
  • BBR #182: Changing the way we understand and approach mental health
    May 21 2024

    Today we're sifting through the layers layers of misunderstanding around mental health and self-care. Shifting towards an understanding that health is not a state of being, it is an action, skills to be practiced.

    Health is not an identity, it is the result of consistent actions. We'll get into the challenges of stress and anxiety, learning that state regulation as a skill to be honed rather than a state of being or a way to force discomfort away.

    Maintaining health in your body is oven overlooked as maintenance for your mental health as well. Understanding how you work, how your physiology works, is essential to creating and sustaining wellbeing.

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    12 m
  • BBR #181: Navigating Life's Emotional Waves
    May 13 2024

    After wrestling with the cultural expectation to prioritize intellect over emotion, I've come to a profound realization about the power of embracing our feelings, especially in moments of stress and joy.

    Today we navigate the complex terrain of our emotional world, where I share my journey of self-discovery and the transformative impact of acknowledging every feeling that arises. We explore the idea of "foreboding joy," a term brought to light by the insightful Brené Brown, and discuss why allowing ourselves to bask in happiness without fear is essential for our emotional well-being.

    Through the lens of my own experiences in therapy and the Manage Your Stress mentorship, I'll reveal the life-changing benefits of developing an emotional vocabulary and the importance of nervous system hygiene.

    It's time to challenge societal norms dictating which feelings are valid, particularly for women, and to arm ourselves with the practical tools necessary for stress management and emotional regulation.

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    Más Menos
    18 m
  • BBR #180: The Art of Transformation with Former Forensic Psychologist Allison Guilbault
    May 6 2024

    Have you ever felt the ground shift beneath you, not from an earthquake, but from an internal revelation? This is the journey Allison Guilbault, licensed therapist and mindset coach, walks us through—a journey marked by resilience, dedication, and a profound shift from the high-stakes world of forensic psychology to the empowering realm of coaching women toward self-liberation.

    Allison's story is a vivid illustration of the power held in personal choice, an invaluable blueprint for anyone on the precipice of their own transformative leap.

    Embarking on a career in a male-dominated field like the FBI can be a daunting venture, but as Allison reveals, the lessons learned and skills honed can become treasured assets in the seemingly disparate field of mental health care.

    Detail orientation and the art of inquiry are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to transferable skills that Allison has seamlessly woven into her therapy practice. This episode peels back the layers on how embracing adaptability, shattering limiting beliefs, and harnessing one's diverse background can propel us forward, not just professionally but personally.

    Allison steers us into the heart of self-advocacy, confidence, and the complex dance between anxiety and self-assurance. Through her own narrative and the stories of those she's coached, Alison illuminates the importance of setting boundaries, shedding shame, and cultivating a sense of worth that is impervious to societal pressures.

    Get in there and give it a listen for more!

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    Más Menos
    55 m
  • BBR #179: The Influence of Media on Our Minds
    Apr 30 2024

    Today's episode I strip away the noise of constant media consumption to uncover the profound effects on our brains and well-being. My own venture into a TV-free week revealed a trove of benefits, from deeper sleep to a mind free of clutter.

    I'll cover how everything we consume shapes our perceptions, subtly influencing everything from our beliefs to those pesky song lyrics stuck on repeat. As I reflect on the wisdom of the iconic Prince regarding content censorship, we'll also confront the captivating designs of technology that often monopolize our attention.

    This episode is a reminder of the crucial role of self-care and mindfulness in the contemporary whirlwind of life.

    I share intimate moments of rest found in the simplicity of watching a candle dance or simply being in one place and paying attention to that opportunity to mend, rejuvenate, and forge a deeper connection with self. Take this invitation to explore the art of subtraction in your daily life—finding beauty in pausing, breathing, and simply being.

    Get in there and give it a listen for more!

