
  • The Surprising Reasons Bread Is Hard to Resist
    Aug 29 2024
    Ever eat slice after slice of bread, pizza, or cake? This habit isn't just about lack of willpower—it's a complex issue rooted in science, psychology, and culture. Left unchecked, these cravings can lead to anxiety, depression, and compromised self-esteem, as well as serious health concerns. In this episode, I uncover the truth behind cravings for bread, cake, muffins, pizza and anything filling. You’ll learn the surprising reasons why filling foods are so irresistible and learn practical strategies to help you regain control. Don't miss this chance to transform your relationship with food. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. For a deeper dive into this topic, grab your copy of my bestselling book, The Binge Cure: 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating. Available on Amazon: The Binge Cure Book https://amzn.to/3LawTHp The Binge Cure Journal: https://bit.ly/3vUQirb Connect with Dr. Nina: dr.nina@drninainc.com
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  • Unlock Lasting Food Freedom by Overcoming the When-Then Mindset
    Aug 22 2024
    Do you ever think, When I stop bingeing, then I'll finally be happy? This mindset is the when-then trap, and it keeps us perpetually stuck in a cycle of chasing happiness, always just out of reach. But here’s the problem—if you stay stuck in this mindset, you will never feel truly content or fulfilled. In this episode, I introduce the when-then mindset and explain its connection to emotional eating. I uncover the root causes of this trap and, most importantly, show you how to break free. During the show, I cover: * The psychological reasons behind the when-then mindset and how it develops. * Real-life stories of people caught in this trap and how they overcame it. * Practical strategies you can implement immediately to find happiness in the present. * How to reframe your goals and expectations to enjoy life as it is today. You won’t want to miss this episode! If you’ve ever felt like happiness is always just around the corner, this show will give you the tools you need to live fully in the moment. *. *. *. *. *. For a deeper dive, grab your copy of my bestselling book, The Binge Cure: 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating. Available on Amazon: The Binge Cure Book https://amzn.to/3LawTHp The Binge Cure Journal: https://bit.ly/3vUQirb
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  • Mind Over Money: Decoding the Psychology of Finances and Food
    Aug 15 2024
    Today we dive deep into a topic that affects us all: the powerful connection between our minds, finances, and relationship with food. Financial expert Matt Dillingham joins me to explore the emotional and psychological forces that shape our spending habits and eating patterns. Together, we’ll uncover how our beliefs and experiences influence our financial decisions and our relationship with food—and, more importantly, how we can take control. Whether you’re curious about why you splurge or stress-eat, or you’re looking to gain insights into the hidden drivers behind your money and food habits, this episode is packed with practical advice and eye-opening revelations. Listen to discover: * The emotional triggers that drive spending and eating behaviors. * How early life experiences shape our financial and food choices. * Practical strategies to gain control over your money and food habits. * And much more! This episode will change your mindset around both food and finances.
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  • The Worst Binge Eating Advice Exposed: What Actually Works
    Aug 8 2024
    Feel frustrated by all the conflicting advice on how to overcome binge eating? There’s a lot of well-meaning but ultimately harmful advice out there. Not only is it ineffective, it can make you feel worse. That’s why I want to give you helpful, compassionate strategies that actually work. In this episode, I expose the worst binge-eating advice and share strategies to create liberation from emotional eating. We debunk popular but harmful tips on overcoming binge eating and discuss effective strategies to address the root causes (hint: it’s not food). I also provide my expert insights on finding lasting solutions. If you’re tired of struggling with binge eating and want practical advice that works, tune into how to learn how to overcome binge eating in a way that respects your journey and promotes true healing. *. *. *. *. * Join my private Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/drninainc Grab your copy of my bestselling book, The Binge Cure: 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating. Available on Amazon: The Binge Cure Book https://amzn.to/3LawTHp The Binge Cure Journal: https://bit.ly/3vUQirb
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  • Ask Dr. Nina: How Do I Turn Sabotage into Success?
    Aug 1 2024
    Have you ever made significant progress on your health journey, only to suddenly binge eat and undo all your hard work? This destructive pattern can lead to a seemingly never-ending cycle of dieting and bingeing. The constant battle against yourself can be exhausting, demoralizing, and isolating. But there's hope! In this episode, I dive deep into the psychology behind self-sabotage and share powerful, proven strategies for breaking free from this harmful cycle. You’ll discover how to identify your personal sabotage triggers and learn the seven hidden fears that drive self-sabotage (and how to overcome them). Don't let self-sabotage hold you back any longer! I’ll show you how to build a healthier, more balanced relationship with food and yourself. ___________________________ For a deeper dive grab your copy of my bestselling book, The Binge Cure: 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating. Available on Amazon: The Binge Cure Book https://amzn.to/3LawTHp The Binge Cure Journal: https://bit.ly/3vUQirb
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  • How Your Hidden Hungers Link to Emotional Eating
    Jul 25 2024
    Do you have too much on your plate? In this episode, I discuss the hidden reasons for emotional eating with special guest Dr. Melissa McCreery, uncovering the impact of hidden hunger on our relationship with food. Dr. Melissa McCreery is a psychologist, emotional eating expert, author, and host of the Too Much on Her Plate podcast. She supports smart, busy women in creating freedom from overeating and peace with food and has helped thousands of women create a peaceful relationship with food. She outlines her four-pillar approach to creating freedom from overeating and emotional eating. You’ll learn how to empower yourself and why slow is fast when it comes to breaking emotional eating habits. Join us for a helpful discussion on how to break free from overwhelm, overload, and overeating without feeling deprived or depending on ridiculous amounts of willpower. *. *. *. *. *. Connect with Dr. Melissa McCreery: https://toomuchonherplate.com Connect with Dr. Nina: https://drninainc.com/
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  • Let's Talk About The Other "F" Word
    Jul 18 2024
    What is the other F word? Simple: it's Fat. And if you think fat can’t be funny, think again. Emmy award-winning comedian Ian Karmel and his sister Alisa grew up fat. As kids, they never talked about it. As Ian puts it, they were too busy fighting over the last SnackWell’s Devil’s Food cookie. Now, decades later, having figured out how to get their health under control, they are finally ready to unpack the impact that their weight has had on them. Ian and Alisa will join me on this episode to discuss their new book, The T-Shirt Swim Club: Stories of Being Fat in a World of Thin People. For these siblings, the T-Shirt Swim Club is a place of support for anyone who struggles with weight issues. A place of care and candor, free of shame. Want to join the club? Listen to this episode for a thoughtful and humorous discussion about how the world treats fat people—and why it doesn’t always have to feel so lonely.
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  • 5 Effective Ways to Bounce Back After Binge Eating
    Jul 11 2024
    The binge to end all binges just happened. What now? Restrict until the damage is undone? Live at the gym to make up for it? If you've been here before, you know the drill: Binge. Diet. Binge. Repeat. Want to break free from this cycle? Listen to this episode and discover: 1. Uncover the emotional truths behind binge eating 2. Embrace your feelings with compassion and disarm binge triggers 3. Silence your inner critic and cultivate a supportive inner voice 4. Nourish your soul, making binge eating lose its appeal 5. Cultivate a healthy, happy relationship with food and yourself No more letting binge eating dictate your worth, happiness, or future. It's time to reclaim your inner peace. *. *. *. *. *. *. For a deeper dive grab your copy of my bestselling book, The Binge Cure: 7 Steps to Outsmart Emotional Eating. Available on Amazon: The Binge Cure Book bit.ly/BingeCure The Binge Cure Journal: https://bit.ly/3vUQirb Connect with Dr. Nina: dr.nina@drninainc.com
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