DJ and producer-artist from Malawi.

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    31 mins