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    Más Menos
    10 m
  • BBR 178: The Transformative Effects of Gratitude on Mental Health
    Apr 22 2024

    Once a skeptic of the effects of gratitude, I've learned the science behind the benefits and it all makes sense now. Gratitude has an undeniable impact on mental health and well-being. With social media envy in your face, let's discuss how it distorts our view of success and impedes our ability to cherish personal milestones.

    Discover the neuroscientific perks of gratitude, including its capacity to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for better sleep and immunity, as well as its power to strengthen bonds and increase social connections.

    I share actionable strategies for weaving gratitude into the very fabric of your daily life.
    It's not just about saying thanks—it's about recognizing the journey, celebrating the small victories, and building self-trust to reduce stress.

    Get in there and give it a listen for more!

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    Más Menos
    21 m
  • BBR #177: The Journey Towards Genuine Self and Stress Transformation
    Apr 16 2024

    Have you ever stripped away the masks you wear and faced the person beneath? My journey has been one of peeling back the layers of anger and pessimism that were my armor against the world, revealing the raw and vulnerable self hidden underneath.

    In today's episode I share the profound experience of learning to embrace this true self, catalyzed by the revelations unearthed in therapy exploring the distinction between inherent traits and those we cultivate over time. The tears that I had long kept at bay became the symbols of a long-overdue emotional release.

    By questioning the authenticity of my own confidence and boldness, we uncover together that the essence of who we are isn't about the persona we create; it's about the soul we expose.

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    16 m
  • BBR #176: Redefining Rest Beyond the Boundaries of Productivity
    Apr 9 2024

    Have you ever caught yourself trapped in a cycle of guilt during what was supposed to be your downtime, or found yourself rigidly adhering to a schedule that leaves no room for the unexpected twists of life?

    Today I'm sharing a piece of my own journey, I read a piece from a recent journal entry where I take a moment to pause and explore the "shoulds" that interfere with my rest while I learn to embrace change and practice self-compassion in practice.

    Let's reevaluate the essence of true rest and the surprising effects it has on our energy and creativity. Releasing the expectations of constant productivity can actually propel us forward in ways we hadn't imagined.

    This episode is for those of you seeking permission (which you don't need and can only really give yourself) to relax without the weight of guilt—for those who are looking for inspiration to be kinder to yourselves. Let's explore the importance of flexibility in our routines and how accepting our current state can lead to greater brain-body resilience.

    Get in there and give it a listen!

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    9 m
  • BBR #175: Embracing Change for a Balanced Life: Tessa Arnold's Story of Entrepreneurship and Personal Growth
    Apr 2 2024

    Today, I'm talking with Tessa, co-founder and COO of Snapback Energy, to share her story of resilience and the pursuit of a fulfilling life, leaving the structured world of corporate banking to forge her path as an entrepreneur.

    She encountered more than just the challenges of business; she discovered a journey of personal transformation. Tessa's story is a compelling illustration of how confronting fears and embracing change can offer a more balanced life.

    The road to self-discovery isn't paved with ease, and Tessa and I take a moment to acknowledge the emotional landscapes that often hinder our path. Our discussion goes into the importance of self-care, the impact of our environments on our well-being, and the transformative power of gratitude.

    Tessa exemplifies how we can all find harmony within ourselves and show up authentically in the world. It's a reminder that personal growth requires unraveling complex layers within ourselves and that the journey is as important as the destination.

    In our final thoughts, Tessa and I explore how community and service are integral to our evolution and sense of satisfaction. Drawing parallels between the communal roles of our ancestors and our current societal dynamics, we highlight the enriching experience of giving back.

    Tessa’s commitment to supporting veterans and first responders through her work with Snapback Energy, and her coaching endeavors at Balanceofyou.com, serve as prime examples of living with purpose.

    This conversation is a testament to the power of simplicity, self-actualization, and the profound impact of fostering deeper connections in today's fast-paced world.

    Get in there and give it a listen for more!

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    Más Menos
    43 m